Custom macros for configuring a build in Visual C++ - visual-studio

Hopefully this isn't a duplicate. I tried to search for an answer to my question, but the word 'macro' just has too many different applications to filter the search results very effectively.
Anyway, I recently noticed in another Visual C++ (VS2010) project that custom macros were used to set up VC++ directories (include, lib) or link libraries. Something like this: "libjpeg-$(JPEG_LIB_VERSION)-static.lib", etc.
How does one go about doing that? I can't remember in what project I saw that technique, so I haven't been able to find it again to investigate, but this would be very useful when building against local builds or particular versions of widely-distributed software (say, Boost, for instance).
There's this (Visual C++ Express and setting env variables solution wide), which I suppose kinda-sorta answers the question, but not really.

The macro being used may be an environment variable, or it may indeed be a custom macro.
If it is an environment variable, you could follow the documentation as mentioned in this MSDN document How to: Use Environment Variables in a Build
However, if it is not an environment variable and you want to create your own, there is another MSDN document for that How to: Add New Property Sheets to C++ Projects
For additional references on creating a custom macro, please see How to add environmental variable to VS solution (.sln )
For additional references on using an environment, please see Macros/Environment variable in .sln and .vcproj files for Visual studio


VisualStudio 2019 is it possible te set the build variables from CMAKE. And more generally how to set them up

I am keeping asking questions about VisualStudio but to be honest I do not understand a word from its documentation.
In the json files generated by the VS are placed build variables like ${workspaceRootFolderName}, ${workspaceRoot}, ${env.gccpath} etc etc but I do not know how to set it up.
If the the CMAKE project.
I have two questions:
Is it possible to set those variables from CMAKE files?
If not how can I set them up another way. At the moment project builds but VS generated launch files cannot evaluate the variables
There are target properties that can be used to set these kind of variables in a Visual Studio project. They all begin with VS_. I didn't see any that corresponded with these particular variables in this project.
The alternative seems to be to save them in a User props file and you can set property that incorporates that file into your project.

How do you reference the solution folder in .targets?

I have a custom tool that I run on certain file types using the .targets mechanism in Visual Studio 2015.
Projects exist at many levels, and I want to reference this tool when the code is pulled to ANY drive/folder, including the TFS CI agent.
I tried using a relative path, but because the files are at different levels, it doesn't work for all projects.
I tried using a registry setting and environment variable, but that doesn't bode well for the CI machine which might build in a different folder each time.
Is it possible to get the solution folder of which the project/file is in, then I can use a relative path to the tool directory?
All I can find is these properties, which do not seem to help:
General MSBuild properties:
Registry and environment variables:
You can use all the standard tokens within .targets.
Just use
Self-service answer: use visual studio's property editing for a vcxproj in preprocessor macros or include paths or such to look at a bunch of available variables. You can usually find what you need in there, by name, or by example, including the one you need here. Better than any documentation.

How/Where are the environment variables in a Visual Studio C++ project set?

There a lots of environment variables in my project properties that I do not understand. Clicking on macros (Is there a list of Visual Studio environment variables?) gives me a list of their values, but I am unable to figure out where some of these are set.
For example, I am trying to figure out where the variable $(IntDir) is being set.
What file is responsible for setting these variables? How can I modify them?
These are not environment variables.
They're just macros defined by the build system that you can use for setting build properties for your project. They automatically expand to things like the target platform ($(Platform)), the path to store intermediate files for your project ($(IntDir)), and the name of your project ($(ProjectName)).
You can't change them directly, but you can change them by modifying your project's properties. The project file (created automatically by Visual Studio when you create a new project) is responsible for setting them.
You already found a link to the big list of 'em, which is helpful in explaining what they are and what they do. As the documentation says, you can use them anywhere in your project's property pages that string values are accepted. They keep you from having to hard-code paths and other information, which is exceptionally useful.
Unlike environment variables, they do not persist or have any meaning independent of your build system. Once your project has been built, they go away. They're not used during debugging or deployment.
.If you want to see actual values for a specific VS instance for both 'standard' and 'custom', see if this answer helps. (Basically, you can use Process Explorer to find that out.)

Visual Studio solutions - how to ensure project properties are shared?

