Testing PCI Interface on FPGA - fpga

My boss has given a code for testing PCI express on an Altera board. The code consist of several c code files having instructions such as reading Bios, setting some registers, writing to buffers etc.
My job at present is to see the functionality of the code by running it.
I am new to FPGA and I am unable to understand what tools, compilers etc will I use for compiling it for the FPGA.
Since it is a C code so I am sure I cannot use the same environment as that of Verilog/VHDL. Can I get some hints as to what compilers are available for compiling C code for testing various interfaces of an FPGA?
Thanks and regards

If the FPGA board is just connected through a standard PCIexpress interface, it isn't that hard to create a Linux driver to simply access a couple of registers. This might even be easier to do than getting some old DOS-based drivers to work.
I did some work on this in a pre-project to my masters thesis some years ago - if you're interested, it's available here: http://loejer.dk/files/FORK,%20pdf.zip

It sounds like the intent is that you connect the PCI-E card to a normal computer with a PCI-E slot, then run the test software on the host computer, so it will talk to the board via PCI-E, and exercise the board from the host, collect data on the host, and so on.
Such code will almost certainly be quite non-portable. You'll probably need to ask what system it's for (or examine the code to find hints -- e.g., if it starts with #include <windows.h> that's a pretty fair indication that it's for Windows).
The OS it's written for will give at least an 80% (or so) clue about what compiler to use -- if it's for Windows, chances are pretty good that it's intended for Microsoft's compiler. If it's for Linux, there's an even better chance that it's for gcc/g++. If it's for MacOS, it's probably for g++, but if it's really new, might target Clang.


How does a Linux distribution affect the kernel behavior

This might be obvious for some but not to me so I'll ask =)
I'm having an issue that I have build an embedded Linux stack for some piece of hardware (NVidia TX2 + ConnectTech Astro carrier). I use a PCIe card from EPIX
If I use Ubuntu's official distribution for tegra, the PCIe card is properly detected.
With identical kernel and device tree blob, and the same HW unit, the detection fails with embedded Linux.
I thought that detecting PCIe devices would be kernel's job and not be influence by the distro, unless the drivers are built as kernel modules and inserted at different times. But in my case they are build in kernel.
Could someone elaborate why the detection would work with one distro but not the order?
Here is a link to what I tried to do to fix the detection
A Linux distribution contains a kernel that usually differs from the vanilla kernel of the same release. Most of the time a distribution kernel contains lots of back ports of bug fixes that were discovered and fixed later in micro releases. There may be other features that a specific vendor includes and the vanilla kernel does not, like more recent version of certain drivers, etc. What makes this even more confusing is that sets of these back ports are often different in distributions from different vendors. As a side effect, this makes it difficult to depend on something like KERNEL_VERSION() macro in custom kernel code or in custom device drivers.
I can't say about the specific issue that you're having. The topic is pretty generic, and I hope that this explanation helps.

Starting point for coding a virtual device

I want to write something like DaemonTools: a software that presents itself to the system as a real device (a DVD-ROM in the previous example) but it reads the data from a file instead. My requirement is not limited to DVD-ROM. The first goal is a joystick/gamepad for Windows.
I'm a web developer, so I don't know from where I could start such a project. I believe it will have to be written in C/C++, but other than that, I have no clue where to start.
Did anyone tried something like this and can give me some starting tips ?
Most drivers are written in either C or C++, so if you don't know those languages reasonably well, you'll want to get familiar with them before you start. Windows programming uses a lot of interesting shortcuts that might be confusing to a beginner - for example PVOIDs (typedef void* PVOID) and LPVOIDs (typedef void* far LPVOD;). You'll need to be happy with pointers as concepts as well as structures because you'll be using a lot of them. I'd suggest writing a really straightforward win32 app as an exercise in getting to grips with the Windows style of doing C/C++.
Your next port of call then is to navigate the Windows Driver Kit - specifically, you'll need it to build drivers for Windows. At this stage my ability to advise really depends on what you're doing and the hardware you have available etc, or whether or not you're really using hardware. You'll need to know how to drive your hardware and from there you'll need to choose an appropriate way of writing a driver - there are several different types of driver depending on what you need to achieve and it might be you can plug into one of these.
The windows driver kit contains quite a large number of samples, including a driver that implements a virtual toaster. These should provide you with starting points.
I strongly suggest you do the testing of this in a virtual machine. If your driver successfully builds, but causes a runtime error, the result could well crash windows entirely if you're in kernel-mode. You will therefore save yourself some pain by being able to revert the virtual machine if you damage it, as well as not having to wait on your system restarting. It'll also make debugging easier as virtual serial cables can be used.
This is quite a big undertaking, so before you start, I'd research Windows development more thoroughly - check you can't do it using the Windows APIs first, then have a look at the user-mode driver framework, then finally and only if you need to, look at the kernel level stuff.

