Deliberately eating certain amount of memory using perl script - windows

I need to simulate a memory-hungry process. For example, On a machine with 4.0 GiB, I need a process that would eat 3.2 GiB (give or take few MiB).
I assumed it should be as easy as:
my $mbytes = 3276;
my $huge_string = 'X' x ($mbytes * 1024 * 1024);
But I end up with process eating twice as much memory as I need it to.
this is same on two Windows 7 amd64 machines: one with 64-bit, the other
with 32-bit build of Strawberry Perl
I'm using Sysinternals Process Explorer and watching "Private Bytes"
Of course, I could just $mbytes /= 2 (for now, I'll probably will do that), but:
Is there a better way?
Can anyone explain why the amount is twice as length of the string?

Code adapted from, all credit goes to Perlmonk BrowserUk.
my $huge_string = 'X';
$huge_string x= $mbytes * 1024 * 1024;
why the amount is twice as length of the string?
Think about the order of evaluation. The right-hand expression allocates memory for your x expression, and again so does the assignment operation into your new scalar. As usual for Perl, even though the right-hand expression is not referenced anymore, the memory is not freed right away.
Operating on an existing scalar avoids the second allocation, as shown above.


What will happen if the highest bit of the pointer as a sign bit,can someone make a example to explain it?

I am reading the book <windows via c/c++> ,in Chapter 13 - Windows Memory Architecture -
Getting a Larger User-Mode Partition in x86 Windows
I occur at this:
In early versions of Windows, Microsoft didn't allow applications to
access their address space above 2 GB. So some creative developers
decided to leverage this and, in their code, they would use the high
bit in a pointer as a flag that had meaning only to their
applications. Then when the application accessed the memory address,
code executed that cleared the high bit of the pointer before the
memory address was used. Well, as you can imagine, when an application
runs in a user-mode environment greater than 2 GB, the application
fails in a blaze of fire.
I can't understand that, can someone make an example to explain it for me, thanks.
To access ~2GB of memory, you only need a 31 bit address. However, on 32 bit systems, addresses are 32 bit long and hence, pointers are 32 bit long.
As the book describes, in early versions of windows developers could only use 2GB of memory, therefore, the last bit in each 32-bit pointer could be used for other purposes, as it was ALWAYS zero. However, before using the address, this extra bit had to be cleared again, presumably so the program didn't crash, because it tried to access a higher than 2GB address.
The code probably looked something like this:
int val = 1;
int* p = &val;
// ...
// Using the last bit of p to set a flag, for some purpose
p |= 1UL << 31;
// ...
// Then before using the address in some way, the bit has to be cleared again:
p &= ~(1UL << 31);
*p = 3;
Now, if you can be certain that your pointers will only ever point to an address where the most significant bit (MSB) is zero, i.e. in a ~2GB address space, this is fine. However, if the address space is increased, some pointers will have a 1 in their MSB and by clearing it, you set your pointer to an incorrect address in memory. If you then try to read from or write to that address, you will have undefined behavior and your program will most likely fail in a blaze of fire.

