When to stop the looping in random number generators? - random

I'm not sure StackOverflow is the right place to ask this question, because this question is half-programming and half-mathematics. And also really sorry if my question is stupid ^_^
I'm studying about Monte Carlo simulations via the "Monte Carlo Methods" book. One of the first thing I must learn is about Random Number Generator. The basic algorithm of RNG is:
1. Initialize: Draw the seed S0 from the distribution µ on S. Set t = 1.
2. Transition: Set St = f(St−1).
3. Output: Set Ut = g(St).
4. Repeat: Set t = t+ 1 and return to Step 2.
(µ is a probability distribution on the finite set of states S, the input is S0 and the random number we desire it the output Ut)
It is not hard to understand, but the problem here is I don't see the random factor which lie in the number of repeat. How can we decide when to stop the loop of the RNG? All examples I read which implement a RNG are loop for 100 times, and they returns the same value for a specific seed. It is not random at all >_<
Can someone explain what I'm missing here? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks everyone

You can't get a true sequence of random numbers on a computer, without specialized hardware. (Such specialized hardware performs the equivalent of an initial roll of the dice using physics to provide the randomness. Electronic ones often use the electronic noise of specialized diodes at constant temperatures; others use radioactive decay events.)
Without that specialized hardware, what you can generate are pseudorandom numbers which, as you've observed, always generate the same sequence of numbers for the same initial seed. For simple applications, you can often get away with generating an initial seed from the time of invocation, which is effectively random.
And when I say "simple applications," I am excluding cryptography. (Not just that, but especially that.)

Sometimes when you are trying to debug a simulation, you actually want to have a reproducible stream of "random" numbers so you might specifically sent a stream to start with a specific seed.
For instance in the answer Creating a facet_wrap plot with ggplot2 with different annotations in each plot rcs starts the answer by creating a reproducible set of data using the R code
df <- data.frame(x=rnorm(300), y=rnorm(300), cl=gl(3,100)) # create test data
before going on to demonstrate how to answer the actual question.


Two-way random number generator [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Reversible pseudo-random sequence generator
(7 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I need PRNG that will be not only repeatable, but also will be able to traverse it's internal states in two directions.
r = prng_from_seed(seed)
r.next # => 0.12332132412
r.next # => 0.57842057177
r.next # => 0.74782915912
r.prev # => 0.57842057177
r.next # => 0.74782915912
What relatively strong PRNG algorithms have this feature?
Use a simple counter as seed, that you increase with next and decrese with prev. Then use this counter as the seed for another random generator that you use to generate the random number.
There are RNG which have fast logarithmic (log2(N)) forward and backward skip-ahead (a.k.a. leap-frog). They are based upon the paper by F. Brown, "Random Number Generation with Arbitrary Stride," Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. (Nov. 1994).
Relatively simple one is used in famous MC code MCNP, Fortran and C++ implementation https://github.com/Iwan-Zotow/LCG-PLE63, though it won't pass tests like Diehard.
A bit more complex, but of excellent quality are family of PCG random, at http://www.pcg-random.org/
Pretty much ALL PRNGs have this feature, but nobody ever implements the go-to-previous state method.
Since a PRNG has a finite-sized state, calling next() repeatedly will eventually get into a state you been in before.
If you start off in a state that will eventually be reached again by making N calls to next(), then you can always find a predecessor state by making N-1 calls to next().
Of course, in real life you would want a much more efficient way to implement prev(). How to do it would depend on the RNG, but it's generally not too hard.
Note that, in order to make the best use of their state, PRNGs are designed to have cycles that are as big as possible. Usually all accessible states are in the same cycle.
I should add that when people want to do this in real life, they often just use a counter as the internal state, and hash it (or encrypt it with a fixed key) to generate each random number. In a cryptographic context this is called "CTR MODE" encryption, which is googlable.
Of course if you do this, then you get random access to every state.

Is it possible to reverse a pseudo random number generator?

