graphviz node position - graphviz

I have the following graph using dot layout:
digraph G {
graph [rankdir=LR];
subgraph {
n1 -> n2;
n0 -> n1 -> n3;
Node n1 is drawn above n2. Is there any way to draw n2 above n1? n0, n1 and n3 are already placed as needed and should not move anymore. Using "neato" with fixed node positions is not possible in my environment. Has anybody please any idea?

Two solutions without changing rankdir=LR which is known to cause some strange behavior:
Solution 1:
Change n1 -> n2; to n1 -> n2 [constraint=false];
Solution 2:
Change n1 -> n2; to n2 -> n1 [dir=back];


Floyd-Warshall Algorithm in Haskell

I'm studying Floyd-Warshall algorithm. Now having managed to implement it in Haskell, the way I implement it is similar to how it is implemented in imperative languages (that is to say, use list of lists to simulate 2D arrays), but this is really inefficient giving that accessing an element in a list is much more slower than in a array.
Is there a smarter way to do this in Haskell? I thought I could do this by concate some lists but keep failing.
My Code:
floydwarshall :: [[Weight]] -> [[Weight]]
floydwarshall lst = fwAlg 1 $ initMatrix 0 $ list2matrix lst
fwAlg :: Int -> [[Weight]] -> [[Weight]]
fwAlg k m | k < rows m = let n = rows m
m' = foldl (\m (i,j) -> updateDist i j k m) m [(i,j) | i <- [0..n-1], j <- [0..n-1]]
in fwAlg (k+1) m'
| otherwise = m
-- a special case where k is 0
initMatrix :: Int -> [[Weight]] -> [[Weight]]
initMatrix n m = if n == rows m then m else initMatrix (n+1) $ updateAtM 0.0 (n,n) m
updateDist :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [[Weight]] -> [[Weight]]
updateDist i j k m =
let w = min (weight i j m) (weight i k m + weight k j m)
in updateAtM w (i, j) m
weight :: Vertice -> Vertice -> [[Weight]] -> Weight
weight i j m = let Just w = elemAt (i, j) m in w
The algorithm has a regular access pattern so we can avoid a lot of
indexing and still write it with lists, with (I think) the same
asymptotic performance as the imperative version.
If you do want to use arrays for more speed, you might still want to do
something similar to this with bulk operations on rows and columns
rather than reading and writing individual cells.
-- Let's have a type for weights. We could use Maybe but the ordering
-- behaviour is wrong - when there's no weight it should be like
-- +infinity.
data Weight = Weight Int | None deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
addWeights :: Weight -> Weight -> Weight
addWeights (Weight x) (Weight y) = Weight (x + y)
addWeights _ _ = None
-- the main function just steps the matrix a number of times equal to
-- the node count. Also pass along k at each step.
floydwarshall :: [[Weight]] -> [[Weight]]
floydwarshall m = snd (iterate step (0, m) !! length m)
-- step takes k and the matrix for k, returns k+1 and the matrix for
-- k+1.
step :: (Int, [[Weight]]) -> (Int, [[Weight]])
step (k, m) = (k + 1, zipWith (stepRow ktojs) istok m)
ktojs = m !! k -- current k to each j
istok = transpose m !! k -- each i to current k
-- Make shortest paths from one i to all j.
-- We need the shortest paths from the current k to all j
-- and the shortest path from this i to the current k
-- and the shortest paths from this i to all j
stepRow :: [Weight] -> Weight -> [Weight] -> [Weight]
stepRow ktojs itok itojs = zipWith stepOne itojs ktojs
stepOne itoj ktoj = itoj `min` (itok `addWeights` ktoj)
-- example from wikipedia for testing
test :: [[Weight]]
test = [[Weight 0, None, Weight (-2), None],
[Weight 4, Weight 0, Weight 3, None],
[None, None, Weight 0, Weight 2],
[None, Weight (-1), None, Weight 0]]
I don't know how to achieve peak performance, but I can give you some tips on making your code abstract so that you can work on performance tuning more easily.
First of all, it would be nice if, when you change around your data types, you don't have to rewrite everything. Right now, you've made everything concretely about lists of lists, so let's see if we can abstract that out. First, we have to figure out what your minimal matrix interface is. Glancing at your code, you appear to have initMatrix, list2matrix, rows, elemAt, and updateAtM. These are the functions that query or modify your matrix, and these are what you would need to implement to make a new version of this code for a different Matrix type.