Stepping through a TCP/IP stack

I was working as a QA engineer for a proprietary embedded operating system. They built their own ATN stack and stepping though it with a debugger was the most eye opening experience I have had with networking. Watching each layer of the stack build their part of the packet was amazing. Then finally being able to see the built packet on the wire had more meaning.
As an educator I would like share this experience with others. Does anyone know of a straight forward method stepping though a TCP/IP stack? Ideally I would like something easier than debugging a *BSD or Linux kernel, although if this is the only option then some tips and tricks for this process would be nice. A reference stack written in C/C++ that could be run in user mode with Visual Studio or Eclipse would be ideal.
This all depends on what you want to focus on. From your question, the thing you are most interested in is the data flow throughout the different layers (user-space stream -> voltage on the cable).
For this, I propose you use http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/cnet/, which is a full network simulator. It allows you to step through all levels of the stack.
Real systems will always have a clear distinction between Layer3, Layer2 and Layer1 (Ethernet and CRC-checking firmware on chip, hardware MAC). You will have trouble getting into the OS and some implementation details will be messy and confusing for students. For Linux, you'll have to explain kernel infrastructure to make sense of the TCP/IP stack design.
If you are only interested in the TCP/IP part, I recommend you use an embedded TCP/IP stack like http://www.sics.se/~adam/lwip/ . You can incorporate this into a simple user-space program and fully construct the TCP/IP packet.
Please note that there are a lot of network communication aspects that you cannot address while stepping through the TCP/IP stack. There is still a MAC chip in between which regulates medium access, collisions etc. Below that, there is a PHY chip which translates everything into electric/optical signals, and there is even a protocol which handles communication between MAC and PHY. Also, you are not seeing all aspects related to queueing, concurrency, OS resource allocation ea. A full picture should include all of these aspects, which can only be seen in a network simulator.
I would run Minix in a virtual machine and debug that. It is perfect for this.
Minix is a full OS with TCP/IP stack so you have the code you need. However, unlike Linux/BSD its roots and design goal are to be a teaching tool, so it eschews a certain level of complexity in favor of being clear. In fact, this is the OS Linus Torvalds started hacking on when he started out with Linux :-)
You can run minix in an VM such as VirtualBox or VMware and debug it. There are instruction on the web site: http://www.minix3.org/
I personally learned TCP/IP stack using DOS and SoftICE (oops, leaked that I'm an old guy). Using DOS on a virtual machine and debug through a TCP/IP driver will be much simpler since your goal is to educate how TCP/IP works. Modern OS does a lot of optimization on network I/O and it's not easy to debug through.
http://www.crynwr.com/ has a bunch of open source packet drivers. Debugging with source code shall be a bit easier.
This not exactly what you are looking for but I hope this helps
1995 - TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2: The Implementation (with Gary R. Wright) - ISBN 0-201-63354-X
Just walk through the code side by side. Near stepping through experience. Mr Steven's explains key variables too. Just awesome. Note: Code may have changed since the book but still awesome.
Probably lwIP project is what you are looking for because it can be run without an operating system.
As for debugging Linux kernel, there is not very simple, but well-known way to do it. Use KGDB. Install debugging version of Linux kernel on virtual machine or on separate box. And remotely connect GDB to this machine. Probably you would like to use some GDB frontend instead of text-only interface. If you need more details on kernel debugging from more competent people, just add "linux" tag to the question.
I actually wrote a small subset of a TCP/IP stack in a 8051 once, it was a very enlightening experience.
I believe that the best way to learn something is by doing it. Once you finished your task, go and get feedback with other developers and compare your implementation with other existing ones.
My opinion might be biased here, but I think that doing this in a embedded platform is the best way to go. What you are trying to do is very low level, and a PC will just add more complexity into the problem. A embedded chip has no operational system to get in your way. Besides that, it is very satisfying to see a simple 8051 respond to ping requests and telnet calls.
They key is to start small, don't try to create a full TCP/IP stack all at once. Write the code to handle the MAC first, then IP, Ping, UDP and finally TCP.
I don't think that studying an existing implementation is a good ideia. TCP/IP implementations tend to be bloated with code that is unrelated with your goal.
I work in the TCP/IP industry. In BSD and variants, the function tcp_input() is an ideal starting point to explore the innards of TCP. Setting a breakpoint on this function and stepping through it on a live system can give a lot of enlightenment. If that is hard, you can simply browse through the source to get a broad feel of it:
It will take time, many weeks at least, to understand the big picture. Quite exhilarating. :-)
You can run the NetBSD IP stack in userspace in Linux or other OS, with gdb or whatever see http://www.netbsd.org/docs/rump/ and https://github.com/anttikantee/buildrump.sh and then eg feed it to a tun/tap device so you can see whats on the wire.

