What are the downsides to having resque jobs schedule themselves to run in the future? - resque

Are there any downsides to having resque jobs schedule themselves as opposed to one job spawning workers as it sees fit?
Here is an example
Approach 1:
class WorkerJob
Resque.enqueue_in(3.days, WorkerJob, model_id)
or like this
Approach 2:
class WorkerJob1
class WorkerScheduler
find_appropriate_ids_for_this_job.each |model_id|
Resque.enqueue(Resque::WorkerJob1, model_id)
WorkerScheduler is scheduled to run every day. I see advantages so wanted to found out if there are any big downsides to approach 1.
I do see a big problem with making sure that redis is properly backed up and replicated, but wouldn't that be required regardless?

To complement that, you could use redis_failover: https://github.com/ryanlecompte/redis_failover


sidekiq - runaway FIFO pipes created with large job

We are using Sidekiq to process a number of backend jobs. One in particular is used very heavily. All I can really say about it is that it sends emails. It doesn't do the email creation (that's a separate job), it just sends them. We spin up a new worker for each email that needs to be sent.
We are trying to upgrade to Ruby 3 and having problems, though. Ruby 2.6.8 has no issues; in 3 (as well as 2.7.3 IIRC), if there is a large number of queued workers, it will get through maybe 20K of them, then it will start hemorrhaging FIFO pipes, on the order of 300-1000 ever 5 seconds or so. Eventually it gets to the ulimit on the system (currently set at 64K) and all sockets/connections fail due to insufficient resources.
In trying to debug this issue I did a run with 90% of what the email worker does entirely commented out, so it does basically nothing except make a couple database queries and do some string templating. I thought I was getting somewhere with that approach, as one run (of 50K+ emails) succeeded without the pipe explosion. However, the next run (identical parameters) did wind up with the runaway pipes.
Profiling with rbspy and ruby-prof did not help much, as they primarily focus on the Sidekiq infrastructure, not the workers themselves.
Looking through our code, I did see that nothing we wrote is ever using IO.* (e.g. IO.popen, IO.select, etc), so I don't see what could be causing the FIFO pipes.
I did see https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq/wiki/Batches#huge-batches, which is not necessarily what we're doing. If you look at the code snippet below, we're basically creating one large batch. I'm not sure whether pushing jobs in bulk as per the link will help with the problem we're having, but I'm about to give it a try once I rework things a bit.
No matter what I do I can't seem to figure out the following:
What is making these pipes? Why are they being created?
What is the condition by which the pipes start getting made exponentially? There are two FIFO pipes that open when we start Sidekiq, but until enough work has been done, we don't see more than 2-6 pipes open generally.
Any advice is appreciated, even along the lines of where to look next, as I'm a bit stumped.
require_relative 'logger'
require_relative 'configuration'
require 'sidekiq-pro'
require "sidekiq-ent"
module Proprietary
unless const_defined?(:ENVIRONMENT)
ENVIRONMENT = ENV['RACK_ENV'] || ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || 'development'
# Sidekiq.client_middleware.add Sidekiq::Middleware::Client::Batch
REDIS_URL = if ENV["REDIS_URL"].present?
METRICS = Statsd.new "", 8125
Sidekiq::Enterprise.unique! unless Proprietary::ENVIRONMENT == "test"
Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
# require 'sidekiq/pro/reliable_fetch'
config.average_scheduled_poll_interval = 2
config.redis = {
namespace: Proprietary.config.SIDEKIQ_NAMESPACE,
url: Proprietary::REDIS_URL
config.server_middleware do |chain|
require 'sidekiq/middleware/server/statsd'
chain.add Sidekiq::Middleware::Server::Statsd, :client => METRICS
config.error_handlers << Proc.new do |ex,ctx_hash|
Proprietary.report_exception(ex, "Sidekiq", ctx_hash)
Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
config.redis = {
namespace: Proprietary.config.SIDEKIQ_NAMESPACE,
url: Proprietary::REDIS_URL,
size: 15,
network_timeout: 5
Code snippet (sanitized)
def add_targets_to_batch
#target_count = targets.count
queue_counter = 0
batch.jobs do
targets.shuffle.each do |target|
queue_counter += 1
def send(campaign_target)
is_draft ? target[:email_address] : nil)
Target.where(id: target[:id]).update(send_at: Time.now.utc)
rescue Exception => ex
Proprietary.report_exception(ex, self.class.name, { target_id: target[:id], guid: guid })
First I tried auditing our external connections for connection pooling, etc. That did not help the issue. Eventually I got to the point where I disabled all external connections and let the job run doing virtually nothing outside of a database query and some logging. This allowed one run to complete without issue, but on the second one, the FIFO pipes still grew exponentially after a certain (variable) amount of work was done.

