I want to save the sequence of events and loading of resources on the webpage. Is there any way to export net tab web requests on Firebug ?
I found different ways to do this:
Firebug itself allows to copy the content on the net panel as an HTML table. The copy/paste functions work as usual. It is sufficient for exporting the summary shown in the net panel.
HTTPFox addon can do the same by using the Copy All Rows contex-menu option. This produces a tab separated format which works better with text editors.
NetExport Firebug extension adds export function to the net panel in Firebug. The data can be exported in HAR format which is used other tools or as JSON data. The online HAR Viewer allows to see the exported data as it was captured in Firebug.
I found that Firefox has addon HTTPFox, This allows many more functionalities to test HTTP web requests.
Please, Let us know if there are any more ways.
I just wonder if it possible to use tools like Chromes inspector or Firefox Firebug to view JSON data that has been loaded with AJAX?
I have searched, but I can't find any info about this. I also looked inside the Network tab in Chrome, but without any progress.
It would be interesting to be able to view this data, or is this made impossible due to some security issue?
You can view the 'response' and 'preview' in chromes Network Tab. If the request returns JSON data then the preview tab automatically formats it for you.
I want to create a Firefox Extension which will display a webpage. It will be like user should write a something in browser like "about:" or even a button would do ?
How can i load the WebPage in Firefox. The user should have a feel that a webpage is being loaded.
PS: I have javascript and CSS in that Page.
If i cannot make then what changes do i need to make in the web page for that change.
I also want to connect to a server and fetch XML data and want to display process that data and and display it on the page. I am developing this extension as my page is static and HTML/Javascript does not allow cross domain queries. I hope that cross-domain queries are possible if i use extension.
There is Browser XUL object that acts a an standalone browser. You can load any document inside that.
I'm trying to download some data from a webpage that is dynamically generated, so using wget doesn't work. The page is http://gaceta.diputados.gob.mx/SIL/Legislaturas/Listados.html I want to download the list shown for each of the options that can be selected in the field "Legislatura" once downloaded I can process the data in ruby.
Just wanted to know what is the best way to download this, and if posible to select each of the options and download.
You can use the Web Inspector in Safari or Chrome or the Firebug extension in Firefox to look at how the data is loaded. The page is doing an AJAX POST request to a Perl script for this website, and the data is return as XML.
I would use cURL to grab the data.
You could use http://watir.com/ or webrat to simulate what you would do to view the data then use Nokogiri to parse the HTML.
I cannot find an answer to this one:
My AJAX calls return JSON data. In Google Chrome Developer Tools > Resources > XHR when I click on the resource on the left and then on the Content tab I see the JSON string as a string and not as a tree as Firebug and Firebug Lite do.
How do I force Chrome to display it as a tree. Is there a Content-type that my PHP file must have???
To see a tree view in recent versions of Chrome:
Navigate to Developer Tools > Network > the given response > Preview
Google Chrome now supports this (Developer Tools > Network > [XHR item in list] Preview).
In addition, you can use a third party tool to format the json content. Here's one that presents a tree view, and here's another that merely formats the text (and does validation).
You can use Google Chrome Extension: JSONView
All formatted json result will be displayed directly on the browser.
The correct content-type for JSON data is application/json. I assume that is what you are missing.
I've found the answer:
You MUST encode your json like this: {"c":21001,"m":"p"} but not {c:21001,m:"p"} or {'c':21001,'m':'p'}
Thus, the key of a dict must be wrapped in double quotes:", then chrome will preview it as json rather than plain text.
In order for it to display the JSON message properly it has to have the "application/json" mime type and to be correctly structured.
You can check the structure here
I'm not sure if Chrome has added this feature since the last answer, but I was able to view the json response by...
opening developer tools in the browser while on the page with the request
submitting the request
in developer tools - "Console" tab - click on the "Object" tree under the resource to expand
...I was able to view the response as a readable hierarchy that showed what to ask for and what is returned. (Neither Network or Resources tab had anything helpful that I was able to find.)
Happy requesting!
There was an issue with a build of Google Chrome Dev build 24.0.1312.5 that caused the preview panel to no longer display a json object tree but rather flat text. It should be fixed in the next dev
See more here: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=160733
How to get Tree-view
See step by step instructions on how to do this in the below GIF. (I recorded in Chrome - chromium shouldn't be too different.)
Click on the link to enlarge and follow along
I don't think the Chrome Developer tools pretty print XHR content. See:
Viewing HTML response from Ajax call through Chrome Developer tools?
I have some pages that are sent via HTTPS. Internet Explorer sometimes complains about "This webpage contains content that will not be delivered using a secure HTTPS".
I looked in the html source to confirm all content calls (href, src, etc...) are sent via https. My CSS files use relative paths. But I'm still getting these warnings.
Is there an easy way to track down which items are not sent via HTTPS?
You could fire up Fiddler to see what exactly IE is requesting over regular HTTP.
In Fiddler's default configuration, HTTPS requests will show up with a lock and CONNECT as the host. HTTP requests will have a non-lock icon.
(source: josh3736.net)
I usually use Firefox + Firebug (the "Net" tab) to find the offending request. You could also use Fiddler for this. (with any browser)
I've used the following site before - I finding it easier than loading up firebug / fiddler.
You can use SslCheck
It's a free online tool that crawls a website recursively (following all internal links) and scans for unsecure content - images, scripts and CSS.
(disclaimer: I'm one of the developers)
In Google Chrome, similar to Firefox w/ FireBug, you can use the 'Network' tab of the Developer Tools console.
Open the Developers Tools console, go to the 'Network' tab, and reload the target page. Any warnings with the page, such as insecure content being loaded, will be indicated with the number of warning and an 'alert' icon in the bottom right corner (Chrome v23.x). Click on the icon and a list of the warnings, in this case, the resources being loaded insecurely, will be displayed.
Using following tools could help:
Firefox's FireBug . opening tab Network shows you connection details to multiple resource
Fiddler - acts as sniffer allows you explore details of connect.
using firefox - view generated source vs viewing source
there is probably a javascript file that is creating a div/iframe that is insecure