how to get over these maven/m2eclipse issues - maven

(first, I admit, I have no love for maven/m2eclipse, but it wouldn't be that bad if I could figure out how to overcome these issues)
I am using maven/m2eclipse. m2eclipse is the only good way I know of to suck in the maven jars. Some of these may not have solutions(but I am hoping to be surprised). Maybe solving #9 solves them all?
When I run "mvn clean package", I am dead in the water as far as running a unit test in eclipse while maven is building as I LOVE to multitask but maven prevents me here. How to get around this?
I move eclipse to point to eclipsegen/classes but then the unit tests are still using the classes in target/classes so it's not using my latest code that I just edited in eclipse and debugging is not lining up and it's stepping on blank lines that don't have code.
If I just slightly touch the pom.xml, bam, it builds when I don't really want it to and turning of automatic builds did not seem to help.
On top of #3, I get random pom builds downloading jars which just freezes eclipse from doing anything why the jars are being downloaded(I am a bit multitasker so this frustrates me to no end)
If I want to modify or do something really custom I need, the answer is usually create a java plugin but this then would require me to create another source control project with another automated build making sure the build tags all versions so we can reproduce issues with certain versions. (in ant, I just modify the xml to do custom stuff).
(I hear there is a bug open for 5 years on this one). global exclusions because people on our project keep breaking stuff when they include new things that depend on log4j and sucking that library in breaks us so we want to globally exclude it so people stop breaking the project when adding new things (IVY has global exclusions, why doesn't maven!!!!)
The xml code for generation from an xsd in maven is about 2-3 times the code of doing it in ant. Why is this? That really shouldn't be the case I think.
Running my unit test says xxxx-12.0.8-SNAPSHOT is missing but in my pom.xml it clearly says 12.0.9-SNAPSHOT not .8. ie. m2eclipse gets into some weird state and I get screwed wasting yet more time because someone selected maven
(I don't like IvyDE for the same reasons I don't like m2eclipse). In maven, is there any way like in Ivy to say on a build MOVE ALL jars into target/lib so that I can uninstall m2eclipse(if maven had this one feature, I think all my problems might go away)....That IS AN Ivy feature that rocks by the way!!!!
NOTE: I just realized that uninstalling m2eclipse and running "mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse" is not really an option since on this project I had to import 30 projects. I think on single projects, that is a great solution.
Is there no way like ant to log the command that was run for debugging purposes? ( in maven how to log the command that was run? )
I should really look into gradle(I hear it's best of maven and ant) as the theory of maven sounded great but you can tell there was a lot of controversy over it(which usually indicates a bad tool). Good tools that really help typically do have some controversy, but not as much as maven has had so it makes me think twice as I don't want to screw the guy who takes over my project(and I know ant will work). Many people I think don't even consider that. They think "I am fine, so why won't the next guy be fine".
Any ideas on how to fix the above issues?

About #9, if you have 2 alternatives :
mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
See for customization options. You'll have to set your Eclipse classpath manually to point to the newly copied jars.
Use JBoss Tools JDT Extensions to get the "Materialize Library" feature (see You'll basically just have to right-click on the Maven Classpath library, select a destination folder, select (and rename) the jars you want, and you'll get a m2e-free project in Eclipse (still a valid Maven project in command line though).
You can install JBoss Tools JDT Extensions from

Disclaimer: I like Maven and M2Eclipse, and I have not experienced any of the issues that you mention. In general, M2Eclipse does not get in the way much for the way I'm working.
One thing that might help is disabling the Maven Builder for the projects (right-click the project, select "Properties", then "Builders"). This will get rid of many of the issues you're complaining about.
One other thing that might help you (and comes close to #9 on your list: Uninstall M2Eclipse and use mvn eclipse:eclipse, which will generate Eclipse .project and .classpath files, which include all dependencies as Eclipse project dependencies. Whenever you add or change dependencies, you will have to run mvn eclipse:eclipse again. Give this a try...

Although it does sound like a faster PC would solve some of your issues I do agree that the m2eclipse plugin sucks (although it sucks a little less since eclipse indigo). Because of this I switched to using Intellij for a while but I switched back to eclipse after a month (for me, eclipse is still the best in spite of m2eclipse).
I use m2eclipse to be able to work in eclipse but nothing more. All my maven builds (package, install, whatever) I run with maven itself (command line) simply because there have been too many occasions where the result was different (working in one, not in the other and and maven was always correct).
So, sorry, no direct answers to your questions, just some tips:
1) do it outside eclipse
2) stick to maven standards (target/classes); that will make your life a lot easier
6) using dependency management in a parent pom might help a bit
8) if you get the same issue when running from command line then there is a problem in your pom (resolve using mvn dependency:tree), if not, see 1
9) maybe assembly is an option here but I would not recommend your approach


