MVC modular GUI components - ajax

I am trying to find the way to build complex web pages with MVC3 and AJAX.
I would like to use components to achieve this.
Each component is consisted of it's own model, view and controller.
Multiple components are then placed on some complex view and should act together to
provide desired behaviors.
In some situations, when user performs some action (interaction) with one of the components,
I must update other portions of the page via AJAX.
Component on which action (interaction) occurred, in it's implementation, does not assume anything about view on which it will be used and what portions of the pages should be updated and how.
So when some interaction occurs in some component, I need a mechanism (outside component itself) which will handle this situation and update appropriate parts of the page.
How would you, generally, implement such mechanism?

I would use the Mediator Pattern, also sometimes mistakenly referred to as the manager pattern.
This class would mediate the communication of your components.


Calling a Component from Ajax in CakePHP

I've been developing a web application in CakePHP 2.x that uses an Image cropping tool to manipulate an image. Currently it passes Ajax calls to handle the manipulation onto a function within the current Controller which then calls a Component which contains the main processing and functionality.
I'm currently going through and refactoring this section of the code and I was wondering if it's possible to directly call the Component from Ajax and whether or not it is a good idea or not as it would simplify a chunk of the code if possible.
Thoughts, opinions and tips are greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
I'm currently going through and refactoring this section of the code and I was wondering if it's possible to directly call the Component from Ajax and whether or not it is a good idea or not as it would simplify a chunk of the code if possible.
It's not a good idea because this is how components are thought to be used. A component is not thought to receive a request directly but to provide additional - reuseable functionality - to the controlller level in the MVC pattern.
Taken from the documentation:
Components are packages of logic that are shared between controllers. CakePHP comes with a fantastic set of core components you can use to aid in various common tasks. You can also create your own components. If you find yourself wanting to copy and paste things between controllers, you should consider creating your own component to contain the functionality. Creating components keeps controller code clean and allows you to reuse code between projects.

SPring MVC - Several Controllers

I am developing for learning purposes my very first "big" Spring MVC project. I am learning everything by myself (and of course, thanks to this amazing community).
What I am starting to wonder is... Is my design "correct/valid"? So far I am creating one Controller per View/Page specially because of the ModelAttributes (attached to the method).
Is that fine? Should I start doing it in some other way? Are there "offical" patterns in this matter?
To start, I assume you are creating a web project based on your use of ModelAttribute. You want to follow the MVC (Model, View, Controller) convention. The "Model" is the data you are manipulating. This data should be retrieved via a service layer. Then, your controller should call your service methods to get the data, making your controllers completely agnostic of your data. This is nice because you are free to change your data structure, e.g. migrating from MySQL to MongoDB, without worrying about changing your controller, all you need to change is your service layer. Also, this allows for controllers to use many different services in certain instances. Your controller receives requests from the client, e.g. the website user's page requests, GET/POST requests, etc., and performs some action, usually fetching/updating data via the service layer, and then returns a view. Each controller can take many requests, and can render many views. It is good practice to break up controllers by function. For example, if you had two different sections for your website, one for Admins, and one for Guests, then you may want to use one controller to process the Admin requests, and another to process the Guest requests. Each of these controllers can handle all requests from Admins/Guests accordingly. You may be a bit confused about controllers. Each method in a controller is bound to a single request/view, but a controller may have many such methods.
As you are learning, I would suggest exploring some client-side mvc frameworks like AngularJS. Angular allows very easy data binding and manipulation options, and makes it pretty easy to create RESTful web services.

Coldfusion, whats the advantage of front controller design over page controller?

