C#,Visual Studio 2010 , Git and AppHarbor - visual-studio

I installed git on visual studio 2010 (the installation is done well)
the problem is that I can not download my project in AppHarbor
using git GUI.But If I use (clone git # https://username appharbor.com / projet.git)
I get the project.
thank you

GitExtensions and AppHarbor do not play well together in my experience.
AppHarbor does not use SSH instead you are prompted for your password. GitExtensions does not recognise this prompt and does not let you enter your password. It just appears to hang.
The Git GUI in msysgit does however prompt you for your password, so it is possible and something that needs fixing in GitExtensions.
I just push/pull from AppHarbor with the CLI personally.

Git Extensions includes a plugin for VS2010.

In my workflow, I use GitHub for Windows for almost all Git operations, it's very intuitive and you can jump to Explorer or a shell at any time. And for automatic deployment and testing, I've configure GitHub's Hooks to deploy to AppHarbor from the link on my application's Settings page:


VS Code Connect to TFS Server for Ubuntu

I use VS Community as a Developer and have spun up my own TFS Server in the past. I have been using Ubuntu more frequently and decided to try out VS Code. I started up Code and installed the Visual Studio Team Services Extension which is what I thought would be what I needed. I've read/tried online that you first have to open up a Solution which then redirects you to sign in to the web portion of their TFS/Teams which is not where my code resides. I was also not able to find the equivalent of the Team Explorer in Windows and the Plug Icon that asks you for a connection.
So my question is, how do you connect to your TFS Server and get your Projects in VS Code for Ubuntu, if possible?
UPDATE: I have gotten closer trying the following but do not have a complete solution. These steps will at least get you closer to connecting to your server.
Run Java -Version to ensure you have at least Java8 if not, run sudo apt-get install default-jre
Next download https://github.com/Microsoft/team-explorer-everywhere/releases/download/v14.114.0/TEE-CLC-14.114.0.zip
Run the command at your download location /../extract TEE-CLC-14.114.0.zip
Run this command to accept the EULA /../TEE-CLC-14.114.0/tf eula
Run this command to connect to TFS (assuming yours is the same as default) /../TEE-CLC-14.114.0/tf workspaces -collection:http://[SERVER IP HERE]:8080/tfs/defaultcollection
Sign in using AD or your Login
Run this command so you do not have to supply creds export TF_AUTO_SAVE_CREDENTIALS=1
Open VS Code > File > Preferences > Settings
On the right side is the user settings add the following "tfvc.location": "/../TEE-CLC-14.114.0/tf" and Save
Restart Code and that's all I have thus far
Below is a short list of steps to get up-and-running with TFVC support:
Install the Team Services extension for Visual Studio Code.
Team Foundation Server requires your domain credentials.
Ensure you have a TF command line client installed (either TF.exe or
the TEE CLC).
Set the tfvc.location VS Code setting to the full path of your TF
command line client.
Open a folder containing a Local TFVC Workspace and sign in when
Set the SCM Provider to TFVC.
So your next step is opening either the root folder or a sub-folder of the TFVC repository. Detailed step you can refer to the documentation below:
Also, you could check the video below which shows you how to set up the TFVC support on Windows and demonstrates much of the functionality available for Team Foundation Version Control. The features shown in this video apply equally well to the TFVC support on macOS and Linux:

How to configure Visual Studio With Gitlab - Linux

I want configure visual studio code to push change's project to GitLab.
I'm using Linux. Every time that I try do push, show this message to me:
Username for 'https://gitlab.com':
I generated ssh key and put in the GitLab user setting.
Git init, add. and commit works fine.
I generated ssh key and put in the gitlab user setting.
If Visual Studio is asking about https, that means the remote URL associated with your local Git repo is not an ssh one.
In command-line, go to your repo root folder, and type:
git remote origin set-url git#gitlab.com:<yourAccount>/<yourRepo.git>
That will help Visual Studio Code pick the right URL (the one for which you registered your credentials through your public SSH key)
OR: you might want to keep your current https URL, but cache your GitLab username/password (since you don't want to have to enter them every time).
See "Use Git Credential Managers to Authenticate to Visual Studio Team Services" (it should apply to Visual Studio Code as well, and works on Windows or on Linux)

Configure Git Source Control Provider For Development Team

I'm totaly newbie to Source Control idea, so please be kind.
My situation is that we are a development team which contains 2 developers and 1 designer.
We use Visual Studio 2010 and we need to use a Git as a Source Control.
I've installed Git Source Control Provider and GitExtensions using Extensions Manager on all machines.
But there is only one thing I don't get it, how can I configure every Git on every machine to find a central repositry where we can Push and Update all work in one place?
Does that mean everyone will take a copy of a solution into his own machine (Locally) and configure Git to a repositry OR are we going to run on the same solution?
Honestly, I have not found articles regarding this issue and how teams on same project on Visual Studio 2010?
Git is distributed version control system means that whenever you clone a repository you can work on your copy and commit too. Once you done you can push the commits to remote repository.

Looking for a good GIT solution for Web Project maintained with Visual Studio

In our environment we are serving a combination of asp and asp.net pages on Windows 2003 servers running IIS. We use Visual Studio to edit the pages via FrontPage extentions.
We really enjoy the ability to make quick edits and save and the web is updated immediately. Don't worry, we do have a development server where we test all of our changes before moving them to the production server.
We do not want to use the "publish site" option if at all possible.
I have been using GIT for some android (eclipse) projects lately and I'm really enjoying it, so now I would like to use GIT for our web site as well if at all possible.
I've have GitExtentions installed, along with the VS plugin and I have tried Git Source Control Provider.
Keeping with the distributed VC mindset, I'd like to have a repo on my (and each of the developers) PC and commit as necessary.
The problem is, since we are editing via http/frontpage (master mode) the files are not stored locally.
I am wondering if anyone else in this type of environment has implemented a successful GIT workflow.
Thank you,
My solution isn't necessarily ideal for your situation, given you dont want the extra step of publishing...
I have the files locally in my git repo, and then I manually (via script) push them to the web location.
So I traded the ease of editing deployed files, for the awesomeness that is GIT. For me, I came out like a bandit in that trade.

Connect to a SVN repository through VS2010

I'm looking for a way to create local copies of the programs stored in the repository so I can work on them; this is my first time using SVN.
I've got an ip address, a port number, and a password for a SVN repository. Is there some way I can access the repository through Visual Studio itself (perhaps via a downloadable plug-in)?
Check out http://ankhsvn.open.collab.net/
Agent SVN integrates nicely with Visual Studio.
I prefer to use Tortoise SVN and do everything from Windows Explorer instead of doing from Visual Studio.
Try Visual SVN, it is specifically for SVN Integration to Visual Studio.
