jQuery cycle - start (from the beginning) on hover, stop on hoverout - jquery-cycle

I have a list of thumbnail items that contain a hidden popup container that only shows when I hover over them. That container contains a <ul> who's <li>s act as the slides.
What I am trying to achieve is to start the slideshow from the beginning each time the user hovers over a thumbnail, and stop it when the user hovers out.
It works fine for a while but after multiple hovers it tends to break, as if 2 slideshow timers are accessing the same list causing various glitches like images flashing out of order and such.
I tried cycle('stop') on hoverout but then when the slideshow restarts, it stops on the second slide.
Any help?

It seems I achieved it by combining cycle('pause') and
$('.item-list ul li',this).each(function(){$(this).removeAttr('style');});
using removeAttr removes all the inline styles jquery.cycle added thus leaving the list clean and refresh to re-set the cycle on the next mouseover.


Draggable and swipable container in flutter

I'm new to flutter and I'm looking for a way to implement a simple feature. A draggable container.
I have two groups of UI elements wrapped in a Container widget. I want to be able to go from one group to another by dragging or swiping in different directions.
How would I go about doing this?
Here are sample images of my UI design to help you understand what I want to achieve:
Image #1
Image #2
As you can see, Image #1 and Image #2 are only different in the bottom part of my design. I have already created all the necessary UI elements and wrapped them in the Container widget. Now the only thing I need is the ability to go from one group to another. It would also be nice if there was a callback method that could update the buttons above upon transitioning from one group to another.
Thanks in advance!
There are many possibilities to achieve this, depends on your exact wishes, here are 3 ideas:
Using a TabBarView to swipe the entire screen, Tab1 will be the first screen you showed, and Tab2 will be second screen - only the contents. (you probably did not want that, but just putting it out there).
Dividing the container into 2 pieces (vertically), and placing the TabBarView on the bottom part, having 2 tabs: 1 with the Today part and one with the Weekly part. (there are a few examples out there, for instance: divide screen into two equal parts in flutter).
You can also customize the build method to change anything (for example the top indicator) based on the current tab index (as asked and answered here: How to get current tab index in Flutter)
For a more custom solution you can use:
GestureDetector wrapped around your container, and handle OnHorizontalDragX (where X is Start, End etc.) to do any custom stuff - maybe changing the state and trigger a rebuild with the new image

Scrolling inside a form in Watir

I am running a test on a web app using Ruby-Watir-Rspec. It is very simple since I'm a beginner.
I open a form and enter the required information, but the "Create" button is not in the visible area, so I get the message:
Failure/Error: #browser.button(class: xxx).click
element located, but timed out after 30 seconds, waiting for #<Watir::Button: located: true; {:class=>xxx, :tag_name=>"button"}> to be present
Caused by:
# Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ElementNotVisibleError:
# element not interactable
If I scroll while the script is running, it clicks on the button and the test is successful.
I tried scroll.to, wait_until_present, scroll to coordinates, scroll_into_view, none of them worked.
The only way to make it work was to put " #browser.send_keys :tab" several times until it reaches the button at the bottom of the form.
I believe the problem is the button being inside the form which does not take the entire page (behind the form is the map so that part of the page doesn't have the scrolling option)...so is there some way to scroll inside the form? Or do you know some other approach to finding this button? Any hint is appreciated.
Btw, the page is maximized.
Here is the code snippet, just simple:
it 'should create the place' do
#browser.button(class: xxx).click
My guess is that this is a custom scrollable element that hides the content with the overflow: hidden style. Elements in the overflow are not considered visible/present. When you manually scroll, you're bringing the element out of the overflow so that it's present.
I've seen a couple of these in the past. Each one needed a different approach for scrolling. Without the exact HTML/CSS, it's hard to say how to scroll the element.
However, if you're not trying to test the scrolling, you could manually fire the click event. This will bypass the visibility requirements:
#browser.button(class: xxx).click!
Try using the Watir Scroll gem: https://github.com/p0deje/watir-scroll and scrolling the element to the center of the viewport: button.scroll.to :center.
You can also submit the form directly #browser.form.submit

Responsive UI - modify reading order in screen readers?

