Good Oracle role for developer's personal use? - oracle

We're installing some Oracle XE servers (the free one) on people's desktops for development use.
What's a good default role to assign to these developers? Since these instances contain scratch data only, data security is not a concern.

If you want the developers to be able to do anything grant the DBA on the development DB. Of course there is a risk with this; if they develop and run the code as themselves they will not address the security needs of the application.
If you want the developers to work with the security context of the application grant them the same roles that the application has in Prod.
So; if you want them to be able to do anything on the Dev instance but still code in the same security context as on Prod, create 2 users for them. The first is there usual users with the same rights as the code will execute under in Prod and the second is a DBA user with teh DBA role.
Its odd to some people who are used to the Windows approach (where a domain admin user reads email, browses the web, etc with domain admin rights) but very familiar to a Unix user who redas email as a low level user but can SUDO if needed.

As a developer all I ask for on dev databases is the SYSTEM password, as well as enough space in some tablespace(s) to create my objects. That gives me enough to get going - I can create my users, grant them the access they need, and get started developing.


In Oracle database, can I track logins of different individuals who access the same schema?

My organisation has a number of schemas within an Oracle database that need to be accessed by a number of individual developers. In most cases, the developers can login with their own id and access these other schemas through role permissions, but for certain tasks the individual developers need to log into these schemas directly.
An example of this would be schema A which needs to be accessed by users X and Y. User X and user Y can log in with their own ids, but to fully leverage the potential of schema A, they would need the schema A password.
I am interested in tracking if and when user Y for example logs into schema A, using the schema A password. Can this be done?
My need for this is primarily in relation to password security and leaving procedures when staff depart our organisation. For example, if I have schema A and the password is known by at least some of users X, Y, Z and Q, and user Q leaves, is this a threast? If the checks show the password for schema A was not known by user Q, then I don't have a security risk, but if the checks show that user Q knew the password for schema A, then I need to change the password for schema A, potentially impacting users X, Y and Z.
Therefore, my question is, is there a method within Oracle that would enable me as DBA to identify which individuals logged into these schemas, whether it be by tracking their client identifiers or some other route?
For this specific scenario, use proxy authentication: it kills several problems related to development environments in a single stroke.
[Proxy authentication] allows a user to connect to a database as one user and on connection
become a different user. This capability was originally deployed by
Oracle as a way for applications to authenticate end users to
individual database accounts through a common application account, but
it works just as effectively the other way around.
In this model ... each developer is given a separate,
personal account in the database. Most application development can now
be handled – and audited – through these personal accounts. Because
the login accounts are associated with individual users there is no
incentive for the developer to share their credentials with anyone
else. It would be relatively simple to tell if a personal account was
being shared, and doing so would be grounds for termination with most
To demonstrate this in action, I’ll create an application schema and
configure it so that it can only be accessed by means of proxy
Connected to: Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release - Production Version
SQL> create user app_schema no authentication proxy only connect;
User created.
SQL> grant connect, resource to app_schema;
Grant succeeded.
The “no authentication” option creates the shared
account without credentials. [This is not strictly required, but] it eliminates the need to maintain a
password or certificate for an account that will never be used
directly. The “proxy only connect” option allows only proxy
connections to the shared account. [This too is not required, but could be useful depending on your situation.] The “connect” and “resource” roles
grant basic privileges to use the account and create objects. Next, I
will create a sample development user:
SQL> create user dev_user identified by oracle;
User created.
Now the application schema can be altered to allow
connections from individual developer accounts, like this:
alter user app_owner grant connect through dev_user;
Note the syntax:
the APP_OWNER schema is altered to allow connection by or through the
DEV_USER account. This is not a privilege that is assigned directly to
the development user. Once this proxy privilege has been assigned, the
developer can connect to the application schema using their personal
credentials. All they need do is append the application account name
in brackets to the end of their development account name, like this:
SQL> connect dev_user[app_schema]/oracle
SQL> show user;
By connecting in this way, the developer can
still perform needed actions but need never be aware of the
application owner account’s real password (assuming one was even
assigned). The proxy account name (the developer’s personal account)
is available in the system session context, and can be automatically
made visible in the v$session view through a database trigger so that
the DBA can tell who is connected to shared accounts at all times.
v_proxy_user varchar2;
v_proxy_user := sys_context('userenv','proxy_user');
if v_proxy_user is not null then
end if;
select username, osuser, client_identifier
from v$session where username='APEX_040000';
----------------- --------------- ----------------------
APEX_040000 oracle PETE
Using the PROXY_USERS view it is easy to
determine exactly which developers have access to each application
owner account as well.
------- -------------- -------------- -----------------------------------
Because even basic auditing
captures the OS username of the developer, the audit trail will record
the actual developer behind DDL operations executed as the application
Sep 4 10:04:07 testdb Oracle Audit: SESSIONID: "12345" ENTRYID: "1"
individual developer user accounts with proxy account access to
application schemas, it is possible to allow developers to work in
shared accounts while still maintaining account credential security,
visibility of connected users, and an accurate audit history.
Full article here:
You could use proxy users for this. That way there is no need to share a password and regular auditing can do its job.
An other option could be to define packages in the other schemas that can be called by the developers. The packages need to be defined with definers rights so when a dev calls the package, the execution is done using the privileges that are directly granted to the schema. Doing so avoids nasty ‘any’ privileges.