Is it possible to reverse a pseudo random number generator?
For example, take an array of generated numbers and get the original seed.
If so, how would this be implemented?
This is absolutely possible - you just have to create a PRNG which suits your purposes. It depends on exactly what you need to accomplish - I'd be happy to offer more advice if you describe your situation in more detail.
For general background, here are some resources for inverting a Linear Congruential Generator:
Reversible pseudo-random sequence generator
pseudo random distribution which guarantees all possible permutations of value sequence - C++
And here are some for inverting the mersenne twister:
In general, no. It should be possible for most generators if you have the full array of numbers. If you don't have all of the numbers or know which numbers you have (do you have the 12th or the 300th?), you can't figure it out at all, because you wouldn't know where to stop.
You would have to know the details of the generator. Decoding a linear congruential generator is going to be different from doing so for a counter-based PRNG, which is going to be different from the Mersenne twister, which is going to be different with a Fibonacci generator. Plus you would probably need to know the parameters of the generator. If you had all of that AND the equation to generate a number is invertible, then it is possible. As to how, it really depends on the PRNG.
Use the language Janus a time-reversible language for doing reversible computing.
You could probably do something like create a program that does this (pseudo-code):
x = seed
x = my_Janus_prng(x)
x = reversible_modulus_op(x, N) + offset
Janus has the ability to give to you a program that takes the output number and whatever other data it needs to invert everything, and give you the program that ends with x = seed.
I don't know all the details about Janus or how you could do this, but just thought I would mention it.
Clearly, what you want to do is probably a better idea because if the RNG is not an injective function, then what should it map back to etc.
So you want to write a Janus program that outputs an array. The input to the Janus inverted program would then take an array (ideally).

When should I write my own random number algorithm instead of using a stock math function?

So I am taking a scripting test in Lua, and I am given this question:
Create an algorithm to generate a deck of cards, 1-52. Shuffle the deck of cards (do not use something like array.randomize() ). Then hand out 5 cards to two different players. Being that each card must be dealt to a different player at a time.
Typically I would do something like this to get a random number
local newDeck = {} --assume this array has all 52 cards in a playing deck
math.randomseed( os.time() )
local card = math.random(#newDeck)
...but it seems that the question is specifically asking that I do NOT use a stock math function.
(do not use something like array.randomize())
What would be the advantage to that? I can't imagine that the player of such a game would even notice a difference between random and pseudo random.
If only it were that simple. Most random number generators that are part of a language are linear congruential generators, meaning that the next term J, say, is related to the previous one I by
J = (aI + b) mod c
Where a, b, c are constants.
This means that it is possible to decipher the sequence from a single digit number of terms! (It's a set of simultaneous equations with bit of trickery to handle the modulus).
I'd say that an astute player is bound to notice the pseudo random nature of your sequence and may even game the system by unpicking your generator. You need to use a more sophisticated scheme. (Early attempts include Park-Miller and Bays-Durham; fairly well-known approaches).
I believe you are welcome to use the built in random number generator to get random numbers, but prohibited from using any built in array shufflers that may exist. How can you use a rng to have each card equally likely to be in each position?
you could just write something that draws a random card and puts it in the shuffled deck:
function shuf(tab)
local new = {}
for k=1,#tab do
This approach makes sure you have no doubles.
I don't really think using a different RNG would matter that much unless you're doing cryptography, or something else that really matters.
Interpreting the question: just don't use a library function written for doing this. But there is a difference between a shuffler and a random number generator, since the latter can return double values while the former can't.

Generate Random Numbers non-algorithmically

I am looking for a satisfying solution of how to generate a random number.
I looked at this, this, this and this.
But am looking for something else.
Most of the posts mention using, R[n+1] = (a *R[n-1 + b) %n, this pseudo-random function, or some other mathematical functions.
But weirdly I am not looking for these; I want some non-algorithmic answer. Precisely, an "Interview" answer. Something easy to understand, not to make the interviewer feel that I mugged up a method :) .
For an interview question, a common answer might be to look at the intervals between keystrokes (ask the user to type something), disc seek times or input from a disconnected source -- that will give you thermal electrons from inside your MIC socket or whatever.
LavaRnd uses a digital camera with the lens cap on, which is a version of the last.
Some operating systems allows indirect access to some of this random input, usually through a secure random function; slower but more secure than the usual RNG.
Depending on what job the interview is for, you can talk about testing the raw data to check for entropy, and concentrating the entropy by using a cryptographic hash function like SHA-256.
There are also specialised, and expensive, hardware cards which use various quantum effects to generate true random numbers.
Take the system time, add a seed, modulo the upper limit. if upper limit is less than 0 than multiply it by -1 and then later the result subtract the max... not very strong but meets your requirement?
If you have a UI and only need a couple of randoms can ask the user to move mouse around, enter a few seeds, enter a few words and use them as seeds

How exactly does PC/Mac generates random numbers for either 0 or 1?

