joomla shows all empty articles - joomla

Joomla is showing all empty articles, I have no idea why. Categories and front page works fine, but completely empty articles. How can I fix this? Website is
It has K2 installed, but it worked fine with it.

I found the problem. One unclosed tag in template. K2 template is not showing any error.


jekyll category posts not rendering

i've had my personal site running on jekyll for a long while, but i recently noticed my photography page no longer renders live. i got a new laptop not too long ago and re-installed jekyll, so i suspect it has something to do with jekyll versions/some updated syntax i'm now using incorrectly, as it was working fine before that.
the photo page is setup to display previews of all the posts in the 'photo' category, and the user can then click through to get the full story. looking at the rendered source code and inspecting the elements, this category function is not rendering at all, and no content besides the header & footer is being displayed.
i've been trying to figure out the issue all morning, any help would be greatly appreciated. thank you!
This post has the same permalink (/photo) as your page.
Suppressing the post makes it work.
Another way is to have a page photo.html (like your journal.html). You can have /photo.html for your category and /photo for your post.

404 error after removing id from url in joomla

Hello i need some help to solve a problem.
I have a joomla site 3.3.3 version and i removed the id's from url according to this.[][1]
Everything works ok.When i created an Articles-Newsflash (advanced) module and assign articles to it,by clicking the link title it give's me 404 error page.
When i go to the admin area and turn Sef Advanced Mode to no everything works!
I can't figure out what i'm missing.
Thank's in advance for any help!!
P.S.Its a multilingual site.
This happens when you have articles with the same aliases, even trashed articles. Check your trash for deleted articles and completely trash them.
By the way, we created an exhaustive guide, and it is available here:
There is also a way, described in the guide, of doing this whole thing without modifying a core file.

Joomla 1.7 - can't find Meta Titles

we moved a site for a client a while back that someone else created. Its running on Joomla 1.7.
We want to do some light SEO work for them but I can't for the life of me find the Meta/SEO title field anywhere.
All the support posts I've looked at say its here or there but for me its not. It seems to be know where! In the meta options section when editing an artcile there is a description and keyword field but no title.
Some help would be appreciated. This client can't justify a new website.
we ended up upgrading this install to 2.5, still couldn't edit the meta titles anywhere. So I installed a plugin which gave me the title field but it had no effect! Can only assume the theme hasn't been put together properly. The conclusion is that its now quicker for us to just move them to WordPress where stuff works properly! :)
I'm working more with Wordpress than Joomla, but I think that you should download an extension if you want to have a meta-title in the pages. For the home page you can change it from Menu - Main menu - Home.

Joomla Alias Redirects to the Wrong Page

I have a weird issue where when I create a new article in Joomla, no matter what it's called and visit it, it shows content from a completely different page (consistently the same page). In the content that shows, if I click on the title which is hyperlinked to it's own page, it goes to a different URL with the same content.
The aliases aren't the same on any of the pages and the content that shows is from a completely different article. I don't see any redirects on the site and there are a bunch of other articles that have been on the site for a while now that work fine.
Any ideas on where to look?
There are several reasons for this problem:
sh404SEF gone mad (Here's an example of the myriad of problems we had with this extensions: ) if you have it installed.
Weird redirects in the .htaccess file (have you checked it thoroughly?)
Issues with your template
An unstable SEF plugin installed on your website (other than sh404SEF )

Template issue - Halogy

I have just installed Halogy on my MAMP localhost. I've followed the instructions here to set up all my folders and this is working fine. Dashboard looks good. However, my default template is empty. And, no matter what I put in it, after editing and saving - the markup is still empty. So I cannot get any editable fields in my pages whatsoever. When I edit my page content its just empty. I have also tried creating a new template and applying that to a new page. Same results. I am scratching my head here. Does anyone have any ideas as to what's gone wrong?
I could help you, since I've been working exclusively with and extending Halogy for about 8 months now. But, I need more details, since this behavior could be attributable to any number of issues. For example, what does the page source look like? Also, please note that, if you're not logged into Halogy, unpublished pages will not appear. However, your default home page should be visible. Have you searched the Halogy forum and/or posted your question there?
