Pause command not working in .bat script - windows

The batch file has only two lines:
c:\program.exe ...
but pause does't run after "program" completes... I don't see that "press any key message" :(
If I move pause on the first line, then it magically works.

It fails because you are not running an executable directly - you are running it via the phpunit.bat batch file (based on information in comment added to question).
You must CALL a batch file from within another batch file if you want to return to the caller
call phpunit

Try saving before opening the bat file, it worked for me


nircmd: I can't run another batch file with nircmd.exe?

I have wrote a batch file that i want to run another program with nircmd.exe. But the problem is i can't run it? The batch file(Matrix.bat) runs correctlyby double-click it. But when i trying to open it with nircmd.exe, it doesn't run? why?
i tried two method:
RunMethod1.bat (for runing another batch file)
start %INSTALLPATH%\nircmd exec show %INSTALLPATH%\Matrix.bat
RunMethod1.bat (for runing another batch file)
%INSTALLPATH%\nircmd exec show %INSTALLPATH%\Matrix.bat
The exec command in nircmd does not run batch files but executable files. Change your code to
start "" "%INSTALLPATH%\nircmd.exe" exec show "%comspec%" "%INSTALLPATH%\Matrix.bat"
Now, nircmd executes a cmd instance that will handle the batch file execution
The problem was in path of nircmd.exe. I set path of nircmd but i didn't know why it isn't work correctly? with "pushd" command i set the path of cmd into where nircmd.exe exist. and Bow!!! everything works cerrectly. Maybe a syntax problem. If everyone know that say it here.
nircmd exec show Matrix.bat

Looping a batch file that calls another batch file

My embedded C compiler generates a batch file to run various build outputs in a processor simulator from the command line. I'd like to create a batch file to call that auto generated batch file that is somewhere convenient, and I'd like to be able to rerun it just by clicking a key as often as I want all day long.
Here's what I've tried
cd "C:\foo\project name\settings\"
"Project Name.Unit Test Ouput.cspy.bat" & pause
goto repeat
I see the output I expect from the batch file, followed by a:
Press any key to continue . . .
When I press enter the script ends and never executes the goto.
If I remove the pause statement the script just ends immediately.
If I type & goto repeat the script still ends immediately.
CDing to the batch file from the command line, running it, and then click the up arrow and enter effectively does what I want... I am trying to automate it a tiny bit more.
To run a batch file from another batch file, you have to use the call statement. If you don't, then your outer batch file will end when the inner one does.
call "Project Name.Unit Test Ouput.cspy.bat" & pause

