NSView added as subview doesn't show - macos

I have a puzzling problem. Working on a cocoa app in mac os x 10.7.
My app main window contains a split view. In a certain use context in one of the subviews of the split view is loaded a custom view with some labels (nstextfield) and a split view (instantiating a view controller that loads a nib and getting view from that controller). Frame of the custom view is set to split view subview bounds and everything works fine.
Problem is that one of the subviews of the second split view should be loaded (same method: view controller-nib-view-frame/bounds) with a custom view containing a table view and a button, but in this case nothing shows. Everything is done the same way but last custom view is not visible. Any idea?
this is the code I use to instantiate controller for the view to be added, get the view, and add it as subview to a subview of the split view
- (void)loadSubview {
self.subviewToAddController = [[viewController alloc] initWithNibName:nil bundle:nil];
//nib name is coded in the controller class definition
[[self.subviewToAddController view] setFrame:[self.splitViewContainerSubView bounds]];
//container subView is an outlet
[self.splitViewContainerSubView addSubview:[self.subviewToAddController view]];
However I don't think the problem is in this code because if I ask the container subview for its own subviews I can see the new subview is present in the list. It just doesn't show. If I add it as a subview of the split view (a test a just made) or as subview of the subview of the most external split view it is correctly showed too (sorry for the confused explanation, I would need a diagram but in this moment I can't make it)
To elaborate more my doubt (I didn't want to misled so I didn't mention before) can't it be a problem of coordinates, so view is correctly loaded and added as subview but is not visible because hidden by something or showed out of visible area?
Sorry it took so long to post an update.
After more testing I found out the problem is related to autolayout. No idea what the exact problem is and how to solve it. I ended up turning it off for the nibs the were in troubles and use the old way to set interface objects position and size/resize. Not the best way but for now I can go on.

My best guess is that you didn't set the autoresizing masks of the view properly.


Xcode Table View sections without using TableViewController

I have a special thing to realize here.
I have a ViewController with a View on it. On the View I have an ImageView (I need a nice Background-Image) and many Buttons and Textfields and so on.
Now I need a Tableview. This Table view is located in the center of the screen.
I need sections in this tableview, so when I edit it to have sections its complaining,
because he wants a TableViewController to use static cells and sections.
Here's the problem. I cant use a TableViewController cause I need this stuff around
the tableview (those buttons and textfields) and I also need the image in the background.
So how can I realize that?
Interface Builder doesn't allow static cells in a table view that's embedded in a view controller. You need to have the table view's datasource point to your UIViewController. The view controller should hardcode the values/configuration for the cells. It's essentially the same thing... you just don't see the results until you run the app.
Also see this question Using static cells in a storyboard UIView with Xcode 4.2

Replace subview of NSSplitview with custom view

I still have a lot to learn with cocoa so I may have missed something obvious here. I have a custom view I would like to display in an nssplitview which replaces the current subview there.
I have a MessageView.xib file, and a MessageView .h/.m which subclasses NSView. I created a custom view instance for my main window (the one which contains the nssplitview) through Xcode 4's built in gui builder. I created an outlet to this instance of MessageView in my window's controller.
In my controller for the window when I want to swap out the subview for the splitview it runs this
[splitView replaceSubview:[[splitView subviews] objectAtIndex:1] with:viewMessage];
viewMessage is the outlet to the MessageView.
When this code is run the display of that subview changes to be blank. I'm not sure if there is something wrong with my custom view or there is some size issue. Is there something I need to do to fit the view into the split screen view or is my custom view just not displaying correctly? I have had a difficult time finding a tutorial on creating custom subviews with Xcode 4 so I'm not sure if something could be wrong with that. The custom view just has a label and a textfield in it.
Generally, you shouldn't need to replace NSSplitView's subviews with your own. Rather, you add your own custom view(s) as child views of the default subviews on each side of the divider. You can do this in code with addSubview:, but it's probably easier to just use Interface Builder in Xcode. Drag a "Custom View" into the splitview, then in the Identity Inspector, under Custom class, change the class to the name of your custom NSView subclass:
I think (off the top of my head, not tested), if you really do need to replace the default NSSplitView subviews with your own class, you can probably do it in Interface Builder using this same method, but selecting the default subview itself and changing its class in the inspector. This doesn't work for all AppKit classes, but it may work for NSSplitView.

