How to click on anchor <a> tag from Canoo webtest? - xpath

Our team replaced a submit button with the following anchor tag:
<a class="l-btn" onclick="onFormSubmit(this.form)" Style="width: 80px; text-align:center;">
<span class="l-btn-left">
<span class="l-btn-text">Save</span>
I retrieved xpath from XPather, and tried to use from canoo webtest to click on it, but received "failed: Link not found".
Does anyone know how to simulate click on the above?

<clickLink xpath="//a[#class='l-btn']" description="Click first a tag with class l-btn" />
See clickLink documentation

clickLink xpath="//a[contains(#onclick,'onFormSubmit')]
description="click link with onclick property that contain the word
will look for the link with xpath property onclick that contain a value 'onFormSubmit'


Changing the onclick URL on Tumblr photosets

I have a tumblr blog embedded into my website (iframe) and want all clicks to open in a new tab to land on the post detail url (e.g. I already adapted the template to get this working for most post types by exchanging the respective href variable with "{PostID}" and add target="_blank". However, I can't get this to work for the pictureset. Does anyone know how this might work?
Help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks & best,
You can edit your template so the photoset gets output into a normal div (I think the default is to load photosets inside an iframe themselves, which could be causing you issues.
This is the block from my tumblr template:
<li class="post photoset">
<img src="{PhotoURL-500}" {block:HighRes}style="display:none"{/block:HighRes} />
<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" class="highres" />
<div class="description">{Caption}</div>
<span class="icon-link ion-ios-infinite-outline"></span>
In any case you could wrap the entire block in the Permalink href. Something like:
<li class="post photoset">
<a href="{Permalink}"> // this permalink href now wraps the entire content of the post.
<img src="{PhotoURL-500}" {block:HighRes}style="display:none"{/block:HighRes} />
<img src="{PhotoURL-HighRes}" class="highres" />
<div class="description">{Caption}</div>
The issue now is that the default click links for the images inside this post (if they exist) will no longer function normally.
It is difficult to test this without the link to your site, but I think updating your tumblr template first should hopefully give you the result you are after, but of course I would recommend a backing up your code.

Click on a element with specific text

Alright, I have a item which has this class class="country" and there are 12 elements with the same class. Now I want to get a element on its value. For example Italy. And now I want to click on a link in this item. The class of the link is class="link". So basically I want to click the link of the item with the name Italy
My code at the moment:
cy.get('.country').should('have.text', 'Italy').click();
<div class="countries">
<div class="text">
<div class="country">Italy</div>
<a class="link" href="/mysite">Show details</a>
Should() is an assertion and won't select the element you want.
you probably want the contains() function.

Xpath not found

When executing the test case, this error is shown:
Button with locator 'xpath=//*[#id="stBanner"]/div[2]/a[2]' not found.
The element doesnt't have an id, and I have to use Xpath, but it can't be found.
This is the code when I inspect the element:
<div class="stRight">
<span id="mobileSearchIcon" class="glyphicon glyphicon-search"></span>
<!-- Logged in --><!-- Logged out -->
<a class="user-sts-link" href=" uri=nm:oid:Z6_72A2IA80O0US40QOM4JF0F30O3">REGISTER</a>
<a class="user-sts-link" href="?uri=nm:oid:Z6_72A2IA80O0CSB0Q4ODDFDQ0081">LOGIN</a>
This is the xpath:
This is the testcase:
SeleniumLibrary.Open Browser #{tst3Url}[0] firefox
SeleniumLibrary.Click Button xpath=//*[#id="stBanner"]/div[2]/a[2]
Don't use the Click Button keyword - it is strictly for html elements of the <button> type.
Instead, use Click Element - your target element is an <a>, and with Click Elements the browser will execute the click on it.

How to use XPath extract text without Html tag?

<div id="info" class="">
<span class="pl"> author</span>:
<a class="" href="/search/author"Peter</a>
<span class="pl">publisher:</span> god cor<br/>
<span class="pl">year:</span> 2011-6<br/>
<span class="pl">page:</span> 360<br/>
<span class="pl">price:</span> 39.50<br/>
From the above HTML tags, i want to extract those numbers with XPath.How can i do that?
The XPath for each number is (in order as shown above) :
//*[#id="info"]/a/text()[2] --> 2011-6
//*[#id="info"]/a/text()[3] -->360
//*[#id="info"]/a/text()[4] --> 39.5
You can know the XPath for any tag by just opening the html file in Chrome, right clicking on the view and choosing "inspect". When you find the tag you want, just right click on it and choose Copy-> Copy XPath.

Dynamic xpath using anchor tag

Can any please help me in finding the dynamic xapth?
I have tried with,
public WebElement lnk_FrndsSeeAll;
Here is the HTMl code,
<a class="pull-right see" href="friend#/friends/myfriends/friendsrequest">See all</a>
you can following xpath, which I'm taking using text in the anchor tag
//a[contains(text(),'See all')]
See all should be constant always, then only above xpath will work
It was working fine with beloew code,
<a class="pull-right see" href="friend#/friends/myfriends/friendsrequest">See all</a>
<a class="pull-right see" href="friend#/friends/myfriends/friendsrequest">See all</a>