Run a batch file from Task Scheduler is not working with a java command

Run a batch file from Task Scheduler is not working with a java command inside the .bat file. If I run the .bat file manually its working good.
Here is the simple .bat file I'm trying to schedule
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_24;
set CMD= "%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java" -version
echo %CMD%
When you type batchfile.bat on the command line, you are telling cmd.exe to read the file and execute each line it finds in it. When you double-click on your batch file in explorer, it calls cmd.exe for you, after reading the file associations in the registry.
Task Manager is not so kind.
So for your task to work, schedule it like this (from memory, not on a Windows box right now) :
cmd /c "c:\full\path\to\your\batchfile.bat"
For extra robustness, you could make sure you batch file run from a known directory, like the one that it reside in, by adding this at the top:
pushd %~dp0
REM .... The original batch file goes here ....
And finally you could disable CMD autorun entry by adding /d right after cmd like this:
cmd /d /c "c:\full\path\to\your\batchfile.bat"
If ixe013's suggestion doesnt work go to
'Edit' the task
'Start in (optional):' Put the path to the directory where the script is
So for the last one if you have 'C:\Users\Desktop\' just put in 'C:\Users\Desktop\' in the 'Start in (optional):' field
What worked for me was running the task as "Users" ( computername\Users ). Once I did that, and "run with highest privileges" checked, it ran without a hitch.
Giving the full path of java.exe in the batch file fixed it for me. In a notepad, I typed the following line:
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_40\bin\java.exe" -jar "C:\Users\usernameXXXX\Documents\NetBeansProjects\JavaApplication5\dist\JavaApplication5.jar"
Save this as a app1.bat file (C:\temp\app1.bat)
In the Actions tab of the task scheduler, give the path to the batch file, i.e, C:\temp\app1.bat
Also, be careful in the Conditions tab of task scheduler- make sure you uncheck "Start the task only if the computer is on AC power"
All other ways did not work for me, I followed this guide:
In order to get the batch file to run, I had to set the "Program\script" box to contain just the name of the script (ie. script.bat) and set the the folder path of the script in the "Start in (optional)" box
I gave full permission to user Everyone from security tab from Properties of the folder in which batch file is. and it started working.
What a coworker discovered on something he had that wasn't working, and I have verified on the system I had that wasn't working is the following:
When the whole task is initially setup, you HAVE TO initially use the radio button "Run only when user is logged on". It will ask for your password for the change.
Now run the task.
Verify that whatever the batch was supposed to do, did happen.
And THEN change to the radio button BACK TO 'Run whether user is logged on or not."
This solved a problem for both of us that we had individually been working on for hours.
Side notes: both issues were also trying to elicit a 3rd party FTP app (WinSCP and WinFTP respectively) in each of our cases. Regular "inhouse" batch/tasks were having no issues.
I had the same problem, and to solve it, I put the next command line into the batch file:
where CURRENT_DIRECTORY is the directory where the batch file is located.
Suppose i have my batch file named test.bat located into c:\windows\system32\mytest
in my test.bat file, i introduce the next command line:
cd c:\windows\system32\mytest

How to prevent batch file (.bat) from closing terminal when running commands?

On a Windows 7 machine if I run a PHPUnit Selenium command like this manually in the terminal:
phpunit --verbose --log-junit _selenium_tests\results\home.xml _selenium_tests\frontend\home.php
It spawns a browser and runs the test just fine. Then it outputs the following on the screen:
Time: 10 seconds, Memory: 3.50Mb
OK (1 test, 3 assertions)
And the terminal stays open.
Now if I copy and paste the exact command in an empty file and save it as test.bat and click it, it also runs the test. I can see the browser open and all tests run. Only problem is it closes the terminal prompt right after. So I can't see the above output.
An even bigger problem is, since it closes the terminal if I add more commands for other tests after that initial one they don't run.
I tried adding:
at the end of the bat file but no luck, it still closes. Any idea how to prevent this and be able to run one command after another without the terminal ever closing?
Your question is similar to this one. Try using call in front of your command. If you run a .bat file from another .bat file and don't use call, control doesn't return to the first batch file, so pause doesn't get executed.
Try cmd /K phpunit --verbose --log-junit _selenium_tests\results\home.xml _selenium_tests\frontend\home.php
The /K option in cmd /K string Carries out the command specified by string but remains,see
Also, I don't know the file type of the phpunit command you execute - I'm not familiar with selenium. If it is batch file (i.e. ends with .bat), you just can't call them from another batch file: everything below the call to the second batch file will never get executed.
You then need to use the CALL command. CALL Enables a user to execute a batch file from within another batch file, see

Windows .bat file doesn't execute its sequence

I created a simple install.bat file into my application folder, to execute its thing on windows.
But it only executes the first line of the .bat file.
Is there something that I need to add so it continues after the first one is done?
copy something somewhere
move something somewhereelse
gem install etc
Above are the type of commands that are in the .bat.
Do I need to anything something inbetween?
Is the first command in your batch file actually a copy command, or is it a command that's running another batch file?
Running a batch file from another by simply using the second batch file;s name will not return to the calling batch file.
If you want one batch file to invoke another and return you have to use the call command.
Are you overwriting a file? If so you'll need to add the /Y to the copy command to supress the prompt that asks if you want to overwrite the file.
Use the /h parameter to get help on the copy command. It will show this usage and some others.
As written above, all three lines will execute. I imagine that the second and third lines are failing. You should capture the output which will explain why those lines failed.