Resizing view controller acording to tabbar controller

In my application, I have developed one wizard in which I am providing a way for the user to setup his details one-by-one. After finishing all steps, the user will be redirected to the screen where TabBar will come into the picture.
The problem here is that the user can access the same view controllers with the wizard (without TabBar controllers) and normal flow (which is with tabbar controller). In the wizard, I am using a view controller of size 320x480 and the same in normal flow. But whenever I load any view controller using TabBar the 44 pixel view from bottom side gets hidden behind TabBar.
I know the I can manually set the view size, by detecting whether TabBar is present or not, but here in this case number of view controllers are more and its already designed of size 320x480.
I had tried with all methods given in Apple's documentation but none of it seems to work for me.
Following are the methods I have tried, along with some xib settings.
[self setWantsFullScreenLayout:YES];
self.view.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
[self.view setAutoresizesSubviews:YES];
[self.navigationController.view setNeedsLayout];
Is there any way to set the height of a view controller according to whether that TabBar is present or not?
In my case, (Status bar/Nav bar/Hidden tabbar) this worked
//Add this in your ViewController
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeBottom;
self.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = YES;
However Barry's answer is better if you use Storyboard but I could not for this VC.
Tried for iOs7 and iOs 8.
If you're using storyboards, select each tab VC and clear the box for View Controller > Extend Edges > Under Bottom Bars.
I wasn't able to find a good answer for this, so I ended up adding a BOOL, hasTabBar. I set it true or false based on where I create my view, and use that to calculate my layouts.
frame.size.height -= (hasTabBar*50); // works nicely.

Cocoa: NSView drawRect painting over IBOutlets

I have an NSView in IB which sits above the app window. I have a subclass of NSView (AddSource) which I assign to the NSView.
On awakeFromNib I instantiate the view:
//add a new Add Source class
addSourceView = [[AddSource alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0.0, 959.0, 307.0, 118.0)];
[[winMain contentView] addSubview:addSourceView];
in addSourceView's drawRect method I am adding a white background to the view:
[[NSColor whiteColor] set];
[self setNeedsDisplay:YES];//added this to see if it might solve the problem
In winMain's contentView I have a NSButton that when clicked slides the addSourceView onto the window:
NSRect addSourceViewFrame = [addSourceView frame];
addSourceViewFrame.origin.y = 841.0;
[[addSourceView animator] setFrame:addSourceViewFrame];
But it seems as if the app is painting over the IBOutlets I placed on the NSView in IB. If, in IB, I repoistion the NSView so that it is on screen when the app launches everything works fine, the IBOutlets are there as well as the background color.
I'm not sure why this is happening. I've done this before with no problems. I must be doing something different this time.
Thanks for any help.
*note - on the 3rd screen capture, when I say this is what the app looks like when opened, that's when I hard code the Y position of the NSView. When it is functioning correctly it should open as screen capture 1.
Most likely your buttons and custom view are siblings, i.e. they are both subviews of your window's content view. Since siblings are "Stacked" depending on the order in which they are added, when you add the view in code it is being added on top of the buttons. You should be able to fix it by explicitly specifying where the view should be positioned relative to its new siblings like so:
[[winMain contentView] addSubview:addSourceView positioned:NSWindowBelow relativeTo:nil];
which should place it below any existing subviews of your window's content view. Also, remove the setNeedsDisplay: line in drawRect, that leads to unncessary, possibly infinite, redrawing.
EDIT: OK I see what you're doing.
I would suggest creating a standalove view in the NIB by dragging a "Custom View" object into the left hand side (the vertically-aligned archived objects section) and adding your controls there, that should ensure the controls are actualy subviews of the view, then you can just create a reference to the archived view in code, and add/remove it dynamically as needed.
Honestly though, you should probably be using a sheet for these kinds of modal dialogs. Why reinvent the wheel, and make your app uglier in the process?
You added TWO AddSource views to the window. You added one in IB - this view contains your textFields and buttons that are connected to the IBOutlets and it is positioned outside the window.
Then in -awakeFromNib you create another, blank AddSource view (containing nothing) and animate it into the window.
I can't recommend highly enough the Hillegass as the best introduction to IB and the correct way to build Cocoa Apps.
Also, Assertions can be useful to make sure what you think is happening is actually what is happening.
If you are certain you added a button to your view in IB, assert it is so:-
- (void)awakeFromNib {
NSAssert( myButton, #"did i hook up the outlet?");
NSAssert is a macro that has zero overhead in a release build.
Calling [self setNeedsDisplay:YES] from -drawRect just causes the same -drawRect to be called again. This will give you big problems.

Adding subview to view with a PDFView as a subview

I have a controller view. This controller has a PDFView as a subview and another subview which is like a controller to the pdf.
The problem is that if I do the following in the controller:
self.view addSubview:pdfView];
[self.view addSubview:pdfController];
The pdfController lays on the pdfView, but it will scroll with the pdf if you scroll it. I want to make pdfController view to be immobile and to just sit on the pdfView. Does anyone know how to get this behavior?
I remember having similar trouble trying to overlay an NSView over a PDFView with an app I was writing a few years ago. Assuming you've tried messing with the NSScrollView's copyOnScroll and the various autoresizing options, a good solution is to put the controller view in a separate child window that overlays the window your PDFView is in. You'll need to do a little work to synchronize behavior between the two windows, but in the end you won't have any of the weird problems that happen when you try to overlap sibling views like that.