One way to organize this interface is to make a class out of it. For instance:
class Matrix m where
list2matrix :: [[a]] -> m a
matrix2List :: m a -> [[a]]
rows :: m a -> Int
elemAt :: Int -> Int -> m a -> a
updateAtM :: a -> (Int, Int) -> m a -> m a
setDiag :: a -> m a -> m a
(I went ahead and added a matrix2List function for extracting your result and renamed/modified initMatrix into setDiag, which felt a little more general.)
We can then update your code to use this new class:
floydwarshall :: Matrix m => [[Weight]] -> m Weight
floydwarshall lst = fwAlg 1 $ initMatrix $ list2matrix lst
fwAlg :: Matrix m => Int -> m Weight -> m Weight
fwAlg k m | k < rows m = let n = rows m
m' = foldl (\m (i,j) -> updateDist i j k m) m [(i,j) | i <- [0..n-1], j <- [0..n-1]]
in fwAlg (k+1) m'
| otherwise = m
initMatrix :: Matrix m => m Weight -> m Weight
initMatrix = setDiag 0
updateDist :: Matrix m => Int -> Int -> Int -> m Weight -> m Weight
updateDist i j k m =
let w = min (elemAt i j m) (elemAt i k m + elemAt k j m)
in updateAtM w (i, j) m
dist :: Matrix m => Int -> Int -> Int -> m Weight -> Weight
dist i j 0 m = elemAt i j m
dist i j k m = min (dist i j (k-1) m) (dist i k (k-1) m + dist k j (k-1) m)
Now all we need to do is start defining some Matrix types and see how performance is!
Let's start with lists, since you've already done this work. We'll have to use a newtype wrapper to make GHC happy, but ignoring the wrapping and unwrapping, this is morally the same as the code you wrote:
newtype ListMatrix a = ListMatrix { getListMatrix :: [[a]] }
instance Matrix ListMatrix where
list2matrix = ListMatrix
matrix2List = getListMatrix
rows = length . getListMatrix
elemAt i j (ListMatrix m) = m !! i !! j
updateAtM a (i,j) (ListMatrix m) =
let (firstRows, row:laterRows) = splitAt i m
(firstCols, _:laterCols) = splitAt j row
in ListMatrix $ firstRows <> ((firstCols <> (a:laterCols)):laterRows)
setDiag x = go 0
where go n m = if n == rows m then m else go (n+1) $ updateAtM x (n,n) m
(Also, I filled in elemAt and updateAtM.) You should be able to run
matrix2List #ListMatrix $ floydwarshall myList
and get the same result (and performance) that you currently have.
Now, on to the experimentation! All that's necessary is for us to define new instances of Matrix and see what happens. Perhaps we should try pure functions:
data FunMatrix a = FunMatrix { size :: Int, getFunMatrix :: Int -> Int -> a }
instance Matrix FunMatrix where
list2matrix l = FunMatrix (length l) (\i j -> l !! i !! j)
matrix2List (FunMatrix s f) = (\i -> f i <$> [0..s-1]) <$> [0..s-1]
rows = size
elemAt i j m = getFunMatrix m i j
updateAtM a (i,j) (FunMatrix s f) = FunMatrix s (\i' j' -> if i==i' && j==j' then a else f i' j')
setDiag x (FunMatrix s f) = FunMatrix s (\i j -> if i==j then x else f i j)
How does that perform? One problem is that the starting lookup function is still just indexing into the list of lists, which is slow. One fix would be to convert to an array or vector first and then index. Because we've nicely abstracted everything, all that would need to change is the definition of list2matrix right here, and you'll probably get a nice performance boost!
On the topic of performance, there's one other note I can point out. The definition of dist does some serious "dynamic programming". This could work fine if you were writing and reading directly into an array, but in this recursive form, you may end up doing a lot of duplicate work. One fix is to memoize. My goto memoization package is MemoTrie, which makes it really easy to memoize things. In this case, you could change dist to:
dist :: Matrix m => m Weight -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Weight
dist m = go'
go' = memo3 go
go i j 0 = elemAt i j m
go i j k = min (go' i j (k-1)) (go' i k (k-1) + go' k j (k-1))
That might give you a bit of a boost!
You might consider taking #Chi's advice and use STUArray, but you'll run into a problem: the STUArray interface demands that array lookups are in a monad. It's still possible to use the abstraction method I show off above, but you'll have to change the types of the functions. And, because you change the types in the interface, you'll need to update your algorithm code to be monadic. It can be a bit of a pain, but it might be necessary to get optimal performance.

