How to directly write to the frame buffer in windows driver - windows

I am writing the driver that can directly write data to the frame buffer, so that I can show the secret message on the screen while the applications in user space can't get it. Below is my code that trying to write the value to the frame buffer, but after I write the value to the frame buffer, the values i retrieved from the frame buffer are all 0.
I am puzzled, anyone knows the reason? Or anyone knows how to display a message on the screen while the applications in the user space can't get the content of the message? Thanks a lot!
#define BUFFER_SIZE 0x20000
void showMessage()
int i;
int *vAddr;
vAddr = (int *)MmMapIoSpace(pAddr, BUFFER_SIZE, MmNonCached);
KdPrint(("Virtual address is %p", vAddr));
for(i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE / 4; i++)
vAddr[i] = 0x11223344;
for(i = 0; i < 0x80; i++)
KdPrint(("Value: %d", vAddr[i])); // output are all zero
MmUnmapIoSpace(vAddr, BUFFER_SIZE);

You must map the shared memory during device start up. I assume that showMessage isn't called during the start up. See more here.
Regarding displaying message on the screen - it must involve user-space interaction since GUI is a user-space component. I suppose you could notify some GUI listener without other applications involvement.

Memory mapped IO isn't designed to act exactly like memory (retrieving data that is placed there in the same form it was stored). The writes into the 0xA0000+ range are writes into PORTS in the video device's IO space (from its perspective); So long as the appropriate writes result in the appropriate pixels lighting up, then the video device has done its job from the perspective of people that write drivers for screen rendering (or old DOS code where memory was a free-for-all without a user-space/kernel-space division). But such code never had a need to store data that would later be retrieved from the video segment. Therefore typical memory semantics would generally not have been implemented (waste of hardware and effort). Here, these randoms talk about it:
Magic number with MmMapIoSpace


MMAP buffer kernel writes are not seen by user space

i have a kernel driver which shares a buffer with the user space layer.
Everything seemed to work fine in my VM prototype (Ubuntu, Kernel 5.4) but when i moved my code to the target (same kernel but this is an embedded distro) I can clearly see that Kernel writes to the buffer (using memcpy, or memset) are not reflected in the User space side of the buffer.
Note that, i use direct buffer accesses on both sides. There is no concurrency issue, as the Kernel writes to, then the user space reads from.
I ended up believing this is a cache issue ... as the same code works perfectly in my VM.
The buffer size is 4 * PAGE_SIZE.
It is allocated as follows:
int _size = (SFP_BUFFER_SIZE + (PAGE_SIZE-1)) & ~(PAGE_SIZE-1);
input_buffer = (char*) kzalloc (_size, GFP_KERNEL); // aligned on page boundary
if (!input_buffer) {
dev_dbg(&dev, "open/ENOMEM (input_buffer)\n");
status = -ENOMEM;
goto err_all
When mmap'ing, i used the following code pattern:
vma->vm_ops = &fpgadrv_vm_ops;
vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
pfn = virt_to_phys((void*)(input_buffer)) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
if (remap_pfn_range (vma, vma->vm_start, pfn, size, vma->vm_page_prot))
printk(KERN_DEBUG "remap page range failed\n");
return -EAGAIN;
User space code, and kernel code user memcpy to update the buffer. Note also that I cannot use write/read entry points, as they are already used for very specific operations.
The user code is calling mmap as follows:
buf = mmap(NULL, BUF_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, device_fd, 0);
if (buf == MAP_FAILED)
perror("USERDRV:cannot mmap");
return -1; // for testing, ignore the return code and continue
and upon IOCTL call, the kernel would fill up the mmap buffer as follows:
// reset the buffer (zero + put back the signature)
memset(input_buffer, 0xA5, SFP_BUFFER_SIZE);
memcpy((void*)(input_buffer), (void*)signature, 10);
Is there something more i should do to make sure the pages are not cached (assuming this is the cause of my pb) ?

