how to set file permissions on files in my deployment? - maven

i have seen this question, but the answer doesn't quite explain the technique.
I run my application from the target directory after maven is run on the server.
I have a folder (/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/scripts) which once after maven is run is copied to the target directory (/target/[project]/WEB-INF/scripts).
I need to make sure all of the files within this directory (recursively) receive executable permissions.
How can I achieve this without ant?

You can try to do the put the assembly-plugin into the pre-package phase and copy the files to the target/classes/... folder (i'm not sure about the exact name of the folder) and during the copy via the assembly-plugin you can change the permissions. Tha the war plugin will pickup the files and will package them into the war. I'm not sure if this works perfectly. I never tried that.

You can use the "exec-maven-plugin" with "chmod" executable at "prepare-package" stage in your pom.xml:
It worked for me. I wanted to put the exec permission on a binary copied from source to target/classes.


How to create a windows cabinet file using Maven 3?

I'm new to Apache Maven and would like to know a way to create a windows cabinet file as part of the maven build life cycle.
I was hoping there would be a plugin for the task, but can't seem to locate one.
Help appreciated.
Edit: It looks like the Ant Cab task relies on a dependency that no longer exists. Other resources point to using a Cab creator written in Java, the lcab tool if you're on Linux, or makecab.exe on Windows. Another option would be to use a zip file, which is more widely supported.
What you're looking for the AntRun plugin for Maven, which will then give you access to the Ant Cab task.
Here is an untested example of what you would add to your POM in the plugins section:
<cab cabfile="target/" basedir="deploy/folder"/>

Create Symlink for dependencies in Maven assembly

I have a Maven assembly that after unpacking the tar, creates three directories
each containing a /lib directory. So e.g.
Currently, I am packing a same .jar in each of these /lib directories. Since this is a waste of space, I was wondering if I could have just one copy of that .jar and create something like a symlink for other two locations that could reference that .jar?
Here is my solution with maven-antrun-plugin for very similar situation. Zookeeper dependencies are previously placed into ${basedir}/target/package/lib by maven-dependency-plugin. Now I'm creating symlinks for all libraries into ${basedir}/target/package/lib/zookeeper/lib which point 2 dirs upper.
<!-- Prepare zookeeper layout. -->
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/target/package/lib/zookeeper/lib"/>
<apply executable="ln" dir="${basedir}/target/package/lib/zookeeper/lib" relative="true">
<arg value="-s"/>
<srcfile prefix="../../"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}/target/package/lib" includes="**"/>
<mapper type="identity"/>
Plugin management for antrun is set as following:
I believe this is unsupported in Maven packaging and assembly. Another Stack Overflow question from just a year ago asked the same thing and got the "unsupported" answer. And there have been two JIRAs on this feature (at least) that have been open for quite some time: one for the assembly plugin and one for Plexus components. I would say this the odds of this ever being directly supported are not good.
Just FYI, if I say "source project," I'll be refering to the project that assembled the tar. If I say "destination project," I'll mean the one unpacking the tar. This is assuming you have Maven projects on both sides- if that assumption is wrong, you should rely on command line utilities to do the tar-ing or untar-ing for you.
Since it sounds to me like you are unpacking the tar in the context of a Maven build, there are ways of working around this. As far as I know, the best solution if symlinking is important to you is to use either the junction plugin, the exec-maven-plugin, or the maven-antrun-plugin.
The junction plugin has the advantage of being portable, even on Windows. The problem is the project doing the unpacking must have explicit knowledge of the structure of the original structure of the tar, which is generally not desirable as it will now have to be updated should the intended symlinking that is changed. The plugin also seems to be pretty unmaintained, so there's that.
The exec plugin will allow you to call commandline utilities or scripts to do your linking, but you will have to toy with profiles to get crossplatform capabilities. The best benefit of doing it this way is that the project doing the unpacking is completely agnostic of the original structure of the tar. The details of the mechanism are in the question from a year ago that I mentioned above.
For my project, I am probably going to use antrun for Ant's symlink task- it is possible to have Ant record all symlinks to a file on the source side, and then package that file along with Maven. The receiving project can then check for the file and recreate its symlinks. This allows the symlinking intended for the tar distribution to be changed from its source project with no changes on the destination project. My project only supports OS X and Linux, so this is acceptable- you will need to decide which is best for you.
In either case, you will unfortunately have a situation where the project doing the unpacking must have knowledge about the way the tar was before being packed.
You can use symlink task/goal of ant-run plugin
<symlink link="folder2/lib/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar"
<symlink link="folder3/lib/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar"
If you want the symlinks to have relative path, you can give relative path in resource like below
<symlink link="folder2/lib/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar"
<symlink link="folder3/lib/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar"

How to compile resources folder with Maven command

I'm using mvn compile to compile my Maven webapp. This project has a resources folder instead of the java folder created for a .jar project. My problem is that mvn finds no sources, and I haven't find a way in the maven docs to proceed this way. Is there a way, either by mvn command options or by pom.xml modification to make mav aware of the resources folder and compile it?
I know changing the name from resources to java makes the deal, but that's a spureous way to proceed.
To include additional source directories in your project you can use the Build Helper Maven Plugin
So for example the following configuration will add the src/main/resources folder of your project as a source folder.
Look at your .classpath file. That should have what folders including src and test are added. You can then add additional resources. I would normally use the IDE to look at the build path and add/exclude resources.

rename jsp file in target dir just before packing using maven

I ve got an maven based web project including the "normal" directory structure.
I've the need to generate to war artifacts, one is the normal app, the other is an admin "version", which is realised by using 2 different maven-profiles.
In case of the admin version I need to rename a JSP-file just before the war file is packaged.
How can I do this?
Which maven-plugin fits this requirement?
IMHO you must use ant run to rename your files and attach this execution to prepare-package phase.
sorry, but to copy/rename the JSPs during prepare-package phase doesn't work, because the files are not yet in the target directory at this point.
sample code:
<copy file="${}\myProject\loginAdmin.jsp"

maven-install-plugin: Can i define a custom packaging type but get the artifact installed as jar in the repo?

I am trying to come out with a plugin to detect and process Java EE application clients.
I created a new packaging type called 'car' through META-INF/plexus/components.xml ( and a corresponding mojo for Java EE app clients. I have pretty much followed the same steps as the maven-ejb-plugin.
The behaviour i want is the same as the maven-ejb-plugin: Defines an ejb packaging type but the artifact gets installed in the repo as a .jar and gets bundled in the ear as .jar too.
I believe must be configurable some how because ejb packaging type gets installed as .jar but war packaging type produces a .war.
The problem in my case is that a .car file gets installed in the repo and a .car file gets bundled in the ear.
Does anyone know how to make sure it gets installed in the repo as a .jar file?
I ran into the same issue you have, except, I'm building a .war file and wanted a .jar file installed into my local repo. What I did was use the maven-jar-plugin to create a jar file in addition to a war file, it's generated in my /target directory. I also used the maven-install-plugin to install the outputted jar to my local repo.
Perhaps you could try using the packaging parameter in maven install plugin to see if that helps in your case?
I would assume you would have to specify
as well in the component descriptor. Otherwise it looks correct to me..
