Direct and reliable access to framebuffer under X - x11

I have the following problem: I need to develop an application that will run both on
linux and freebsd, preferably in an X environment.
This application will have to draw very simple graphic primitives (say lines) with a strong
contraint: no matter the hardware and the os, I need to be able to read what has been
written to the videomemory back and that must match per pixel what I expect having written.
To be more clear, two instances of this program running on different machines with different video cards and different os, must write the very same pixels to the videomemory and must retrieve back exactly the same memory (a part from some constant conversion in the pixel format), so that if I memcmp them, they matches.
I think the easiest way of doing this is accessing directly the videomemory both for writing and reading and to avoid going through any rasterizer which I can not control.
So I was guessing which is the easiest and most modern way of doing it in X.


Do computer/cpu really understand(binary)?

I have read and heard from many people,books, sites computer understand nothing but only binary!But they dont tell how computer/cpu understand binary.So I was thinking how can computer/cpu can understand?Cause as of my little knowledge and thinking, to think or understand something one must need a brain and off-course a life but cpu lack both.
*Additionally as cpu run by electricity, so my guess is cpu understand nothing,not even binary rather there are some natural rules for electricity or something like that and we human*(or who invented computer) found it(may be if we flow current in a certain combination or in certain number of circuits we get a row light or like so, who know!) and also a way to manipulate the current flow/straight light to make with it, what we need i.e different letters(with straight three light or magnetic wave occurred from the electricity with the help of manipulation we can have letter 'A') means computer/cpu dont understanad anything.
Its just my wild guess. I hope someone could help me to have a clear idea about if cpu really understand anything(binary)?And if, then how. Anyone detailed answer,article or book would be great.Thanks in advance.
From HashNode article "How does a computer machine understand 0s and 1s?"
A computer doesn't actually "understand" anything. It merely provides you with a way of information flow — input to output. The decisions to transform a given set of inputs to an output (computations) are made using boolean expressions (expressed using specific arrangements of logic gates).
At the hardware level we have bunch of elements called transistors (modern computers have billions of them and we are soon heading towards an era where they would become obsolete). These transistors are basically switching devices. Turning ON and OFF based on supply of voltage given to its input terminal. If you translate the presence of voltage at the input of the transistor as 1 and absence of voltage as 0 (you can do it other way too). There!! You have the digital language.
"understand" no. Computers don't understand anything, they're just machines that operate according to fixed rules for moving from one state to another.
But all these states are encoded in binary.
So if you anthropomorphise the logical (architectural) or physical (out-of-order execution, etc. etc.) operation of a computer, you might use the word "understand" as a metaphor for "process" / "operate in".
Taking this metaphor to the extreme, one toy architecture is called the Little Man Computer, LMC, named for the conceit / joke idea that there is a little man inside the vastly simplified CPU actually doing the binary operations.
The LMC model is based on the concept of a little man shut in a closed mail room (analogous to a computer in this scenario). At one end of the room, there are 100 mailboxes (memory), numbered 0 to 99, that can each contain a 3 digit instruction or data (ranging from 000 to 999).
So actually, LMC is based around a CPU that "understands" decimal, unlike a normal computer.
The LMC toy architecture is terrible to program for except for the very simplest of programs. It doesn't support left/right bit-shifts or bitwise binary operations, which makes sense because it's based on decimal not binary. (You can of course double a number = left shift by adding to itself, but right shift needs other tricks.)

two programs using gpu acceleration

very noob question here.
I want to create a program that applies real-time effects to the screen
(mac os), such as blurring, color shift, etc..
My question is,
If a software, that is already using GPU acceleration, is running (such as Adobe Photoshop) how likely am I to run into problems?
I guess I'm asking if it's possible for two programmes to access GPU acceleration/OpenCL at the same time?
Multiple programs can safely use the same GPU. You may encounter stuttering or other issues if you're doing something intensive, but otherwise it will be fine. If you want to be safe, you can check CL_DEVICE_AVAILABLE to make sure it's OK to use a device, or use clCreateSubDevices to partition a single OpenCL device into multiple sub-devices that can work independently (just to clarify, this is not required, but does give you finer control)

