In the following graph in DOT
graph {
"v_1086" [label="A"];
"v_1023" [label="B"];
"v_1181" [label="C"];
"q_-888017763" [label="Q"];
"c_-961691100" [label="1"];
"c_-1161934348" [label="2"];
"c_556655049" [label="3"];
"q_-888017763"--"v_1086" [color="green"];
"q_-888017763"--"v_1181" [color="indigo"];
"q_-888017763"--"v_1023" [color="khaki4"];
{rank = same;
{rank = same;
{rank = same;
{rank = same;
How can I move the edges between the numerical nodes to the left.
The dot in the question renders as:
In that context, I don't understand the question: The numerical nodes are on the right, not the left, and I don't understand why you'd want to move the edges between them. Move them where?
Sorry this isn't an answer, but I can't embed an image in a comment.
Suppose I have the GraphViz graph:
digraph G {
How can I make a and c be aligned vertically, i.e. appear at the same height?
You can align them using grouping and a group-scope attribute:
digraph G {
{rank = same; a; c;}
Note that if your rankdir value is different, this alignment will not be vertical: e.g. if rankdir=LR then a and c will be horizontally aligned to the same position - with the arrows pointing rightwards.
I've the following output currently I want to place a label below the edge between p and z in the figure.Is it possible to do in graphviz I've tried using xlabels but it doesn't work.
Current Code:
digraph GPG{
node [shape=box];
subgraph cluster0{
subgraph cluster1{
p->z [label="2 | 1",minlen=1];
rank = same;
subgraph cluster2{
I want a label below edge p->z as well above the edge.Is it possible in graphviz?
Kind of ugly, but:
digraph overunder{
{ rank=same
a -> b [label=" over " ]
a -> b [label="under" penwidth=0.0 dir=none]
You may have to add the non-breaking space characters (see above) because Graphviz seems to position labels based on the length of the text - longer labels are placed above shorter labels.
In the attached figure, the nodes are arranged in a circle around the node. Is there a (possibly generic) way to arrange the nodes only in the lower semi-circle, without having to provide fixed coordinates for the nodes?
Edit: Would like to achieve something like shown in the image attached below. As one can see - all the nodes are arranged in the lower semi-circular region (this figure was made using CMap Tools).
The code is trivial, but pasting it anyway.
digraph semicircle {
graph [nodesep="0.1", ranksep="0.3", center=true]
S [label="Root", style="filled", fillcolor="greenyellow", shape="box"]
subgraph cluster1 {
A; B; C; D;
S -> {A, B, C, D};
} }
using dot/circo : graphviz version 2.40.1
I noted that circo placed nodes counter-clockwise, starting at 3 o'clock.
I added enough invisible nodes to fill the 2 through 10 o'clock positions.
To make the inter-nodal distances even more uniform I added:
node [shape=square style=rounded]
The result I got is this:
Try this:
digraph semicircle {
graph [nodesep="0.1", ranksep="0.3", center=true, root=S]
S [label="Root", style="filled", fillcolor="greenyellow", shape="box"]
subgraph cluster1 {
z1[style=invis label=""]
z2[style=invis label=""]
B; C; D;
S -> A
S -> z1,z2 [style=invis]
S -> { B, C, D};
I want to have a diagram which has the layout as follwing :
But when i wrote the codes like this:
digraph g {
d->g [weight = 1];
d->f [weight = 10];
And comes like this:
The dot guide even recommends this:
Edge weights also play a role when nodes are constrained to the same rank.
Edges with non-zero weight between these nodes are aimed across the rank
in the samedirection (left-to-right, or top-to-bottom in a rotated drawing) as far
as possible. This fact may be exploited to adjust node ordering by placing
invisible edges (style="invis") where needed.
I wander why it not work?
add the following line in your graph:
digraph g {
d->g [weight = 0];
d->f [weight = 1];
Works as you wish.
But, I also don't know why
d->g [weight = 1];
d->f [weight = 2];
doesn't work.
Maybe it depends on layout type, neato or dot or etc. See
digraph {
a -> b -> c;
{rank = same; b;d;e;f;g;h;}
Works. Source
For example:
digraph G {
rankdir = TB;
subgraph A {
a -> {a0, a1};
subgraph B {
b -> {b0, b1, b2};
I want to put B at the bottom of A, how to do it?
You'll have to tell graphviz that the subgraphs are not equal. One way to do it is simply to add invisible edges between the graphs:
digraph G {
rankdir = TB;
subgraph A {
a -> {a0, a1};
subgraph B {
b -> {b0, b1, b2};
a0 -> b [style=invis];
a1 -> b [style=invis];
By adding two invisible edges the subgraphs are neatly aligned.