If you use Visual Studio 2008 and have many project files within solutions how do you keep them in sync? In other words, if you change a property in one project, how do you ensure that this property is automatically changed in other projects?
Given that enough contributors are mystified about the notion of nested solutions, I'll just work from the assumption you meant "solution with multiple projects". You give them common settings by using a project property sheet. Start with View + Other Windows + Property Manager. Open one of the nodes, right-click a configuration and choose Add New. Choose a location that makes sense for the solution, the solution directory for example. Configure the settings the way you want them.
Repeat this procedure for all other projects in your solution, now using Add Existing. Every project will inherit the settings you configured in the sheet, unless it overrides them explicitly. You may have to go back to the project properties and change an override back to "inherit".
IDE support for project property sheets is a bit flaky, be sure to save them explicitly when you make a change.
I have to say, I've not heard of "nested solutions", and I'd need a pretty compelling reason to do anything of this sort. Especially considering your question really centers on "how do I maintain duplication?" since you say the solutions will share properties. It's a cardinal rule in programming "do not duplicate thyself".
You could put the required options into a compiler response file, and use the same response file in each of your .vcproj files.
See here:
Basically, you create a text file like SharedOptions.rsp, and on each line of the file specify a different command-line compiler option. Like /I.\include or /DDEFINE or whatever.
Then in the c++ command-line property page of each project, you add this in the additional options box: #"SharedOptions.rsp".
Then when you edit the options in the text file, they will be picked up by all projects. It is possible that the property manager solution provided by nobugz is just a gui for this - I don't know, I am more of a command-line kinda guy.
I guess you've already done something about this in the last 2 months, but this answer is more for the googlers...
I ended up using global variables available within Visual Studio. These were variables like $ProjectName and the like. There are many available already within VS, they can be user-defined as well.

Using Visual Studio 2008 to Assemble, Link, Debug, and Execute MASM 6.11 Assembly Code

I would like to use Visual Studio 2008 to the greatest extent possible while effectively compiling/linking/building/etc code as if all these build processes were being done by the tools provided with MASM 6.11. The exact version of MASM does not matter, so long as it's within the 6.x range, as that is what my college is using to teach 16-bit assembly.
I have done some research on the subject and have come to the conclusion that there are several options:
Reconfigure VS to call the MASM 6.11 executables with the same flags, etc as MASM 6.11 would natively do.
Create intermediary batch file(s) to be called by VS to then invoke the proper commands for MASM's linker, etc.
Reconfigure VS's built-in build tools/rules (assembler, linker, etc) to provide an environment identical to the one used by MASM 6.11.
Option (2) was brought up when I realized that the options available in VS's "External Tools" interface may be insufficient to correctly invoke MASM's build tools, thus a batch file to interpret VS's strict method of passing arguments might be helpful, as a lot of my learning about how to get this working involved my manually calling ML.exe, LINK.exe, etc from the command prompt.
Below are several links that may prove useful in answering my question. Please keep in mind that I have read them all and none are the actual solution. I can only hope my specifying MASM 6.11 doesn't prevent anyone from contributing a perhaps more generalized answer.
Similar method used to Option (2), but users on the thread are not contactable:
(also, I have my doubts about the necessity of an intermediary batch file)
Out of date explanation to my question:
Probably the closest thing I've come to a definitive solution, but refers to a suite of tools from something besides MASM, also uses a batch file:
I apologize if my terminology for the tools used in each step of the code -> exe process is off, but since I'm trying to reproduce the entirety of steps in between completion of writing the code and generating an executable, I don't think it matters much.
There is a MASM rules file located at (32-bit system remove (x86)):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\VCProjectDefaults\masm.rules
Copy that file to your project directory, and add it to the Custom Build Rules for your project. Then "Modify Rule File...", select the MASM build rule and "Modify Build Rule...".
Add a property:
User property type: String
Default value: *.inc
Description: Add additional MASM file dependencies.
Display name: Additional Dependencies
Is read only: False
Name: AdditionalDependencies
Property page name: General
Switch: [value]
Set the Additional Dependencies value to [AdditionalDependencies]. The build should now automatically detect changes to *.inc, and you can edit the properties for an individual asm file to specify others.
You can create a makefile project. In Visual Studio, under File / New / Project, choose Visual C++ / Makefile project.
This allows you to run an arbitrary command to build your project. It doesn't have to be C/C++. It doesn't even have to be a traditional NMake makefile. I've used it to compile a driver using a batch file, and using a NAnt script.
It should be fairly easy to get it to run the MASM 6.x toolchain.
I would suggest to define Custom Build rules depending on file extension.
(Visual Studio 2008, at least in Professinal Edition, can generate .rules files, which can be distributed). There you can define custom build tools for asm files. By using this approach, you should be able to leave the linker step as is.
Way back, we used MASM32 link text as IDE to help students learn assembly. You could check their batchfiles what they do to assemble and link.
instead of batch files, why not use the a custom build step defined on the file?
If you are going to use Visual Studio, couldn't you give them a skeleton project in C/C++ with the entry point for a console app calling a function that has en empty inline assembly block, and let them fill their results in it?
Why don't you use Irvine's guide? Irvine's library is nice and if you want, you can ignore it and work with Windows procs directly. I've searching for a guide like this, Irvine's was the best solution.