Understanding and working with nested inductive definitons in coq

I'm trying to prove insert_SearchTree, a theorem about the preservation of a binary search tree after an insertion relation, below. I'm not sure how to use the induction hypothesis which relies on the nested Inductive definitions, namely SearchTree's single constructor calls on SearchTree'. Once I instantiate and invert the IH, though, we are given an arguement hi0 which is incomparable to k?
H1 : SearchTree' 0 (insert k0 v0 l) hi0
H2 : k0 < k
SearchTree' 0 (insert k0 v0 l) k
Is my approach to this proof flawed, or is there a trick to make them comparable? I had thought to try to prove something like
Theorem insert_SearchTree'':
forall k v t hi,
SearchTree' 0 t hi -> SearchTree' 0 (insert k v t) hi .
but after attempting I realized this is not equivalent (and I think unproveable, although I'm not sure)... Any advice is welcome. Most of the code is auxiliary, and I included it based on the advice that questions be stand-alone.
Require Export Coq.Arith.Arith.
Require Export Coq.Arith.EqNat.
Require Export
Notation "a >=? b" := (Nat.leb b a)
(at level 70, only parsing) : nat_scope.
Notation "a >? b" := (Nat.ltb b a)
(at level 70, only parsing) : nat_scope.
Notation " a =? b" := (beq_nat a b)
(at level 70) : nat_scope.
Print reflect.
Lemma beq_reflect : forall x y, reflect (x = y) (x =? y).
intros x y.
apply iff_reflect. symmetry. apply beq_nat_true_iff.
Lemma blt_reflect : forall x y, reflect (x < y) (x <? y).
intros x y.
apply iff_reflect. symmetry. apply Nat.ltb_lt.
Lemma ble_reflect : forall x y, reflect (x <= y) (x <=? y).
intros x y.
apply iff_reflect. symmetry. apply Nat.leb_le.
Hint Resolve blt_reflect ble_reflect beq_reflect : bdestruct.
Ltac bdestruct X :=
let H := fresh in let e := fresh "e" in
evar (e: Prop);
assert (H: reflect e X); subst e;
[eauto with bdestruct
| destruct H as [H|H];
[ | try first [apply not_lt in H | apply not_le in H]]].
Section TREES.
Variable V : Type.
Variable default: V.
Definition key := nat.
Inductive tree : Type :=
| E : tree
| T: tree -> key -> V -> tree -> tree.
Inductive SearchTree' : key -> tree -> key -> Prop :=
| ST_E : forall lo hi, lo <= hi -> SearchTree' lo E hi
| ST_T: forall lo l k v r hi,
SearchTree' lo l k ->
SearchTree' (S k) r hi ->
SearchTree' lo (T l k v r) hi.
Inductive SearchTree: tree -> Prop :=
| ST_intro: forall t hi, SearchTree' 0 t hi -> SearchTree t.
Fixpoint insert (x: key) (v: V) (s: tree) : tree :=
match s with
| E => T E x v E
| T a y v' b => if x <? y then T (insert x v a) y v' b
else if y <? x then T a y v' (insert x v b)
else T a x v b
Theorem insert_SearchTree:
forall k v t,
SearchTree t -> SearchTree (insert k v t).
clear default.
generalize dependent v.
generalize dependent k.
induction H.
induction H.
- admit.
- intros.
specialize (IHSearchTree'1 k0 v0).
inversion IHSearchTree'1.
bdestruct (k0 <? k).
apply (ST_intro _ hi0 ).
The goal is currently too weak when you start induction. At the beginning of the second case, the goal looks like this:
H : SearchTree' lo l k