Ant to maven conversion

I need to convert few projects from ant to maven. I know the basics of both, also read a lot of articles on how to. However, is it a good idea to write a pom using eclipse? Or is it better to write it without using eclipse? The M2Eclipse plugin needs maven to be tweaked more, will the changes related to M2Eclipse cause problems when the war is built on jenkins?
Pros of using Eclipse IDE:
The formatting of pom.xml will be taken care, when you add the 'maven-eclipse-codestyle.xml' to the code formatter, as mentioned here. Formatting will be harder when you do it without an IDE.
The auto-completion feature of eclipse will make your coding easier, since it will automatically sense the open tags and close them. You need to close all the open tags manually, if you don`t use an IDE.
You can view the dependency hierarchy of the dependencies added and hence it might be a bit helpful while managing the dependencies.This can be extremely useful ,when you have transitive dependencies (Dependencies within other dependencies). You can find more about transitive dependencies here.
An IDE will warn you of common mistakes that may occur while coding (something like, 'forgetting to close an open tag','placing a tag in an incorrect location'). This will save a whole lot of time. If you don`t use an IDE, you need to correct the mistakes only when you get an exception after executing a maven command.
Eclipse will warn of missing artifacts (when the dependencies are not present in the local repository), which can help you to fix it before executing the maven goal.
Cons of using Eclipse IDE:
m2e plugin will throw 'Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration' errors all over your pom.xml files. These errors won`t affect your build, but may be quite annoying.
I personally have done migration from Ant to Maven2. IMO it is better to write pom.xml on your own so that you wont face any last minute surprises as well as you will get complete overall knowledge on what you are exactly doing with your pom file.
However if you still want to go with m2e, from my experience it did not create any problems at all. Regarding the build - I guess there shouldn't be any issue. You can refer this link if you need more info about m2e and jekins - m2e and jenkins

Maven without the mouse

I thought maven was a way to build a project without relying on your IDE. I've been following instructions that involve my IDE only to find the project only works from within the IDE.
I happen to be using intellij but I wish I didn't even have to tell you that. Am I wrong or is there a way to build a maven project using keystrokes not "click this, then that" mouse instructions that change lord knows what in the IDE. A way that will work within an IDE but not be dependent on that IDE?
I'm hoping I have been following some instructions that simply didn't have this as a goal. Is there a way to build a maven project that will work just as well in intellij as eclipse? If so how do I find it? Is there a keyword I need to know to search for?
I'm probably misunderstanding something but I hope I've made my goal of having my project only depend on maven itself clear.
You can build a maven project from its directory using -
mvn clean install
Of course this requires Maven installed on the machine you are running it from.
Please look further into the documentation here as well.

How to easily copy/rename/remove files with Maven (as in Ant)

I am working on a project and using Maven to build it. The project is a quite big Java web application and it is supposed to work with both Mysql and Oracle databases.
The problem is that there are some specific annotations related to either of the two databases in the source code, plus some other differences, so that I am forced to manually comment/uncomment part of the code before building the application for one of the two databases.
Basically what I would like to achieve is to have my build script, maybe via a Maven profile, to automatically switch the source classes before building depending on the database I want my war to work against.
Putting it simply, the idea is to have and MyClass.mysql, and depending on my build profile I should move one of the two in the source dir, rename it MyClass and build. This should be done for some packages, classes, and also configuration files.
Is there any way I can achieve it via "pure" Maven? The only solution I came across till now is to use an antrun plugin and reference an Ant build.xml inside of it.
Thank you,
A pure maven solution would be to develop your own maven plugin. Depending on your requirements this can be an overkill, however it is not hard at all, you can see how to achieve this here.
This is a limitation of Maven. One of Maven's purposes is to not have a build script. You should simply use the plugins as available, and setup your project the right way, and magically, everything will build!
There is one solution: Use Ant. Well, not to redo your whole project with Ant, but with the antrun plugin, you can run a few Ant tasks at various phases of your Maven build life cycle.
It's been a long, long time since I've used this, so I am not going to try to write a test pom.xml, but I don't remember it being very difficult to use.
Of course, the correct Maven solution is to divide your project up into "common core" code, and then a separate Oracle and MySql client that uses the "common core". By the way, I hope you're not patching source code. Instead, you're using a properties file to do this for you.

Is Maven mandatory for Clojure on the JVM?

