F# equivalent of LINQ Single - linq

Ok, so for most LINQ operations there is a F# equivalent.
(Generally in the Seq module, since Seq= IEnumerable)
I can't find the equiv of IEmumerable.Single, I prefer Single over First (which is Seq.find), because it is more defensive - it asserts for me the state is what I expect.
So I see a couple of solutions (other than than using Seq.find).
(These could be written as extension methods)
The type signature for this function, which I'm calling only, is
('a->bool) -> seq<'a> -> 'a
let only = fun predicate src -> System.Linq.Enumerable.Single<'a>(src, predicate)
let only2 = Seq.filter >> Seq.exactlyOne
only2 is preferred, however it won't compile (any clues on that?).

In F# 2.0, this is a solution works without enumerating the whole sequence (close to your 2nd approach):
module Seq =
let exactlyOne seq =
match seq |> Seq.truncate 2 with
| s when Seq.length s = 1 -> s |> Seq.head |> Some
| _ -> None
let single predicate =
Seq.filter predicate >> exactlyOne
I choose to return option type since raising exception is quite unusual in F# high-order functions.
In F# 3.0, as #Oxinabox mentioned in his comment, Seq.exactlyOne exists in Seq module.

What about
let Single source f =
let worked = ref false
let newf = fun a ->
match f a with
|true ->
if !worked = true then failwith "not single"
worked := true
|false -> None
let r = source |> Seq.choose newf
Seq.nth 0 r
Very unidiomatic but probably close to optimal
Solution with exactlyOne
let only2 f s= (Seq.filter f s) |> exactlyOne


F# Bjorklund algorithm: convert while-loop to recursive function: type-constraint issue

I’m doing the deep dive into f# finally. Long time c-style imperative guy - but lover of all languages. I’m attempting the Bjorklund algorithm for Euclidean Rhythms. Bjorklund: Most equal spacing of 1’s in a binary string up to rotation, e.g. 1111100000000 -> 1001010010100.
I initially based my attempt off a nice js/lodash implementation. I tried from scratch but got all tied up in old concepts.
Here's my 1:1 translation
let mutable pat = "1111100000000" // more 0 than 1
//let mutable pat = "1111111100000" // more 1 than 0
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17101329/f-sequence-comparison
let compareSequences = Seq.compareWith Operators.compare
let mutable apat = Array.map (fun a -> [a]) ( Seq.toArray pat )
let mutable cond = true
while cond do
let (head, rem) = Array.partition (fun v -> (compareSequences v apat.[0]) = 0) apat
cond <- rem.Length > 1
match cond with
| false -> ()
| true ->
for i=0 to (min head.Length rem.Length)-1 do
apat.[i] <-apat.[i] # apat.[^0]
apat <- apat.[.. ^1]
let tostring (ac : char list) = (System.String.Concat(Array.ofList(ac)))
let oned = (Array.map (fun a -> tostring a) apat )
let res = Array.reduce (fun a b -> a+b) oned
printfn "%A" res
That seems to work. But since I want to (learn) be as functional, not necc. idiomatic, as possible, I wanted to lose the while and recurse the main algorithm.
Now I have this:
let apat = Array.map (fun a -> [a]) ( Seq.toArray pat )
let rec bjork bpat:list<char> array =
let (head, rem) = Array.partition (fun v -> (compareSequences v bpat.[0]) = 0) bpat
match rem.Length > 1 with
| false -> bpat
| true ->
for i=0 to (min head.Length rem.Length)-1 do
bpat.[i] <-bpat.[i] # bpat.[^0]
bjork bpat.[.. ^1]
let ppat = bjork apat
The issue is the second argument to compareSequences: bpat.[0] I am getting the error:
The operator 'expr.[idx]' has been used on an object of indeterminate type based on information prior to this program point. Consider adding further type constraints
I'm a bit confused since this seems so similar to the while-loop version. I can see that the signature of compareSequences is different but don't know why. apat has the same type in each version save the mutability. bpat in 2nd version is same type as apat.
while-loop: char list -> char list -> int
rec-funct : char list -> seq<char> -> int
I will say I've had some weird errors learning f# that ended up having to do with issues elsewhere in the code so hopefully this is not a lark.
Also, there may be other ways to do this, including Bresenham's line algorithm, but I'm on the learning track and this seemed a good algorithm for several functional concepts.
Can anyone see what I am missing here? Also, if someone who is well versed in the functional/f# paradigm has a nice way of approaching this, I'd like to see that.
The recursive as above does not work. Just couldn't test. This works, but still has a mutable.
let rec bjork (bbpat:list<char> array) =
let mutable bpat = bbpat
let (head, rem) = Array.partition (fun v -> (compareSequences v bpat.[0]) = 0) bpat
match rem.Length > 1 with
| false -> bpat
| true ->
for i=0 to (min head.Length rem.Length)-1 do
bpat.[i] <-bpat.[i] # bpat.[^0]
bpat <- bpat.[.. ^1]
bjork bpat
You need to put parentheses around (bpat:list<char> array). Otherwise the type annotation applies to bjork, not to bbpat:
let rec bjork (bbpat:list<char> array) =
Also note that calculating length and indexing are both O(n) operations on an F# linked lists. Consider pattern matching instead.