H0 : SearchTree' (S k) r hi
IHSearchTree'1 : forall (k : key) (v : V), SearchTree (insert k v l)
IHSearchTree'2 : forall (k : key) (v : V), SearchTree (insert k v r)
forall (k0 : key) (v0 : V), SearchTree (insert k0 v0 (T l k v r))
and the high-level idea to go on is to combine H and IHSearchTree'2, or H0 and IHSearchTree'1, depending on which side the insertion goes. But this is impossible because the SearchTree predicate in the two IH assumptions is not compositional: knowing only that insert k0 v0 l is a search tree does not help to know whether a tree containing it, T (insert k0 v0 l) k v r, is also a search tree. So the proof doesn't go through.
When putting search trees together, we don't just want to know that something is a search tree. We also want to know some bounds on the keys (here in particular, they must be bounded by k). This is what the auxiliary predicate SearchTree' provides. This matter of compositionality is precisely why SearchTree is defined using an auxiliary inductive predicate SearchTree', which is compositional (it can be, and is, defined in terms of itself).
Properties about recursive functions on trees mentioning SearchTree should first be generalized as more informative properties using SearchTree' so induction can go through. It will look like this:
Lemma insert_SearchTree' :
forall t k0 v0 ??? ,
SearchTree' ??? t ??? -> SearchTree' ??? (insert k0 v0 t) ???.
There are multiple valid ways of filling these "???" blanks. Coming up with new ones is a good exercise for the reader. One way that should work well here and many other situations is to put variables for all the missing arguments of predicates, and then figure out some suitable relation between them:
Lemma insert_SearchTree' :
forall t k0 v0 lo hi lo' hi',
??? (* find a suitable assumption *) ->
SearchTree' lo t hi -> SearchTree' lo' (insert k0 v0 t) hi'.
The relation should reflect the behavior of insert. What insert does, as far as those bounds are concerned, is to add the key k0 to the tree, so the bounds must bound that, in addition to the rest of the tree:
Lemma insert_SearchTree' :
forall t k0 v0 lo hi lo' hi',
lo' <= lo -> hi <= hi' ->
lo' <= k0 -> k0 < hi' ->
SearchTree' lo t hi -> SearchTree' lo' (insert k0 v0 t) hi'.
Finally, since we're going to use induction on the SearchTree' lo t hi assumption, it's desirable to move most variables and hypotheses that it does not mention to the right, to strengthen the induction hypothesis further (as far as I can tell, this is always safe to do):
Lemma insert_SearchTree' :
forall t k0 v0 lo hi, (* k0 and v0 remain constant throughout the recursive applications of (insert k0 v0), so they can stay here (it would still be fine if they are moved with the rest). *)
SearchTree' lo t hi ->
forall lo' hi', (* The bounds are going to change at every step, so they move to the right of the inductive predicate. *)
lo' <= lo -> hi <= hi' ->
lo' <= k0 -> k0 < hi' ->
SearchTree' lo' (insert k0 v0 t) hi'.
Proving this lemma and using it to prove insert_SearchTree is left as an exercise for the reader.