Simulating (lazy) NAND memory on Windows

I'm running a firmware simulation in a DLL which has simulated NAND (256MB or 1GB). I want to avoid allocating memory for this on the heap and instead allocate using virtual memory.
The memory initially needs to be cleared to 0xFF (like NAND is). However I don't want to pay for that initialization (nor commit un-accessed pages). So ideally it should only allocate upon access. And I do not need to retain the data following exit of the simulation.
Initial ideas are
VirtualAlloc. Not sure but thinking perhaps could use guard page and then trap the exception on first access. Not sure its ideal that a DLL handles such SEH exceptions? Or is there a better way?
Create a big file that's initialized to 0xFF. Then map view of file with copy-on-write.
Anyone know if it is possible to create a file with a callback for providing the initial data?
Think probably 1) the way to go but wondering if that's really the best option.
3) I've come up with another method that can avoid exception handler and also avoids creating a huge file:
Create a file that is same size as dwAllocationGranularity (64KiB typically). Fill with 0xFF. Then create multiple copy-on-write views of that in contiguous memory using MapViewOfFileEx + FILE_MAP_COPY (after an initial VirtualAlloc/VirtualFree to get a suitable base address that we can hope to allocate juxtapositioned views). Need to test this a bit more fully - slight concern about potential thread races.. I'm ony actually using a single thread but the CRT does start a few too.
This means that any code that only reads the virtual NAND also does not result in all pages getting committed.
yes, basically 1 is best solution. only i be do next changes - use VEH instead SEH - SEH handler will be called only if you access memory inside it, when in case VEH - access can be ai any context and thread. and instead use guard page, i be initial only reserve region of memory without real allocation. so any access to memory region lead to exception, you handle it in VEH - commit memory and fill with 0xFF pattern. demo code
PVOID g_NandBegin;
SIZE_T g_NandSize = 0x1000000;
::PEXCEPTION_RECORD ExceptionRecord = ExceptionInfo->ExceptionRecord;
if (ExceptionRecord->ExceptionCode == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION &&
ExceptionRecord->NumberParameters > 1)
PVOID pv = (PVOID)ExceptionRecord->ExceptionInformation[1];
if ((ULONG_PTR)pv - (ULONG_PTR)g_NandBegin < g_NandSize)
SIZE_T RegionSize = 1;
if (0 <= NtAllocateVirtualMemory(NtCurrentProcess(), &pv, 0, &RegionSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE))
RtlFillMemoryUlong(pv, RegionSize, MAXULONG);
void dc()
if (PVOID pv = AddVectoredExceptionHandler(TRUE, Vex))
if (g_NandBegin = VirtualAlloc(0, g_NandSize, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_READWRITE))
ULONG seed = ~GetTickCount();
int n = 0x100;
if (*(UCHAR*)((PBYTE)g_NandBegin + (((ULONG64)RtlRandomEx(&seed) * g_NandSize) >> 32)) != 0xFF)
} while (--n);
VirtualFree(g_NandBegin, 0, MEM_RELEASE);

playback raw pcm from network using AudioQueue in CoreAudio

I need to play raw PCM data (16 bit signed) using CoreAudio on OS X. I get it from network using UDP socket (on sender side data is captured from microphone).
The problem is that all I hear now is some short cracking noise and then only silence.
I'm trying to play data using AudioQueue. I setup it like this:
// Set up stream format fields
AudioStreamBasicDescription streamFormat;
streamFormat.mSampleRate = 44100;
streamFormat.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
streamFormat.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsBigEndian | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked;
streamFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16;
streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 1;
streamFormat.mBytesPerPacket = 2 * streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;
streamFormat.mBytesPerFrame = 2 * streamFormat.mChannelsPerFrame;
streamFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1;
streamFormat.mReserved = 0;
OSStatus err = noErr;
// create the audio queue
err = AudioQueueNewOutput(&streamFormat, MyAudioQueueOutputCallback, myData, NULL, NULL, 0, &myData->audioQueue);
if (err)
{ PRINTERROR("AudioQueueNewOutput"); myData->failed = true; result = false;}
// allocate audio queue buffers
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < kNumAQBufs; ++i) {
err = AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(myData->audioQueue, kAQBufSize, &myData->audioQueueBuffer[i]);
if (err)
{ PRINTERROR("AudioQueueAllocateBuffer"); myData->failed = true; break; result = false;}
// listen for kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning
err = AudioQueueAddPropertyListener(myData->audioQueue, kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning, MyAudioQueueIsRunningCallback, myData);
if (err)
{ PRINTERROR("AudioQueueAddPropertyListener"); myData->failed = true; result = false;}
MyAudioQueueOutputCallback is:
void MyAudioQueueOutputCallback(void* inClientData,
AudioQueueRef inAQ,
AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer)
// this is called by the audio queue when it has finished decoding our data.
// The buffer is now free to be reused.
MyData* myData = (MyData*)inClientData;
unsigned int bufIndex = MyFindQueueBuffer(myData, inBuffer);
// signal waiting thread that the buffer is free.
myData->inuse[bufIndex] = false;
MyAudioQueueIsRunningCallback is:
void MyAudioQueueIsRunningCallback(void* inClientData,
AudioQueueRef inAQ,
AudioQueuePropertyID inID)
MyData* myData = (MyData*)inClientData;
UInt32 running;
UInt32 size;
OSStatus err = AudioQueueGetProperty(inAQ, kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning, &running, &size);
if (err) { PRINTERROR("get kAudioQueueProperty_IsRunning"); return; }
if (!running) {
and MyData is:
struct MyData
AudioQueueRef audioQueue; // the audio queue
AudioQueueBufferRef audioQueueBuffer[kNumAQBufs]; // audio queue buffers
AudioStreamPacketDescription packetDescs[kAQMaxPacketDescs]; // packet descriptions for enqueuing audio
unsigned int fillBufferIndex; // the index of the audioQueueBuffer that is being filled
size_t bytesFilled; // how many bytes have been filled
size_t packetsFilled; // how many packets have been filled
bool inuse[kNumAQBufs]; // flags to indicate that a buffer is still in use
bool started; // flag to indicate that the queue has been started
bool failed; // flag to indicate an error occurred
bool finished; // flag to inidicate that termination is requested
pthread_mutex_t mutex; // a mutex to protect the inuse flags
pthread_mutex_t mutex2; // a mutex to protect the AudioQueue buffer
pthread_cond_t cond; // a condition varable for handling the inuse flags
pthread_cond_t done; // a condition varable for handling the inuse flags
I'm sorry if I posted too much code - hope it helps anyone to understand what exactly I do.
Mostly my code based on this code which is version of AudioFileStreamExample from Mac Developer Library adapted to work with CBR data.
Also I looked at this post and tried AudioStreamBasicDescription desribed there. And tried to change my flags to Little or Big Endian. It didn't work.
I looked at some another posts here and in the other resources while finding similar problem, I checked the order of my PCM data, for example. I just can't post more than two links.
Please anyone help me to understand what I'm doing wrong! Maybe I should abandon this way and use Audio Units right away? I'm just very newbie in CoreAudio and hoped that mid-level of CoreAudio will help me to solve this problem.
P.S. Sorry for my English, I tried as I can.
I hope you've solved this one on your own already, but for the benefit of other people who are having this problem, I'll post up an answer.
The problem is most likely because once an Audio Queue is started, time continues moving forward, even if you stop enqueueing buffers. But when you enqueue a buffer, it is enqueued with a timestamp that is right after the previously enqueued buffer. This means that if you don't stay ahead of the where the audio queue is playing, you will end up enqueuing buffers with a timestamp in the past, therefore the audio queue will go silent and the isRunning property will still be true.
To work around this, you have a couple of options. The simplest in theory would be to never fall behind on submitting buffers. But since you are using UDP, there is no guarantee that you will always have data to submit.
Another option is that you can keep track of what sample you should be playing and submit an empty buffer of silence whenever you need to have a gap. This option works good if your source data has timestamps that you can can use to calculate how much silence you need. But ideally, you wouldn't need to do this.
Instead you should be calculating the timestamp for the buffer using the system time. Instead of AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer, you'll need to use AudioQueueEnqueueBufferWithParameters instead. You just need to make sure the timestamp is ahead of where the queue is currently at. You'll also have to keep track what the system time was when you started the queue, so you can calculate the correct timestamp for each buffer you are submitting. If you have timestamp values on your source data, you should be able to use them to calculate the buffer timestamps as well.