I'm a bit surprised at the sheer number of articles / blogs / questions / answers about Clojure mentioning Maven.
In about ten years working as a Java dev, working on both desktop apps and webapps, I've never ever used Maven once (typically --and that's a personal opinion but I know some people do think the same-- the projects I've seen using Maven where including the "kitchen sink" whereas the ones built with a more "controlled" build process where way "cleaner" and producing smaller jars, faster build time, etc.).
Is Maven a requirement when you want to build a Clojure app?
Is Maven mandatory when you want to use Leiningen? For example, can I add external jars as dependencies to a leiningen project "manually", without needing Maven?
I think my question boils down to this: can you, in the Clojure/JVM world get away without ever using Maven, just like you can build, test, package and ship both Java desktop, webapps and Android apps without ever needing Maven?
Short answer: No. Clojure's just a jar and you can use it as "raw" as you like, just like any other Java library.
Longer answer: Maven's not a requirement, but the tooling around Clojure, especially Leiningen, is highly Maven-aligned so your life will be easier if you just submit to Maven's will. But, with a little work, it's not that hard to get along without Maven. At work, I use a mix of Leiningen and our existing Ant/Ivy-based build infrastructure. I use Ant to resolve dependencies (from our curated internal repo) and then use a hack of Leiningen's :resource-paths to get it to pick up the non-Maven jars. At some point I'll make a true plugin to do this stuff, but it's been working fine for me so far.
Also, if you're an Eclipse person and use CounterClockwise, you can treat your project like any other Java project in Eclipse, managing the classpath manually. It just happens that you've got some Clojure code in there as well.
Of course, the drawback in either approach is that if you want to grab something that's available from either Maven central or Clojars, you'll either have to set up some kind of mirror for your infrastructure, or manually pull down the transitive dependencies and add them to your project.
You do not have to use maven, or leiningen, for that matter. You can run the clojure REPL with
java -jar clojure-1.3.0.jar
and it will work just fine. I know where you're coming from, because a year ago, I was in the same boat as you. never used maven, seen a couple of less than great projects that used it poorly, and generally distrusted maven. Ant+ivy works great, who needs maven?
As a result of using leiningen, and starting a new job where we have a very well setup maven config, I've changed my tune completely; I now think maven is great, and far prefer it to ant, which I've used for a long time.
Specifically with clojure, some advantages of leiningen are:
automagic project scaffolding: "lein new" sets up a new project for you. convention is important, it helps other developers understand your project and quickly ramp up on it.
dependency and plugin management. adding a dependency is trivial, and there isn't a great way that I am aware of to do non-maven dependency management that is tightly integrated with clojure.
"lein repl" sets up your classpath and everything correctly, so you don't have to fool with it, you can just start and run a REPL.
artifact creation: building a fat jar (lein uberjar) is straightforward, and already set up for you.
So, while it's definitely possible to use clojure without leiningen, I honestly don't see why you would want to. There are too many niceities for day to day development not to use it, in my opinion.
regarding "Is Maven mandatory when you want to use Leiningen?"
leiningen uses and wraps Maven so you can't truly avoid it, though you don't ever need to touch any XML
Maven is not mandatory for Clojure as others have rightly pointed out.
However, I would like to encourage you to embrace Maven (either directly or via leiningen). It has some big advantages in the Clojure world:
You will be more productive in the long run - once you've got it set up, it is pretty impressive to see a complex build, test and deployment execute in a single command. Do you really want to be manually setting classpaths, downloading dependencies, incrementing version numbers, uploading to FTP sites etc.?
One of the biggest advantages of using Clojure on the JVM is access to the Java library ecosystem. Maven is the tool of choice for automatically managing dependencies on Java libraries. Nearly everything you are likely to need will be in either the Maven Central or Clojars repositories.
Clojure tends to have small focused libraries - this is good because they are "simple" and you can pick and choose the functionality you like. At the same time, it also means that you are likely to have numerically more library dependencies. Hence a build management system is going to be more useful.
You can make Maven builds as "lean" as you like. Obviously you can pull in every dependency under the sun if you like, but you can also create very lean jars by excluding the unnecessary cruft. That's your choice.
It is the de-facto standard in the Clojure world. If nothing else, using it means that you will be able to collaborate with others more easily.
P.S. Like you, I didn't really see the point of Maven 5 years ago. Then I gave it a go and saw how powerful it could be for my workflow. Now I'm a convert :-)

need some help about maven

we have several projects in our company with many dependencies among them. we have gathered our projects (EJB,Web, Enterprise Application and ...), on a SVN server, now we have difficulties with our projects, because after checking out a project from SVN, we have to waste a long time to gather the required libraries and projects for the checked-out project to build.
i want to some help about that, how the maven technology could help us to easily gather the dependencies and build our projects automatically. we use myeclipse IDE.
moreover i need some help and resources, to learn how to achieve this goal.
any guide and help will be appreciated.
thanks in advance.
Depending on the amount of projects you have, and how complex their build is, switching to Maven can be a hell of a task. It might still be worthwhile, mainly because Maven forces you to do things "the Maven way"1, and that such a "Maven way" is becoming more standard with time: you might end up with a simplified/more standardized build procedure.
If your projects are currently built using ant, chances are that ivy can quite more easily solve your problem of offloading JARs from your VCS system, with a minimal impact to your current build configuration.
Otherwise, if you really think Maven is the right tool for you, I strongly suggest you to have a look at the official tutorial, the POM reference and start playing with simple, self generated projects to start having an idea about how to deal with Maven. Using the archetype:generate mechanism you have access to dozens (hundreds?) of sample projects (archetypes, in Maven jargon) that illustrate you how to deal with different kinds of projects, from simple JAR to more complex ones, maybe leveraging exotic frameworks or products. Have a look at the generated POM for such projects and try to understand how it works.
Integration with Eclipse is achieved via two different plugins. I'm not using Eclipse anymore since quite a while, but I think m2eclipse is still probably the best one to start with.
1- WARN: his is one of the things people coming to Maven heavily dislike more often than not