Faster memory allocation and freeing algorithm than multiple Free List method

We allocate and free many memory blocks. We use Memory Heap. However, heap access is costly.
For faster memory access allocation and freeing, we adopt a global Free List. As we make a multithreaded program, the Free List is protected by a Critical Section. However, Critical Section causes a bottleneck in parallelism.
For removing the Critical Section, we assign a Free List for each thread, i.e. Thread Local Storage. However, thread T1 always memory blocks and thread T2 always frees them, so Free List in thread T2 is always increasing, meanwhile there is no benefit of Free List.
Despite of the bottleneck of Critical Section, we adopt the Critical Section again, with some different method. We prepare several Free Lists as well as Critical Sections which is assigned to each Free List, thus 0~N-1 Free Lists and 0~N-1 Critical Sections. We prepare an atomic-operated integer value which mutates to 0, 1, 2, ... N-1 then 0, 1, 2, ... again. For each allocation and freeing, we get the integer value X, then mutate it, access X-th Critical Section, then access X-th Free List. However, this is quite slower than the previous method (using Thread Local Storage). Atomic operation is quite slow as there are more threads.
As mutating the integer value non-atomically cause no corruption, we did the mutation in non-atomic way. However, as the integer value is sometimes stale, there is many chance of accessing the same Critical Section and Free List by different threads. This causes the bottleneck again, though it is quite few than the previous method.
Instead of the integer value, we used thread ID with hashing to the range (0~N-1), then the performance got better.
I guess there must be much better way of doing this, but I cannot find an exact one. Are there any ideas for improving what we have made?
Dealing with heap memory is a task for the OS. Nothing guarantees you can do a better/faster job than the OS does.
But there are some conditions where you can get a bit of improvement, specially when you know something about your memory usage that is unknown to the OS.
I'm writting here my untested idea, hope you'll get some profit of it.
Let's say you have T threads, all of them reserving and freeing memory. The main goal is speed, so I'll try not to use TLS, nor critical blocking, not atomic ops.
If (repeat: if, if, if) the app can fit to several discrete sizes of memory blocks (not random sizes, so as to avoid fragmentation and unuseful holes) then start asking the OS for a number of these discrete blocks.
For example, you have an array of n1 blocks each of size size1, an array of n2 blocks each of size size2, an array of n3... and so on. Each array is bidimensional, the second field just stores a flag for used/free block. If your arrays are very large then it's better to use a dedicated array for the flags (due to contiguous memory usage is always faster).
Now, some one asks for a block of memory of size sB. A specialized function (or object or whatever) searches the array of blocks of size greater or equal to sB, and then selects a block by looking at the used/free flag. Just before ending this task the proper block-flag is set to "used".
When two or more threads ask for blocks of the same size there may be a corruption of the flag. Using TLS will solve this issue, and critical blocking too. I think you can set a bool flag at the beggining of the search into flags-array, that makes the other threads to wait until the flag changes, which only happens after the block-flag changes. With pseudo code:
//select which array depending of 'sB'
for (i=0, i < numOfarrays, i++)
if (sizeOfArr(i) >= sB)
arrMatch = i
break //exit for
//wait if other thread wants a block from the same arrMatch array
while ( searching(arrMatch) == true )
; //wait
//blocks other threads wanting a block from the same arrMatch array
searching(arrMatch) = true
//Get the first free block
for (i=0, i < numOfBlocks, i++)
if ( arrOfUsed(arrMatch, i) != true )
selectedBlock = addressOf(....)
//mark the block as used
arrOfUsed(arrMatch, i) = true
break; //exit for
//Allow other threads
searching(arrMatch) = false
return selectedBlock //NOTE: selectedBlock==NULL means no free block
Freeing a block is easier, just mark it as free, no thread concurrency issue.
Dealing with no free blocks is up to you (wait, use a bigger block, ask OS for more, etc).
Note that the whole memory is reserved from the OS at app start, which can be a problem.
If this idea makes your app faster, let me know. What I can say for sure is that memory used is greater than if you use normal OS request; but not much if you choose "good" sizes, those most used.
Some improvements can be done:
Cache the last freeded block (per size) so as to avoid the search.
Start with not that much blocks, and ask the OS for more memory only
when needed. Play with 'number of blocks' for each size depending on
your app. Find the optimal case.

A heap manager for C/Pascal that automatically fills freed memory with zero bytes

