Write multiple files atomically - macos

Suppose I have a folder with a few files, images, texts, whatever, it only matters that there are multiple files and the folder is rather large (> 100 mb). Now I want to update five files in this folder, but I want to do this atomically, normally I would just create a temporary folder and write everything into it and if it succeeds, just replace the existing folder. But because I/O is expensive, I don't really want to go this way (resaving hundreds of files just to update five seems like a huge overhead). But how am I supposed to write these five files atomically? Note, I want the writing of all files to be atomic, not each file separately.

You could adapt your original solution:
Create a temporary folder full of hard links to the original files.
Save the five new files into the temporary folder.
Delete the original folder and move the folder of hard links in its place.
Creating a few links should be speedy, and it avoids rewriting all the files.


How to arrange files in different folders with copies of these files with the same name?

I have files located in different folders, but with the help of one program I took files from all these folders, but leaving copies of the files.
having worked with the files, now I want to put the files back, but there is a problem, it will take a very long time to arrange the files in folders.
so I'm looking for a way to arrange files quickly
since we have copies of files that have the same names, I would like to simply replace them by similarity of names.

Need to compress JPEGs in bulk inside folders and subfolders and clean up the original files

I have a main folder, filled with 30 subfolders, each of them containing 13 sub folders filled with jpeg images.
Their size is too big for uploading and distributing through links, so I need to bulk compress them, maintaining the folder structure. Is there any way to do this? Probably using a batch or whatever
I ended up using a software called Caesium. It did what I needed without any complications.
I downloaded from this link
Thanks for the answers

Checksum File Comparison Tool

So I am looking for a tool that can compare files in folders based on checksums (this is common, not hard to find); however, my use-case is that the files can exist in pretty deep folder paths that can change, I am expected to compare them every few months and ONLY create a package of the different files. I don't care what folders the files are in, the same file can move between folders regularly and files wouldn't change names much, only content (so checksums are a must).
My issue is that almost all of the tools I can find do care about the folder paths when they compare folders, I don't and I actually want it to ignore the folder paths. I rather not develop anything or at least only have to develop a small part of the process to save time.
To be clear the order I am looking for things to happen are:
Program scans directory from 1/1/2020 (A).
Program scans directory from 4/1/2020 (B)
Finds all files where checksum in B don't exist in A and make a new folder with differences (C).
Any ideas?

Fast deletion of files in a Setup project

I am maintaining a Setup project under VS2008. The project contains thousands of files arranged in a hierachy of folders.
Every now and then, I want to renew part of this hierarchy, which means deleting a number of nodes and reinserting the new content. I need to do that because some of the files are obsolete and need to be removed. It is much safer to delete all than to chase the obsolete files away.
Unfortunately, this is a very tedious task because you can't delete empty folders and you have to delete every node in the hierarchy one by one. In addition, for a large project, every deletion takes seconds.
Do you know of a way to speed-up or automate that task ? Merely erasing lines in the .vdproj file doesn't seem to work.
If you do not feel too queasy about it.... This is worth the effort if changes are frequent.
The .vcproj file is in xml format. You could use explorer to manage your files, and write a small utility that checks and removes the (then) missing files from your project. The files are marked with tags, as in
You have to remove the entire "File" tag, that's 3 lines, or more, if the file has special compilation options, etc.. up to and including the "/File" tag. In addition, you will want to delete the .suo, .ncb and .cache files
It's too bad that boost.property_tree xml does not support any encoding other than UTF-8, as I would suggest you use that to recursively walk the vcproj file. This would make the utility very easy to write, and ensure the resulting file is correct. Maybe you can use the encoding capabilities of notepad++ to manually change the encoding of the file before and after changes.

Should I write a temp file to a temp dir? or write a temp file to the final directory?

