Switching from https to http - https

Is it correct to switch from HTTPS to HTTP (say by clicking a click which has full path in the href - with HTTP). Appreciate if someone let know what are the implications in such cases.

This actually can be a security risk, it depends on your situation.
If you create a session in that HTTPS part, and then visit a HTTP page of the same domain, the session cookie will be sent along with the unsecure HTTP request (plaintext). This makes your site vulnerable to session hijacking, an attacker can use this session id and has the same privileges as the logged in user has.
In PHP you can prevent this behaviour, calling the session_set_cookie_params() function, setting the $secure parameter to true. This tells the browser, to send the cookie to HTTPS pages only.

The browser will load a page from a non SSL source. No real implications as far as security is concerned.

Switching from HTTPS to HTTP is entirely correct if that is what the link is intended to do.
Implications include losing the encrypted communication link between client and server that HTTPS provides.

ssl encryption for the http (s) is used to protect transmitted information. For example, use https on the lognin page. After logging on, you can redirect to http.
So switching https and http is quite all right.


ColdFusion Session Tracking http vs https

Anytime a user tries to access our site with http, they are redirected to https via this code in the Application.cfc:
If (CGI.HTTPS != "on") {
location(url="https://#Application.PortalApp.GetDomain()##CGI.SCRIPT_NAME#?#CGI.QUERY_STRING#", addtoken="false");
The strange thing is, if they have never accessed the site via http, but happen to click an internal link that points to http instead of https, they are logged out. However, once they login again, they can then access an http link, get redirected to https and stay logged into the system.
I did some line-by-line debugging and the https session gets overwritten when a user access http. But once a user accesses http, the https shares the sessionid.
Is this correct behavior?
In ColdFusion Administrator Session settings, HTTPOnly is set to true, and secure cookie is set to false.
Think of them as two completely separate domains.
The session under HTTPS is a completely different session from the one under HTTP. That's just how that works.
Instead of controlling it at the application code level, you should configure your web server to only allow connections over HTTPS and automatically redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS.
Here's a link for IIS.
Here's a link for Apache.
More info can be found in this Google Developer page, but I'll paste the highlights.
HTTPS protects the integrity of your website
HTTPS helps prevent intruders from tampering with the communications between your websites and your users’ browsers. Intruders include intentionally malicious attackers, and legitimate but intrusive companies, such as ISPs or hotels that inject ads into pages.
HTTPS protects the privacy and security of your users
HTTPS prevents intruders from being able to passively listen in on the communications between your websites and your users.
You'll want to make sure that internal links on your site are never explicitly using HTTPS, so look into setting <base href="https://{yourDomain}" > in your layout files to force all relative URLs to use HTTPS.
I've been having the same problem and this fixed it.
On Server2008, in IIS Manager, open up the ASP properties, expand "session properties", and change "New ID On Secure Connection" to "false".
A couple suggestions:
Easy one first: this may not be the right direction, but what happens if, instead of using CGI.HTTPS, you use CGI.SERVER_PORT_SECURE?
If CF is overwriting the session when you switch from https to http, why not just handle this on the front end with the web server rather than through CF? IIS and Apache all have easy rewrites or redirects that may save you some time over trying to deal with CF, particularly if your whole application is secure anyway.
It seems that the check for user being logged in is before the http to https check and redirect. If possible you should check for https first (redirect if is http) then check for logged in.

Selenium IDE: How to detect secure cookies on page loaded with http://?

