equal? and record-type - scheme

Suppose I have the following Scheme (R6RS) code:
(define-record-type typeA
(mutable A)))
and that I create two records:
(define X (make-typeA 123))
(define Y (make-typeA 123))
I can't understand why (equal? X Y) and (equal? (make-typeA 123) (make-typeA 123)) return #f.
I read the R6RS standard (section 11.5) but I didn't really understand it.

From R6RS:
The equal? predicate treats pairs and vectors as nodes with outgoing edges, uses string=? to compare strings, uses bytevector=? to compare bytevectors (see library chapter on “Bytevectors”), and uses eqv? to compare other nodes.
In other words, your use of equal? is really just doing the same thing as eqv? since that's how it's specified for records (see last line of above).
Chapter 6.1 has this to say about eqv? of records:
If obj1 and obj2 are both records of the same record type, and are the results of two separate calls to record constructors, then eqv? returns #f.
In your code, the two records are the results of two separate calls to the constructor. Hence they cannot be eqv?.
Some dialects of Scheme may allow you to use structural equality on records. For example, in Racket you can declare a record as #:transparent to get structural equality. I'm not sure you can get this behavior in standard Scheme.

I'm not really familiar with R6RS, but a quick google search suggests that
the key thing here is mutability:
If obj1 and obj2 are both records of the same record type, and are the
results of two separate calls to record constructors, then eqv?
returns #f.


Is it legal to modify a list created using quasiquote?

From my understanding, it is not legal to modify a list created using quote:
(let ((numbers '(3 2 1)))
(set-car! numbers 99) ; Illegal.
What about lists created using quasiquote? Is it legal to modify lists created using quasiquote?
(let ((numbers `(3 2 1)))
(set-car! numbers 99) ; Legal?
(let ((numbers `(,(+ 1 2) 2 1)))
(set-car! numbers 99) ; Legal?
The short answer is no, this isn't "legal", and certainly this should never be done in a program that aims to be portable. R6RS and R7RS have almost identical language around this, so I'll just quote from R6RS, Section 11.17 Quasiquotation:
A quasiquote expression may return either fresh, mutable objects or literal structure for any structure that is constructed at run time during the evaluation of the expression. Portions that do not need to be rebuilt are always literal.
Section 4.2.8 of R7RS has the same language, except that it says "newly allocated" instead of "fresh".
Since it is an error to attempt to modify literals in Scheme, it is an error to modify the result of a quasiquote form. This is something that you may seem get away with sometimes, but it will bite you sooner or later. The real catch here is that "portions that do not need to be rebuilt are always literal". Other portions may or may not be literal.
More specifically for OP posted code, `(3 2 1) is guaranteed to evaluate to a list literal by the semantics of quasiquote described in Section 11.17 of R6RS:
Semantics: If no unquote or unquote-splicing forms appear within the <qq template>, the result of evaluating (quasiquote <qq template>) is equivalent to the result of evaluating (quote <qq template>).
R7RS contains similar language in Section 4.2.8. Since (quote (3 2 1)) creates a list literal, the expression `(3 2 1) must also evaluate to a list literal.
On the other hand, OP code `(,(+ 1 2) 2 1) must evaluate (+ 1 2) and insert that result into the resulting structure. In this case, unquote is used via the , operator, so the resulting list structure may or may not be a list literal.
To take one more example, consider the quasiquoted expression `(,(+ 1 2) (2 1)). Here the main result is a list structure which may or may not be a list literal, but the element (2 1) of the resulting structure is guaranteed to be a list literal since it does not need to be rebuilt in the construction of the final result.

Why does Scheme need the special notion of procedure's location tag?

Why does Scheme need the special notion of procedure's location tag?
The standard says:
Each procedure created as the result of evaluating a lambda expression
is (conceptually) tagged with a storage location, in order to make
eqv? and eq? work on procedures
The eqv? procedure returns #t if:
obj1 and obj2 are procedures whose location tags are equal
Eq? and eqv? are guaranteed to have the same behavior on ... procedures ...
But at the same time:
Variables and objects such as pairs, vectors, and strings implicitly denote locations or sequences of locations
The eqv? procedure returns #t if:
obj1 and obj2 are pairs, vectors, or strings that denote the same locations in the store
Eq? and eqv? are guaranteed to have the same behavior on ... pairs ... and non-empty strings and vectors
Why not just apply "implicitly denote locations or sequences of locations" to procedures too?
I thought this concerned them as well
I don't see anything special about procedures in that matter
Pairs, vectors, and strings are mutable. Hence, the identity (or location) of such objects matter.
Procedures are immutable, so they can be copied or coalesced arbitrarily with no apparent difference in behaviour. In practice, that means that some optimising compilers can inline them, effectively making them "multiple copies". R6RS, in particular, says that for an expression like
(let ((p (lambda (x) x)))
(eqv? p p))
the result is not guaranteed to be true, since it could have been inlined as (eqv? (lambda (x) x) (lambda (x) x)).
R7RS's notion of location tags is to give assurance that that expression does indeed result in true, even if an implementation does inlining.
Treating procedures as values works in languages like ML where they are truly immutable. But in Scheme, procedures can actually be mutated, because their local variables can be. In effect, procedures are poor man's objects (though the case can also be made that OO-style objects are just poor man's procedures!) The location tag serves the same purpose as the object identity that distinguishes two pairs with identical cars and cdrs.
In particular, giving global procedures identity means that it's possible to ask directly whether a predicate we have been passed is specifically eq? or eqv? or equal?, which is not portably possible in R6RS (though possible in R6RS implementations in practice).