Drop SYS and SYSTEM accounts, good idea?

I'm new to Oracle and I'm currently hardening a database.
It's a good idea to drop SYS and SYSTEM users? normally default accounts are dropped because of security reasons, I can do that on Oracle, or I will break something?
From the documentation (emphasis added):
All databases include the administrative accounts SYS, SYSTEM, and DBSNMP. Administrative accounts are highly privileged accounts, and are needed only by individuals authorized to perform administrative tasks such as starting and stopping the database, managing database memory and storage, creating and managing database users, and so on. You log in to Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Express (EM Express) with SYS or SYSTEM. You assign the passwords for these accounts when you create the database with Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA). You must not delete or rename these accounts.
All base (underlying) tables and views for the database data dictionary are stored in the SYS schema. These base tables and views are critical for the operation of Oracle Database.
So no, it is not a good idea, and it would destroy your database.
normally default accounts are dropped because of security reasons, I can do that on Oracle, or I will break something?
The first documentation link above also says (emphasis added again):
All databases also include internal accounts, which are automatically created so that individual Oracle Database features or components such as Oracle Application Express can have their own schemas. To protect these accounts from unauthorized access, they are initially locked and their passwords are expired. (A locked account is an account for which login is disabled.) You must not delete internal accounts, and you must not use them to log in to the database.
And it mentions sample schema accounts, which you can choose not to install in the first place, but which could be dropped if required.
The main thing is to secure all accounts, and you should limit any accounts you create to only have the minimum privileges necessary.
You can also read more about this in the database administrator's guide,
It is a very bad idea. I don't think the database will even work without them and doubt that the drop is allowed. Make sure the accounts are safe instead.

Windows Domain Logins on Oracle SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer
I currently have an Oracle database with a user who contains a set of tables, views, etc. However, I would like this schema to be shared among multiple people with different logins.
My company has a domain and each employee logs into their computers through this domain, for example
I am hoping to be able to use windows authentication to log each user into the database. This way everyone at the company will automatically have a login with a password they are used to.
In Oracle SQL Developer, I have tried ticking "OS Authentication", and received "Invalid username/password" upon testing the connection. Do I need to create an Oracle user for each domain?
I have also tried checking "Use OCI/Thick driver", but it cannot be checked unless "Use Oracle Client" is configured, which I'm also unsure about.
This question appears to be a duplicate:
Windows Authentication to Oracle for domain group, however the tutorial link is dead. I have not been able to find another tutorial for how to set this up anywhere.
There is a server-side parameter called os_authent_prefix that is typically set to OPS$, and the network user id needs to be prefixed with this in addition to having the IDENTIFIED EXTERNALLY option added to the create user statement.
So if your Windows account id is hambone, then your OS-authentication login would be OPS$hambone, and you don't need a password. I used it for years, and it never required the domain to be specified for a Windows account, which was nice because it meant the same credentials worked for my Unix account.
SQL*Plus, for example would look like:
sqlplus OPS$hambone/#myserver
Likewise, connection strings for applications just have nothing for the password.
For Toad, you would put OPS$hambone as userid and leave the password blank. SQL Developer, I'm honestly not sure -- I can't stand it; I use PL/SQL Developer, but with the various options they have I'd imagine you select OS authentication and/or put the OPS$hambone.
Read the caveats/security warnings on OS authentication. I think in a private network the risks are outweighed by the advantages, but that's for you to decide.

Prevent applications to log in on Oracle Database

Does anybody knows how could I make a trigger or anything else to prevent people to connect on my database with any kind of applications besides mine?
Note that the super-old-and-unsecure trigger to block few .exe such TOAD or watever does NOT really works, since you can just rename the EXE to MyApplication.exe.
An easier method would be to move the security to a role that can be enabled only by your application - see a previous answer of mine here
WIth this method another application may create a session but has no other privileges since the role is not enabled.
You may wish to consider Oracle's Secure Application Roles -- it won't prevent people from logging into the database through a rogue application, but it can prevent them from accessing tables and packages if the application doesn't set the role using the password that only it knows.
You can find an tutorial on deploying it here, although to secure it, you'd have to create the role with a password, and your application would have to know the password when issuing the SET ROLE rolename IDENTIFIED BY rolepassword; statement.
I don't know that Oracle has any functionality to help with this (I could be wrong though) so the next best thing might be to write a small server app that lets you have much better control over the login process and acts as the middle-man between the client apps and the database server. That way, all connections to the database come through your server app, and you can control how your server identifies which client app is legit. This will add a bit of complexity to the system though.
If you don't trust the program name in v$session then the only options that come to mind are to have your application encode the password, so that what they type in isn't actually what's used to connect to the DB; or have your app log in with a private username/password and authenticate users against your own users table instead of having Oracle user accounts for them. Both options make management of accounts more complicated though.
When your application logs on, you call a stored procedure that associates the current oracle session as a "trusted" session. Do this by creating a trusted sessions table with a field for sessionID and trusted bit (and optionally a random hash to prevent user tampering).
Create a system wide trigger, that checks the your current session id (and random hash) to detect if it is trusted. If the session doesn't exist in the table, you don't allow the query, and log off the user.
You should also setup a shutdown trigger to clear the trusted session table on exit.

