Collapse or make visible a custom tool - bindable application bar - windows-phone-7

I'm currently making a WP7 application with a pivot control. I am making use of a bindable application bar (not the default application bar) because I'm using MVVM in my application. I want to change the application bar displayed, depending on the pivot item I am currently on.
Because I'm using a custom application bar tool, I figured that I could collapse or make visible each application bar depending on which pivot item I'm on, however the application bar will not collapse and only the workout application bar shows in my application (also, is this because I define the workout bar last in my XAML?).
Will this type of tool not collapse?
<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot"
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<!--ContentPanel - place additional content here-->
<Grid x:Name="ContentPanel"
<controls:Pivot Title="{Binding Name}" LoadingPivotItem="pivotMain_LoadingPivotItem">
<controls:PivotItem Header="Details" Name="detailsItem">
<controls:PivotItem Header="Workouts" Name="workoutItem">
<controls:PivotItem Header="Diets" Name="dietItem">
<view:AddDinner />
<Button FontSize="30" FontFamily="Segoe WP" Content="Add Workout" Height="80" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="25,500,0,0" Name="addWorkout" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="400" Click="addWorkout_Click" />
<Button FontSize="30" FontFamily="Segoe WP" Content="Add Diet" Height="80" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="25,414,0,0" Name="addDiet" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="400" Click="addDiet_Click" />
<Button FontSize="30" FontFamily="Segoe WP" Content="Edit Details" Height="80" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="25,328,0,0" Name="editDetails" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="400" />
<Preview:BindableApplicationBar x:Name="AppBarEdit">
Command="{Binding AddClientCommand}"
Text="Edit" />
Command="{Binding SaveClientCommand}"
Text="Save Client" />
<Preview:BindableApplicationBar x:Name="AppBarDiet">
Command="{Binding GenerateDietCommand}"
Text="Generate" />
Command="{Binding SaveDietCommand}"
Text="Save Diet" />
<Preview:BindableApplicationBar x:Name="AppBarWorkout" Margin="-157,-70,157,70">
Command="{Binding GenerateWorkoutCommand}"
Text="Generate" />
Command="{Binding SaveWorkoutCommand}"
Text="Save Workout" />
Code (just in code behind at the moment for testing purposes):
private void pivotMain_LoadingPivotItem(object sender, PivotItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item == workoutItem)
AppBarEdit.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
AppBarWorkout.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
AppBarDiet.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
else if (e.Item == dietItem)
AppBarEdit.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
AppBarWorkout.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
AppBarDiet.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
else if (e.Item == detailsItem)
AppBarEdit.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
AppBarWorkout.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
AppBarDiet.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;

The WP7 UI supports a single ApplicationBar, which is set via the PhoneApplicationPage.ApplicationBar property, the bindable app-bar is a wrapper over the framework class, so it still has this same constraint.
For what you are trying to do, I would just write a bit of code-behind. This does not 'break' the MVVM pattern.

Try setting the IsVisible property of the BindableAppBar. You can have multiple BindableAppBar . However Only one will be displayed at a time. So if you have set IsVisible of two AppBars to false, then the third will be displayed if it is set to True.
<bindableAppBar:BindableAppBar IsVisible="{Binding IsVisible1}">
<bindableAppBar:BindableAppBarButton IconUri="/Assets/AppBar/AppIcon1.png" Text="Text1"/>
<bindableAppBar:BindableAppBar IsVisible="{Binding IsVisible2}">
<bindableAppBar:BindableAppBarButton IconUri="/Assets/AppBar/AppIcon2.png" Text="Test2"/>


