Detect when user navigate from one web page to another -

I am writing MVC3 web app I need to know at server side when user navigate from one web page to another. I do not need to know from what pages page to which just fact that user navigated. I could find this by adding Session variable to every Home Controller Actions but maybe there is better solution?

Use a global filter attribute for al your controller actions. You can set that attribute in the global asax. In that case you know when an action is hit.

You could try sending AJAX request bound to onbeforeunload browser event.
Basically, it happens on the client side, so the programming should also be in client. Javascript could be the way to go. Though it may deliver some inconvenience to the user.


I need to introduce an intermediate page before I load the actual page for every request

I've a web application that uses FreeMarker templates and tiles to do the View job in the MVC world. So upon my request to the application, say / I would like to introduce an intermediate page that will have a loader icon just to indicate the page is being loaded on the subsequent request, which is not known to the user.
So ultimately what I'm achieving is a better user experience and also if used within framework (the iFrames) this comes handy to show the loader icon when there is a new request that is happening.
Can someone point me to the right method I can use here ?
This is possible using spring mvc.
You need to create something like a WaitController. On user submit , this controller will be called. This can trigger your original request in background and take a reference(UUID) for the call and will render a wait page having the reference id of the original request set in model. Wait page can either trigger immediately the main controller using reference id or can poll the reference id on regular intervals or use web socket to know the availability of results. Once results are ready, it should redirect user to the actual result page.

UWP: Calling Frame.Navigate() from a Page.OnNavigatedTo event

Into an Universal windows app I want to check user's authentication during page load, or after that an user as navigated to. This permits me to offer a navigation filtered by authorizations with a single page granularity.
For example, if an user didn't login and a page requires authentication, user has to be redirected to a login page.
The problem comes when I try navigate to an other page from the OnNavigatedTo event, when previous navigation is not completed and the new fails. I've searched for other events like an OnNavigationCompleted, but I don't find anything. If I use an asynchronous method without waiting it works, as if I use a timer dispatcher, but both solutions doesn't sound like so clean.
Exists a method to handle an event raised after navigation completed or I have to pre-check authorization during navigation call? I hope to avoid this solution because a wrong call could show an unauthorized page.
If you really want a separate page according to this answer you could probably use the loaded event. But I'd test it before just to make sure.
Sidenote: also, your question implies that you're doing business logic in the view codebehinds - this is bad practice, I suggest looking into the MVVM pattern. (If you need a framework I suggest MVVMLight or PRISM)
I think the precheck would be the best method. Check if they are authorized to view the page before they can navigate to the page. If they are not authorized ask if they want to log in or purchase rights to the page

What is the best way to handle a session-persistant search form in a Spring web application?

I am looking for the best way to handle a session-persistant search form in a "shopping cart" like web application using the Spring MVC Framework.
I want to be able to navigate back to this search page, with last filters already set, from any other page in the application. This is not a master detail search results page, only a form with filters on a table of elements displayed underneath.
I can store my search filters in the user session, but what about multi-tabs navigation and browser back button handling ?
I also considered using Spring WebFlow to adress this.
Any suggestions ?
That sounds like a good job for the conversation scope of Spring WebFlow. Objects which are stored in this scope are saved until the current flow is terminated (or by timeout). The usual way to use it in your case would be to create a new flow/conversation when the user starts browsing the webpage and saves the search parameters in the conversation scope. When going back to the search page later, the parameters are retrieved from this scope (if there are available).
The conversation scope solves the multi-tabs problem and avoid to have to send back to the server every time the data (as you would have to do if you only use the request scope). mvc3 persisting form data when user navigates to unrelated page

So a user fills out a form then decides to click on a unrelated link that happens to be on the page say to a disclaimer page. Then using internal site navigation (not the browser back button) comes back to the form he was on. The link back is an ActionLink.
What is the best way to keep his data on the form. I figure I'll have to serialize the data and save it. I can do a ajax call before going to the other page. I'm looking for the sexy solution. Something that will handle it on a global scale.
Is this even a standard practice?
HTTP is Stateless. You are trying to bring some Stateful nature it !
If you really want to keep the data, You can keep in the Session variable and access it there. You need to override the click event and (in javascript) send the form data to an action via jQuery ajax post where you store it into Session. You can access it later when you come back to this page.
Do you really want to do that ? I think 80 % people knows that once they click on another link, the data will go away. You could probably show some alert message to ask "Are you sure to leave this page" like stackoverflow does.

Web page expired message in browser

I am implementing a web application using ASP .Net and C#. One of the pages has a requirement that it always needs to be fetched from the server, rather than from the local browser cache. I have been able to achieve this.
We have a back button in the application, which simply invokes javascript:history.back() method. The problem is that when the back button is clicked to navigate to the page which is always to be reloaded from the server, the browser displays a "Web page expired message".
The intent here is to force the browser to reload the page rather than display the web page expired message.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks a ton in advance.
You will probably need to change the implementation to make the browser load the URL explicitly:
window.location.href = 'http://....';
instead of invoking the back button, since the intention of the back button is to get the last page from the cache.
(If browsers would not act that way, they would re-send your form data multiple times when using the back button during a registration process or similar.)
You mean you want to control browser behaviour, which is not possible. I doubt you can solve it that way. You could set the expiration time to a small value (1 minute perhaps?) so that the page is still valid if one navigates back quickly.