Append! in Scheme?

I'm learning R5RS Scheme at the moment (from PocketScheme) and I find that I could use a function that is built into some variants of Scheme but not all: Append!
In other words - destructively changing a list.
I am not so much interested in the actual code as an answer as much as understanding the process by which one could pass a list as a function (or a vector or string) and then mutate it.
(define (append! lst var)
(cons (lst var))
When I use the approach as above, I have to do something like (define list (append! foo (bar)) which I would like something more generic.
Mutation, though allowed, is strongly discouraged in Scheme. PLT even went so far as to remove set-car! and set-cdr! (though they "replaced" them with set-mcar! and set-mcdr!). However, a spec for append! appeared in SRFI-1. This append! is a little different than yours. In the SRFI, the implementation may, but is not required to modify the cons cells to append the lists.
If you want to have an append! that is guaranteed to change the structure of the list that's being appended to, you'll probably have to write it yourself. It's not hard:
(define (my-append! a b)
(if (null? (cdr a))
(set-cdr! a b)
(my-append! (cdr a) b)))
To keep the definition simple, there is no error checking here, but it's clear that you will need to pass in a list of length at least 1 as a, and (preferably) a list (of any length) as b. The reason a must be at least length 1 is because you can't set-cdr! on an empty list.
Since you're interested in how this works, I'll see if I can explain. Basically, what we want to do is go down the list a until we get to the last cons pair, which is (<last element> . null). So we first see if a is already the last element in the list by checking for null in the cdr. If it is, we use set-cdr! to set it to the list we're appending, and we're done. If not, we have to call my-append! on the cdr of a. Each time we do this we get closer to the end of a. Since this is a mutation operation, we're not going to return anything, so we don't need to worry about forming our modified list as the return value.
Better late than never for putting in a couple 2-3 cents on this topic...
(1) There's nothing wrong with using the destructive procedures in Scheme while there is a single reference to the stucture being modified. So for example, building a large list efficiently, piecemeal via a single reference - and when complete, making that (now presumably not-to-be-modified) list known and referred to from various referents.
(2) I think APPEND! should behave like APPEND, only (potentially) destructively. And so APPEND! should expect any number of lists as arguments. Each list but the last would presumably be SET-CDR!'d to the next.
(3) The above definition of APPEND! is essentially NCONC from Mac Lisp and Common Lisp. (And other lisps).

What does it mean to 'hash cons'?

When to use it and why?
My question comes from the sentence: "hash cons with some classes and compare their instances with reference equality"
From Odersky, Spoon and Venners (2007), Programming in Scala, Artima Press, p. 243:
You hash cons instances of a class by caching all instances you have created in a weak collection. Then, any time you want a new instance of the class, you first check the cache. If the cache already has an element equal to the one you are about to create, you can reuse the existing instance. As a result of this arrangement, any two instances that are equal with equals() are also equal with reference equality.
Putting everyone's answers together:
ACL2 (A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp) is a software system consisting of a programming language, an extensible theory in a first-order logic, and a mechanical theorem prover.
-- Wiki ACL2
In computer programming, cons (pronounced /ˈkɒnz/ or /ˈkɒns/) is a fundamental function in most dialects of the Lisp programming language. cons constructs (hence the name) memory objects which hold two values or pointers to values. These objects are referred to as (cons) cells, conses, or (cons) pairs. In Lisp jargon, the expression "to cons x onto y" means to construct a new object with (cons x y). The resulting pair has a left half, referred to as the car (the first element), and a right half (the second element), referred to as the cdr.
-- Wiki Cons
Logically, hons is merely another name for cons, i.e., the following is an ACL2 theorem:
(equal (hons x y) (cons x y))
Hons generally runs slower than cons because in creating a hons, an attempt is made to see whether a hons already exists with the same car and cdr. This involves search and the use of hash-tables.
-- http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~moore/acl2/current/HONS.html
Given your question:
hash cons with some classes and compare their instances with reference equality
It appears that hash cons is the process of hashing a LISP constructor to determine if an object already exists via equality comparison.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_cons now redirects.
It is cons with hashing to allow eq (reference) comparison instead of a deep one. This is more efficient for memory (because identical objects are stored as references), and is of course faster if comparison is a common operation.
http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~moore/acl2/current/HONS.html describes an implementation for Lisp.