What permissions should Developers have in the Dev database instance

...and how should those permissions be granted. I work in a large IT dept with 70+ applications, some in SQL server and most in oracle. Each system has a prod, QA and Dev instance. We (I'm a developer) have readonly access to prod/qa, which I'm fine with. In SQL server development instances devs are given db_owner, which works totally fine. The debate is over what permissions I should have in the DEV oracle databases.
I recognize that best case would be to have each dev run their own instance on their workstation for development, but because of the size of the databases this has not been considered an option.
I'm also interested in HOW these permissions should be applied. In oracle permissions granted via a role are not active during PL/SQL execution so roles (even the "dba" role) are not useful. That leaves using a built in account (system) or creating dozens of users accross dozens of database and directly granting dozens of permissions to each.
In my mind just letting the devs login as system is making a lot of sense, but our DBAs claim that's a bad idea.
We used to just give developers access to the application account. This works for small shops but rapidly gets out of hand as the number of developers increase.
Here's what we do now:
the Application has it's own account (aka schema).
Developers have their own accounts
Data resides in the application schema
We have an ant build script to build code into whatever schema you want.
code includes views, packages, objects etc..
the build script includes a step to run a stored procedure to grant explicit rights to developers to the application data
Developers make changes in their own schema
When happy they check that into subversion
The Application's dev schema is built from the new subversion build.
Developers can check out and rebuild their own environments.
DDL changes to table structures are done via the DBA
these can be scripted as well
This has the benefit of ensure any front end application is not broken by database developers constantly rebuilding everything.
I assume that there are a relatively small number of application accounts that own the actual objects. So one or more logical applications are comprised of tables owned by a particular Oracle user. This would not by SYSTEM or SYS, it would not be any of the accounts that Oracle the company delivers. It would be an account that your DBAs created. If you are familiar with the Oracle sample schemas, the HR user owns all the tables in the HR schema which comprise the back end for an HR application.
Starting from the principle of "the simplest thing that could possibly work," my first thought would be to see if the developers could log in directly to those application accounts. This isn't the securest possible configuration, and you are opening up the possibility that a developer accidentally or intentionally does some damage that may be difficult to track or easily resolve. But it can work reasonably well depending on the organization. Privilege management is trivial-- the application owner account already has all the privileges it needs most likely.
The next step up would be giving every developer a separate schema to develop in, presumably in conjunction with a load of public synonyms in the database and an absence of schema qualifiers in the application code, so that any object created in the developer's schema automatically overrides the shared version of that object. This provides much better isolation. Permissions are generally granted by either creating scripts that contain all the grants a developer needs or by creating a script that copies all the privileges from a "known good" account to the new account. Neither is particularly difficult to write-- you just have to make sure that all the developers end up with the same set of privileges, which is generally just another script that gets run when a new privilege is granted.
If you are developing stored PL/SQL objects, then the schema owning those objects needs, as you mentioned, explicit grants on the objects used. If you have a single 'data' schema but are developing code in your own individual schemas then you should get the ability to grant access on the data schema objects to your development schemas. Normally I'd expect username/password for the data schema.
In regards to system privileges (eg CREATE), I'd expect CREATE TABLE, TYPE, VIEW, PROCEDURE TRIGGER, SYNONYM. Others may be appropriate (eg CONTEXT) depending on what you do. The DBA may rule out CREATE DIRECTORY as that could be damaging if mis-used. Ditto for privileges with ANY in them (eg SELECT ANY TABLE, DELETE ANY TABLE)
For performance tuning / system monitoring, on a dev database SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE is good. If the DBA is risk-averse, you may have to negotiate grants on individual views. Go through the REFERENCE guide for your version and ask for any you may use.
One of the DBA's jobs is to manage user privileges. I don't think system is a good idea for a few reasons, not the least being the ability to drop an entire schema which I am sure you don't want. That being said, I think it is perfectly fine to grant all to your users and let the DBAs manage these permissions no matter how many dozens of accounts there may be. Most DBAs will have scripts they can use to manage these permissions anyway.
Listen to your DBAs, they generally know what they are talking about.
If it's just a dev instance; i'd have all users have individual accounts added to the admin role. That way you can still log activity on a per-user basis; but give the devs enough breathing room to do their thing.
My group supports about 100 apps with about 20 of them having their own Oracle schema. We have gone down the road of every developer has the password to the schema and it is convenient. However, in hindsight I would recommend that each developer use their own Oracle account to develop. The main reason is auditing.
I recognize that best case would be to
have each dev run their own instance
on their workstation for development,
but because of the size of the
databases this has not been considered
an option.
Is there a way to deal with this, maybe by reducing the amount of data in your personal copies? This seems like the ideal solution, since it would allow you to make any changes you need. Then you could submit them to the DBA when you're ready, and have him update the shared development server.
