What is the minimum graphics card requirements for Wp 7 emulator? - visual-studio-2010

I have a core2duo desktop computer with 256 mb of graphics card & 2GHz cpu. But wp7 emulator is not running when I start debugging my application. Kindly tell me what are the emulator's graphics card requirements except of those mention on MSDN.

ALL the requirements of the emulator are specified on MSDN at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff626524(v=vs.92).aspx
If you think your machiine meets all the requirements but it's still not working it may be a driver issue or your processor may not support HAV.


Got Android Studio installation error

I am kinda new to Android Studio & stuff. So today, I was installing the Android Studio with the SDK Manager. All was going smooth until an error came up which says:
Unable to install Intel HAXM
Your CPU does not support required features (VT-x or SVM).
Unfortunately, your computer does not support hardware accelerated virtualization.
Here are some of your options:
Use a physical device for testing
Develop on a Windows/OSX computer with an Intel processor that
supports VT-x and NX
Develop on a Linux computer that supports VT-x or SVM
Use an Android Virtual Device based on an ARM system image (This
is 10x slower than hardware accelerated virtualization)
I've attached a pic of my system specs. Can someone please throw some light on this issue?
It is because you had not intialize virtual technology in your device.You Need to go in BOOT Option before starting WINDOWS OS and enable VT-x from there>
The option of enabling Virtual technology is putted in different option depends on device manufacturer
Edit: Android Studio emulator won't run on Windows with an AMD processor. The error message is kind of misleading, as it suggests the problem is with your CPU. But it is within the troubleshoot message: "Windows/OSX computer with an Intel processor". Basicallly, that means it is not going to work properly in your current setup. Either try installing Linux and running Android Studio on that (which might come with its own issues), using a physical device for testing or use the slow ARM images.
You are using an AMD processor. SVM is AMD technology and VT-x is Intel technology. So you won't be able to get VT-x to run, but SVM might be possible.
As another poster had suggested, virtualization may have been disabled in the BIOS. There may be an option to enable virtualization. It does however seem to happen that virtualization is activated in the BIOS and Android-Studio does not recognize that. I have not figured out how to fix that either.
You could use the emulator with an ARM image, which will be very slow. Alternatively, you could use another emulator that is not integrated into Android-Studio.

Can I still manage to develop on Windows Phone even with limited hardware on a development machine?

I have been long interested to develop on the platform. I even got the tools installed already on my desktop but I can't upgrade my WDDM from 1.0 to 1.1. To make things simple: my graphics chips are not up to the task of running the emulator.
If I still buy a Windows Phone (e.g. a Nokia Lumia) for development purposes, can I sideload and test my apps there efficiently instead of going against the emulator?
If I still buy a Windows Phone (e.g. a Nokia Lumia) for development purposes, can I sideload and test my apps there efficiently instead of going against the emulator
Yes, of course. It's very easy and convenient. You have debugger and all the goodies. Advantage of the emulator is the test option for 256MB devices.
That's exactly what I used to do prior to upgrading my devstation. The nominal min spec says 3G but with a real phone it worked fine in 2G and as you say this also sorts out graphics limitations.
Note that the setting for whether the emulator or physical device is used is stored in the project, so if you accept a project from someone else you will have to set it once prior to debugging.
Well there are 2 sides of the coin. With the physical device you can test most of the things, but with a few limitations
You will not be able to test internet related test cases - For example, if you have an app which uses internet connectivity then you will not be able to test it on the device easily because
The device does not use the machine internet connectivity
When connected to the PC the device's internet connectivity(Data connection 3G/ wifi/GPRS) is broken.
You will have to purchase an account right from the first day you want to test your app. If you have the emulator working then you could postpone this for atleast few days.

What graphics cards can I use for Windows 7 Phone development?

I downloaded the new SDK (7.1) for Windows Phone 7 development. When I try to run a Silverlight application I get a message telling me my graphics card isn't supported so the experience is downgraded. I can't run XNA programs at all.
I have a GeForce 6600 family card, which I thought would be good enough but I guess not. Can anyone tell me some graphics cards that are suitable that are also inexpensive and will support dual monitors at 1920*1280?
The Windows Phone Emulator requires a DirectX 10 or later graphics card with WDDM 1.1 driver. AFAIK the latest certified drivers (certainly for Windows 7) for the GeForce 6600 family of graphics cards fit these requirements, so you may just need to update your drivers.
Did you have the newest graphic card drivers installed? I can run XNA games (tested with a Windows phone) on a Intel onboard graphics (Intel HD3200 I think).
If the driver doesn't help choose from a current card or the previous generation. How much many do you want to spend?

XNA Windows Phone Simulator on 'Mac-Windows' vs. regular Windows

I installed my .net stuff recently on a Mac, i.e. preinstalled a version of Windows 7 before using Bootcamp. Does anyone have an explanation, why the Windows Phone 7 Simulator is so slow, compared to a Simulator installed on a 'regular' Windows system when deploying a target onto it?
Performance overhead might be caused because of the non-nativity of the hardware platform you are running it on. The emulator itself has a set of requirements - if these aren't met then you should expect serious drops in performance and stability (in case it starts).
When you're comparing the performance "Regular Windows", do you mean on another machine (PC)? If so, it could be down to hardware differences - (Graphics card, processor speed, less RAM, slower hard disk).
It could also be down to drivers - I don't know much about the Mac hardware, but it's possible Windows drivers aren't as good for hardware that's more commonly used by Macs.

Windows Phone 7 Emulator runs in slow mode... even tho my system supports VT

Windows Phone 7 Emulator runs in slow mode... even tho my system supports VT
I just updated my Sony Vaio FW21E's bios update, now VT is enabled, but emulator still runs in same old slow mode.
How can I run the emulator in VT mode.
Please advise.
Make sure your system meets the requirements laid out here.
Setup and System Requirements for Windows Phone Emulator
In particular, verify your gpu is being recognised by the emualtor by checking the frame rate counters are visible.
This will not happen if your display driver is not WDDM1.1 compliant and minimum Directx 10.
I also recommend trying a Win7 install on a spare hard disk if you're running Vista. This consistently produces positive results when problems of this nature are reported on hardware compliant systems.
I had this issue on my Mac running bootcamp. I read in some forum what appeared to be the weirdest solution ever.
If I had Netflix open, streaming a movie, my emulator would work perfectly. When I did not, it would just be the slowest thing.
I read somewhere that could be related to drivers and hardware acceleration. So Windows Phone was not 'hardcore' enough to trigger turning on the acceleration on the video card but when you had the streaming ON it was using it, making it fast.
You might try that out... I know it sounds dumb but it worked for me.
The HD3450 should be ok as its a DirectX 10 card I beleive
As said above the card needs to be WDDM1.1
you can check this by running 'dxdiag' in the run or search box in vista. go to 'Display 1' (or just Dispaly) tab, and on the right there will be DDI Version - should be 10, and Driver Model - should be WDDM 1.1.
If its not compliant with WDDM1.1/DX10, it will work ok but you wont get things like aminmations on page transitions etc.