What do you think about an option to fill freed (not actually used) pages with zero bytes? This may improve performance under Windows, and also under VMWare and other virtual machine environments? For example, VMWare and HyperV calculate hash of memory pages, and, if the contents is the same, mark this page as "shared" inside a virtual machine and between virtual machines on the same host, until the page is modified. It effectively decreases memory consumption. Windows does the same - it handles zero pages differently, treating them as free.
We could have the heap manager that would automatically fill memory with zeros when we call FreeMem/ReallocMem. As an alternative option, we could have a function that zeroizes empty memory by demand, i.e. only when this function is explicitly called. Of course, this function has to be thread-safe.
The drawback of filling memory with zeros is touching the memory, which might have already been turned into virtual, thus issuing page faults. Besides that, any memory store operations are slow, so our program will be slower, albeit to an unknown extent (maybe negligible).
If we manage to fill 4-K pages completely with zeros, the hypervisor or Windows will explicitly mark it as a zero page. But even partial zeroizing may be beneficial, since the hypervisor may compress pages using LZ or similar algorithms to save physical memory.
I just want to know your opinion whether the benefits of filling emptied heap memory with zero bytes by the heap manager itself will outweigh the disadvantages of such a technique.
Is zeroizing worth its price when we buy reduced physical memory consumption?
When you have a page whose contents you no longer care about but you still want to keep it allocated, you can call VirtualAlloc (and variants) and pass the MEM_RESET flag.
From VirtualAlloc on MSDN:
Indicates that data in the memory range specified by lpAddress and
dwSize is no longer of interest. The pages should not be read from or
written to the paging file. However, the memory block will be used
again later, so it should not be decommitted. This value cannot be
used with any other value.
Using this value does not guarantee that
the range operated on with MEM_RESET will contain zeros. If you want
the range to contain zeros, decommit the memory and then recommit it.
This gives the best of both worlds - you don't have the cost of zeroing the memory, and the system does not have the cost of paging it back in. You get to take advantage of the well-tuned memory manager which already has a zero-pool.
Similar functionality also exists on Linux under the MADV_FREE (or MADV_DONTNEED for Posix) flag to madvise. Glibc uses this function in the implementation of its heap.:
* Stack:
* int shrink_heap (heap_info *h, long diff)
* int heap_trim (heap_info *heap, size_t pad) at arena.c:660
* void _int_free (mstate av, mchunkptr p, int have_lock) at malloc.c:4097
* void __libc_free (void *mem) at malloc.c:2948
* void free(void *mem)
static int
shrink_heap (heap_info *h, long diff)
long new_size;
new_size = (long) h->size - diff;
/* ... snip ... */
__madvise ((char *) h + new_size, diff, MADV_DONTNEED);
/* ... snip ... */
h->size = new_size;
return 0;
If your heap is in user space this will never work. The kernel can only trust itself, not user space. If the kernel zeros a page, it can treat it as zero. If user space says it zeroed a page, the kernel would still have to check that. It might just as well zero it. One thing user space can do is to discard pages. Which marks them as "don't care". Then a kernel can treat them as zero. But manually zeroing pages in user space is futile.