Dynamically loading new jobs in a SidekiqStatus container to monitor completion

I built a small web crawler implemented in two Sidekiq workers: Crawler and Parsing. The Crawler worker will seek for links while Parsing worker will read the page body.
I want to trigger an alert when the crawling/parsing of all pages is complete. Monitoring only the Crawler job is not the best solution since it may have finished but there might be several Parser jobs running.
Having a look at sidekiq-status gem it seems that I cannot dynamically add new jobs to the container for monitoring. E.g. it would be nice to have a "add" method in the following context:
#container = SidekiqStatus::Container.new
# ... for each page url found:
jid = ParserWorker.perform_async(page_url)
The closest to this is to use "SidekiqStatus::Container.load" or "SidekiqStatus::Container.load_multi" however, it is not possible to add new jobs in the container a posteriori.
One solution would be to create as many SidekiqStatus::Container instances as the number of ParserJobs and check if all of them have status == "finished", but I wonder if a more elegant solution exists using these tools.
Any help is appreciated.
You are describing Sidekiq Pro's Batches feature exactly. You can spend a lot of time or some money to solve your problem.
OK, here's a simple solution. Using the sidekiq-status gem, the Crawler worker keeps track of the jobs IDs for the Parser jobs and halts if any Parser job is still busy (using the SidekiqStatus::Container instance to check job status).
def perform()
# for each page....
#jids << ParserWorker.perform_async(page_url)
# end
# crawler finished, parsers may still be running
while parsers_busy?
sleep 5 # wait 5 secs between each check
# all parsers complete, trigger notification...
def parsers_busy?
status_containers = SidekiqStatus::Container.load_multi(#jids)
for container in status_containers
if container.status == 'waiting' || container.status == 'working'
return true
return false

In Ruby, is it possible to share a database connection across threads?

I've got a small little ruby script that pours over 80,000 or so records.
The processor and memory load involved for each record is smaller than a smurf balls, but it still takes about 8 minutes to walk all the records.
I'd though to use threading, but when I gave it a go, my db ran out of connections. Sure it was when I attempted to connect 200 times, and really I could limit it better than that.. But when I'm pushing this code up to Heroku (where I have 20 connections for all workers to share), I don't want to chance blocking other processes because this one ramped up.
I have thought of refactoring the code so that it conjoins the all the SQL, but that is going to feel really really messy.
So I'm wondering is there a trick to letting the threads share connections? Given I don't expect the connection variable to change during processing, I am actually sort of surprised that the thread fork needs to create a new DB connection.
Well any help would be super cool (just like me).. thanks
Below is a 100% contrived example. It does display the issue.
I am using ActiveRecord inside a very simple thread. It seems each thread is creating it's own connection to the database. I base that assumption on the warning message that follows.
START_TIME = Time.now
require 'rubygems'
require 'erb'
require "active_record"
#environment = 'development'
#dbconfig = YAML.load(ERB.new(File.read('config/database.yml')).result)
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection #dbconfig[#environment]
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base; end
ids = Product.pluck(:id)
p "after pluck #{Time.now.to_f - START_TIME.to_f}"
threads = [];
ids.each do |id|
threads << Thread.new {Product.where(:id => id).update_all(:product_status_id => 99); }
if(threads.size > 4)
threads = []
p "after thread join #{Time.now.to_f - START_TIME.to_f}"
p "#{Time.now.to_f - START_TIME.to_f}"
"after pluck 0.6663269996643066"
DEPRECATION WARNING: Database connections will not be closed automatically, please close your
database connection at the end of the thread by calling `close` on your
connection. For example: ActiveRecord::Base.connection.close
. (called from mon_synchronize at /Users/davidrawk/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p448/lib/ruby/1.9.1/monitor.rb:211)
"after thread join 5.7263710498809814" #THIS HAPPENS AFTER THE FIRST JOIN.
"after thread join 10.743254899978638" #THIS HAPPENS AFTER THE SECOND JOIN
See this gem https://github.com/mperham/connection_pool and answer, a connection pool might be what you need: Why not use shared ActiveRecord connections for Rspec + Selenium?
The other option would be to use https://github.com/eventmachine/eventmachine and run your tasks in EM.defer block in such a way that DB access happens in the callback block (within reactor) in a non-blocking way
Alternatively, and a more robust solution too, go for a light-weight background processing queue such as beanstalkd, see https://www.ruby-toolbox.com/categories/Background_Jobs for more options - this would be my primary recommendation
also, you probably don't have 200 cores, so creating 200+ parallel threads and db connections doesn't really speed up the process (slows it down actually), see if you can find a way to partition your problem into a number of sets equal to your number of cores + 1 and solve the problem this way,
this is probably the simplest solution to your problem