How to find all the polygonal shapes of given the vertices?

I have a list of vertices and I know the connections between them. I am trying to find all the polygonal shapes of the vertices. These polygonal shapes should not overlap.
I did some research and I thought that I could detect the polygonal shapes, if I can traverse over the vertices on clockwise, (or counter-clockwise, doesn’t make a difference).
So, I search for solutions to traverse over the vertices on clockwise. And I found a similar topic and try the suggested solution. But the problem is while traversing over vertices, I cannot decide which path to choose when there are multiple clockwise options.
Basically, I want to find the following polygonal shapes:
* A, E, G, C, D, A
* E, F, G, E
* E, B, F, E
How can I decide to choose G path when I start from A then came to E vertex?
P.S: I am open for a different approach than mine if my approach is not appropriate for this problem or there are better/easier solutions for this
According to your example you are trying to find faces of planar graph, defined by its vertices and edges.
Step 1. Replace each of your un-directed edges by a pair of directed edges (arcs), connecting vertices in both directions. For each arc (v1 -> v2) find a next arc (v2 -> v3), such that both these arcs have the same face to the left of them - this can be done by calculating angles between arcs and the axis (say) OX and ordering them in clockwise (or counter-clockwise) order. Mark all the arcs as "unused".
Step 2. Pick up any "unused" arc and follow next arcs one after another until you reach the origin of the initial arc - you'll get a cycle, bounding a face. You've found a new face with all its arcs/vertices. Mark all the arcs in this cycle as "used". Repeat until there are no "unused" arcs.
Returning to your example - you'll have following arcs:
A -> E, E -> A
A -> D, D -> A
B -> E, E -> B
B -> F, F -> B
C -> D, D -> C
C -> G, G -> C
E -> F, F -> E
E -> G, G -> E
F -> G, G -> F
Examples of next arcs:
(D -> C) is the next arc for (A -> D)
(C -> G) is the next arc for (D -> C)
(G -> E) is the next arc for (C -> G)
and so on...
This algorithm will find all your internal faces plus one external face, bounded by the cycle (A -> E, E -> B, B -> F, F -> G, G -> C, C -> D, D -> A). You can ignore this external face, but in some cases it can be useful - for example, when you're a given a point and you need to find its position relative to your graph as a whole.

How to efficiently spawn a binary tree from certain nodes?

