Magento - Show all items including tax on Paypal order summary - magento

When checking out with Paypal standard on Magento, the order summary shows all prices not including tax, then the tax is added on at the end. See the picture below:
I need it so that rather than adding the tax separately at the end, the summary is kept nice and simple like this:
Item 1: £25.00
Shipping: £2.75
Total: £27.95
I have set all my Magento settings to include tax in all prices (see below):
I'm not sure what else I can do to get it to transfer the prices across including tax only. Does anybody have any experience with this? I'm hoping there's no need for a core hack.
Any help would be much appreciated.


Magento - tax rate based on selected currency

Have a Magento site ver.
We have one store set up for, primary is UK, but also want to offer global sales (without multiple stores setup).
So we offer 3 selectable currencies on the site: UK - GBP (main), EU - Euro, US - USD
All prices are excluding vat/tax with a vat breakdown displayed at the cart and checkout.
For UK there is 20% VAT
For EU there is also 20% with a option to add valid EU vat number (which removes the VAT)
This all works fine.
However if you select the USD currency and add a item to the cart it gives a vat breakdown (20%), even though we dont want to add tax when USD is selected.
I should note that once you do checkout and have told the site you are in the US then is correctly removes the vat/tax.
So to clarify, we want it so that if the USD currency is selected on the site no tax/vat is added to the product price in the cart.
Is this possible?
I would suggest setting up multi-store configuration, using a store front for each location (UK/US/EU)
This will allow you to set the default country for each sub-store and then you can make the USA the default shipping destination / country for the US store, this will immediately apply the tax rules for this country when purchasing items from the US Store Front.
You said there's no multi-store, setup, but do you have a good reason why you don't want to use this kind of setup? it will allow you to do what you need.
The issue with your setup is that there's no way for the store to know where the customer is before they either login or select during the checkout, this is because you will only have one default location for all currencies.
There may well be a way of doing it like this, but not that I know of. This is what the store front and/or multistore is meant for and good at.

Magento 1.9 - Price incl tax is adding tax again

I'm working with an inherited site, and after changing the tax rules so it ensured that customers from the Channel Islands who chose the UK as their country were not charged tax (using this method: where it looks at the postcode as well), the site now calculates the catalog price incorrectly as it re-adds the tax onto the price. Eg. price in set in admin as £99.99 (incl tax), but on the frontend, it shows as £119.99 (incl tax).
My settings are:
Magento Version:
Catalog prices: Including tax
Tax Calculation Based On: Delivery Address
Default Tax Destination Calculation Default Country: United Kingdom
Enable Cross Border Trade: No
Shipping Settings Origin Country: United Kingdom
On searching where people have had a similar problem, people say to change the shipping origin country, but my tax calculation needs to be based on the delivery address.
Even if I revert my tax rules to the previous default settings, it does not fix the problem. I've reindexed, cleared cache, resaved a product, resaved the config settings ... but can't get it working.
I'm thinking that perhaps there has been some sort of corruption maybe? Do I need to run some sort of 'recalculate tax' perhaps?
In administration go to settings > sales > tax > calculation and set “tax based on” to the last item (package origin, or something like that; terms are not perfect).
Or you can change setting accordingly as you want in your cart.
If your code is perfect then you are just missing some configuration detail.
Also you can go throw all the inner tabs for tax calculation.
Turns out that in the tax_calculation_rate table, one of the rows had NULL in the tax_postcode column. In my case, it needed to be empty.
Apply Customer Tax Should be set to Before Discount

