I am trying to understand how to set the paging file size appropriately on Vista. For example, under System Properties, Advanced, Performance options it shows under "Total paging file size for all drives", a recommended size of about 8 GB, and a currently allocated of about 4 GB. I've been trying everything possible to (unchecking the box for automatically manage paging file size for all drives) get the value to recommended in order to run some larger problems with my code.
But it only shows briefly (when I use a custom size setting on one of my other hard drives in the computer) after I hit Set and OK; but when I restart it goes back to the default settings?? What am I doing wrong? Appreciate if somebody can point me to some place for help with this or share their experience.
You can alternatively make the change in the registry.
Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory management
Value: PagingFiles
This value will have an entry for each drive with it's associated pagefile location and its minimum and maximum sizes.
It might look something like this:
C:\pagefile.sys 250 500
Where 250 is the minimum and 500 is the maximum. Try changing it in here and see what happens.
I am getting the following error in SCCM when trying to create USB media:
In the CreateTSMedia log for this task I get:
Which indicates that there is not enough space in the destination or staging area. STaging area is sort of hard set to c:\users\user, and I have the destination pointing to D:
You can see in the initial image that the total size of all the content in the sequence is just over 4Gb, and the drive with the smallest amount of space free has over 55Gb, and yet I still get "not enough free space" errors.
Everything online just say, clear some space. But I already have plenty, something else is going on here.
So one of the applications that we use is consistently crashing whenever it is processing a larger amount of data than it usually does, so to mitigate this I found a fix for it where I can manually increase the paging file size of the windows 10 OS. I've attached screenshots of what I accessed and what values I've changed. Is there any way to have the same thing done with a power shell script? There are a lot of people in my department who most likely won't want to go through the process of navigating control panel and manually changing these values.
Is there a power shell script that can manually edit the virtual memory pop-up and change it from the checkbox that says "Automatically manage paging file size for all drives" to setting it to the custom size radio button, and inputting value 12000 for initial size and value 32000 for maximum size? These options can be found by typing "Adjust the performance and appearance of windows" on the search bar, navigating to the advanced tab, and finally clicking change under virtual memory. I know this is a bit of an unorthodox request but any help on this would be really appreciated. Thanks!
According to this answer on a similar question:
You can modify registry in order to change pagefile settings.
They are stored in the following registry's key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management
PagingFiles value contains values in the 'PageFileLocation MinSize MaxSize' format (i.e. 'C:\pagefile.sys 1024 2048')...
and it's possible to create or modify registry entries with PowerShell (see "Example 2: Create a registry entry and value").
According to a comment on the same answer, there's also a method of modifying the values using WMI. A Google search yielded this Microsoft documentation on the Win32_PageFileSetting class, which you can interface with using PowerShell.
# Run as administrator
# Step1. Disalbe AutomaticManagedPagefile
$ComputerSystem = Get-WmiObject -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem
$ComputerSystem.AutomaticManagedPagefile = $false
# Step2. Set Pagefile Size
$PageFileSetting = Get-WmiObject -ClassName Win32_PageFileSetting
$PageFileSetting.InitialSize = 12000
$PageFileSetting.MaximumSize = 32000
CMD.exe / Bat
:: Run as administrator
wmic COMPUTERSYSTEM set AutomaticManagedPagefile=false
wmic PAGEFILESET set InitialSize=12000,MaximumSize=32000
Our PVCS service getting down once the physical memory usage of the server goes high. Once the server restarts(Not recommended) again the service will be up. Is there any permenant fix for this?
I resolved this issue by increasing the heapsize parameters...:-)
1.On the server system, open the following file in a text editor:
Windows as of VM 8.4.6: VM_Install\vm\common\bin\pvcsrunner.bat
Windows prior to VM 8.4.6: VM_Install\vm\common\bin\pvcsstart.bat
UNIX/Linux: VM_Install/vm/common/bin/pvcsstart.sh
2.Find the following line:
And set the value of the following parameters as needed:
-Xmsvaluem -Xmxvaluem
3.If you are running a VM release prior to 8.4.3, make sure -Dpvcs.mx= is followed by the same value shown after -Xmx.
4.Save the file and restart the server.
The following is a rule of thumb when increasing the values for -Xmx:
•256m -> 512m
•512m -> 1024m
•1024m -> 1280m
As Riant points out above, adjusting the HEAP size is your best course of action here. I actually supported PVCS for nine years until this time in 2014 when I jumped ship. Riant's numbers are exactly what I would recommend.
I would actually counsel a lot of customers to set -Xms and -Xmx to the same value (basically start it at 1024) because if your PDBs and/or your user community are large you're going to hit the ceiling quicker than you might realize.
I had created a oracle instance using "Database Configuration Assistant". My system is having 64GB RAM. I had given 16GB to oracle instance, in Initialization Parameters Wizard.
Now i want to reduce that 16GB to 8GB. So that, the RAM occupied by oracle will be 8GB. I had tried this in SQL Developer,
ALTER SYSTEM SET pga_aggregate_target = 8289 M;
ALTER SYSTEM SET sga_target = 1536 M;
I had restarted the oracle service. It not got reflected. Still the oracle is using 16GB.
I dont know whether this is correct. Whether system reboot is needed for this.? or else how to reduce the memory usage.
There are various ways to define the amount of memory used. Historically, you needed a lot of settings to change to impact total memory footprint. Nowadays, it is often by default setting only one and start tweaking later (when the Oracle installer does not screw up; it often sets things wrongly).
I would check the following:
select *
from v$parameter
where name like '%size%'
name like '%target%'
Check which ones have been set and need changing. It can be settingslike shared_pool_size, memory_target, sga_target, and others.
When you change it, some settings (depends on version and edition) can be changed while the instance is open and running, while some require a restart. Also, sometimes you are using a text file (pfile) and in some instance you may be using a binary file (spfile). Binary file is pre-condition to allow online changing without restarting.
You will probably succeed using something like:
alter system set NAME = VALUE scope=[spfile|both]
as sys user. Scope=spfile only changes the spfile, both changes runtime and spfile. When using a pfile like init*.ora, you just edit the text file and restart your instance.
To quickly restart, the best way is IMHO:
startup force
Please decreasing size, you will generally not have a problem assuming that the size is sufficient to handle the load. Do it in a test environment first. When increasing and depending on platform, please make sure first that your new settings can be handled. For instance, increasing memory allocated on Linux may require you to change kernel settings. Otherwise, your Oracle instance will not start unless the corrections are made first.
I would like to know how to change the limit on an item that is cached in memcache This is not the quota size for the node or cluster but rather the limit on a single cached item. This limit, from what I have read, is set to 1 MB.
I have content which is larger than the 1 MB per item limit and I would like to increase it to something higher.
I have read of a configuration parameter to "membase.exe", the "-I" parameter. But I cannot seem to find it.
I really do not want to go down the road of recompiling with my own limit coded in.
Thank you.
This is really only half an answer, but have you considered just using a membase bucket instead? You'll get a 20 MB limit with no config changes necessary.