I'm from a non-computing background and I'm struggling to getting my head around MVC design approaches and frameworks in general. I "get" code re-use, and separation of logic from display, and I "get" encapsulation and decoupling, but I don't get this.
At the moment I simply put everything in root, a separate subfolders for images, cfcs, and _includes, all database interaction via cfcs. I do all my processing at the top of the page, then a comment line then display/page layout below that.
Most of the frameworks I have looked at seem to favour a front controller, so my simplistic version of a top controller MVC design would be a subfolder for cfcs, controllers, and views and a big switch statement in index.cfm
<cfif not IsDefined("URL.event")>
<cflocation url="index.cfm?event=home" addtoken="No">
<cfswitch expression="#url.event#">
<cfcase value="home">
<cfinclude template="controllers/home.cfm"/>
<cfinclude template="views/home.cfm"/>
<cfcase value="about">
<cfinclude template="controllers/about.cfm"/>
<cfinclude template="views/about.cfm"/>
.. but what real advantage does that give me over a page controller design? Unless it's just the kind of sites I write, I always seem to find that the controller logic is specific to a view, its not like one controller could fit several views or several controllers could output to one view, so what would be the point of separating them?
The light hasn't come on for me yet, any pointers?
By "top" controller, I think you mean "front" controller, a single point of entry for requests into an application. As #bpanulla wrote, most ColdFusion frameworks use this design pattern. This becomes particularly interesting with URL rewriting, where it becomes easy to have search engine safe URLs by intercepting the a URL (e.g. domain.ext/i/am/friendly.ext) and routing it to some standard file such as index.cfm while making the requested URL a parameter (often as a request header). This also makes site redesigns where URLs change easier because it lends itself well to aliasing or redirects.
As far as controllers are concerned, they are usually tightly coupled to a particular URL or URL pattern. It's possible be more loosely coupled with controllers, but in practice I find that's an emergent property after multiple refactorings. What should be underlying the controller is one or more calls to a service layer that talks to the database, executes business process, creates stateful entities, etc... Then the controller receives the service layer's outputs and places them into whatever mechanism (e.g. an event object) is used to pass data to the view(s).
It's the service layer that's meant to be reusuable not the controllers. The controllers are merely an extension of whatever framework an application works within. The idea being that you should be able to switch frameworks with very little impact to the views and service layer. The piece that needs to be touched are the controllers.
So a given service object in a service layer should be able to service multiple controllers. For example, consider showing a logged in users' information as a widget on a site. There might be different pages served by different controllers, but each would call the same service object to get logged in user data that presumably might be given to the same view that renders the widget.
Update: Front Controller Advantages
Security: centralized authentication and authorization.
i18n & l10n: inject the right language pack into the request globally
Process Orchestration: think multi step checkout process for a shopping cart where you don't want the back and forward buttons to work - by routing everything through the front controller you're able to enforce what step (i.e. the state)
Logging & Tracking: easily add Google Analytics or other request tracking to a site by making the addition in just one place
Error Handling: centralized behavior
Now many of these items can also be done using <cferror> and Appplication.cfc, but I find it easier to have one centralized point.
Useful Links
You actually implemented the crux of Fusebox ( with what you wrote. There's nothing wrong with that, and most of the ColdFusion community used something similar to that for many years - Fusebox was the most-used CF framework (in my experience) until just a few years ago when ModelGlue, Mach-II and the other second generation CF frameworks came about.
One thing I can point out is that your approach to controllers (as .cfm files) actually does not enforce encapsulation in the typical OOD fashion, with specific arguments going to an object method call. Unless you are extremely dilligent, over time your .cfm controllers may wind up accumulated a large number of undocumented parameters that alter behavior to solve one problem or another.
With the various frameworks you also get nice features like Application, Session, and Request specific code (onApplicationStart, onRequestEnd, etc). But you can always get those through a simple Application.cfc.