I have a responsive layout that must be accessible for screen readers. The issue is around the order of buttons on desktop vs mobile.
On desktop the button order is
Cancel - Remind Me Later - Learn More
...and the screen reader reads left to right. However on mobile the button order is vertically stacked and is ordered as the reverse of the desktop:
Learn more
Remind me later
The problem is the screen reader still reads as if user was in desktop mode - the visual order no longer matches.
Is there a way for the screen reader to change the reading order depending on the viewport?
In general, screen reading software ignores CSS (*). The order of your DOM is the order the screen reader will read it. Even if you used tabindex, that will only control the order of tabbing through the interface. If you use CSS to reposition elements, whether through flexbox or grid or float, the screen reading software will ignore that.
A screen reader user can simply walk the DOM (**) by using the up/down arrow keys. (** The user is not really walking the DOM but rather the accessibility tree, but it's similar to the DOM. Not every element in the DOM will be on the accessibility tree, but it's a similar analogy).
So, the only way to "control" the order that a screen reader hears the elements is by modifying the order of the elements in your DOM.
(*) (If you have a :before or :after pseudo-element with a content property, that property will be read by a screen reader as noted in step 2F of the "Accessible Name and Description Computation")
This is a common issue and there are a few solutions you can do. Without knowing much about your codebase, here are a few suggestions for you:
Not knowing how complex your markup is, you could provide a version of the form elements that are only visible on small screens. That way you can explicitly control the accessibility tree structure.
Another option, you can use CSS (flexbox or grid) to reposition the buttons based your media query for small screens.
While this would work, I would not advice using "tabindex="1", "2", "3" "..." to control tab order seeing as how your UI is not rendering in the correct order anyway.
Hope this helps. Good luck with your project.
Is there a way for the screen reader to change the reading order depending on the viewport?
One solution is to have two sets of the same menu and use your media queries to use one or the other
<div class="desktop">Cancel - Remind Me Later - Learn More</div>
<div class="mobile">
Learn more
Remind me later
.mobile {display:none}
#media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
.desktop {display:none}
.mobile {display:block}
This way, you will be free to let the DOM order match the visual order.

Can the like button (with comments prompts) exist inside a carousel?

I have a sliding carousel of items, each of which includes its own like button. I want the like buttons to have comments; that is, when the user clicks Like, he should be presented with a prompt to leave a comment (http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/397/). I'm starting to doubt that these goals are compatible and would like to hear if anyone has already achieved it.
The comments on the Like buttons are wider than the items in the carousel, and correctly overflow onto other carousel items. However, some of these items are outside the clipping box, since the carousel items are necessarily inside a div with overflow: hidden (otherwise we wouldn't achieve the effect of the items scrolling into existence upon paging). Because of this, if I click Like on the rightmost item currently visible, the comments prompt that appears will be partially outside the clipping box and thus partially visible.
It appears to me the only possible hope of allowing the comments prompt to overflow the carousel container is to place the prompt outside the container in the dom. This way, assuming we can visually position the prompt next to its Like button where it belongs, it's no longer constrained by the container. This seems within possible, since at the time of this writing the comment prompt is implemented as a separate iframe from the button itself; i.e., this XFBML:
<fb:like width="450"></fb:like>
yields (approximately) this HTML:
<iframe src="facebook.com/like_button.php"></iframe>
<iframe src="facebook.com/comments_widget.php"></iframe>
But if I try to move the comments iframe in the dom, it instantly and permanently becomes empty. Even if I could find a way to detach certain events and prevent this, it shows that an intricate solution is called for, and one which Facebook can break at any time in the future with changes to their implementation. Thus, I can't move the comments in the dom, and thus, the prompt is always in danger of being clipped. Facebook says this on the subject:
If the Like button is placed near the edge of an HTML element with the overflow property set to hidden, the flyout may be clipped or completely hidden when the button is clicked. This can be remedied by setting setting the overflow property to a value other than hidden, such as visible, scroll, or auto.
Clearly in the case of a carousel it's not possible to remove overflow: hidden. Has anyone found a way around this, or should I give up and spend my time elsewhere?

what happen at background when you click inside a textbox?

Inside a MFC dialog, I have 2 overlapping rows of text boxes (what user can see is only one row). when I clicked a button, i shifted down the row at bottom, so now user can see both rows.
The problem is if I have some data loaded in DoDataExchange() for the text boxes, I wouldn't be able to see them showing when the dialog boots up. But when I click inside the text box, the data shows.
I want to know what exactly happen when I clicked a UI? What drawing functions are invoked at backgrounds? So I can fix my problem.
Thank you.
Nothing is drawn when you click, maybe you are seeing an Invalidate() being triggered for some reason that redraws the text boxes. Or maybe the parent control (dialog, I assume) doesn't have WS_CLIPCHILDREN set, or some other funny things are happening with the WS_CLIPXXX flags (they're somewhat of a black art).
More to the point, use Spy++ to check what 'happens' when you click - i.e. the messages that are posted at each point in time.