AudioQueue, Callback is not hitting uniformly to playback audio

In my app, i would be receiving audio data over socket in Linear PCM Format, in uniform interval of time, 50 ms approx.,
I am using AudioQueue to play the same, i referred most of the code from AudioQueue SpeakHere Example only the difference is i need to run it on the Mac OS,
Following is the relevant piece of code,
Setup AudioBufferDescription format,
FillOutASBDForLPCM (sRecordFormat,
Allocate Buffers to hold and play data
for (int i = 0; i < kNumberBuffersPLyer; ++i) {
XThrowIfError(AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(mQueue, bufferByteSize, &mBuffers[i]),
"AudioQueueAllocateBuffer failed");
Where bufferByteSize is 640 and Number of buffer is 3
To Start the Queue,
OSStatus errorCode = AudioQueueStart(mQueue,NULL);
Now, the thing is, i was expecting, it should hit the Callback automatically When it played buffer, but it was't happening,
So as and when i am getting buffer, i am enqueue buffer , this is the code
void AudioStream::startQueueIfNeeded(){
// prime the queue with some data before starting
for (int i = 0; i < kNumberBuffersPLyer; ++i)
AQBufferCallback (this, mQueue, mBuffers[0]);
// AudioSessionSetActive( true );
OSStatus errorCode = AudioQueueStart(mQueue,NULL);
mIsDone = false;
mIsStarted = true;
i feel the buffer is proper but i can't hear the sound, can anyone guide me, what i am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance
Thanks for have a look on it, the problem was, i was running AudioQueue in C++ based thread class and it was terminated , when i take it out of thread class it worked fine.

Logging pointer's values on Android native code

I'm developing an Android application with native code.
I don't know how to debug a shared library so I decided to log values from a pointer to LogCat.
I have this C++ code:
extern GLfloat* vertPos;
// More code here:
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, "initRendering-Vertices", "%d, %f", i, vertPos[i]);
numVertices is equal to 2472 elements.
I'm getting something like that at LogCat:
12-11 08:17:35.354: VERBOSE/initRendering-Vertices(900): i = 614, value = 3.246999
12-11 08:17:35.354: VERBOSE/initRendering-Vertices(900): i = 924, value = -8.000200
I've lost 310 elements.
Is there any other way to see all pointer's elements?
The Android log implementation uses a 64KB circular buffer in the kernel. If you manage to write data to the log faster than "logcat" can read it out, you will start losing lines. Since logcat has to wait on adb to send output over USB to your workstation, it's not that hard to outrun it.
Use fopen to create a file called /sdcard/debug.txt, change the __android_log_print() to fprintf(), and then "adb pull" the output off after the run completes. That will ensure nothing is dropped.
