how can i make django file upload work with valums/file-uploader - ajax

I want to make valums/file-uploader run with django upload, using it with model fields (FileField)
basic django model:
class Image(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User)
url = models.FileField(upload_to='%Y/%m/%d')
basic view, working with non ajax upload:
def ajax_upload(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
newfile = Image()
newfile.user = request.user
file_content = ContentFile(request.FILES['file'].read())
file_name = request.FILES['file'].name, file_content)
results = {'url': newfile.url, 'id':}
return HttpResponse(json.dumps(results))
raise Http404
The problem is that valums uploader does not put the files in "request" files, it put it in the POST, and django get it as a querydic.
Using it with the top code django says:
"Key 'file' not found in "
If i change:
file_content = ContentFile(request.POST)
django says:
expected read buffer, QueryDict found
I can make it work but i still want to hold on django's native file upload, it's much cleaner.

Use request.body (or request.raw_post_data if older than 1.4)


How to send Image to to Rest API using json

I am getting an image from a form and sending it to rest api using requests modules which I want to save later in the models. but the issue is I am getting the image from form but when It reached the API it is autmatically a string and I dont know how to get that image in the API. (here I am getting the image in the image variable
image_file= request.FILES.get('image')
if request.method == "POST":
headers={"Content-Type": 'multipart/form-data','Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(token) }
url = f""
data = {
"mem_id": 4,
"payment_proof" :image_file
response = post_url(url,request,data)
here I am getting the image but when I check the type it is not the image instead it is only string name
def post(request):
payment_proof = (['payment_proof'])

Django response send file as well as some text data

Currently I am send a zip file in response from my Django-Rest controller, the zip file will get downloaded in front-end and this feature is working fine but now I want to send some data as well with the zip file in response, is there any way?
This is my Django-REST controller code
response = HttpResponse(byte_io.getvalue(),content_type='application/x-zip-compressed')
response['Content-Disposition'] = f'attachment;filename{my-sample-zip-file}'
return response
How can I send some data with this zip file on front-end?
You can do it with HTTP Request-Response module of django.
If you want to do it in production like code, you might also want to handle case where file is not available, set error and return neat. Also, better put that in a common file and then define download_file like below:
from common_library import FileResponse
from django.http import JsonResponse
def download_file( self ):
if self.error_response:
response = JsonResponse( { "error" : self.error_response } )
response = FileResponse(self.report_file_abs_path, self.report_filename)
response['Content-Type'] = 'application/xlsx'
response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=' + self.report_filename
return response
NOTE: FileResponse is a user defined wrapper function which you can define.

Django testing - test the view which handles an ajax call

In testing Django, the view is returning 200 code but not sending any error message related.
def ajax_view(request):
msg = ''
if request.is_ajax():
username = request.POST['username']
user = User.objects.get(username=username)
msg = 'user exists'
return HttpResponse(msg)
response ='ajax_view'), data={'username': 'hello'})
self.assertEqual(200, response.status_code)
self.assertContains(response, 'exist')
It seems it is not going through the request.is_ajax().. How can I mock the ajax call in Django testing?
The docs on the test client mention this; you need to pass the HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH header, which you can do as a keyword argument.
Also, if you pass content_type as 'application/json', Django will automatically serialize to JSON. So:
response =
data={'username': 'hello'},
Not entirely sure this will resolve the entire issue but your method may be expecting the data in a json format:
json_data = json.dumps({'username': 'hello'})
response ='ajax_view'), data=json_data)

Django POST data dictionary is empty when posting from test client

I am trying to test and AJAX view in my Django Project. When submit the post from JQuery the data is correctly accessible in the Django View but when I try to make queries for the Django test client it is emplty.
Here is the code I use:
The view
def add_item(request):
if request.is_ajax() and request.method == 'POST':
post_data = request.POST
print post_data ## <----- THIS IS EMPTY
name = post_data.get('name')
# Render the succes response
json_data = json.dumps({"success":1})
return HttpResponse(json_data, content_type="application/json")
raise Http404
And the test
class TestAddItem(TestCase):
def test_some_test(self):
data = {
response ='theurl', data, content_type='application/json')
Any Idea what I might be doing wrong?
I tried also without content type and also using plain url like thurl/?name=name without succes.
Any help will be appreciated.
After trying different combinations of parameter formating, content types, etc..
I found one solution that works :
response ='theurl'), data,
**{'HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH': 'XMLHttpRequest'})
And I get the following dictionary on the POST parameters of the request:
<QueryDict: {u'name': [u'name']}>
Edit I love testing :)

Avoiding Django's QueryDict List limitations

I'm trying to send data from a webpage to a django view to be saved as serialized json to a database. If possible, I would like to avoid django's QueryDict object and just read the request with simplejson, flatten, and save to the database. What is the best way to send the data so simplejson can flatten it?
var languages = {};
languages['english'] = ['mark', 'james'];
languages['spanish'] = ['amy', 'john'];
type: 'POST',
url: '/save/',
data: languages,
dataType: 'json'
if request.is_ajax() and request.method == 'POST':
for key in request.POST:
print key
valuelist = request.POST.getlist(key)
print valuelist
I doubt that it is possible to make django avoid creating QueryDict, but you can ignore it (from iphone Json POST request to Django server creates QueryDict within QueryDict):
def view_example(request):
Have you tried the QueryDict.lists() or QueryDict.dict() methods?
You can try and make json string on client side.
var languages = {};
languages['english'] = ['mark', 'james'];
languages['spanish'] = ['amy', 'john'];
var json_languages = $.toJSON(languages);//'{"plugin":"jquery-json","version":2.2}'
// '{"spanish": ["amy", "john"], "english": ["mark", "james"]}'
$.post('/save/', {data: json_languages});
in view just:
if request.is_ajax() and request.method == 'POST':
data = request.POST.get('languages')
it's not the best practice, but it works fine for me sometimes.