Elegant Array.multipick(?) implementation

I'd like to implement something akin to imaginary Array.multipick:
Array.multipick : choosers:('a -> bool) [] -> array:'a [] -> 'a []
Internally, we test each array's element with all choosers, the first chooser to return true is removed from choosers array, and we add that chooser's argument to the result. After that, we continue interation while choosers array has elements left.
The last part is important, because without early exit requirement this could be solved with just Array.fold.
This could be easily implemented with something like:
let rec impl currentIndex currentChoosers results
But it's too procedural for my taste. Maybe there's more elegant solution?
It's quite difficult to write elegant code using arrays of changing size. Here is some code that works on lists instead and does not mutate any values.
let rec pick accum elem tried = function
| [] -> (accum, List.rev tried)
| chooser :: rest ->
if chooser elem then (elem :: accum, List.rev_append tried rest)
else pick accum elem (chooser :: tried) rest
let rec multipick_l accum choosers list =
match choosers, list with
| [], _
| _, [] -> List.rev accum
| _, elem :: elems ->
let (accum', choosers') = pick accum elem [] choosers in
multipick_l accum' choosers' elems
let multipick choosers array =
(multipick_l [] (Array.to_list choosers) (Array.to_list array))
If you think that Array.fold_left is usable except for the early exit requirement, you can use an exception to exit early.
A fold with an early exit is a good idea, however a production-worthy one specifically targeting arrays would need to be written in a fairly imperative manner. For simplicity, I'll grab the more general sequence one from this answer.
let multipick (choosers: ('a -> bool) array) (arr: 'a array) : 'a array =
let indexed =
|> Seq.indexed
|> Map.ofSeq
((indexed, []), arr)
||> foldWhile (fun (cs, res) e ->
if Map.isEmpty cs then
match cs |> Seq.tryFind (fun kvp -> kvp.Value e) with
| Some kvp -> Some (Map.remove kvp.Key cs, e :: res)
| None -> Some (cs, res))
|> snd
|> List.rev
|> Array.ofList
I'm using a Map keyed by array index to keep track of remaining functions - this allows for easy removal of elements, but still retains their order (since map key-value pairs are ordered by keys when iterating).
F# Set wouldn't work with functions due to comparison constraint. System.Collections.Generic.HashSet would work, but it's mutable, and I'm not sure if it would retain ordering.

Equivalent of Ruby's Enumerable#each_slice method in FSharp

I'm currently writing a bit of F#. I've created a method that is the equivalent of Ruby's Enumerable#each_slice method and was wondering if somebody has a better (i.e. more elegant, more concise, more readable) solution.
Here it is:
let rec slicesBySize size list =
match list with
| [] -> [] // case needed for type inference
| list when list.Length < size -> [list]
| _ ->
let first = list |> Seq.take size |> List.ofSeq
let rest = list |> Seq.skip size |> List.ofSeq
[first] # slicesBySize size rest
Thanks for any and all feedback/help.
You're looking for List.chunkBySize, which was added in F# 4.0. There are also Seq and Array variants.

Sort list High-to-Low in F#

sorts a list from low to high - How does one sort from high to low? Is there some kind of library function for this?
For a list of numbers:
|> List.sortBy (fun x -> -x)
The function (fun x -> -x) negates the number, therefore reversing the order.
For comparables in general, use List.sortWith with compare. Observe the ordering of a b in compare:
> List.sortWith (fun a b -> compare a b) ["a";"s";"d";"f"];;
val it : string list = ["a"; "d"; "f"; "s"]
> List.sortWith (fun a b -> compare b a) ["a";"s";"d";"f"];;
val it : string list = ["s"; "f"; "d"; "a"]
If you looked at the linked thread F# Seq.sortBy in descending order, there is a chance of overflow when you use List.sortBy (fun x -> -x). To be correct, it should be:
List.sortBy (fun x -> -x-1)
In F# 4.0 (that comes with Visual Studio 2015 Preview), there are sortDescending/sortByDescending functions for this exact purpose.
You can use
|> List.sortDescending
|> List.sortByDescending id
See the comprehensive list of new core library functions at https://github.com/fsharp/FSharpLangDesign/blob/master/FSharp-4.0/ListSeqArrayAdditions.md.
You can use List.sortBy to sort by a custom function, and use the unary minus operator ~- as such function in a compact notation:
let list = [1..10]
list |> List.sortBy (~-)

Is there an F# equivalent of Enumerable.DefaultIfEmpty?

After searching quite a bit, I couldn't find an F# equivalent of Enumerable.DefaultIfEmpty.
Does something similar exists in F# (perhaps in a different, idiomatic, way)?
To preserve the laziness of the sequence, we could work with the enumerator's state.
let DefaultIfEmpty (l:'t seq) (d:'t) =
use en = l.GetEnumerator()
if en.MoveNext() then
yield en.Current
while en.MoveNext() do
yield en.Current
yield d }
Seq module functions operate and return IEnumerable<_>'s and DefaultIfEmpty operate and return IEnumerable<_>'s. How about just wrap it in function that is composable.
let inline DefaultIfEmpty d l = System.Linq.Enumerable.DefaultIfEmpty(l, d)
This also preserves laziness.
Seq.empty |> DefaultIfEmpty 0
I've made an open source library inlining many extension and static methods, including Enumerable.defaultIfEmpty -- ComposableExtesions
There are a few options:
Use DefaultIfEmpty which might be non-idiomatic but will work
write your own like so:
let DefaultIfEmpty (l:'t seq) (d:'t) =
match Seq.length l with |0 -> seq [d] |_ -> l
Worry about infinite sequences
let DefaultIfEmpty (l:'t seq) (d:'t) =
match Seq.isEmpty l with |true -> seq [d] |false -> l