I am using Firefox 22 and Selenium IDE 2.2.0.
I have loaded a page in firefox using the HTTP protocol (not HTTPS). I know for sure that the page has set a secure cookie (as a result of an embedded AJAX request). I can verify this using the browser internal url chrome://web-developer/content/generated/view-cookie-information.html - because among other cookies that page shows a cookie like this:
Value 5122759%2cDKppXa7BAqnZ0ERDLb0Wee%2bXqUk%3d
Host .testserver.dk
Path /
Expires At end of session
Secure Yes
HttpOnly No
However, when I run assertCookie in the Selenium IDE I can only see the unsecure cookies. I.e. all cookies - except then one above - are detected by Selenium IDE:
Executing: |assertCookie | glob:WC_AUTHENTICATION_* | | yields this set of visible cookies:
[error] Actual value 'JSESSIONID=0000uCQdh2FZ0ZA8z-O5zcGoUtD:-1;
WC_ACTIVEPOINTER=%2d100%2c10201; WC_USERACTIVITY_5122827=5122827%2c10201%2cnull%2cnull%2cnull%2cnull%2cnull%2cnull%2cnull%2cnull%2cy6bjcrZgvCVe5c52BBKvcItxyF5lLravpDq9rd9I0ZmRfRNxcC2oG13Eyug3kKgbtLOHVLxm9T76%0d%0a%2fGJFLp5bOrkPoNqmc38TIr%2fO7eU%2fbd7Mfny2kQg7v6xGweYoRkXYgAEz91rH0QavFhlOjpd12A%3d%3d;'
did not match 'glob:WC_AUTHENTICATION_*'
So does anyone know how can I use the Selenium IDE to verify the presence of secure cookies on a page loaded with http:// (not https://) ?
Sadly, what you are doing is breaking the specifications. A secure cookie is suppose to be only available if the connection is secure. Hence, if you are connecting with HTTP, you can't see it.
However, if this is just on your test machine (not your end user), you can modify the response from the server using Fiddler. With Fiddler, you can program something like, if you see this cookie, add another cookie, or strip the secure flag.
Some background information about Selenium and cookies:
Selenium works through the browser with JavaScript as part of the page. Because it is essentially a part of the page, it has to follow all the same rules as the page. This means that it still has to abide by the security rules on cookies. A secure only cookie can only be read on a secure connection, thus Selenium cannot read a secure cookie if it's not on a secure connection.
The place where HTTP request comes in is that cookies are a part of the HTTP header. Both the request (from the browser) and the response (from the server) have an HTTP header. Cookies are present in both.
You want to verify if the server has set the cookie, so you want to inspect the HTTP response from the server for the presence of the cookie. Because of security restrictions, however, you cannot from Selenium. These security restrictions are enforced by the browser. All reputable browsers enforce these policies, since without these policies, the end user's credentials will be easily compromised.
This is where Fiddler comes in. Fiddler inspects the HTTP data at a lower level, before the browser gets to it. Thus, you can use Fiddler to manipulate the data before it gets to the browser to give some kind of indication that the cookie was present.

Cookie set by asynchronous HTTPS request not showing up

I have a website that uses asynchronous http requests (ajax, to use the common misnomer) for performing login and registration. The authentication cookie is set by the asynchronous request and it all works great.
I recently locked down the registration and login actions to require https. Everything appears to work, except that the authentication cookie returned isn't functioning properly and the user doesn't actually get logged in.
In Chrome, in the development tools, under resources, it doesn't show any cookies having been created. If I go to the Chrome settings and view all the cookies, I can see that a cookie has been created. Perhaps it's encrypted and not readable?
So, to summarize:
The initial page is loaded using normal HTTP
The Login action is an asynchronous HTTPS request
The authentication cookie returned by the HTTPS request doesn't seem to be working
How do I get this to work?
A couple things I should note:
This is not a CORS issue.
I am aware of the potential man-in-the-middle attack. This website does not house sensitive data. I'm attempting to do something very similar (if not exactly the same) to what reddit is doing.
I managed to figure this out. Turns out that in the Http response, you need to set the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header to true. Also, you must set the withCredentials to true on the client-side http request.

Is a POST from HTTP to HTTPS secure?

I have a HTTP page with a form. If I set the action to a HTTPS page, is the request secure? Does the browser process all the data before it sends it to the net? Or should I use HTTPS for my entire site?
Yes, it'll be secure if the location your form is posting to is HTTPS.
Users, however, may freak out that there's no lock icon in their browser on the page with the form. You may be better off from a usability standpoint having both pages be HTTPS.
No. Troy Hunt identifies a simple man-in-the-middle attack that shows that posting from HTTP to HTTPS is by no means secure. With the proliferation of free WiFi this attack would be very simple to execute.
Yes. As long as the request that needs to be secure is https, you're good.
That being said, many key sites, including gmail, have stopped bothering carving off small sections of their site to be https and just made their whole site https. It's easier and safer, and you lose little in the way of performance.
Dont do it!
Consider a MITM attack where an attacker sitting on the wire somewhere between the server and client modifies the login form before it reaches the client. The login form now includes a keylogger or points the POST action to a phishing page instead of the authentic server. There is no warning or UI cue for the end-user, so they go ahead and submit the form.
Consider a MITM attack that involves the attacker deploying a "free Wifi" at a coffee shop (via a smartphone hotspot or whatever). When unsuspecting people use this "free Wifi" to login with an HTTP form, even though it does a POST to HTTPS, the attacker can see the user's plaintext credentials by analyzing their hotspot network traffic.
TLS and SSL in the real world
SSL Strip
Your login form posts to HTTPS, but you blew it when you loaded it over HTTP
Is it secure to submit from a HTTP form to HTTPS?
The actual data transfer from your form to the server is encrypted when posting over HTTPS. If that is what you mean by secure, then yes, it is secure.
I think what you are getting at in your question is, what about client-side stuff reading the form prior to post. That is certainly possible, HTTPS or not.
On another note though, you should probably use HTTPS for the actual form. Some browsers warn users as their posts are redirected over the HTTP/HTTPS boundary. Plus, I don't think your users will be happy filling out a form where there is no secure icon showing.
If you set action to HTTPS this will indeed be secure. Before anything can happen over HTTPS a handshake has to occur, and the browser sending the data will have to do this when the action occurs.

