Action parameters & Doctrine entities in Symfony 2 - model-view-controller

We're running a project built on top of Zend Framework 1.x, and are considering moving to Symfony 2. We have a domain model mapped with Doctrine 2.
Our (custom built) base controller class extends Zend_Controller_Action to provide a very convenient feature, inspired from Flow3:
Let's say I have this controller:
class UserController extends BaseController
public function editAction(User $user)
// ...
If I load this URL:
The base controller will automatically load the User entity with identity 123, and pass it as a parameter to the editAction() method.
If the user parameter is omitted, or if no User with this identity exists, an exception is thrown.
Is there such an implementation for Symfony 2, or is it possible to implement it, and how?

The #ParamConverter annotation from SensioFrameworkExtraBundle does exactly that. If you're using the Symfony Standard distribution, you get it out of the box.


Need Laravel Route::controller and Route::controllers

As we know in Laravel 5.2 Route::controller() and Route::controllers() method was deprecated but it was very handy for reducing the number of routes. I was able to write simple route like this Route::controller('admin/invoice','InvoiceController'). With this simple one route, I can manage all things related to making invoice related work by a controller.
class InvoiceController extends Controller{
public function getInvoices(){ }
public function getInvoiceDetails(){ }
public function postStoreInvoice(){ }
public function postUpdateInvoice(){ }
public function postStoreInvoiceDetails(){ }
public function postupdateInvoiceDetails(){ }
public function postDeleteInvoice(){ }
public function postDeleteInvoiceDetails(){ }
but unfortunately this Route::controller() and Route::controllers() no longer available laravel version > 5.1. An option available Route::resource() but it has a limited number of the route. The laravel route is Macroable, there is an option to extend the route features like
Illuminate\Routing\Router::macro('controller', function ($routes) {
// implementation
Is there anyone who implements Route::controller() and Route::controllers() method for Laravel 5.8, 6 ? or suggest any way.
You can use Route::resource() or Route::resources().
Route::resource('books', 'BookController');
this will assumes you have
class BookController extends Controller {
// to list resources.
public function index();
// to show create form.
public function create();
// to store resource in database.
public function store();
// to show single resource.
public function show();
// to show edit form.
public function edit();
// to edit and then store the modified resource in database.
public function update();
// to delete a resource from database.
public function destroy();
You should read for more information.
Implicit controllers was removed in version 5.2 for some reason.
If you come from the CodeIgniter world, then you may have warm and fuzzy
feelings for implicit routing. You know, where the URI matches up to
the controller method that will be called. You might even want this
for your Laravel development (which Laravel can do).
Though it might seem useful at first to simply call
Route::controller('admin', 'AdminController') and then declare all of
your desired routes from the controller, there are a number of
setbacks to this. Think about how you would, when using implicit routing,
leverage named routes, or create nested resources, or even do
something as simple as rename your controller class without affecting
your URI design.
No, when it comes to implicit routing, just say no.
However if you want this functionality you can use this package:
Laravel Routes Publisher or Laravel Advanced Route

Laravel - Share data with all views when the data is available

I'm writing a web app using Laravel 5.6. I need a list of all the connections the current session user have, in all the views.
I tried something like this
View::share('connections', Connection::getList(Auth::id()))
I put this code inside the boot function of AppServiceProvider. But the problem arises when the user isn't already logged in, because at that time Auth::id() is set to null.
The connection list is not generated when the user logs in. This throws the following error:
connections variable is not defined.
This target can achieve through different method,
1. Using BaseController
The way I like to set things up, I make a BaseController class that extends Laravel’s own Controller, and set up various global things there. All other controllers then extend from BaseController rather than Laravel’s Controller.
class BaseController extends Controller
public function __construct()
//its just a dummy data object.
$user = User::all();
// Sharing is caring
View::share('user', $user);
2. Using Filter
If you know for a fact that you want something set up for views on every request throughout the entire application, you can also do it via a filter that runs before the request — this is how I deal with the User object in Laravel.
// Set up global user object for views
View::share('user', User::all());
You can define your own filter
Route::filter('user-filter', function() {
View::share('user', User::all());
and call it through simple filter calling.
Update According to Version 5.*
3. Using View Composer
View Composer also help to bind specific data to view in different ways. You can directly bind variable to specific view or to all views. For Example you can create your own directory to store your view composer file according to requirement. and these view composer file through Service provide interact with view.
View composer method can use different way, First example can look alike:
You could create an App\Http\ViewComposers directory.
Service Provider
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class ViewComposerServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function boot() {
After that, add this provider to config/app.php under "providers" section.
namespace App\Http\ViewComposers;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
class TestViewComposer {
public function compose(View $view) {
$view->with('ViewComposerTestVariable', "Calling with View Composer Provider");
Here you are... {{$ViewComposerTestVariable}}
This method could help for only specific View. But if you want trigger ViewComposer to all views, we have to apply this single change to ServiceProvider.
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class ViewComposerServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function boot() {

As well to use controller inside another controller Laravel?

