Login to Vimeo Via Mechanize (ruby) - ruby

I am trying to login to my vimeo account using Mechanize in order to scrape hundreds of video titles and urls. Here is my code:
task :import_list => :environment do
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
agent = Mechanize.new
agent.user_agent = "Mac Safari"
puts "Logging in..."
page = agent.get("http://vimeo.com/log_in")
form = page.forms[0]
form.fields[0].value = 'sample#email.com'
form.fields[1].value = 'somepassword'
page = agent.submit(form)
pp page
and my error message:
401 => Net::HTTPUnauthorized
This is running through a rake task if it matters at all.
Any ideas?

Not sure how to do it with Mecnanize but here is code to do it with Capybara:
require 'capybara/dsl'
require 'selenium-webdriver'
Capybara.run_server = false
Capybara.default_driver = :selenium
class Vimeo
include Capybara::DSL
def go
visit "https://vimeo.com/log_in"
fill_in "email", :with => "ivan.bisevac#gmail.com"
fill_in "password", :with => "strx8UnK0a-"
find("span.submit > input").click
v = Vimeo.new
Also, Capybara is better for scraping javascript sites.

my first thought was:
Vimeo login does not work without JavaScript, so it's not possible to login with Mechanize.
To test my bold statement:
without javascript
disable javascript for all sites in your browser
try to login ( fill out the form in your browser like you normally do )
you'll get an unauthorized message on the resulting page
with javascript
enable javascript
everything works as expected
Vimeo.com uses the following querystring when logging in.
Gonna try and post the string manually with Mechanize.
update 2
I've got a Ruby Rake task that logs in to a Vimeo Pro account
and reads the HTTP Live Streaming link from a video settings page.
update 3
I've posted a working Ruby Rake task: https://gist.github.com/webdevotion/5635755.

Have you tried using the official Vimeo API?

It seems that authorization give something 'token'
http header part:


cURL works but mechanize doesn't

I am trying to scrape my university web site using ruby mechanize. This my ruby script;
require 'mechanize'
agent = Mechanize.new
This script doesn't return response. I need to see login page but the response is different. I also tried it with cURL like this;
curl https://kampus.izu.edu.tr
This works and return the login page. What am I missing?
Make sure that you are storing the output of agent.get(). From your example, I don't see how you would be using/printing the response of this request.
Try this:
require 'mechanize'
agent = Mechanize.new
page = agent.get("https://kampus.izu.edu.tr")
puts page.body
The .get() method returns a Mechanize::Page object that you can call other methods on, such as .css(), to select elements by css selectors. Check out the documentation here

Can mechanize work with browsers?

I am using ruby's gem mechanize to automate a file upload after logging in to a particular site..
I am able to login using
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
#creating an object for Mechanize class
a = Mechanize.new { |agent|
# site refreshes after login
agent.follow_meta_refresh = true
#Getting the page
a.get('https://www.samplesite.com/') do |page|
puts page.title
form = page.forms.first
form.fields.each {|f| puts f.name}
form['username'] = "username"
form['password'] = "password"
# Then submitting the form and reaching the page
Now there are two questions...
a. Can I see this happening on browser using any agent or tool?
b. Is there any way to keep the mechanize waiting for the page to load?
Do you try Selenium WebDriver ?
It should easily integrates with your Ruby program

Trouble logging in to Pinterest with ruby mechanize

I am trying to build a simple crawler that can login to Pinterest and pin a few things to my board.
The first step of this is successfully login. I read through the documentation and it seems like this should work but it doesn't.
When I run the code I expect it to print out a title like "Mary... is mary... on Pinterest"
But instead the title of the page is "Pinterest-The Visual Discovery Tool"
I think there's something wrong with my script.
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'pry'
a = Mechanize.new
a.get('https://www.pinterest.com/login/') do |page|
form = page.forms.first
form.fields[0].value = "m...#gmail.com"
form.fields[1].value = "some_password"
new_page = form.submit
puts new_page.title
Keep in mind that mechanize has no capability of executing javascript and if the page depends on javascript, it may not load correctly. Although I only did a light read through of the source, it looks like it is very dependent on javascript and therefore can't be crawled effectively with mechanize.
Another option might be to use a headless browser like watir or selenium.

Difficulty Accessing Section of Website using Ruby Mechanize

I am trying to access the calendar data on an airbnb listing and so far have been unsuccessful. I am using the Mechanize gem in Ruby, and when I try to access the link to access the table, I am encountering the following error:
require 'mechanize'
agent = Mechanize.new
Mechanize::ResponseCodeError: 400 => Net::HTTPBadRequest for https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/calendar_tab_inner2/726348?cal_month=11&cal_year=2013&currency=USD -- unhandled response
I have also tried to click on the tab that generates the table with the following code, but doing so simply generates the html from the original url.
agent = Mechanize.new
page2=agent.click(page1.link_with(:href => '#calendar'))
Any help would greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I see the problem, you need to check the request headers:
page = agent.get url, nil, nil, {'X-Requested-With' => 'XMLHttpRequest'}

Mechanize on HTTPS site

Has anyone used the Mechanize gem on a site that required SSL?
When I try to access such a website Mechanize tries to use standard HTTP which results in endless redirections between http:// and https://.
Mechanize works just fine with HTTPS. Try setting
agent.log = Logger.new(STDOUT)
to see what's going on between Mechanize and the server. If you are still having trouble, post a sample of the code and somebody will help.
I just gave Mechanize a try with my company's web site. The home page is HTTP, but it contains a link, "customer login," which sends the browser to an HTTPS page. It worked fine. The code is:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
agent = WWW::Mechanize.new
page = agent.get("http://www.not_the_real_url.com")
link = page.link_with(:text=>"CUSTOMER LOGIN")
page = link.click
form = page.forms.first
form['user_login'] = 'not my real login name'
form['user_password'] = 'not my real password'
page = form.submit