micro-programmed control circuit and one questions

I ran into a question:
in digital system with micro-programmed control circuit, total of distinct operation pattern of 32 signal is 450. if the micro-programmed memory contains 1K micro instruction, by using Nano memory, how many bits is reduced from micro-programmed memory?
1) 22 Kbits
2) 23 Kbits
3) 450 Kbits
4) 450*32 Kbits
I read in my notes, that (1) is true, but i couldn't understand how we get this?
Edit: Micro instructions are stored in the micro memory (control memory). There is a chance that a group of micro instructions may occur several times in a micro program. As a result the more memory space isneeded.By making use of the nano memory we can have significant saving in the memory when a group of micro operations occur several times in a micro program. Please see for nano technique ref:
Control Units
Back in the day, before .NET, when you actually had to know what a computer was, before you could make it do stuff. This question would have gotten a ton of answers.
Except, back then, the internet wasn't really a thing, and Stack overflow was not really a problem, as the concept of a stack and a heap, wasn't really a standard..
So just to make sure that we are in fact talking about the same thing, I will just tr to explain this..
The control unit in a digital computer initiates sequences of microoperations. In a bus-oriented system, the control signals that specify microoperations are
groups of bits that select the paths in multiplexers, decoders, and ALUs.
So we are looking at the control unit, and the instruction set for making it capable of actually doing stuff.
We are dealing with what steps should happen, when the compiled assembly requests a bit shift, clear a register, or similar "low level" stuff.
Some of theese instructions may be hardwired, but usually not all of them.
Quote: "Microprogramming is an orderly method of designing the control unit
of a conventional computer"
The control variables, for the control unit can be represented by a string of 1’s and 0’s called a "control word". A microprogrammed control unit is a control unit whose binary control variables are not hardwired, but are stored in a memory. Before we optimized stuff we called this memory the micro memory ;)
Typically we would actually be looking at two "memories" a control memory, and a main memory.
the control memory is for the microprogram,
and the main memory is for instructions and data
The process of code generation for the control memory is called
... ok?
Transfer of information among registers in the processor is through MUXs rather
than a bus, we typically have a few register, some of which are familiar to programmers, some are not. The ones that should ring a bell for most in here, is the processor registers. The most common 4 Processor registers are:
Program counter – PC
Address register – AR
Data register – DR
Accumulator register - AC
Examples where microcode uses processor registers to do stuff
Assembly instruction "ADD"
pseudo micro code: " AC ← AC + M[EA] " where M[EA] is data from main memory register
control word: 0000
Assembly instruction "BRANCH"
pseudo micro code "If (AC < 0) then (PC ← EA) "
control word: 0001
The micro memory only concerns how we organize whats in the control memory.
However when we have big instruction sets, we can do better than simply storing all the instructions. We can subdivide the control memory into "control memory" and "nano memory" (since nano is smaller than micro right ;) )
This is good as we don't waste a lot of valuable space (chip area) on microcode.
The concept of nano memory is derived from a combination of vertical and horizontal instructions, but also provides trade-offs between them.
The motorola M68k microcomputer is one the earlier and popular µComputers with this nano memory control design. Here it was shown that a significant saving of memory could be achieved when a group of micro instructions occur often in a microprogram.
Here it was shown that by structuring the memory properly, that a few bits could be used to address the instructions, without a significant cost to speed.
The reduction was so that only the upper log_2(n) bits are required to specify the nano-address, when compared to the micro-address.
what does this mean?
Well let's stay with the M68K example a bit longer:
It had 640 instructions, out of which only 280 where unique.
had the instructions been coded as simple micro memory, it would have taken up:
640x70 bits. or 44800 bits
however, as only the 280 unique instructions where required to fill all 70 bits, we could apply the nano memory technique to the remaining instructions, and get:
8 < log_2(640-280) < 9 = 9
640*9 bit micro control store, and 280x70 bit nano memory store
total of 25360 bits
or a memory savings of 19440 bits.. which could be laid out as main memory for programmers :)
this shows that the equation:
S = Hm x Wm + Hn x Wn
Hm = Number of words High Level
Wm = Length of words in High Level
Hn = Number of Low Level words
Wn = Length of low level words
S = Control Memory Size (with Nano memory technique)
holds in real life.
note that, micro memory is usually designed vertically (Hm is large, Wm is small) and nano programs are usually opposite Hn small, Wn Large.
Back to the question
I had a few problems understanding the wording of the problem, - that may because my first language is Danish, but still I tried to make some sense of it and got to:
proposition 1:
1000 instructions
32 bits
450 uniques
1000 * 32 = 32.000 bits
bit width required for nano memory:
log2(1000-450) > 9 => 10
450 * 32 = 14400
(1000-450) * 10 = 5500
32000 - (14400 + 5500) = 12.100 bits saved
Which is not any of your answers.
please provide clarification?
"the control word is 32 bit. we can code the 450 pattern with 9 bit and we use these 9 bits instead of 32 bit control word. reduce memory from 1000*(32+x) to 1000*(9+x) is equal to 23kbits. – Ali Movagher"
There is your problem, we cannot code the 450 pattern with 9 bits, as far as I can see we need 10..

Ruby Garbage Collection Heap Slot size

So, ruby enterprise documentation states that all the values in the GC settings are defined in slots:
We fine-tuned our app's min slot size and increment for the best performance by trial and error (we have enough machines to get a good idea how different values affect the number of malloc calls and Full GCs).
But something has been bugging me for a while: How big is 1 slot in bytes?
From Ruby source:
* sizeof(RVALUE) is
* 20 if 32-bit, double is 4-byte aligned
* 24 if 32-bit, double is 8-byte aligned
* 40 if 64-bit
$ rvm use ruby-1.9.2-p136
$ gdb ruby
(gdb) p sizeof(RVALUE)
$1 = 40
The default in 1.9 is 8K
(search for HEAP_SIZE)
Note well that whenever it runs out of space and needs to reallocate, in 1.9 it allocates exponentially more heaps.
In 1.8 it would allocate bigger and bigger heaps.
After diggin' through the code:
1 slot is a size of sizeof(struct RVALUE), which depends on the machine.