Howto know that I do not block Ruby eventmachine with a mongodb operation

I am working on a eventmachine based application that periodically polls for changes of MongoDB stored documents.
A simplified code snippet could look like:
require 'rubygems'
require 'eventmachine'
require 'em-mongo'
require 'bson'
EM.run {
#db = EM::Mongo::Connection.new('localhost').db('foo_development')
#posts = #db.collection('posts')
#comments = #db.collection('comments')
def handle_changed_posts
EM.next_tick do
cursor = #posts.find(state: 'changed')
resp = cursor.defer_as_a
resp.callback do |documents|
handle_comments documents.map{|h| h["comment_id"]}.map(&:to_s) unless documents.length == 0
resp.errback do |err|
raise *err
def handle_comments comment_ids
meta_product_ids.each do |id|
cursor = #comments.find({_id: BSON::ObjectId(id)})
resp = cursor.defer_as_a
resp.callback do |documents|
magic_value = documents.first['weight'].to_i * documents.first['importance'].to_i
resp.errback do |err|
raise *err
EM.add_periodic_timer(1) do
puts "alive: #{Time.now.to_i}"
EM.add_periodic_timer(5) do
So every 5 seconds EM iterates over all posts, and selects the changed ones. For each changed post it stores the comment_id in an array. When done that array is passed to a handle_comments which loads every comment and does some calculation.
Now I have some difficulties in understanding:
I know, that this load_posts->load_comments->calculate cycle takes 3 seconds in a Rails console with 20000 posts, so it will not be much faster in EM. I schedule the handle_changed_posts method every 5 seconds which is fine unless the number of posts raises and the calculation takes longer than the 5 seconds after which the same run is scheduled again. In that case I'd have a problem soon. How to avoid that?
I trust em-mongo but I do not trust my EM knowledge. To monitor EM is still running I puts a timestamp every second. This seems to be working fine but gets a bit bumpy every 5 seconds when my calculation runs. Is that a sign, that I block the loop?
Is there any general way to find out if I block the loop?
Should I nice my eventmachine process with -19 to give it top OS prio always?
I have been reluctant to answer here since I've got no mongo experience so far, but considering no one is answering and some of the stuff here is general EM stuff I may be able to help:
schedule next scan on first scan's end (resp.callback and resp.errback in handle_changed_posts seem like good candidates to chain next scan), either with add_timer or with next_tick
probably, try handling your mongo trips more often so they handle smaller chunks of data, any cpu cycle hog inside your reactor would make your reactor loop too busy to accept events such as periodic timer ticks
no simple way, no. One idea would be to measure diff of Time.now to next_tick{Time.now}, do benchmark and then trace possible culprits when the diff crosses a threshold. Simulating slow queries (Simulate slow query in mongodb? ?) and many parallel connections is a good idea
I honestly don't know, I've never encountered people who do that, I expect it depends on other things running on that server
To expand upon bbozo's answer, specifically in relation to your second question, there is no time when you run code that you do not block the loop. In my experience, when we talk about 'non-blocking' code what we really mean is 'code that doesn't block very long'. Typically, these are very short periods of time (less than a millisecond), but they still block while executing.
Further, the only thing next_tick really does is to say 'do this, but not right now'. What you really want to do, as bbozo mentioned, is split up your processing over multiple ticks such that each iteration blocks for as little time as possible.
To use your own benchmarks, if 20,000 records takes about 3 seconds to process, 4,000 records should take about 0.6 seconds. This would be short enough to not usually affect your 1 second heartbeat. You could split it up even farther to reduce the amount of blockage and make the reactor run smoother, but it really depends on how much concurrency you need from the reactor.

Ruby and Rails Async

I need to perform long-running operation in ruby/rails asynchronously.
Googling around one of the options I find is Sidekiq.
class WeeklyReportWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(user, product, year = Time.now.year, week = Date.today.cweek)
report = WeeklyReport.build(user, product, year, week)
# call WeeklyReportWorker.perform_async('user', 'product')
Everything works great! But there is a problem.
If I keep calling this async method every few seconds, but the actual time heavy operation performs is one minute things won't work.
Let me put it in example.
5.times { WeeklyReportWorker.perform_async('user', 'product') }
Now my heavy operation will be performed 5 times. Optimally it should have performed only once or twice depending on whether execution of first operaton started before 5th async call was made.
Do you have tips how to solve it?
Here's a naive approach. I'm a resque user, maybe sidekiq has something better to offer.
def perform(user, product, year = Time.now.year, week = Date.today.cweek)
# first, make a name for lock key. For example, include all arguments
# there, so that another perform with the same arguments won't do any work
# while the first one is still running
lock_key_name = make_lock_key_name(user, product, year, week)
Sidekiq.redis do |redis| # sidekiq uses redis, let us leverage that
res = redis.incr lock_key_name
return if res != 1 # protection from race condition. Since incr is atomic,
# the very first one will set value to 1. All subsequent
# incrs will return greater values.
# if incr returned not 1, then another copy of this
# operation is already running, so we quit.
# finally, perform your business logic here
report = WeeklyReport.build(user, product, year, week)
redis.del lock_key_name # drop lock key, so that operation may run again.
I am not sure I understood your scenario well, but how about looking at this gem:
So instead of doing:
5.times { WeeklyReportWorker.perform_async('user', 'product') }
You can do:
5.times { WeeklyReportWorker.delay.perform('user', 'product') }
Out of the box, this will make the worker process the second job after the first job, but only if you use the default settings (because by default the worker process is only one).
The gem offers possibilities to:
Put jobs on a queue;
Have different queues for different jobs if that is required;
Have more than one workers to process a queue (for example, you can start 4 workers on a 4-CPU machine for higher efficiency);
Schedule jobs to run at exact times, or after set amount of time after queueing the job. (Or, by default, schedule for immediate background execution).
I hope it can help you as you did to me.