This question is NOT about how to use any language to generate a random number between any interval. It is about generating either 0 or 1.
I understand that many random generator algorithm manipulate the very basic random(0 or 1) function and take seed from users and use an algorithm to generate various random numbers as needed.
The question is that how the CPU generate either 0 or 1? If I throw a coin, I can generate head or tailer. That's because I physically throw a coin and let the nature decide. But how does CPU do it? There must be an action that the CPU does (like throwing a coin) to get either 0 or 1 randomly, right?
Could anyone tell me about it?
(This has several facets and thus several algorithms. Keep in mind that there are many different forms of randomness used for different purposes, but I understand your question in the way that you are interested in actual randomness used for cryptography.)
The fundamental problem here is that computers are (mostly) deterministic machines. Given the same input in the same state they always yield the same result. However, there are a few ways of actually gathering entropy:
User input. Since users bring outside input into the system you can take that to derive some bits from that. Similar to how you could use radioactive decay or line noise.
Network activity. Again, an outside source of stuff.
Generally interrupts (which kinda include the first two).
As alluded to in the first item, noise from peripherals, such as audio input or a webcam can be used.
There is dedicated hardware that can generate a few hundred MiB of randomness per second. Usually they give you random numbers directly instead of their internal entropy, though.
How exactly you derive bits from that is up to you but you could use time between events, or actual content from the events, etc. – generally eliminating bias from entropy sources isn't easy or trivial and a lot of thought and algorithmic work goes into that (in the case of the aforementioned special hardware this is all done in hardware and the code using it doesn't need to care about it).
Once you have a pool of actually random bits you can just use them as random numbers (/dev/random on Linux does that). But this has downsides, since there is usually little actual entropy and possibly a higher demand for random numbers. So you can invent algorithms to “stretch” that initial randomness in a manner that makes it still impossible or at least very difficult to predict anything about following numbers (/dev/urandom on Linux or both /dev/random and /dev/urandom on FreeBSD do that). Fortuna and Yarrow are so-called cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generators and designed with that in mind. You still have a very good guarantee about the quality of random numbers you generate, but have many more before your entropy pool runs out.
In any case, the CPU itself cannot give you a random 0 or 1. There's a lot more involved and this usually includes the complete computer system or special hardware built for that purpose.
There is also a second class of computational randomness: Plain vanilla pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs). What I said earlier about determinism – this is the embodiment of it. Given the same so-called seed a PRNG will yield the exact same sequence of numbers every time¹. While this sounds idiotic it has practical benefits.
Suppose you run a simulation involving lots of random numbers, maybe to simulate interaction between molecules or atoms that involve certain probabilities and unpredictable behaviour. In science you want results anyone can independently verify, given the same setup and procedure (or, with computing, the same algorithms). If you used actual randomness the only option you have would be to save every single random number used to make sure others can replicate the results independently.
But with a PRNG all you need to save is the seed and remember what algorithm you used. Others can then get the exact same sequence of pseudo-random numbers independently. Very nice property to have :-)
¹ This even includes the CSPRNGs mentioned above, but they are designed to be used in a special way that includes regular re-seeding with entropy to overcome that problem.
A CPU can only generate a uniform random number, U(0,1), which happens to range from 0 to 1. So mathematically, it would be defined as a random variable U in the range [0,1]. Examples of random draws of a U(0,1) random number in the range 0 to 1 would be 0.28100002, 0.34522, 0.7921, etc. The probability of any value between 0 and 1 is equal, i.e., they are equiprobable.
You can generate binary random variates that are either 0 or 1 by setting a random draw of U(0,1) to a 0 if U(0,1)<=0.5 and 1 if U(0,1)>0.5, since in theory there will be an equal number of random draws of U(0,1) below 0.5 and above 0.5.