Not sure if it is a proper place to ask for such question.. But I will just post it anyway...
Suppose I have a binary tree, which certain nodes marked as red:
/ \
red n2
/ \ \
n3 n4 red
/ \
n5 n6
So what I would like to do, is for every red node, spawn the tree into two new trees, and put each of the child into one tree.
So for the above case, it would become four trees like this:
/ \
n3 n2
/ \
n4 n2
/ \
n3 n2
/ \
n4 n2
It seems a pretty clean-defined problem.. but so far I just cannot come up with a good solution for this..
Could anyone shed some lights on this problem? Thank you a lot!
A few observations that can lead to a clean implementation:
if there are n red nodes, then there will be 2n trees (this ignores the situation where the red node is a leaf -- those probably don't matter and can be eliminated by a pre-processing step).
any number k between 0 and 2n - 1 can represent one configuration -- the decision taken at the ith red node (i.e. whether to keep the left or the right sub-tree) is indicated by the ith bit of k. This bit can be easily obtained using bit-wise operations, e.g. by comparing k & (1 << i) with 0.
The main function that can generate trees one by one would look like this:
void spawnAllTrees(baseTree) {
int nRed = countRedNodes(baseTree);
// this assigns to each red node an index between 0 and nRed - 1
// (e.g. according to a pre-order tree traversal).
// it computes a hash map denoted as "redIndex" which
// stores the mapping from Node to int
for (int k = 0; k < (1 << nRed); k++) {
crtTree = spawnTree(baseTree, k);
The code for spawnTree would be:
Node spawnTree(baseTreeNode, k) {
if (baseTreeNode.isRed()) {
idx = redIndex[baseTreeNode];
if (!bitIsSet(k, idx)) {
return spawnTree(baseTreeNode->left(), k);
} else {
return spawnTree(baseTreeNode->right(), k);
} else {
return new Node(baseTreeNode->value(),
spawnTree(baseTreeNode->left(), k),
spawnTree(baseTreeNode->right(), k));
Changed the algorithm a little bit -- incrementing a counter to determine the current red node index is not valid. Different decisions at a certain red node could make another red node receive different indices for different configurations.
Since binary trees can be represented as linear expressions the binary tree
/ \
red n2
/ \ \
n3 n4 red
/ \
n5 n6
can be represented as the linear expression ((n3 red n4) n1 (n2 (n5 red n6)))
Now a linear expression for a binary tree can be represented as a BNF and red can be replaced with an | or operator
<s> ::= <a> n1 (n2 <b>)
<a> ::= n3 | n4
<b> ::= n5 | n6
Now all the possible combinations (walks) of this BNF are
n3 n1 (n2 n5)
n3 n1 (n2 n6)
n4 n1 (n2 n5)
n4 n1 (n2 n6)
and these can be turned back into the trees of your answer.
Here is the algorithm:
node main_root_address; //address of very first node
function myfunc_inorder(root_address) //call this from main
if root_address is null return;
if(root_address->value is "red")
node temp = root_address;
root_previous->parent = root_address->left;
//inside each node along with value and pointer to left and right subtree store the address of the parent node.
root_previous->parent = root_address->right;
root_address = temp;
How this algorithm is working?
First I will start with "node n1", then move to "node red" then to "node n3" then back to "node red"...Here I will replace "red" with left sub-tree and then with right sub-tree and repeat the algorithm until no red is left...

Directed graph with max indegree of a vertex

I was trying to look at few applications of network flow when I came across this problem:
We begin with a directed graph, G = (V,E). We need to add more edges to the graph such that we have \forall u,v \in V, e = (u -> v) or e = (v -> u) but not both. i.e. we want to add more edges to the graph so that every pair of vertices in the graph are connected to each other (either with an outgoing edge or incoming edge but not both). So, in total we will have |V||V-1|/2 edges. While we build this graph, we need to ensure that the indegree of a given vertex, say w is the maximum among all the vertices of the graph (if it is possible, given the original graph). Note that we cannot change the orientation of the edges in the original graph.
I am trying to solve it using network flow by building a network without vertex w (and with 2 new vertices for source, s and sink, t). But I'm not sure how to represent the capacities and flow direction in the new graph so as to simplify the problem to network flow in order to find the edge orientations in the graph. Maybe what I'm doing is wrong, but I just wrote if someone might get a hint from it.
When attacking this kind of problem, I tend to write down a mathematical program and then massage it. Clearly, we should orient all missing edges involving w toward w. Let d be the resulting in-degree of w. For all distinct i, j, let x_{ij} = 1 if arc i->j appears in the solution and let x_{ij} = 0 if arc j->i appears.
forall j. sum_i x_{ij} <= k
forall i <> j. x_{ij} = 1 - x_{ji}
forall i <> j. x_{ij} in {0, 1}
Rewrite to use x_{ij} only if i < j.
(*) forall j. sum_{i<j} x_{ij} + sum_{i>j} (1-x_{ji}) <= k
forall i < j. x_{ij} in {0, 1}
Now (*) begins to resemble conservation constraints, as each variable appears once negatively and once positively. Let's change the inequality to an equality.
(*) forall j. x_{si} + sum_{i<j} x_{ij} + sum_{i>j} (1-x_{ji}) = k
^^^^^^ ^
forall i < j. x_{ij} in {0, 1}
forall i. x_{si} >= 0
We're almost all the way to a flow LP -- we just need to clean out the constants 1 and k. I'll let you handle the rest (it involves introducing t).