Magento Discount ANd Tax Calculation

Kindly have a look the image showing the checkout details on my magento store. The subtotal price of 6929.82 is correct - to which a discount of 10% is to be applied. The discount amount of 692.98 is also correct. However I cannot figure out how in the world could magento calculate the difference of 6929.82 and 692.98 as 6321.94 .
Though I am using a custom theme but I have tried restoring to default theme and the result remains the same which tells that the problem is either in the backend settings or in the core magento files. Further into the calculations - application of 14% tax after discount is calculated correctly and added to the figure.
Can anybody help me out in locating the setting that is leading to this strange behaviour from Magento.
Looks like its a bug. See
Try the following solution
Line 144
if('cart' == Mage::app()->getRequest()->getControllerName()){
$address->setGrandTotal($address->getGrandTotal() + $address->getTaxAmount());
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($address->getBaseGrandTotal() + $address->getBaseTaxAmount());
} // if
Maybe there is Shipping&handling total is not displayed (amount 85.1). You can check all totals and their value through database, review sales_flat_quote_address table.
After a lot of searching for possible solutions I could not come across any full proof solution to my problem. Modifying the Core Magento files is also something I would not recommend unless and until you are very sure what all areas of your website it will affect.
The solution I have implemented is to set the catalog prices as "excluding tax" in Tax Settings and thereafter manually changing all product prices by deducting the tax applicable on them.
e.g Before Implementing the solution:
Tax Setting - Catalog prices include tax
Price of Item (as entered in product specification)- 100 {subtotal 86 + 14#14% tax}
After Solution
Tax Setting - Catalog prices exclude tax
Price of Item (as entered in product specification)- 86
After implementing this I found the discount totals and everything was being calculated correctly. Since I had only 400 odd products I did it manually over the week just to be sure. However for larger number of products you can also run a query through phpmyadmin(etc) to change the values directly in the database. Do remember to backup your DB before doing so.

Magento - How can I add a non-taxable fee to a taxable product?

We are using Magento EE 1.12. We have associated fees with individual products that cannot be taxed, however the product itself can be. The desired solution will be similar to a custom option where the fee is included on the same line item as the product and included in the product's price and therefore in the order subtotal. The only problem with a custom option is that the fee is taxed along with the product.
We've gone through several scenarios but I think the most likely solution is to use a custom option, but after the tax has been calculated we will reduce the tax to the correct amount. We tax on the subtotal and shipping. We will have access to the amount of fees so we can get the tax on that total and reduce the order tax amount.
Does this seem like a good solution? Does anyone have other ideas?
Make it a bundle product, and put in a product which is not taxable.

Magento - Add configurable product option surcharge to tier pricing

When I set up configurable products and they have options that include surcharges (i.e. the 2XL costs +$2.00) and I select the option with the surcharge, the price itself updates, however, the tier pricing associated with that product does not. So, this is what my customer sees...
Product is $10, the 2XL is +$2.00. If they buy 10 or more, the product is $6. When they select the 2XL, the price updates from $10 to $12, but the tier pricing tells them they are still getting it for $6 each if ordering 10 or more. When they add 10 to their cart, they get the correct price of $8 (the $6 discounted price plus the $2 surcharge) but this is just a bad experience - they think they are getting a deal they were never intended to receive.
How can I add to it so that when the option with the surcharge is selected not only is the price updated, but so is the tier price that displays?
I would suggest looking at an extension called Simple Configurable Products:
It will allow you to make the product price dependent on the simple product that is related to the configurable product. You should be able to set up the tiered pricing on the simple product and have it reflected on the parent.
That extension is not 1.6 compatible out of the box, but the following addresses that issue:
Magento allows tier prices for products and prices for individual options. However, tier prices for individual options are not supported. Still there are three ways of realizing tier prices for custom options. The last option is the best, from my point of view:
1. Displaying the surcharges on basket price rules:
It is the most elegant option if the products are imported with an import interface from an erp-system. In this case you can generate basket price rules, during or at the end of the import, which deliver discounts on each position. However, there is a major drawback: The discounts on the products are shown as one sum in the checkout. Therefore this option will only be useful in rare cases.
2. Better Configurable Products:
For each variant of the product an additional simple product is added. Better Configurable Product makes sure that the tier price is taken from the simple product. However, with many products and many variants, it will quickly become confusing. All these simple products must be assigned to a configurable product. Furthermore, all products have their own stock. Additionally both of the extensions use numerous rewrites that change the very core of the Magento system.
3. Generating additional individual options with prices:
An individual option only allows one surcharge, when 5 are needed - one for each tier price. So you add 5 individual options with different prices. The advantages of using this solution are moderate changes to the system while displaying the prices for the products in a reasonable way. The solution works with two observers – and additional rewrites of blocks for better visual appearance. Once passed the checkout, Magento just works with standard custom options. Therefore, it is very unlikely to experience problems in the later steps – e.g. invoice, shipment, credit memo and export to an erp-system. The disadvantages are additional options in the backend that are somewhat disturbing when maintaining the products by hand.
There is also a module as a sample for your own development. It requires entering of tier prices and individual options, in the backend. Finally, the prices of the individual options for each tier price are entered in the newly generated options. You can request a copy at free of charge.
For more information about tier prices in Magento with custom options or about the use of the module just have a look at
