Grizzly / Glassfish - Cant establish websockets handshake - websocket

I'm trying to get WebSockets working on top of Grizzly / Glassfish. I've cloned the sample WebSockets chat application, built it and deployed it to Glassfish 3.1.2. However, I cannot get WebSockets to connect. The WebSockets handshake is failing because I'm getting a 405 (Method Not Allowed) response. This makes sense because of what is in the Servlet:
public class WebSocketsServlet extends HttpServlet {
private final ChatApplication app = new ChatApplication();
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
public void destroy() {
There is no doGet method specified, so I'm wondering if there is more configuration required somewhere, or if you need to implement the handshake logic in the servlet doGet method yourself?

I was trying to use grizzly-websockets-chat-2.1.9.war on glassfish 3.1.2 and getting same error.
Followed the advice from this page
which states to use the version found here (I would think the version would indicate it being older however the time stamps on the files are Jan 30 2012):
By using that war everything works.
For those that like using the glassfish web console. You can enable web-sockets by:
Configurations > server-config > Network Config > Protocols > http-listener-1, then HTTP tab > Scroll to bottom and check off Websockets Support.
Note Configurations > default-config > ... also has the same options
You might find this more continent that keeping a terminal around.

It appears you haven't enabled websocket support (disabled by default).
Issue the following command and then restart the server:
asadmin set
You can replace http-listener-1 with whatever http-listener you wish to enable WS support for.


Spring boot 2 tomcat ssl handshake caching

with nginx is possible to cache the ssl handshake like this (
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:20m;
ssl_session_timeout 4h;
Is it possible to do the same thing in SpringBoot 2 with Tomcat?
I'm asking because during our performance tests we see errors like the following (using Gatling):
j.n.ConnectException: handshake timed out
If not is there any other options that can help me?
Java's JSSE has already a default session cache of 20480 entries with an expiration of 24 hours.
If you want to change these values:
on a the global level you can set the system property to the desired cache size (cf. customizing JSSE),
in an external Tomcat, you can use the properties sessionCacheSize and sessionTimeout of the <SSLHostConfig> element,
when you use the embedded Tomcat server, you can define a TomcatConnectorCustomizer, e.g.
public class SSLSessionCustomizer implements TomcatConnectorCustomizer {
public void customize(Connector connector) {
for (final SSLHostConfig hostConfig : connector.findSslHostConfigs()) {
hostConfig.setSessionTimeout(2 * 24 * 60 * 60);
Remark: You can use openssl s_client -reconnect to test the session resumption. However in recent versions of Java, JSSE aborts session resumption if the TLS extension extended_master_secret is missing (cf. release notes). Older clients, like those based on OpenSSL 1.0 do not support this extension. If compatibility is important for you, you can set the system property:

Having trouble sending data to my websocket created in Spring-Boot from Flutter

I am attempting to send data through IOWebSocketChannel in to a WebSocket created in Spring-Boot.
In spring-boot I have created the typical WebSocket config and controllers that are dealing with client's manipulation of my servers WebSocket. I will post them below just for reference.
public class WebSocketConfiguration implements WebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer{
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry){
.setAllowedOrigins("*") // allow us to connect to ws://localhost:8080/websocket with the default Spring port configuration.
.withSockJS(); // allows a client which does not support WebSocket natively mimic a WebSocket over an HTTP connection
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry){ //The configureMessageBroker method sets up a simple (in-memory) message broker for our application
registry.enableSimpleBroker("/topic"); //topic to be routed back to client
registry.setApplicationDestinationPrefixes("/app"); //This configuration allows Spring to understand that any message sent to a WebSocket channel name prefixed with /app should be routed to a #MessageMapping in our application.
public class WebSocketController {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WebSocketController.class);
public Message send(Message message) {"Received message [%s]", message.toString()));
LocalDateTime timestamp =;
return new Message(message.getFrom(), message.getMessage(), timestamp);
Now When I try using IOWebSocketChannel I perform the typical protocol of connecting to my configured websocket. Below is the code
final channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect(
I have then created a method that is supposed to send data to my websocket so I attempt to connect to that endpoint which you see is created in called app/send/. Below is the code:
void _sendMessage() {
IOWebSocketChannel channel = IOWebSocketChannel.connect('ws://');
"message": "bars",
Now when I check my Spring-Boot server nothing is logged, however, whenever I hot reload in Flutter Spring Boot and my connection to the websocket times out, tomcat server returns this:
So my question is if anybody has been able to make a breakthrough with sending data through websockets from Flutter into Spring-Boot using IOWebSocketChannel? I am also wondering if anyone has found a way to successfully use a STOMP protocol in I was using stomp_client as it seemed like it was going to do the trick, however correct if I'm wrong, but flutter was giving me errors saying that there doesn't exist any html files, so I'm assuming that library is only for dart in the web.
Your Spring configuration looks good. But client-side you need some tweaks.
I spent some time to figure this out with the package. Use a modified version of the connect function provided here. Make sure to use this custom implementation of the connect function.
Future<StompClient> client = customStomp.connect('ws://', ...)
Once connected, according to your configuration, you can then send message on the following destination: /app/send.