LPT control on Windows

I am into new project, which should use microcontroller. The easiest way to program it is using parallel port. But, there are few things I hope you can help me with. Oh, and the preferred language is C and platform Windows.
So, I studied LPT ports and Windows a bit, and from what I learned the most important is: Since Windows NT based systems, you cannot use instructions for direct port manipulation. This should be, because now programs are run in different privilege mode, which doesn't support the kind of instructions that are used by outport() function.
But at this point, I don´t understand a few things. First, I thought that Windows actually used privilege levels since first protected mode version, but that's the wrong assumption.
But more importantly, I thought that Windows has included functions for just about any hardware communication. I mean, anything you do in Windows these days, you just call windows functions which further call kernel services. I assumed that outport() doesn´t use any Windows function, and just makes the communication itself, which is prohibited now. But I am literally shocked that there is no system function to control parallel ports in modern Windows systems. At least that's what I read.
But even if I could get the control of parallel port, there comes my second problem.
For programming the controller, I need to follow special protocol, especially timing. But since Windows is multitasked, I worry about what if Scheduler switches to another app, and therefore when is the right time to switch signals on LPT, my program just will not be able to run.
Oh, by the way, I know I could use any 3rd-party apps, but I just like to be able to do it myself, or at least before I use some 3rd-party app, I want to know how it works. And yes, you can program some microcontrollers just by parallel port with some resistors, I know this for sure.
For windows you need to install a DLL which contains a driver to run at elevated privileges to get access to the HW ports.
You can find such a library at :
There are also some links to sample code.
I do not know which uController you are using, but I programmed in the past a variety of them and never had issues with timings, well for programming at least. The programming protocols are usually robust enough to deal with the jitter caused by multitasking. Just keep your clock edges and signa edges well separated and it should go fine.

Quick CPU ring mode protection question

I am very curious in messing up with HW. But my top level "messing" so far was linked or inline assembler in C program. If my understanding of CPU and ring mode is right, I cannot directly from user mode app access some low level CPU features, like disabling interrupts, or changing protected mode segments, so I must use system calls to do everything I want.
But, if I am right, drivers can run in ring mode 0. I actually don´t know much about drivers, but this is what I ask for. I just want to know, is learning how to write your own drivers and than call them the way I should go, to do what I wrote?
I know I could write whole new OS (at least to some point), but what I exactly want to do is acessing some low level features of HW from standart windows application. So, is driver the way to go?
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: Managing access to low-level hardware features is exactly the job of the OS kernel and if you only want access to a single feature there's no need to start your own OS from scratch. Most modern OSes, such as WIndows, Linux, or the BSDs, allow you to add code to the kernel through kernel modules.
When writing a kernel module (or device driver), you write code that is going to be executed inside the OS kernel and will thus be running in CPU ring 0. Great power comes with great responsibility, which in this case means that you should really know what you're doing as there will be no pre-configured OS interface to prevent you from doing the wrong things. You should therefore study the manuals of your hardware (e.g., Intel's x86 software developer's manuals, device specs, ...) as well as standard operating systems development literature (where you're also going to find plenty on the web -- OSDev, OSDever, OSR, Linux Device Drivers).
If you want to play with HW write some programs for 16-bit real-mode (or even with your own transition to protected-mode). There you have to deal with ASM, BIOS interrupts, segments, video memory and a lot of other low-level stuff.
