where to place applicationcontext.xml file in a jar (spring project) - maven

I have created a spring project. I need to create a jar file of this project. I can able to create a jar file but applicationcontext.xml is placed outside when i open the jar. but where i need to exactly place the applicationcontext.xml in the jar, so that it gets loaded and I can use the spring bean inside the jar.
How to specify in pom.xml, that applicationcontext.xml should be placed inside the META-INF folder?

You need to place your applicationcontext.xml file under the src/main/resources/META-INF folder in your maven project.

I put it here -
and it worked


Changing default filesystem in WAR file prepared by Gradle plugin

I would like to deploy a mock service developed with SoapUI. I have SoapUI project, web.xml and now I would like to add them to WAR archive. I'm using Gradle to prepare this WAR file.
My code below:
war {
archiveName 'mock.war'
webXml file ('src/main/webapp/web.xml')
Default filesystem of produced archive is:
some libs...
classes (this folder I would like to rename to 'soapui')
some files...
Is there any possibility, to change the name of 'classes' folder?
Thanks in advance,

Maven : should I put xml files in src/main/java folder?

We've got many beans.xml and struts.xml files located in src/main/java folder. When mvn package is finished, I couldn't find those files in WEB-INF/classes folder.
Is it wrong to put xml files in src/main/java? Should I put them in src/main/resources instead? Or should I modify the pom.xml?
The standard is to place them into src/main/resources They will end up going into WEB-INF/classes when the war is packaged by maven.

How to place context.xml in war's META-INF?

I am building a webapp through Gradle's war plugin. In order to disable Tomcat's session persistence, I need to place the file context.xml in the META-INF directory of the war's root.
I attempted the following:
Create the file src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml of the main project
Create the file src/main/resources/META-INF/context.xml of the main project
However, when I build the project using gradle clean war, the produced war file contains a META-INF with only a MANIFEST.MF in it. It is as if my directory gets overridden.
How do I place context.xml in the war?
src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml is correct and works fine for me. Chances are that you went wrong somewhere, or that there is a problem with your build script.

Spring component-scan not scanning jboss server lib directory

I have a jar file (kept in jboss-home/server/default/lib) and a war file (kept in jboss-home/server/default/deploy). The jar file contains a servlet which initializes the spring context. The servlet is initialized from the war file.
The problem is that the #Component (and #Service, etc) annotations in the jar file are not scanned. It gives NoSuchBeanDefinitionException error. I have declared the following in context xml.
<context:component-scan base-package="com.abc.mypack" />
I have also selected "Add directory entries" when building the jar using eclipse.
If I change to xml based configuration, it works. Or, if I move the jar file to WEB-INF/lib of the war file, it works.
Is there a way to scan the jboss server lib directory for components?
I am using spring 3.1 and Jboss AS 6.
Those annotations don't scan libraries. They scan packages, which means that the libraries containing those packages need to be on the classpath.
Most-likely the libraries you're referring to are on different classloaders.
I would suggest packaging the jar within the war's WEB-INF/lib directory.

Spring AppContext in Maven

I am using Maven for creating my project structure. The following is the way I am doing
Generate Archetype
Have the following modules - Ear, War and WarSource (I am deleting the src, ejb and jar folders)
So my EAR will have 2 modules - War and WarSource which inturn have src/main/java and src/main/resource folders
Question is - where should my application context reside so that I avoid the File Not Found error during runtime.
If you're using spring mvc it will be in the war src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/ directory. Also if you're using spring you may not even need an ear file, you should read up on that to be sure you're not adding unnecessary complexity.