Tips/tricks for architecting MVC in non-trivial desktop app

What are some lesser known tips for implementing a loosely-coupled MVC structure in a non-trivial desktop application (e.g. having at least two levels of views/controllers and more than one model)?
Use interfaces.
A lot. I like using the "IDoThisForYou" style (even in a language where this isn't idiomatic) because an interface represents a role that another class can use.
Make the controllers responsible for controlling interaction
The controllers control interaction between domain objects, services, etc.
Use events to pass information between controllers
Let every controller who needs information subscribe to the event. Use an interface.
Don't put presentation information on your domain objects
Instead, allow the controller to create a presenter or view model which has the information you need. This includes no "ToString()". If you're in a language without multiple inheritance you might end up with a bit of duplication between presenters. That's OK - duplication is better than coupling, and the UI changes a lot anyway.
Don't put logic in your gui
Instead, allow the controller to create a presenter or view mdoel which has the information you need. This includes train wrecks like "MyAnimal.Species.Name" - make it present "SpeciesName" instead.
Test it
Manually. There is no substitute. Unit and acceptance testing goes a long way, but there's nothing like bringing the app up and actually using the mess you wrote for finding out how messy it is. Don't pass it to the QAs without having a go yourself.
Oh, and don't mock out domain objects in unit tests. It's not worth it. Use a builder.
Declare event handlers in your interfaces (important for the views). This way you can loosely couple event handling which is managed by the controller. You may need to use the InvokeRequired when working with the view if your application is multi-threaded.

(MVC) Controller in shared library?

In MVC, do controllers belong with an application, or can they go into a shared library? For example:
//this is a shared library
//these are two apps
appA ->LibShared
appB ->LibShared
Shouldn't each app implement its own MVC and use any shared libraries as perhaps part of the app's logical model or simply another library reference (utilities)?
Also, is there ever a situation in which an MVC Controller is stuck in a shared library? I thought Controllers needed specific views located in a specific app. Meaning, the Controller must go in that app?
Or can Controllers be generic (i.e. shared library)? Doesn't that mean they are no longer Controllers?
I would advise that you should only be separating out your controllers into their own module/package/library (herein referred to as modules) if you have a requirement to do so (i.e. immediate re-use). If no such requirement exists at present then I would defer the decision to when it is required, it sounds in your case you are about to unnecessarily over-engineer. It should in theory be possible to refactor later to a separate modules without much hindrance, however be careful regarding coupling, separating out to different modules doesn't reduce the coupling, look carefully at your dependencies at how much the controller is orientated to one style of view.
one liners answers to your question to your application is
I suppose any code can go anywhere, what would drive us to put something in a shared library or keep it with the app?
I would consider two things:
1). What's the rate of change? When we change the app overall is this likely to change.
2). Could anything else need to use it? If so when I realease a new version would the other client immediately
Typically a controller would be strongly associated with the application and hence not of much interest to any other app, and it's probably fundamental to the app changing as the app changes. Hence packaging with the app makes sense.
Now if the conroller is somehow more generic, perhaps configuration driven then shared library makes sense.
Controllers does not necessarily needs to be even in the same operating system. You could have a view in Windows, a Controller in Unix and your Model in a Sparc. Remember MVC is just a pattern, a way you could do something which is more robust and easier to modify.
Your controller could be a shared library. Does your controller should be aware of your views? Not necessarily. That depends on how you handle the communication between modules. On a good MVC implementation, modules simply interchange messages or events. So, a View send an event to the Controller, the Controller decides what to do and send a message back. The response of the controller could be something like "Show Window X". Be advised that "Window X" could be interpret by the View module, if the View is an a Web module, then the View just put the proper aspx page. If you have another view who happens to be a web application the renders Form X.
At least in CakePHP and in the architecture that Mike McShaffry explains in his Game Coding Complete book the controller does belong to the application.
However, in both cases the architecture is such that the application inherits the basic functionality of a model, view, and a controller from the framework.
// "super" controller of all applications using this framework
class Controller
// uses basic libraries that allows the inheriting applications to work minimally
class AppController extends Controller
// mainly uses the parent class's methods but can also substitute to using
// additional libraries
By framework here I mean the system that encapsulates the use of libraries. In CakePHP this encapsulation in turn is done by using libraries in the respecting models, views, and controllers. So neither of those components is free from attachment to libraries.
In Mike McShaffry's architecture however, only the controllers and views use libraries. So the models are left uncoupled and are thus highly portable to different applications.
