Display multiple columns SQL query into PL/SQL stored procedure - oracle

I have a SQL query from which select multiple columns from "db_cache_advice". I want to create a PL/SQL stored procedure from the script.
Here is the SQL script, can someone show me a small sample from which i can pick up...
select name, size_for_estimate, size_factor, estd_physical_read_factor
from v$db_cache_advice;

If you are asking whether we can select multiple columns in pl/sql stored procedure or not..
then well yes, we can select multiple columns as well..
you have to give multiple variable list with respect to number of column you are selecting -
select name, size_for_estimate, size_factor, estd_physical_read_factor
into l_name, l_size_for_estimate, l_size_factor, l_estd_physical_read_factor
from v$db_cache_advice;
please note variable should be in sync, datatype should be match with column value fetching ...


How to create Interactive/Classic Report with dynamic SQL?

I'm running Apex 19.2 and I would like to create a classical or interactive report based on dynamic query.
The query I'm using is not known at design time. It depends on an page item value.
-- So I have a function that generates the SQL as follows
This function may return something like
select Field1 from Table1
Select field1,field2 from Table1 inner join Table2 on ...
So it's not a sql query always with the same number of columns. It's completely variable.
I tried using PL/SQL function Body returning SQL Query but it seems like Apex needs to parse the query at design time.
Has anyone an idea how to solve that please ?
Enable the Use Generic Column Names option, as Koen said.
Then set Generic Column Count to the upper bound of the number of columns the query might return.
If you need dynamic column headers too, go to the region attributes and set Type (under Heading) to the appropriate value. PL/SQL Function Body is the most flexible and powerful option, but it's also the most work. Just make sure you return the correct number of headings as per the query.

Iterative search of a Teradata clob

We have an accountnumber stored in a Clob field in a table...we'll call it tbl_accountdetail. I need to pull back all records from tbl_accountdetail if the account numbers are in the results from another query...we'll call it sourcequery.
I can do this individually for each account number with:
Select * from Tbl_accountdetail where REGEXP_INSTR(CLOB,'accountnumber')>0
Naturally, my first thought was to do a cursor and loop through each account number from the sourcequery.
Declare #accountnumber varchar(30)
Declare Err_Cursor Cursor for
Select accountnumber from ErrorTable;
Open Err_Cursor;
Fetch next from Err_Cursor into #accountnumber;
While ##Fetch_status = 0
Select * from Tbl_accountdetail where REGEXP_INSTR(CLOB,#accountnumber)>0
Fetch next from Err_Cursor into #accountnumber
Close Err_Cursor;
Deallocate Err_Cursor;
The more I read the more I'm confused about the best/most efficient way to get my desired results.
References to cursors all seem to require them to be included in a stored procedure and based on the simplicity, you wouldn't think this needs to be added to a sp. References to macros all seem to be macros that need to update/insert,etc. which I don't need. All I need to do is return the rows from Tbl_accountdetail that have the accountnumber somewhere in the clob.
I'm new to Teradata and Clobs. Can someone help me with the best way to search the clob? And to do so for a list of values?
Any help/suggestions greatly appreciated.
How is your CLOB data structured? Is the accountnumber field stored in a way that you can extract it using a searchable pattern -- i.e. accountnumber=<10-digit-#>?
If you want to search for multiple accountnumber values, then I think the best way is to extract the accountnumber value(s) from each CLOB and then search on them. Something like:
FROM Tbl_accountdetail
WHERE <extracted_accountnumber> IN (
SELECT account_number
FROM account_table
You are right that cursors are only used in stored procedures. The main purpose for them is to process each row of a result set individually and perform any additional logic, which you don't seem to need in your case. You could either put the SQL into a macro or just run it as-is.
Assuming you only have one accountnum value in your CLOB field with a format of "accountnum": "123456789", you should be able to do something like this:
FROM Tbl_accountdetail
WHERE REGEXP_SUBSTR(myclob, '"accountnum":\s+"([0-9]+)"', 1, 1, NULL) IN (
SELECT account_number
FROM account_table
This should extract the first accountnumber match in your CLOB field and see if that value also exists in the IN sub-query.
I don't have a TD system to test on, so you may need to fiddle with the arguments a bit. Just replace myclob with the name of your CLOB field and update the sub-query in the IN(). Give that a try and let me know.
SQL Fiddle (Oracle)
Regexp Tester

