Vim fugitive plugin does not recognise git archive on Windows - windows

I installed vim fugitive via pathogen plugin. Helptags created the tags for fugitive.
In the next step I set up a brand new git repo with git init, jumped into that folder, created a README.
In gVim I then run :Gstatus but the split window that opens is empty. :Gcommit tells me that the command git is spelled wrong.
I installed Git-1.7.9-preview20120201.exe for Windows 7 64Bit from here:
Can anybody bring me on the right track?

It seems gitcommand is not in the PATH environment variable. What happens if you invoke git from Windows command prompt?
msysgit installer provides you 3 options:
Use Git Bash only: PATH won't be edited.
Run Git from Windows Command Prompt: it will add Git to your PATH.
Run Git and included Unix tools from the Windows Command Prompt: Git and several Unix tools will be added to your PATH.
So, you can re-install git with one of the two last options or add manually C:\Program Files\Git\cmd to your PATH.


issue with Git Bash

I am able to open git bash by typing "git bash" in the windows explorer URL space on one of my other laptop.
However, I'm trying to do it on another laptop of mine and it refuses to work. A black terminal opens for a split second and then disappears.
I've reinstalled it multiple times to no avail.
Currently using v2.27 of Git on Windows 10.
Any idea how I can get this working again? It's super convenient for me.
In system variables the C:\Program Files\Git\cmd is added to Path.
To launch git-bash.exe (which is the program which will use git.exe internally)
directly from windows explorer address field, you need to make it findable in Path.
git-bash.exe is in C:\Program Files\Git\ (notice the lack of cmd directory)

Git is not recognized in pycharm

I am trying to pull a github repository from bitbucket using pyCharm.
I added the path to my git executable under version control / Git and installed the bitbucket plugin. If I test both it says the test are running fine.
However when I open the terminal now and try to pull a rep like this:
git pull
I get the following error:
'git' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Any thoughts on what goes wrong here?
The terminal has nothing to do with those options you have set. The terminal just forwards your commands to the operation system, in your case Windows. You have to add the path to git.exe in your PATH environment variable, log out and log back into windows to be able to use git from cmd.exe or the terminal you are trying to use.
The setting in PyCharm is just for the Git integration, so that PyCharm can use Git. So if you use the PyCharm GUI and menues to use Git, then the setting is used and works. And I guess with the BitBucket plugin you get additional GUI options for cloning, pull-requests and so on, but I don't konw as I don't use the BitBucket.
I had to close ALL of my PyCharm windows and then reopen the project for the updated system path to take effect in the PyCharm terminal.
I had a problem like this, Git suddenly stopped working and not recognized in PyCharm, I fixed this issue by in PyCharm:
go to file > sitting > Plugins
search for Git and GitHub and check them
restart PyCharm
Git will work and be recognized again.
While integrating PyCharm Community with my GitHub account, I found that following these two steps worked for me (on Windows).
Download Git separately from here
Changing Paths: Type Environment Variable in the start menu -> Select Environment Variable at the bottom -> Under System Variables Double-click Path -> In the new popped window click New -> Add C:\Program Files\Git\cmd & C:\Program Files\Git\bin\ at the bottom of the list
Restart system after closing all running apps > reopen PyCharm

SourceTree 1.6.14 cannot find Git 2.4.0 installation on Windows

After installing Git 2.4.0 on my Windows 7 system, I tried to change the option in SourceTree 1.6.14 to "Use System Git", rather than the embedded version.
However, upon clicking "Use System Git", nothing happened and the setting remained set to "Use Embedded Git".
How can I make SourceTree use the installed version of Git?
This will be probably fixed in a future patch for SourceTree, however, until it does there is a workaround as follows.
Git versions prior to 2.0 stored git.exe in a subdirectory called bin and this is what SourceTree is looking for. As of Git >=2.0, git.exe moved into a folder named cmd.
Therefore, the easiest way to get SourceTree to recognise your Git installation, is to create a symbolic link for the folder using mklink as follows:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\>mklink /D bin cmd
Whilst the above fixes Git for the normal GUI operations (commit/push etc.) it does not fix the "Terminal" button, as this command tries to execute sh.exe via the following command and fails as sh.exe has also been moved in Git 2.4.
"C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe" /c "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i
Edit 2: Further reading - this was raised as an issue by the Git for Windows maintainers here.

svn export and deployment on WINDOWS

How to deploy the code from SVN to WINDOWS envronment?
I am looking to execute the following steps:
'svn export' (only changed files after certain revisons) from WiNDOWS command line.
Deploy the changed files on WINDOWS environment.
You need to install a command line SVN client on Windows first. TortoiseSVN's recent versions reportedly include one. Then you need to use the same commands you did under linux. I think you actually mean 'svn co' not 'svn export' which assumes you already have checked out copies on your local file system.

git without bash/cygwin

I'm on a vista laptop, trying out git for the first time.
I installed the msysgit version, and it installed a "git bash" shortcut on the desktop. When I run it, it seems to run in a cygwin kind of box, where C:\ is /c/
Is it safe to use git from the windows command line where /c/ is C:\? does that create any conflict with the way git expects the pathes to be like?
What about, if I init from the bash/cygwin console, then commit from the windows console? Does that create any trouble?
Note: Keep in mind that git does not track where the repository is at -- just references. In other words you can cleanly move an entire git directory (.git + working tree) and it still works fine.
It should work in either case assuming your environment variables allow you to run git from the windows command line.
Both point to the same actual directories (although referenced differently), and use the same executable to modify the repository.
When you install MSYS Git, it will give you 3 options related to system paths. Which one you choose will determine how you can use it. It sounds like you want the 3rd option, "Run Git and included tools from the windows command prompt". This will put all of the git-related binaries in the system path, allowing you to use git from a normal command prompt. Be aware that it also overrides a few built-in windows tools, as the warning in the installer says.
After installing msysgit, you should be able to right click on an empty folder and see options "Git GUI here" and "Git BASH here". If you click Git GUI here it will open a GUI. Have fun!