When an application saves a file, a typical model is to save the file to a temporary location, then move the temporary file to the final location. In some cases that "move" becomes "replace". In pseudo code:
Save temp file;
if final file exists
delete final file;
move temp file to final filename;
There's a window in there where the delete might succeed, but the move may not, so you can handle that by something like :
Save temp file;
if final file exists
move final file to parking lot
move temp file to final filename;
if move succeeded
delete previous final file.
restore previous final file.
Now to my questions:
is it preferred to save the temporary file to a temporary directory, and then move it, as opposed to saving the temporary file to the final directory? (if so, why?)
Is there a difference in attributes and permissions on a file that is first saved to a temp dir, then moved to the final file in a different directory, as compared to a file that is saved to a temp file in the final directory, and then renamed within the directory?
If the answers to both are YES, then how can I do the preferred thing while getting the appropriate ACL on file which was first saved to a temporary directory and then moved to a final directory?
Create a temp file in the temp folder if it is just a temporary file. Otherwise, create it in its final destination.
1) This may not work if the final destination is a 'pickup' folder (unless the 'pickup' process checks for locked files (which it should))
2) The final destination has special permissions that have to be created in code and applied before being able to move to the final destination.
Microsoft Word saves a temp file to the original directory starting with a tilde (~). I would just follow that convention.
If these are temp files that turn into permanent files, create them in the same location to avoid any risk of having to "move" files across disks/partitions, which will result in more I/O (as a copy followed by a delete).
If these are temp files that are truly temporary, create (and leave them) in the temp dir.
A reason why you might want to never write a file to one directory and move it to another is because those directories might be on different filesystems. Although this is less often a problem on windows, it is still reasonably possible so long as the parent filesystem is ntfs. In unix, it is a standard practice for /tmp to be a different filesystem.
The reason this could be a problem is because that means the file has to be copied from one place to another. This significantly impacts performance for files of substantial size, and will certainly require many more seeks, even if the file is small. Additionally, there are many more ways for this to fail when moving a file across filesystem boundaries. Of coursea access permissions could be different, but also the target filesystem could be full, or any number of other additional complications that you are now deferring until much later.
It is preferable to create a temp file using the GetTempFile routines because this creates temp files in predefined locations (e.g. C:\temp) that utilities can delete if your app crashes or makes corrupt files in. If the same thing happens in your final directory, it is unrecoverable.
Yes, attributes could be different if the target file's attributes or ACL has been edited. This could happen even if you create the temp file in the same folder.
You fix this by using the File.Replace routine, which performs an atomic replacement of one file with another, replacing the new file's attributes and ACLs with the old file's.
A C# method that does this is an answer to Safe stream update of file.
I prefer saving the temporary file to the final directory:
It avoids the potential permission problems that you've described.
The final directory might be on a different volume, in which case the move (of the temporary to the final file) is really a copy + delete -- which incurs a lot of overhead if you do it often or if the file is big.
You can always rename the existing file to a second temporary file, rename the new temporary file to the existing file's name, and rollback on error. That seems to me to be the safest combination.
EDITED: I see that your "parking lot" already described my suggestion, so I'm not sure I've added much here.
1 . Yes, it is preferred to save to a temporary file first
Because the final file will never be in a corrupt state should the creation of the file fails for any reason. If you write directly to the final file and your program crashed mid-way... it will definitely leave the final file in an invalid state.
2 . Yes
The "inherited" attributes and permissions will of course, be different. But temporary directories on most systems usually are pre-configured for all applications to use. The "final file" directory might, however, need to be configured. Say the "Program Files" folder and Vista UAC, for example.
3 . Copy ACL from the final file to the temp file prior to replacing?
By default Android places .tmp as the suffix when the suffix param is set to null in File.createTempFile(). I would suggest you just use that.
File file = File.createTempFile(imageFileName, null, storageDir);
You should call file.delete() yourself as soon as you're done with your .tmp file in your app. You shouldn't depend on file.deleteOnExit() since there's absolutely no guarantee it'll be used by the Android system/VM.
Why not make it user configurable? Some users don't like temp files polluting their current directory.
