VirtueMart Sub Categories Display - joomla

Im trying to modify the virtue mart categories and Im having troubles in these. I want to do something like this;
Clothes ( Parent )
-Toddler ( Child )
-- Upper ( Child )
--- T Shirt 1
--- T Shirt 2
--- T Shirt 3
-- Lower ( Child )
--- Pants 1
--- Pants 2
--- Pants 3
When the user clicks on the "Toddler" sub category, the page will display all the products (T Shirt 1- 3 and Pants 1 - 3) by its another sub category ( Upper and Lower)
Anyone who can help? Thanks!

Since you haven't listed your VM version [duh..], You need to might want to check out Cherry Picker VM or any Virtuemart Filter that is listed supported to your version.
VM Filter Pro
Cat filters
Some filter by different means, but it sounds like what you need to achieve isn't available out of the box.


show attributes in filter that related with configurable product

In my store i have products with 2 main attributes : color and size.
In product listing page i display each color of product, to do so i gave visibility for first simple product of each color (the smallest size) in configurable product.
Thats works fine for me, the only problem i have is with the size attribute in filters section, because in product listing only one size appear, i don't have other sizes as filter option that are related to the configurable product, is there a way to display those sizes ?
What I have understand from your problem description is that, you want to show all color variations of same product in product list page, while the size attribute should be selected by the user.
For that, suppose you have product A and Product B, which are indeed the same product but with color variation, say red and yellow. What you have to do now is create a configurable product whose color is set to red (only red, don't add other color variations) and set size attribute as configurable options. (This is our product A). Similarly you need to create another configurable product whose color set to yellow and set size attribute as configurable option (Product B). Now display product A and Product B in product list page.
Note: For this you need 4 simple product
simple product 1
- color : red
- size : 1
=> These constitute product A
simple product 2
- color : red
- size : 2
simple product 3
- color : yellow
- size : 1
=> These two constitute prodcut B
simple product 4
- color : yellow
- size : 2
and now your configurabe products
configurable product A
- configured with : simple product 1
simple product 2
configurable product B
- configured with : simple product 3
simple product 4
Showing product A and product B in product list page will fix your problem.
Good Luck

Joomla 3 - how to add a subcategory button

I have joomla 3.0 withi this structure:
- Subcategory 1
-- Documents
-- Video
-- Articles
- Subcategory 2
-- Documents
-- Video
-- Articles
I need to show all the subcat in a dropdown list under the "MAIN CAT 1".
Then every subcat should show a page with 3 buttons respectively for: Documents / Video / Articles.
Those button should be created automatically for every Subcat ...
Have any ideas?
thanks a.
Mabe this will help... I myslef didn't use it, but the 4th point in the description states
- navigate through sections, categories, content items (you can even make it expand regular section/category link menu items)
so just give it a try..

Magento: Keep category filter list in nav

I have been searching and trying various methods, but to no avail.
I have 2 categories: Red Wine and White Wine.
Each category has products with attributes that are filterable.
I want to display all the filterable options (that have active products assigned to them), as a constant nav menu. Even if i go into the category and filter it, the nav menu should stay the same.
So it the nav menu will always look like the below, regards less of category filter (which i still want to work):
- Red Wine
--- Shiraz (3)
--- Merlot (4)
- White Wine
--- Charonnay (2)
--- Rose (7)
You need to override Topmenu.php Block. Step to override:
Copy: \app\code\core\Mage\Page\Block\Html\Topmenu.php
Paste: \app\code\**local**\Mage\Page\Block\Html\Topmenu.php
You need to create same directory path into to local directory, then paste Topmenu.php
After copy, open copied file \app\code\**local**\Mage\Page\Block\Html\Topmenu.php and edit protected function _getHtml function.
To get category id: $catId = str_replace('category-node-','',$child->getId());
Fetch all product from this category group by certain attribute. Help links:
Magento products by categories
Magento get all products in a certain category ordered by the 'Position' field
Hope this will help!

Joomla 2.5 show articles under subcategory listing

I have a main category ( infertility ) with subcategories (normal life , causes , diagnosis , treatment) , and under each subcategory there is a list of articles .
I tried all menu modes , list all cateogories , category list , category blog and all , inorder to display the list of articles under each subcategory in the same page but with no success.
Please advise
I want :
Main category
-Subcategory 1
-Subcategory 2
What i get is
Main category
-Subcategory 1
Number of articles 3
-Subcategory 2
Number of articles 5
I tried to do this recently with no joy. I did, however manage to pull it off in about 5 minutes after installing K2. Use the 'Latest Items' menutype and instead of selecting the parent category, selecting the all child categories.
Pretty severe solution, but it works.

Joomla / Virtuemart - How to display level 2 subcategories on virtuemart homepage?

I have a Joomla shop that stocks parts for cars.
I am using the Virtuemart component to handle the shop aspect.
The top parent categories for my products are;
Air filters
Oil filters
Fuel filters
Pollen filters
This means that the virtuemart side menu displays these 4 options, which is fine.
However, for the shop (virtuemart) homepage I want to display all the level 2 subcategories;
I can't seem to find a ay to do this. Currently I'm stuck with just the 4 top parent categories being displayed on the homepage, when really I want the car manufacturers displayed there.
Any ideas?
1) Simple answer: you can try this hack, which displays all subcategories:
in administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/ps_product_category.php, look for the line
$allowed = false;
if( $depth_list[$n] > 0 )
change it to
$allowed = true; //show all by default
if( $depth_list[$n] > 0 )
2) I think the real issue here is more your organizational/classification system... it's probably not optimal to be using categories/sub-categories to represent brands/makes as well as types-of-products.
I'd suggest you look more into Virtumart documentation and read up on "Product Types" as well as "Product Attributes" -- I think these would be more suited for what you're trying to do (as I believe you can filter cross-category product-search-results by product-types)
hope this helps,
Virtuemart 2.0 now displays 2 levels which will fit your need. To go 3 levels deep you can use a workaround until a third party module comes.
The workaround is here:
