What is the URI for SMS Draft Content Provider? - sms

What is the Native Content URI for SMS Drafts?

You can open each SMS message part by opening different ways.
Inbox = "content://sms/inbox"
Failed = "content://sms/failed"
Queued = "content://sms/queued"
Sent = "content://sms/sent"
Draft = "content://sms/draft"
Outbox = "content://sms/outbox"
Undelivered = "content://sms/undelivered"
All = "content://sms/all"
Conversations = "content://sms/conversations".

Content Provider URI for SMS is commonly
and for SMS Drafts it is


how to send an email from a microsoft bot?

I developed a chatbot and deployed it on skype. I have one new thing to be added to bot.
If a user requests for a office cab in bot then bot has to take user input(like destination, emp-name, etc) and send an email to a particular mail ID(outlook).
So my question is:
How to trigger an email from Bot?
You can use SendGrid.
Here with example code.
System.Net.Mail.MailMessage mail = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage();
SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient("smtp.sendgrid.net");
mail.From = new MailAddress("youremailaddress#gmail.com");
mail.Subject = "";
mail.Body ="";
SmtpServer.Port = 587;
SmtpServer.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("apikey", "");
SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true;
References: How to make my bot send an e-mail to a given email address?
Try to use Email Skill from Bot Framework:

MS Teams - Don't show notification of specific message in the activity feed

I have a simple Bot for MS Teams developed in C# with the Bot Builder SDK targeting .NET framework 4.7.1.
When mentioned, it retrieves the Jira ticket Ids in the message and returns a single reply with a list of Cards, each one displaying a summary of a Jira Issue.
I'd like to know if it's possible to not populate the activity feed when sending the reply with the card attachments as it's not needed for my use case.
This is how I usually build the reply to a user message
var reply = activity.CreateReply();
reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.List;
reply.Attachments = thumbnailCards;
await context.PostAsync(reply);
And this is what I tried after reading the docs at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/concepts/activity-feed#rest-api-sample
var reply = activity.CreateReply();
reply.AttachmentLayout = AttachmentLayoutTypes.List;
reply.Attachments = thumbnailCards;
reply.ChannelData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new
notification = new
alert = false
await context.PostAsync(reply);
I was hoping that setting the ChannelData with notification.alert = false would just disable the notifications, but it actually doesn't display any message.
Have you tried using the Teams nuget package: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Bot.Connector.Teams
var reply = activity.CreateReply();
reply.ChannelData = JObject.FromObject(new TeamsChannelData()
Notification = new NotificationInfo(false)
Source for this package can be found here: https://github.com/OfficeDev/BotBuilder-MicrosoftTeams/
The alert you are getting in the activity feed is simply the "someone replied to your message" alert and is nothing special coming from the bot. This notification in the activity feed cannot be disabled as of now. Other team members won't receive this alert in activity feed unless they are following the same channel.
Sending notification using Rest API is designed to work for 1:1 chat.

Botframework hide messages in group chat

How in group chat
hide message to bot -- #mybot xxx?
send message from bot only to one user of group?
None of the channels that support bots being members of a group allow users to explicitly block a bot from getting messages, though some require that the bot is #mentioned in order to get any message sent in a group.
For those that support Direct Messages, the Bot can send a message to a single user as follows:
var response = await activityContext.ConnectorAPI.Conversations.CreateDirectConversationAsync(activity.Recipient, activity.From);
var reply = activity.CreateReply($"This is a direct message to {activity.From.Name ?? activity.From.Id} : {activity.Text}");
reply.Conversation = new ConversationAccount(id: response.Id);
reply.ReplyToId = null;
await activityContext.ConnectorAPI.Conversations.SendToConversationAsync(reply);

Create mail in Exchange Online inbox programatically

Have been facing an issue since days about EWS. So my scenario is;
I was to programmatically sync GMAIL and EXCHANGE ONLINE. So here is what I have done;
Connect to Gmail using Gmail API
Fetch mail from gmail get the email body, to, from, attachment and
all other thing
connect to Exchange online using EWS 2.0
Now the problem is here, how can I create an email in Inbox which looks like incoming mail from the sender;
Here is the code I have done;
_service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);
_service.TraceEnabled = true;
_service.Credentials = new WebCredentials("admin#xyz.onmicrosoft.com", "password");
_service.Url = new Uri("https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx");
_service.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, "xyz#xyz.onmicrosoft.com");
EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage(_service);
Random r = new Random();
message.Subject = "Email Message";
message.From = new EmailAddress("xyz#gmail.com");
message.Sender = new EmailAddress("xyz#gmail.com");
message.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.HTML, "<HTML><body><h1>This is a voice mail.</h1></BODY></HTML>");
message.ToRecipients.Add(new EmailAddress(""));
This way its creating an email in inbox but it shows as a draft mail. I dont want it, I want it to look as RECEIVED mail.
Am I doing anything wrong?
You need to set a couple of properties before saving the message.
// Set a delivery time
ExtendedPropertyDefinition PidTagMessageDeliveryTime =
new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(0x0E06, MapiPropertyType.SystemTime);
DateTime deliveryTime = DateTime.Now; // Or whatever deliver time you want
message.SetExtendedProperty(PidTagMessageDeliveryTime, deliveryTime);
// Indicate that this email is not a draft. Otherwise, the email will appear as a
// draft to clients.
ExtendedPropertyDefinition PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS_msgflag_read = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(3591, MapiPropertyType.Integer);
message.SetExtendedProperty(PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS_msgflag_read, 1);
These properties aren't settable after the items is saved, so it's important to do it before the first Save call.

Forward email using EWS managed api keeping the headers

I am looking for a sample code on how to forward an existing email message (one that is already in my inbox) using the managed api.
When forwarded is there some way to keep a message original headers while forwarding it?
for example someone sent an email to me -i would like that ews will forward it to another recipient without changing the headers (original receive time from ,bcc etc...).
Given an EmailMessage object, you can just call the CreateForwareMessage() method:
var forwareMessage = item.CreateForward();
Regarding the other question: Get the MIME content of the mail and attach it to a new message:
item.Load(new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.IdOnly, ItemSchema.MimeContent));
var mail = new EmailMessage(service);
var attachment = mail.Attachments.AddFileAttachment("Original message.eml", item.MimeContent.Content);
attachment.ContentType = string.Format("message/rfc822; charset={0}", item.MimeContent.CharacterSet);
mail.Subject = "testmail";
Create forward message and set reply to header:
var fw = item.CreateForward();
var fwMsg = fw.Save(WellKnownFolderName.Drafts);