Computer programming

i have a question concerning computer programming. Let's say i have only one computer with no OS running. And would like to start to "develop" an OS. basically what i have is a blank sheet an a pen to do so. an a couple of electronic devices. how do i put my instruction into that computer?
because today we use interpreter of compiler that "turn" programming language into what they call "machine code". But my question could be how to generate machine code from nowhere.
Thank you for your replies, a link to learn how to do that will be must welcome.
The first computers where programmed making the "machine code" directly. Just punching one's an zeros into cards (well, in fact they punched octal digits).
This was done that way until somebody thought it would be a nice idea to have an assembler which translated the machine code instructions into that ones and zeros.
After that, another guy thought that it can be very nice idea to have a programming language, who will translate "top level" instructions to machine code.
And after that, or probably at the same time, some "internal procedures" where created to ease the programming: to open a file, to close a file the only thing you have to do is to call an internal subroutine in the machine instead of programming all the open file and close file subroutines by yourself: the seed for the operating systems was planted.
The cross compiling issue that is commented here is the way to create an operating system for a new computer nowadays: you use a working computer as a "lever" to create an operating system for a new computer.
it depends on how far back you want to go. the earliest ones "programming" was moving wires from one essentially analog alu to another.
The woman/women programming at this point were called computers and used use pencil and paper.
later you use a pencil and paper and the datasheet/documentation for the instruction set. assemble by hand basically, there are no compilers or even the concept of a programming language at this point, this has to evolve still. you wrote down the ones and zeros in whatever form you preferred (binary or octal).
one way to enter code at this point is with switches. certainly computers predated it but look for a picture of the front panel of a pdp8 or the altair, etc. you set the switches for the data value and address, and you manually strobe a write. you load the bootstrap in this way and/or the whole program. set the start address and switch to run mode.
over time they developed card and tape readers for which you loaded the bootstrap in by hand (switches) then you could use a reader to load larger programs easier. cards could be punched on a typewriter type thing, literally a keyboard but instead of striking through a ribbon onto paper, it cut slots in a card.
oses and programming languages started to evolve at this point. until you bootstrapped your compiler you had to write the first compiler for a new language in some other language (no different than today). so the first assembler had to be in machine code, then from assembler you could create some other language and so on.
If you wanted to repeat something like this today you would have to build a computer with some sort of manual input. you could certainly but you would have to design it that way, like then you need the debouncing out but you could for example have a processor with an external flash, be it parallel or serial, mux the lines to the switches (a switch controls the mux) and either address/data/write your program, or for fun could use a spi flash and serially load the program into the flash. much better to just use one of the pdp or altair, etc online simulators to get a feel for the experience.
there is no magic here, there is no chicken and egg problem at all. humans had to do it by hand before the computer could do it. a smaller/simpler program had to generate more complicated programs, and so on. this long, slow, evolution is well documented all over the internet and in books in libraries everywhere.
Computers are based on a physical processor which was designed to accept instructions (eg. in assembly code) that only allowed primitive instructions like shift, move, copy, add. This processor decided how it spoke (eg. how big were the words (8-bit) and and other specs (speed/standards etc). Using some type of storage, we could store the instructions (punch cards, disk) and execute huge streams of these instructions.
If instructions were repeated over and over, you could move to an address and execute what was at that location and create loops and other constructs (branches, context switches, recursion).
Since you would have peripherals, you would have some kind of way to interface with it (draw, print dots), and you could create routines to build up on that to build letters, fonts, boxes, lines. Then you could run a subroutine to print the letter 'a' on screen..
An OS is basically a high-level implementation of all those lower level instructions. It is really a collection of all the instructions to interface with different areas (i/o, computations etc). Unix is a perfect example of different folks working on different areas and plugging them all into a single OS.

Connecting a Chess Engine to an Existing GUI made with Javascript

I have written my own GUI for playing and teaching chess. The GUI was written using HTML for the appearance, and JavaScript for the behavior of the pieces. Currently the program does not follow any of the rules of chess. It is up to the user to follow the rules of chess correctly. This allows the freedom to set up illegal positions or move the same side multiple times. This is very useful when trying to teach chess to beginners.
I am now looking at the idea that I would like to hook my program up to a chess engine. I haven't a clue on how to go about this. Most chess engines like StockFish or Rybka use a UCI for communicating with the GUI. I don't know how to make my program UCI compatible. I am not interested in writing my own chess engine, I would simply like to download an engine and have it interact with the GUI that I have written.
My board is made up of div tags, the pieces are just PNGs that can be dragged and dropped around on the board with complete freedom independent of chess rules. Ideally, I'd like to be able to set up any random position on my GUI, and have that position sent to the engine for analysis, with the best move recommendations returned. I don't even really need the program to move the pieces on the board for me as I can do that myself.
Does anyone have an idea of how I might get started on this project?
You can use with the JS Version that includes the chessboard.js and chess.js that implement all the caracteristics you need. Also you can improve the system.
The UCI protocol spec is found here:
As a high level it defines a set of commands to be sent from the GUI to the engine and vice versa.
You can see that you can use the protocol to set up any position with the position command followed by a FEN string (other variants are available).
As an example the command:
position fen rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq c6 0 2
Would give the engine the position after 1 e4 c6
You can then use the go command (with various options for time restrictions, etc.) to have the engine calculate a move.
You could run the risk of confusing the engine by attempting to send illegal moves and/or multiple successive moves by the same colour (whilst we are on this theme also avoid trying to send an illegal position e.g. black in check with white to play).
As long as your code handled these illegal oddities at the gui end (or in some intermediate layer) by stopping any ongoing game whilst illegal manoeuvrings take place before sending the resulting position to start a new game, then any UCI engine should cope just fine.
There are thousands of UCI chess engines out there for almost any conceivable platform - many of them free and/or open source. This list should give you a decent start:
I'd guess that your choice would depend, to some extent, on the Operating System you intend to deploy this on (if your gui is html/js then I'd guess on some webserver somewhere but is that LAMP, WAMP, ASP.Net, or any other variety I've probably never heard of! :-) )
So long as you can get AN engine executable loaded and pass in commands & read responses through the standard I/O you're away!
Good Luck - do let me know if you get it deployed somewhere. Would be nice to be able to cheat the machines! :-)