I have two entities: users, announcements
Eaach user can publish the announcements.
I creted controller AnnouncemetController, where there is method class: my(), that returns notes for current user.
Also I have controller ProfileController that represent current profile user, where I need to show all announcements of user.
For this I tried to reuse controller AnnouncemetController inside ProfileController and call public method my().
use App\Http\Controllers\AnnouncementController;
class ProfileController extends Controller
$my = new AnnouncementController();
Is it well to use such?
A Laravel controller maps a uri to an action. In your example, you are using a controller to access data, so this is not the "right thing to do".
Instead use model methods to access the data.

MVC6 controllers for related entities

I want to provide access to a legacy database to customers via a REST API using ASP.NET 5 / MVC6.
There seem to be many examples for writing controllers for single entities but what I don't find is some guideline on how to write controllers for related entities.
In my domain model there are f.e. two entity classes:
and each device can have 1..N measuring points.
I want my controllers to have only Get actions, that is, the API is read-only.
For the Device entity I would use
public class DevicesController : Controller
// GET: api/devices
public IEnumerable<Device> Get()
//retrieve all devices
The next step would usually be for a user to query all measuring points for a specific (selected) device.
How would I write that controller action?
What is the recommended routing and how would I set that up?
For the client side I found suggestions like:
get api/devices/{ID}/measuringPoints
but I have no idea how this is implemented.
You can use attribute routing to achieve what you want.
If you have enabled MVC in your Startup class using app.UseMvc(), then you already have support for routing via the RouteAttribute.
public class DevicesController : Controller {
// GET: api/devices
public IEnumerable<Device> Get() {...}
// GET: api/devices/5/measuringPoints
public IEnumerable<MeasuringPoint> GetMeasuringPoint(int id) {...}

How to Call a controller function in another Controller in Laravel 5

im using laravel 5.
I need to call a controller function but this should be done in another controller.
I dont know how to do this
public function examplefunction(){
And i have a Route for this function, so at
public function otherfunctioninothercontroller(){
// I need examplefunction here
how Can i do this?
1) First way
use App\Http\Controllers\OtherController;
class TestController extends Controller
public function index()
//Calling a method that is from the OtherController
$result = (new OtherController)->method();
2) Second way
Both way you can get another controller function.
If they are not in the same folder, place use namespace\to\ExampleClass; on top of your file, then you are able to instantiate your controller.
You can simply instantiate the controller and call the desired method as follows
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class FirstController extends Controller {
public function examplefunction() {
// TODO: implement functionality
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class SecondController extends Controller {
public function test() {
$object = new FirstController();
Now, after i've answered the question, i would like to add the following comment:
Controllers are classes, all rules that applies to normal classes can be applied to them
However, instantiating a controller directly inside another controller to call a desired method signifies a problem in your design for the following 2 reasons:
A controller cannot obtain an instance of another controller directly
Controller should contain as little business logic as possible, and if possible none
The closest possible solution to what you want (WITHOUT BREAKING MVC) is to make an HTTP request to the route that points to the desired method (using cURL, for example) and read the response as the returned data
But this still doesn't make much sense in this scenario because after all you're making an HTTP request from a method in a controller in your project on your server to a method in a controller in your project on your server, seems like unnecessary overhead, right ?
As i said earlier, a controller should contain as little business logic as possible because the logic should stay inside specialized classes (commonly known as Service Classes), and when a processing is requested the controller simply delegates the job of processing to the appropriate service class which does the processing and returns the results to the controller which in turn sends it back as a response
Now imagine if you've the following scenario:
We've got an application that consists of 3 functionalities:
A user can register an account from web application
There's a mobile application that talks to an API to register a user
There's an admin panel, which he can use to add new user
Obviously you need to create 3 controllers, but those controllers contains repeated logic, would you copy/paste the code everywhere ?
Why not encapsulate this logic inside a service class and call it from the controller when needed ?
Let's say I have Controller1 and Controller2. I want to call a function of Controller1 from inside a function placed in Controller2.
// Controller1.php
class Controller1 {
public static function f1()
And on the other controller:
// Controller2.php
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller1;
class Controller2 {
public function f2()
return Controller1::f1();
Points to be noted:
f1() is declared static
A call to a controller from inside another controller is a bad idea. There is no sense of meaning of controllers then. You should just redirect to web.php to save safe whole architecture like this:
class MyController {
public function aSwitchCaseFunction(Request $requestPrm){
//getting path string from request here
case CASE_1:
return redirect()->route('/a/route/path');