Problems inserting data into Oracle table with sequence column via SSIS

I am doing data insert into a table in Oracle which is having a sequence set to it in one of the columns say Id column. I would like to know how to do data loads into such tables.
I followed the below link -
It's possible to use OleDbConnections with the Script Component?
and tried to create a function to get the .nextval from the Oracle table but I am getting the following error -
Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01019
I realized that manually setting the value via the package i.e. by using the Script task to enumerate the values but is not incrementing the sequence and that is causing the problem. How do we deal with it? Any links that can help me solve it?
I am using SSIS-2014 but I am not able to tag it as I don't due to paucity of reputation points.
I created a workaround to cater to this problem. I have created staging tables of the destination without the column that takes the Sequence Id. After the data gets inserted, I am then calling SQL statement to get the data into the main tables from staging table and using the .nextval function. Finally truncating/dropping the table depending on the need. It would still be interesting to know how this same thing can be handled via script rather having this workaround.
For instance something like below -
insert into table_main
select table_main_sequence_name.nextval
from (
select *
from table_stg
ORA-01019 may be related to fact you have multiple Oracle clients installed. Please check ORACLE_HOME variable if it contains only one client.
One workaround I'm thinking about is creating two procedures for handling sequence. One to get value you start with:
create or replace function get_first from seq as return number
seqid number;
select seq_name.nexval into seqid from dual;
return seqid;
Then do your incrementation in script. And after that call second procedure to increment sequence:
create or replace procedure setseq(val number) as
execute immediate 'ALTER SEQUENCE seq_name INCREMENT BY ' || val;
This is not good approach but maybe it will solve your problem

Execution of Oracle Procedure prior to Source Qualifier that must use the same Oracle session

I have a security procedure that has to be called just before a select from source table. Without this procedure no rows are returned.
The problem is that I have checked several ways to call this procedure just before Source Qualifier:
Pre-sql into the Source Qualifier As a Stored procedure
Pre-load source
Put several sql sentences in the sql query propertie in Source Qualifier (added 2014-11-08)
Always seems that Powercenter opens a new oracle connection, where security procedure takes no effect.
What could be the correct way to put both process together and use the same Oracle session?
Note added 2014-11-08:
I have tried also to put 2 sentences in the SQL Query of the Source Qualifier:
call procedure('param');
SELECT field1, field2, field.... from VI_ETL...;
and I get error ORA-24333 Zero Interaction Count, perharps because first item is not a SELECT statement that returns rows?
Try using SQL Query on Source Qualifier to invoke a series of statements - the security Stored Procedure being the first one.

Get the Affected Row from PL-SQL

I am using ODP.Net and run the PL/SQL Command to merge the table in the Oracle 10G database.
My command is as follow:
MERGE INTO TestTable t
ON (t.AR_ID = s.AR_ID)
VALUES ('abcdef');
The Merge command runs successfully and update/insert as I want. The problem is I want to know how many records are updated.
When I run the above statement, "ORA-00911: invalid character error".
Please advise me how I could get the affected rows back. Thanks million.
You're mixing up a few things: a MERGE statement is a plain SQL command while PL/SQL code is always delimited by BEGIN/END (and optional DECLARE). Furthermore, SQL%ROWCOUNT is a PL/SQL variable that cannot occur outside of PL/SQL.
And I don't quite understand whether you ran the MERGE and the SELECT statement with two separate or a common ODP.NET call.
Anyway, the solution is straightfowrad with ODP.NET: Execute the MERGE command with OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(). This method returns the number of affected rows.
One thing you could do is put your code in a PLSQL function that returns %ROWCOUNT.
Then call this function from ODP.net setting the command type to stored procedure and using the ExecuteLiteral method which is going to return you the row count as an object instance you can cast as an int.
It is not possible to return just the "updated" row count.
(as already mentioned the row count is the number of affected (inserted and updated) rows)
there is a good discusion on ask tom: http://asktom.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=100:11:0::::P11_QUESTION_ID:122741200346595110
