Disabling CSS Validation in Aptana Studio - aptana3

I'm using Aptana Studio 3.0.9, and it is currently marking a number of errors on CSS files.
I have tried the procedure here, including filtering by .* (which should filter every CSS error), but the errors persist. I have cleaned, restarted, and they will not go away.
The method here is not an option, as right-clicking on the errors does not give an option to delete.
The files in question are
both of which are actively developed, well-tested files. The problem is that because Aptana marks them as having errors, the entire project is marked. This is both annoying and dangerous, as I am less attuned to errors I actually might make while developing.
How can I get rid of the errors? I'm okay with just hiding them in the project explorer. I'm okay with getting rid of all CSS validation (I'm not using much of my own CSS in any case).

I'm on Aptana 3.0.9 for Linux. So hopefully it is the same on whatever OS you're using. But I figure it should be the pretty close.
This solution will turn off the errors completely for css
Basically similar to the first link you posted.
Go to Window -> Preferences -> Aptana Studio -> Validation
Now on this tab, if CSS is not selected, select it.
There should be a part for Validators. W3C Styleshet Validator should be checked. If you uncheck it, the css validation goes away and you don't get errors any more.


Putting Resharper's ignored errors under version control

When I ignore specific errors in "Errors in Solution" window, Resharper remembers this setting.
I tried to reboot and restart Visual Studio, the ignored errors stayed ignored. Now I wanted to pass the ignored errors list to another programmers in the team by putting some setting file under version control. But I could not find where does Resharper store which errors are ignored.
I have the following versions of SW.
Visual Studio 2012
JetBrains ReSharper 8.2.1 Full Edition
Build 8.2.1000.4556 on 2014-05-19T10:12:38
I removed files in the following folder and the ignored errors reset, all errors became unignored.
So it keeps the ignored errors somewhere in those files. Still I did not see the way to put it under version control.
Though not related to the exact issue of the original poster, you might have stumbled upon this question looking for the answer below :)
If you've changed the behavior of an inspection from the glyph like this and saved it to a configuration layer and set it to Do Not Show or something else and then saved it to the Team level:
Then depending on where you set the value, Computer, Solution personal or Solution Team, it's stored in a different settings file.
You can then add the Solution.sln.DotSettings file to source control to share these suppression between all team members.
To undo the supression of such warnings, you'll have to venture into the layered options structure of Resharper, which can be a little confusing if you haven't gone in there before.
Then depending on where it's saved, look under the wrench item for the selected layer:
Find the inspection and set it:
In the toolbar to the solution errors window, there should be an export button. You should be able to export all ignored items to xml or html here.

How can I disable javascript compile warnings in VS 2010?

Visual studio seems intent that my javascript code is bad, mostly because it has no knowledge of jquery or some plugins I am using. Therefore, every time I compile my product it gives me a lot of warnings, most of them are incorrect ($ is not defined, window is not defined, etc...).
I have /// <reference path="" /> tags setup in my javascript with intellisense working properly so I know these are just not real issues.
How can I disable these warnings?
edit to be clear, I need these disabled because it's causing 100+ warnings that are making me lose sight of REAL c# warnings.
I had the exact same issue you were having: 100s of incorrect errors every save. For me the issue was with Chirpy, which was a prerequisite for another extension. For whatever reason on my end, Chirpy was not in my Extension Manager so it took me a while to find.
Check and see if you have it installed. If so disable JSHint.
Tool -> Options
Chirpy -> JSHint
Uncheck: Run JS Hint
try this and let me know if it works.
Enter the options through Tools > Options.
In the tree to the left, choose Text Editor > JScript > Miscellaneous. Uncheck "Show syntax errors".
I don't have a javascript source file on the computer I'm on at the moment to test this, but you may be able to use the #pragma command to disable particular warnings:
#pragma warning disable will disable all warnings, and #pragma warning restore will restore all warnings when placed at the end of your code block. You can also tell it to disable only particular warnings, such as #pragma warning disable 0219,0168.
Interesting I am not able to reproduce your issue in neither VS2010 "website" project nor vs2010 "web application" project. It has to do with the add-ons that you installed. Probably you may have a setting in that add-on (who ever is causing this) to disable warnings.
To me the warning sounds like the add-on (who ever is causing this) is not intelligent enough. Try the below changes and see if that helps.
If you have master page then try move the jquery*.js script reference from master page to your actual page
Move all your javascript code into a js file instead of writing it them under script tag
What about this one?
To disable a single compiler warning
With a project selected in Solution Explorer, on the Project menu, click Properties.
Click the Compile tab.
In the Warning configurations table, set the Notification value for the warning to None.
or perhaps this one
Tools > Options > Text Editor > JScript > Misc > Show errors as warnings( uncheck only this )

Visual Studio, Filter on error list

I 'm working with Visual Studio 10, my project is with monorail and I get a lot of error on my ".vm" files, those errors are not pertinent, and I don't want to see them anymore is there a way.
I tagged this ask with castle monorail, because I guess some users could have the same problem. But I'm sure it's a problem more general.
I get the same problem sometime with aspx or xslt visual studio check the file's validity ( with the own rules) and report the errors in the error list
New Answer:
Unfortunately, these errors are emitted by CVSI, and can be ignored - I agree they're a bit annoying. I've found that they go away if I re-open the solution. Not a great answer, but it's the only one I've found that works.
Previous Answer:
Are these errors ObjectDisposedExceptions?
What are your settings WRT exception handling in VS.NET? Go to Debug -> Exceptions in the menu. If there's a check in the "Thrown" column, then you need to open that up and then find System.ObjectDisposedException and then deselect it.
If you're looking to still break on deselected exceptions which are thrown elsewhere, you're out of luck, as this isn't currently supported by VS.NET.

Any way to not break on certain errors in Visual Studio 2010?

I'm working on a VS2010 project where I'm using DataAnnotations on my objects to handle validation. However, this is sort of a pain in the butt while trying to do interactive debugging because it keeps pausing VS.Net on validation errors.
Obviously, I want to break on some errors, but not these particular types. Am I out of luck and I just need to turn on and off my Break on All Errors setting? Or is there some way to tell VS to just ignore these when they happen? (these are errors generated via Validator.ValidateProperty calls.)
You click on Debug->Exceptions and then uncheck the ones you do not want.

Error List Freaking Out in VS 2008 while in large Aspx Files

I've been having this irritating issue lately. The site I'm currently working on has large aspx pages with tons of client side js code. While I'm typing the Error List window will keep opening and closing at the bottom of VS (where I have the window docked). I mean constantly. This is beyond aggravating as you can imagine. It's happening to a coworker as well. Does anybody else have this issue? Any solutions? (other than smaller pages)
We've got 2008 Pro SP1. I've turned off every JS feature I can find since with pages this large it slows the VS to a crawl while it tries to parse it. I've tried closing the Error list completely but it just re-opens itself.
Thanks in advance,
Try deleting the .user file in the project directory
Use Add/Remove programs to do a repair on VS2008
If neither of those work, copy the markup to a new project and attempt to reproduce. If you can reproduce this issue then update this question with details.
I finally found the options that were causing the issue.
1. Options->Text Editor-> Miscellaneous,
un-check "Formal HTML on paste
2. Options->Text Editor->JScript->Formatting
un-check The boxes under "Automatic Formatting"