Most effective method to use parallel computing on different architectures

I am planning to write something to take advantages of the many devices that I have at home.
Basically my aim is to use the laptop to execute calculations, and also to use my main desktop computer to add more power (and finish the task quicker). I work with cellular simulation and chemical interactions, so to me would be great to take advantage of all that I have available at home.
I am using mainly OSX, so I need something that may work with that OS. I can code in objective-C, C and C++.
I am aware of GCD, OpenCL and MPI, but I am not sure which way to go.
I was planning to not use the full power of my desktop but only some of the available cores (in this way I can continue to work on the desktop doing other tasks that are not so resource intensive). In particular I would love to use the graphic card power (it is an ATI card, so no CUDA), since all that I do mainly is spreadsheet, word and coding with Xcode, and the graphic card resources are basically unused in that scenario.
Is there a specific set of libraries or API, among the aforementioned 3, that would allow me to selectively route tasks, and use resources on another machine without leaving the control totally to the compiler? I've heard that GCD is great but it has very limited control on where the blocks are executed, while MPI is on the other side of the spectrum....OpenCL seems to be in the middle.
Before diving in one of these technologies I would like to know which one would most likely suit my needs; I am sure that some other researcher has already used successfully parallel computing to achieve what I am trying to achieve.
Thanks in advance.
MPI is more for scientific computing large scale many processors many nodes exc not for a weekend project, for what you describe I would suggest using OpenCl or any one the more distributed framework of AMQP protocol families, such as zeromq or rabbitMQ, or a combination of OpenCl and AMQP , or even simpler consider multithreading , i would suggest OpenMP for that. I'm not sure if you are looking for direct solvers or parallel functions but there are many that exist as well for gpu's and cpu's which you can find on the web
Sorry, but this question simply cannot be meaningfully answered as posed. To be sure, I could toss out a collection of buzzwords describing various technologies to look at like GCD, OpenMPI, OpenCL, CUDA and any number of other technologies which allow one to run a single program on multiple cores, multiple programs on different cooperating computers, or a single program distributed across CPU and GPU, and it sounds like you know about a number of those already so I wouldn't even be adding much value in listing the buzzwords.
To simply toss out such terms without knowing the full specifics of the problem you're trying to solve, however, is a bit like saying that you know English, French and a little German so sure, by all means - mix them all together in a single paragraph without knowing anything about the target audience! Similarly, you can parallelize a given computation in any number of ways, across any number of different processing elements, but whether that parallelization is actually a win or not is going to be entirely dependent on the nature of the algorithm, its data dependencies, how much computation is expected for each reasonable "work chunk", and whether it can be executed on a GPU with sufficient numeric precision, among many other factors. The more complex the technology you choose, the more those factors matter and the greater the possibility that the resulting code will actually be slower than its single-threaded, single machine counterpart. IPC overhead and data copying can, and frequently do, swamp all of the gains one might realize from trying to naively parallelize something and then add additional overhead on top of that, resulting in a net loss. This is why engineers who can do this kind of work meaningfully and well are in such high demand. :)
Without knowing anything about your calculations, I would move in baby steps. First try a simple multi-processor framework like GCD (which is already built in to OS X and requires no additional dependencies to use) and figure out how to factor your code such that it can effectively use all of the available cores on a single machine. Once you've learned where the wins are (and if there even are any - if multi-threading isn't helping, multi-machine parallelization almost certainly won't either), try setting up several instances of the calculation on several machines with a simple IPC model that allows for distributing the work. Having already factored your algorithm(s) for multiple threads, it should be comparatively straight-forward to further generalize the approach across multiple machines (though it bears noting that the two are NOT the same problem and either way you still want to use all the cores available on any of the given target machines, so the two challenges are both complimentary and orthogonal).