How to set all the item template data into a single view in Xamarin Carousel

I have tried to make all the items in the itemtemplate into a single view as like in the below image, how to achieve this by using Xamarin CarouselView, i am using like this
carousel = new CarouselView();
carousel.BindingContext = this;
carousel.ItemTemplate = itemTemplate;
carousel.SetBinding(CarouselView.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding(nameof(this.Items), mode: BindingMode.OneWay));
LinearItemsLayout linearItemsLayout = new LinearItemsLayout(ItemsLayoutOrientation.Horizontal);
linearItemsLayout.SnapPointsAlignment = SnapPointsAlignment.Start;
linearItemsLayout.SnapPointsType = SnapPointsType.Mandatory;
carousel.ItemsLayout = linearItemsLayout;
Expected UI
The easiest way of doing something like that would be to use the Horizontal CollectionView
CollectionView can display its items in a horizontal list by setting its ItemsLayout property to HorizontalList:
When you check the documents it gives a similar example
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Monkeys}"
<Grid Padding="10">
<RowDefinition Height="35" />
<RowDefinition Height="35" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="70" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="140" />
<Image Grid.RowSpan="2"
Source="{Binding ImageUrl}"
WidthRequest="60" />
<Label Grid.Column="1"
Text="{Binding Name}"
LineBreakMode="TailTruncation" />
<Label Grid.Row="1"
Text="{Binding Location}"
VerticalOptions="End" />
Alternatively, this layout can also be accomplished by setting the ItemsLayout property to a LinearItemsLayout object, specifying the Horizontal ItemsLayoutOrientation enumeration member as the Orientation property value:
<CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding Monkeys}">
<LinearItemsLayout Orientation="Horizontal" />
This results in a single row list, which grows horizontally as new items are added:

BindableBase not working on CollectionView

I have a CollectionView on my project with the most stable version of Xamarin Forms that supports CollectionView ( with the following code below.
<CollectionView x:Name="ScrollButtons"
ItemsSource="{Binding MenuItems}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedMenuItem, Mode=TwoWay}"
SelectionChangedCommand="{Binding MenuItemSelectedCommand}"
BackgroundColor="{DynamicResource BackgroundColorShell}">
<!--HACK to keep showing last item on CollectionView -->
<BoxView BackgroundColor="Transparent" HeightRequest="90" WidthRequest="50"/>
<GridItemsLayout Orientation="Horizontal"
Span="1" HorizontalItemSpacing="5"/>
<Grid WidthRequest="90" HeightRequest="90" Padding="1">
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<Frame Grid.Column="0"
BackgroundColor="{Binding BackgroundColor}"
<StackLayout Padding="5" Grid.Row="0" Grid.Column="0">
<Label Text="{Binding Text}"
TextColor="{Binding TextColor}"
FontSize="{StaticResource BaseFontSize}"
<StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" VerticalOptions="EndAndExpand">
<Image Source="{Binding SecondaryIconSource}"
IsVisible="{Binding IsSecondaryIconVisible}"
<Image Source= "{Binding ImageIcon}"
private async Task OnMenuItemSelected()
await NavigationService.NavigateAsync($"{SelectedMenuItem.NavigationPath}");
HighlightedMenuItem = SelectedMenuItem;
SelectedMenuItem = null;
The CollectionView consists of a collection of BottomMenuItem class which inherits from BindableBase for Prism. My goal is to change the properties of a BottomMenuItem as its selected on the CollectionView. However, the collection view is acting weird and it only changes based on BottomMenuItem that is not currently in the screen. As shown below, it only works on the 5th item and beyond, items that are not initially loaded on the screen.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I figured it out. The problem is that my code relies on the scrolling to an item in order for a selectedItem to be highlighted. I made an assumption that the bug is based on item cells that are initially loaded are not working but in reality it was items that doesn't need scrolling.
Based on my OnMenuItemSelected, I pass the highlighted item to the next page. Handle that logic with the OnNavigatingTo logic below.
public override async void OnNavigatingTo(INavigationParameters parameters)
HighlightedMenuItem = parameters.GetValue<BottomMenuItem>("highlightedMenuItem");
foreach (var item in MenuItems)
item.IsActive = false;
if (HighlightedMenuItem != null)
Console.WriteLine("OnNavigatingTo HighlightedItem - {0}", HighlightedMenuItem.Text);
HighlightedMenuItem.IsActive = true;