Spring Boot 2.0.2 Spring Security how to disable custom Form Login for two endpoints

After several days of trying various Security configuration changes, I punted and put .permitAll() on every endpoint which should authorize/authenticate any request. But even then, although I could freely "browse" any page without authenticating, my device clients were still unable to submit PUT requests to their normal application endpoint.
So now the question is, why can the remote clients successfully submit PUT requests to my app running on the 1.5.4 Spring Boot version but not when "the same app" is running at Spring Boot 2.0.2?
I get a successful "health check" response ("up and running as usual...") when I hit the same "device" endpoint with a GET request from my browser. But the client devices just get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED (or similar) when they try to PUT.
This question is related to one I asked about Web Socket migration a couple of days ago, but the web socket part turned out to be a red herring.
The real issue I'm facing is related to Spring Security in SB 2.0.2.
springBootVersion = '2.0.2.RELEASE'
springVersion = '5.0.13.RELEASE'
springSecurityVersion = '5.2.1.RELEASE'
Everything was working the way we needed at SB 1.5.4, but at 2.0.2 I can't seem to restore the necessary behavior. What I need is my custom Form Login applied to all endpoints except /input and /input/auth
This is the only configurer adapter we were using at 1.5.4 (with ACCESS OVERRIDE)
#Order(1)// highest priority
class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
SimpleAuthenticationManager sam;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// false means go to original destination page after login success
boolean alwaysRedirectToSuccessUrl = false;
http.csrf().ignoringAntMatchers("/input/auth/**");// ignoring WebSocket endpoints (secured by other means)
.antMatchers('/widgetInfo/**', '/stats', '/errorCodes').hasAuthority('USER').anyRequest().fullyAuthenticated()
.defaultSuccessUrl("/widgetInfo/fooInfo", alwaysRedirectToSuccessUrl)
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
web.ignoring().antMatchers('/webjars/**', '/static/**', '/css/**', '/js/**', '/input/**');
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
The above configuration works in 2.0.2, except that it is not allowing free access to the /input endpoints. After chasing the red herring for a couple of days, and realizing my misunderstanding, I tried adding another much more lenient configurer adapter as more-or-less described at the bottom of this page
#Order(11)// lowest priority
class LenientWebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.csrf().ignoringAntMatchers("/input/auth/**");// ignoring WebSocket endpoints (secured by other means)
http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers('/input', 'input/auth', '/input/**').permitAll()
But it's not working, the /input endpoint is not yet freely accessible. What is the issue?
If I swap the #Order, then nothing goes through my custom Form Login.
Answering here just to close loop for future users who might land here.
The problem turned out to be that Spring Boot 1.5.4 would accept "HTTP1.1" requests, but Spring Boot 2.0.2 will not.
Our app sits behind an F5 device that rejects inbound requests if/when the application "healthcheck" requests fail. This is the "healthcheck" request that was working at 1.5.4
GET /myGateway/input HTTP/1.1\r\n
But at 2.0.2, that request was failing. At 2.0.2 the healthcheck request needs to be
GET /myGateway/input \r\n
Therefore, "Spring Security" configuration issues were also a red herring.
EDIT: Apparently, this is/was a known issue with 2.0.x that was fixed in Spring Boot 2.2.x (summer 2019)

WebSocket cannot connect to endpoint when running Spring-Boot 2.2 with lazy bean initialization?

I'm having trouble getting the client to connect to a WebSocket endpoint when the Spring-Boot 2.2 application is started in lazy-init mode.
I was able to get this tutorial to work. It uses spring-boot-starter-parent version 2.1.6. I changed the pom.xml to use spring-boot-starter-parent version 2.2.0 and got it to work also.
But when I set spring.main.lazy-initialization=true in, the client does not connect to the server via WebSocket anymore when I click on the "Connect" button. In Chrome Developer Tool > Network > WebSocket, I see that the client sends a CONNECT request, but it never receives a "CONNECTED" response.
I've uploaded my project file to GitHub here: The first commit is the 'complete' directory of the original project in the tutorial, which uses Spring-Boot 2.1.6: The second commit contains my changes to pom.xml to use Spring-Boot 2.2.0 and addition of file to enable lazy initialization. As you can see, all I did in the second commit was change to Spring Boot 2.2.0, updated the jQuery webjars dependency, and enabled lazy initialization. If you comment-out the spring.main.lazy-initialization line in, it will work.
Did anybody else come across a similar issue? What can I do to make this work?
Thanks for your help!
just register the following #Bean:
public LazyInitializationExcludeFilter stompWebSocketHandlerMappingLazyInitializationExcludeFilter() {
return LazyInitializationExcludeFilter.forBeanTypes(HandlerMapping.class);
public LazyInitializationExcludeFilter stompWebSocketHandlerMappingLazyInitializationExcludeFilter() {
return ((beanName, beanDefinition, beanType) -> beanName.equals("stompWebSocketHandlerMapping"));