Self-referential data structures in Lisp/Scheme

Is there a way to construct a self-referential data structure (say a graph with cycles) in lisp or scheme? I'd never thought about it before, but playing around I can find no straightforward way to make one due to the lack of a way to make destructive modification. Is this just an essential flaw of functional languages, and if so, what about lazy functional languages like haskell?
In Common Lisp you can modify list contents, array contents, slots of CLOS instances, etc.
Common Lisp also allows to read and write circular data structures. Use
? (setf *print-circle* t)
; a list of two symbols: (foo bar)
? (defvar *ex1* (list 'foo 'bar))
; now let the first list element point to the list,
; Common Lisp prints the circular list
? (setf (first *ex1*) *ex1*)
#1=(#1# BAR)
; one can also read such a list
? '#1=(#1# BAR)
#1=(#1# BAR)
; What is the first element? The list itself
? (first '#1=(#1# BAR))
#1=(#1# BAR)
So-called pure Functional Programming Languages don't allow side-effects. Most Lisp dialects are not pure. They allow side-effects and they allow to modify data-structures.
See Lisp introduction books for more on that.
In Scheme, you can do it easily with set!, set-car!, and set-cdr! (and anything else ending in a bang ('!'), which indicates modification):
(let ((x '(1 2 3)))
(set-car! x x)
; x is now the list (x 2 3), with the first element referring to itself
Common Lisp supports modification of data structures with setf.
You can build a circular data structure in Haskell by tying the knot.
You don't need `destructive modification' to construct self-referential data structures; e.g., in Common Lisp, '#1=(#1#) is a cons-cell that contains itself.
Scheme and Lisp are capable of making destructive modifications: you can construct the circular cons above alternatively like this:
(let ((x (cons nil nil)))
(rplaca x x) x)
Can you let us know what material you're using while learning Lisp/Scheme? I'm compiling a target list for our black helicopters; this spreading of misinformation about Lisp and Scheme has to be stopped.
Yes, and they can be useful. One of my college professors created a Scheme type he called Medusa Numbers. They were arbitrary precision floating point numbers that could include repeating decimals. He had a function:
(create-medusa numerator denominator) ; or some such
which created the Medusa Number that represented the rational. As a result:
(define one-third (create-medusa 1 3))
one-third => ; scheme hangs - when you look at a medusa number you turn to stone
(add-medusa one-third (add-medusa one-third one-third)) => 1
as said before, this is done with judicious application of set-car! and set-cdr!
Not only is it possible, it's pretty central to the Common Lisp Object System: standard-class is an instance of itself!
I upvoted the obvious Scheme techniques; this answer addresses only Haskell.
In Haskell you can do this purely functionally using let, which is considered good style. One nice example is regexp-to-NFA conversion. You can also do it imperatively using IORefs, which is considered poor style as it forces all your code into the IO monad.
In general Haskell's lazy evaluation lends itself to lovely functional implementations of both cyclic and infinite data structures. In any complex let binding, all things bound may be used in all definitions. For example translating a particular finite-state machine into Haskell is a snap, no matter how many cycles it may have.
CLOS example:
(defclass node ()
((child :accessor node-child :initarg :child)))
(defun make-node-cycle ()
(let* ((node1 (make-instance 'node))
(node2 (make-instance 'node :child node1)))
(setf (node-child node1) node2)))
Tying the Knot (circular data structures in Haskell) on StackOverflow
See also the Haskell Wiki page: Tying the Knot
Hmm, self referential data structures in Lisp/Scheme, and SICP streams are not mentioned? Well, to summarize, streams == lazily evaluated list. It might be exactly the kind of self reference you've intended, but it's a kind of self reference.
So, cons-stream in SICP is a syntax that delays evaluating its arguments. (cons-stream a b) will return immediately without evaluating a or b, and only evaluates a or b when you invoke car-stream or cdr-stream
From SICP, http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/sicp/book/node71.html:
(define fibs
(cons-stream 0
(cons-stream 1
(add-streams (stream-cdr fibs)
This definition says that fibs is a
stream beginning with 0 and 1, such
that the rest of the stream can be
generated by adding fibs to itself
shifted by one place:
In this case, 'fibs' is assigned an object whose value is defined lazily in terms of 'fibs'
Almost forgot to mention, lazy streams live on in the commonly available libraries SRFI-40 or SRFI-41. One of these two should be available in most popular Schemes, I think
I stumbled upon this question while searching for "CIRCULAR LISTS LISP SCHEME".
This is how I can make one (in STk Scheme):
First, make a list
(define a '(1 2 3))
At this point, STk thinks a is a list.
(list? a)
> #t
Next, go to the last element (the 3 in this case) and replace the cdr which currently contains nil with a pointer to itself.
(set-cdr! (cdr ( cdr a)) a)
Now, STk thinks a is not a list.
(list? a)
> #f
(How does it work this out?)
Now if you print a you will find an infinitely long list of (1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 ... and you will need to kill the program. In Stk you can control-z or control-\ to quit.
But what are circular-lists good for?
I can think of obscure examples to do with modulo arithmetic such as a circular list of the days of the week (M T W T F S S M T W ...), or a circular list of integers represented by 3 bits (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 ..).
Are there any real-world examples?