MenuFlyout for Items in GridView in Windows 8.1 HubApp

I have Windows 8.1 Hub App that will eventually be released for tablets. I want to add MenuFlyout to GridView. So if I right click or hold then flyout will display. I've gone through several videos, tutorials etc. but none of them relates to GridView. Only for ListView on WindowsPhone. So none of them show how I should approach.
Is it possible? How I should deal with it?
This is how my Hubsection with GridView looks like.
<HubSection x:Name="CalcButtons" x:Uid="calculator" Header="{Binding Res.calc2Header, Source={StaticResource SharedStrings}}">
AutomationProperties.Name="Items In Group"
ItemTemplate="{StaticResource StandardCalcButton}"
IsItemClickEnabled="True" Margin="0,0,0,0" ItemClick="GridView_ItemClick">
I've created MenuFlayout as resource in App.xaml and attached it to GridViewItem DataTemplate. So it looks like this.
<MenuFlyout x:Key="CalcFlyout">
<MenuFlyoutItem Text="Test1"/>
<MenuFlyoutItem Text="Test2"/>
<DataTemplate x:Key="StandardCalcButton" >
<Grid Height="180" Width="180" Margin="5,5,5,5" FlyoutBase.AttachedFlyout="{StaticResource CalcFlyout}" >
<Border Height="180" Background="{StaticResource AppYellow}">
<StackPanel Grid.Row="1" Margin="0,0,0,0">
<Image Source="{Binding ImagePath}" AutomationProperties.Name="{Binding Title}" Height="130" Width="180"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" Style="{StaticResource TitleTextBlockStyle}" TextWrapping="NoWrap" TextLineBounds="Tight" TextAlignment="Center"/>
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Subtitle}" Style="{StaticResource BodyTextBlockStyle}" TextWrapping="NoWrap" TextLineBounds="Tight" LineStackingStrategy="BlockLineHeight" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis" TextAlignment="Center" />
This is how I want to make Flyout to open in GridView_ItemClicked
private void GridView_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e){
FrameworkElement senderElement = e.ClickedItem as FrameworkElement;
if (senderElement == null)
} else
FlyoutBase flyoutBase = FlyoutBase.GetAttachedFlyout(senderElement);
''ClickedItem'' is object which I deliver in ''GridView.DataContext'' so there is no way that it will be castable to FrameworkElement.
Now I'm stuck. I'll be thankful for any guidance.
You can try the following:
private void GridView_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e)
var gridViewItemsControl = sender as ItemsControl;
var clickedItemContainer = gridViewItemsControl.ContainerFromItem(e.ClickedItem);
var clickedGridViewItem = clickedItemContainer as GridViewItem;
var clickedItemGrid = clickedGridViewItem.ContentTemplateRoot as Grid;
FlyoutBase flyoutBase = FlyoutBase.GetAttachedFlyout(clickedItemGrid);
Hope i helps! :)