Spring boot Artemis embedded broker behaviour

Morning all,
I've been struggling lately with the spring-boot-artemis-starter.
My understanding of its spring-boot support was the following:
set spring.artemis.mode=embedded and, like tomcat, spring-boot will instanciate a broker reachable through tcp (server mode). The following command should be successful: nc -zv localhost 61616
set spring.artmis.mode=native and spring-boot will only configure the jms template according to the spring.artemis.* properties (client mode).
The client mode works just fine with a standalone artemis server on my machine.
Unfortunatelly, I could never manage to reach the tcp port in server mode.
I would be grateful if somebody confirms my understanding of the embedded mode.
Thank you for tour help
After some digging I noted that the implementation provided out of the box by the spring-boot-starter-artemis uses org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.remoting.impl.invm.InVMAcceptorFactory acceptor. I'm wondering if that's not the root cause (again I'm by no means an expert).
But it appears that there is a way to customize artemis configuration.
Therefore I tried the following configuration without any luck:
public class MyBroker {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {, args);
private ArtemisProperties artemisProperties;
public ArtemisConfigurationCustomizer artemisConfigurationCustomizer() {
return configuration -> {
try {
configuration.addAcceptorConfiguration("netty", "tcp://localhost:" + artemisProperties.getPort());
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to add netty transport acceptor to artemis instance");
You just have to add a Connector and an Acceptor to your Artemis Configuration. With Spring Boot Artemis starter Spring creates a Configuration bean which will be used for EmbeddedJMS configuration. You can see this in ArtemisEmbeddedConfigurationFactory class where an InVMAcceptorFactory will be set for the configuration. You can edit this bean and change Artemis behaviour through custom ArtemisConfigurationCustomizer bean which will be sucked up by Spring autoconfig and be applied to the Configuration.
An example config class for your Spring Boot application:
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.api.core.TransportConfiguration;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.remoting.impl.netty.NettyAcceptorFactory;
import org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.remoting.impl.netty.NettyConnectorFactory;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jms.artemis.ArtemisConfigurationCustomizer;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
public class ArtemisConfig implements ArtemisConfigurationCustomizer {
public void customize(org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.config.Configuration configuration) {
configuration.addConnectorConfiguration("nettyConnector", new TransportConfiguration(NettyConnectorFactory.class.getName()));
configuration.addAcceptorConfiguration(new TransportConfiguration(NettyAcceptorFactory.class.getName()));
My coworker and I had the exact same problem as the documentation on this link (chapter Artemis Support) says nothing about adding an individual ArtemisConfigurationCustomizer - Which is sad because we realized that without this Customizer our Spring Boot App would start and act as if everything was okay but actually it wouldn't do anything.
We also realized that without the Customizer the file is not beeing loaded so no matter what host or port you mentioned there it would not count.
After adding the Customizer as stated by the two examples it worked without a problem.
Here some results that we figured out:
It only loaded the after configuring an ArtemisConfigurationCustomizer
You don't need the broker.xml anymore with an embedded spring boot artemis client
Many examples showing the use of Artemis use a "in-vm" protocol while we just wanted to use the netty tcp protocol so we needed to add it into the configuration
For me the most important parameter was pub-sub-domain as I was using topics and not queues. If you are using topics this parameter needs to be set to true or the JMSListener won't read the messages.
See this page: stackoverflow jmslistener-usage-for-publish-subscribe-topic
When using a #JmsListener it uses a DefaultMessageListenerContainer
which extends JmsDestinationAccessor which by default has the
pubSubDomain set to false. When this property is false it is
operating on a queue. If you want to use topics you have to set this
properties value to true.
If anyone is interested in the full example I have uploaded it to my github:
The embedded mode starts the broker as part of your application. There is no network protocol available with such setup, only InVM calls are allowed. The auto-configuration exposes the necessary pieces you can tune though I am not sure you can actually have a TCP/IP channel with the embedded mode.