Login/session cookies, Ajax and security

I'm trying to determine the most secure method for an ajax based login form to authenticate and set a client side cookie. I've seen things about XSS attacks such as this:
How do HttpOnly cookies work with AJAX requests?
So, I guess my core questions are...
1) Is using pure ajax to set cookies secure, if so, what is the most secure method (httpOnly + SSL + encrypted values, etc.)?
2) Does a pure ajax method involve setting the cookie client side? Is this at all secure?
3) Is setting cookies this way reliable across all major browsers/OSs?
4) Would using a hidden IFrame be any more secure (calling a web page to set the cookies)?
5) If possible, does anybody have code for this (PHP is my backend)?
My goal is to set the cookies and have them available for the next call to the server without navigating away from the page.
I really want to nail down the consensus, most secure way to do this. Eventually, this code is planned to be made Open Source, so please no commercial code (or nothing that wouldn't stand up to public scrutiny)
The cookie needs to be generated server-side because the session binds the client to the server, and therefore the token exchange must go from server to client at some stage. It would not really be useful to generate the cookie client-side, because the client is the untrusted remote machine.
It is possible to have the cookie set during an AJAX call. To the server (and the network) an AJAX call is simply an HTTP call, and any HTTP response by the server can set a cookie. So yes, it is possible to initiate a session in response to an AJAX call, and the cookie will be stored by the client as normal.
So, you can use AJAX to do the logging in process in the same was as you could have just relied on a POST from a form on the page. The server will see them the same way, and if the server sets a cookie the browser will store it.
Basically, client-side Javascript never needs to be able to know the value of the cookie (and it is better for security if it doesn't, which can be achieved using the "httponly" cookie extension honored by recent browsers). Note that further HTTP calls from the client to the server, whether they are normal page requests or they are AJAX requests, will include that cookie automatically, even if it's marked httponly and the browser honors that extension. Your script does not need to be 'aware' of the cookie.
You mentioned using HTTPS (HTTP over SSL) - that prevents others from being able to read information in transit or impersonate the server, so it's very handy for preventing plain text transmission of the password or other important information. It can also help guard against network based attacks, though it does not make you immune to everything that CSRF can throw you, and it does not at all protect you against the likes of session fixation or XSS. So I would avoid thinking of HTTPS as a fix-all if you use it: you still need to be vigilant about cross-site scripting and cross-site request forgery.
(see 1. I sort of combined them)
Given that the cookie is set by the server in its HTTP response headers, yes it is reliable. However, to make it cross-browser compatible you still need to ensure logging in is possible when AJAX is unavailable. This may require implementing an alternative that is seen only when there is no Javascript or if AJAX isn't available. (Note: now in 2014, you don't need to worry about browser support for AJAX anymore).
It would not change the security. There would be no need for it, except that I have seen hidden iframes used before to 'simulate' AJAX before - ie make asyncronous calls to the server. Basically, however you do it doesn't matter, it's the server setting the cookie, and the client will accept and return the cookie whether it does it by AJAX or not.
For the most part, whether you use AJAX or not does not affect the security all that much as all the real security happens on the server side, and to the server an AJAX call is just like a non-AJAX call: not to be trusted. Therefore you'll need to be aware of issues such as session fixation and login CSRF as well as issues affecting the session as a whole like CSRF and XSS just as much as you would if you were using no AJAX. The issues don't really change when using AJAX except, except, I guess, that you may make more mistakes with a technology if you're less familiar with it or it's more complicated.
Answer updated September 2014