ProgressBar on Windows Phone 7 is not showing

I am trying to show a ProgressBar in my Windows Phone 7 app when the app is fetching data.
Here is my XAML:
<!--Panorama item one-->
<controls:PanoramaItem Header="headlines">
<ColumnDefinition Width="220" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="200" />
<Button Name="refresh" Margin="320,-630,0,0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Height="75" Width="75" BorderThickness="0" Click="refresh_Click">
<ImageBrush ImageSource="/DataCollector.Tone;component/Resources/refresh-pressed.png" />
<ImageBrush ImageSource="/DataCollector.Tone;component/Resources/refresh.png" />
<TextBlock Text="from heraldsun" Margin="12,-30,0,0" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextSubtleStyle}" Grid.ColumnSpan="2"></TextBlock>
Visibility="Visible" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" />
<ListBox Name="headlines" Margin="0,10,-12,0" ItemsSource="{Binding Tones}" Visibility="Collapsed" Grid.ColumnSpan="2">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,17,0,17">
<!--Replace rectangle with image-->
<Image Source="{Binding ImageUrl}" Height="75" Width="100" Margin="12,10,9,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
<!--<Rectangle Height="100" Width="100" Fill="#FFE5001b" Margin="12,0,9,0"/>-->
<StackPanel Width="311">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Title}" TextWrapping="Wrap" Style="{StaticResource PhoneTextLargeStyle}" />
<!--Double line list with image placeholder and text wrapping-->
Here is the back end code:
// Load data for the ViewModel Items
private void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (!App.ViewModel.IsDataLoaded)
progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
headlines.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
I recommend using the PerformanceProgressBar from the toolkit.
It runs on the compositor thread, so it won't block with UI things.
In following code:
if (!App.ViewModel.IsDataLoaded)
progressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
headlines.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
If App.ViewModel.LoadData() is a synchronous method, thant may be keeping your UI from updating.
Try putting entire MainPage_Loaded code into a seperate method and call it asynchronously.
If I'm reading your most recent comment correctly, the problem you have now is that the value of the visible is initialy true, because the data is loading, and then the binding never occurs again when the data is loaded. I would recommend hooking up to an event (and making it on the data model if need be)
App.ViewModel.OnDataLoaded += (s, e) => performanceProgressBar.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden

WPF 4.0 AutoCompleteBox TwoWay Binding

I have a WPF window that has several Listbox and DataGrid controls. The main Listbox displays a list of Contractors. An Address(s) datagrid is bound to the Contractor ListBox and displays address(s) for the current selected Contractor.
I want users of this Window(WPF) to be able to add Addresses to the selected Contractor using the native Datagrid Add functionality. I also want the users to be able to edit associated Address records by clicking in the datagrid cell and having the cell function as an AutoCompleteBox.
I have partially successfully implemented the AutoCompleteBox in the State column of the datagrid control. Currently, the correct Text value for the current Contractor is displayed in the State column of the Address datagrid. If i edit the State cell I get expected autocomplete functionality and I can select a new State.
What is not working is the TwoWay binding. Currently, if I change the current Address state it does not save back to the entity model or the db. Its not surprising since I know I dont have Twoway binding implemented correctly on this control.
I have successfully implemented the Twoway binding with a combobox but the combobox obviously does not provide the autocomplete functionality I need.
We worked on this late yesterday and arrive at a partial solution. Now we have a new issue.
With a ComboBox you can have:
DisplayMemberPath ="StateAbbrv"
SelectedValue="{Binding Path=tbl_Address.StateID, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" and
With the AutoCompleteBox it seems you really only have:
ValueMemberPath="StateID" and
Text="{Binding Path=tbl_Address.StateID, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, Converter={StaticResource StateConverter}}" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Margin="0,0,0,0" >
With the AutoCompleteBox you can’t have separate display and selected values. Because of my Window control binding and database structure I need to display a string value such as “CA California” while actually having a selected table key integer value in the background.
To be clear, we need to have separate Display and Selected values in the Text part of the AutoCompleteBox control.
Here is the Master ListBox displaying Contractors:
<Grid DataContext="{StaticResource tbl_PartnerViewSource}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="grid3" VerticalAlignment="Top" Height="242" Width="295" Grid.Column="1" Margin="0,1,0,0" Grid.Row="3">
<RowDefinition Height="31*" />
<RowDefinition Height="211*" />
<Label Content="Contractor List" FontWeight="Bold" Height="25" Margin="0,0,169,0" Name="label10" Padding="3" VerticalAlignment="Top" />
<ListBox DisplayMemberPath="tbl_Organization.OrgName" Height="212" HorizontalAlignment="Right" ItemsSource="{Binding}" Margin="0,30,0,0" Name="orgNameListBox" SelectedValuePath="PtnrID" VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="294" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" Grid.RowSpan="2" SelectionChanged="orgNameListBox_SelectionChanged" TabIndex="11" MouseDoubleClick="orgNameListBox_MouseDoubleClick" DataContextChanged="orgNameListBox_DataContextChanged" SourceUpdated="orgNameListBox_SourceUpdated" IsManipulationEnabled="True" />
Here is the Stack Panel containing the Datacontext supporting the controls in discussion:
<StackPanel Grid.Row="3" Height="243" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="stackPanel5" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="295" Grid.Column="1"></StackPanel>
<Label Content="Address(s)" FontWeight="Bold" Height="25" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="306,0,0,0" Name="label1" Padding="3" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="648" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" />
<DataGrid Name="dataGridAddress" DataContext="{StaticResource tbl_Partnertbl_PartnerAddressViewSource}" ItemsSource="{Binding}" SelectionMode="Single" SelectionUnit="CellOrRowHeader" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AlternatingRowBackground="#FFFF003B" AlternationCount="2" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="308,22,0,0" Width="649" Height="113" VerticalAlignment="Top" CanUserDeleteRows="True" CanUserAddRows="True">
Here is the AutoCompleteBox that is partially working:
<DataGridTemplateColumn x:Name="addState" Header="State" Width="100">
<my1:AutoCompleteBox Name="autoCompleteBox1"
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource tbl_StateViewSource}}"
Text="{Binding Path=tbl_Address.StateID, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="1" Margin="0,0,0,0" >
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=StateAbbrv}" Width="30" FontWeight="Bold" Margin="0,0,0,0" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=StateName}" />
Here is the Combobox with working TwoWay binding:
<GridViewColumn x:Name="addrState" Header="State" Width="75">
<ComboBox Name="comboAddressState" SelectedValue="{Binding Path=tbl_Address.StateID, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Margin="{StaticResource Margin2}" DisplayMemberPath="StateAbbrv" SelectedValuePath="StateID" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource tbl_StateViewSource}}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="False" IsEnabled="True" />
Here is the Windows.Resource Section:
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_PartnerViewSource" d:DesignSource="{d:DesignInstance my:tbl_Partner, CreateList=True}"></CollectionViewSource>
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_Partnertbl_PartnerAddressViewSource" Source="{Binding Path=tbl_PartnerAddress, Source={StaticResource tbl_PartnerViewSource}}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_Partnertbl_PartnerContactViewSource" Source="{Binding Path=tbl_PartnerContact, Source={StaticResource tbl_PartnerViewSource}}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_Partnertbl_PartnerContacttbl_PartnerContactCommChanAddrViewSource" Source="{Binding Path=tbl_PartnerContactCommChanAddr, Source={StaticResource tbl_Partnertbl_PartnerContactViewSource}}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_Partnertbl_PartnerSystemViewSource" Source="{Binding Path=tbl_PartnerSystem, Source={StaticResource tbl_PartnerViewSource}}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_Partnertbl_PartnerAliasViewSource" Source="{Binding Path=tbl_PartnerAlias, Source={StaticResource tbl_PartnerViewSource}}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_Partnertbl_PartnerCommentViewSource" Source="{Binding Path=tbl_PartnerComment, Source={StaticResource tbl_PartnerViewSource}}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_ServicedCustomerViewSource" d:DesignSource="{d:DesignInstance my:tbl_ServicedCustomer, CreateList=True}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_SystemViewSource" d:DesignSource="{d:DesignInstance my:tbl_System, CreateList=True}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_PlatformViewSource" d:DesignSource="{d:DesignInstance my:tbl_Platform, CreateList=True}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_ManufacturerViewSource" d:DesignSource="{d:DesignInstance my:tbl_Manufacturer, CreateList=True}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_StateViewSource" d:DesignSource="{d:DesignInstance my:tbl_State, CreateList=True}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_ZIPViewSource" d:DesignSource="{d:DesignInstance my:tbl_ZIP, CreateList=True}" />
<CollectionViewSource x:Key="tbl_CityViewSource" d:DesignSource="{d:DesignInstance my:tbl_City, CreateList=True}" />
<Thickness x:Key="Margin1">8,-3,-7,-3</Thickness>
<Thickness x:Key="Margin2">-7,-3,-7,-3</Thickness>
Here is a image of the Window(WPF):
