Custom values in Maven file - maven

I'm trying to add custom values in the file that Maven generates in the META-INF/maven/${groupId}/${artifactId} location
The content of the files is
# Build Properties
Using the documentation I have pointed the pomPropertiesFile element to an external properties, but the generated file still has the default content after running mvn install
What's the correct usage of the pomPropertiesFile element?
I believe that the problem lies in org.apache.maven.archiver.PomPropertiesUtil. If you look at the method sameContents in the source it returns true if the properties in the external file are the same as the defaults and false if different. If the result of sameContents is false, then the contents of the external file are ignored.
Sure enough, this has already been logged as a bug

I think you need to place a file under src/main/resources/META-INF/${groupId}/${artifactId}/ and let maven do the filtering job (configure the filtering). The file will automatically be copied to target/META-INF/maven/${groupId}/${artifactId}/ location.

Maven 3 will resolve property placeholders eagerly when reading pom.xml for all properties values that are available at this time. Modifying these properties at a later time will not affect the values that are already resolved in pom.xml.
However, if property value is not available (there's no default), then placeholder will not be replaced by the value and it can still be processed later as a placeholder. For example, if a plugin will generate some property during the build, or if placeholder is read and processed by a plugin during some build step.


Maven replacing key value and filtering in one step

Can maven (maven-antrun-plugin) run operations in one profile, operations like:
replace key value in properties file,
filter file with new keys.
What do I mean I have file with structure like
My profile in pom.xml looks like
I know how to replace in properties file key value on #app.title.dev1# but right now i end up with two files
one contains app.title=App1 and second (wtith diffreant name) app.title=#app.title.dev1#.
Is it possible to filter files in target directory or somehow do operations:
replace key in properties file,
filtering key in properties file
in one step?
I need two files because there are for different environments.
Problem solved.
I had to add one more plugin with
befor plug responsible for overwriting key values.

How do I access environment variables in xquery?

My program in xquery has a few variables that are based on the environment where the function is being run. For example, dev points to "devserver", test to "testserver", prod to "server", etc.
How do I set this up in my application.xml file and how do I reference these in my .xqy functions?
"workaround" solution 1
use "switch" to determine host:
switch (xdmp:host-name(xdmp:host()))
case <dev environment as string> return "devserver"
case <test environment as string> return "testserver"
default return fn:error(xs:QName("ERROR"), "Unknown host: " || xdmp:host-name(xdmp:host()))
"workaround" solution 2
create an xml file in your project for each host, update your application.xml to place the xml file in a directory depending on the environment name, then refer to the document now built on installation.
<db dbName="!mydata-database">
<dir name="/config/" permissionsMode="set">
<uriPrivilege roles="*_uberuser"/>
<permissions roles="*_uberuser" access="riu"/>
<load env="DEV" root="/config/DEV/" merge="true" include="*.xml"/>
<load env="TEST" root="/config/TEST/" merge="true" include="*.xml"/>
documents located in project directory /config//environment.xml
usage when I need to get the value
neither solution seems the best to me.
If you use ml-gradle to deploy your project, it can do substitutions in your code. That means you can set up an XQuery library with code like this:
declare variable $ENV = "%%environmentName%%";
You can then import that library wherever you need.
Don't know if MarkLogic supports it, but XQuery 3.1 has functions available-environment-variables() and environment-variable().
You can consider using the tiny “properties” library at
We wrote it long, long ago for with the belief we didn’t want to put the configuration into a database document because configuration should be separate from data. Data get backed up, restored somewhere else, and the new location may not be the same environment as the old.
So instead we did a little hack and put config into the static namespace context (which each group and app server has). The configured prefix is the property name. The configured value is the property value (including type information). Here’s a screen shot from a MarkMail deployment showing it’s a production server, to email on errors, what static file version to serve, and what domain to output as its base.
This approach lets you configure properties administratively (via the Red GUI or REST) and they’re kept separate from the data. They’re statically available to the execution context without extra cost. You can configure them at the Group level or App Server level or both. The library is a convenience wrapper to pull the typed values.
Maybe by now there’s a better way like the XQuery 3.1 functions, but this one has been working well for 10+ years.
Not yet using gradle in our project, I managed to work out how to use maven profiles to find/replace the values I needed based on the environment it was deployed into. I just have to add to the proper profile the plugin to include, the files to update, and what to replace.

ASCIIDOC: "Unresolved directive in...": "<stdin>" "or "index.adoc"

I am new to ASCIIDOC and just wanted to know WHERE the following problem comes from.
Intellij with the neweset ASCIIDOC-Plugin
neweset asciidoctor-maven-plugin with preserveDirectories = true
I organized my asciidocs like this:
generated-docs looks like this:
Now, if I want the subfolder/index.html to include header & footer too, I thought I need to write include::../header.adoc[] into the adoc-file which is no problem for the Intellij-Plugin. But in the generated html you will find following error:
<p>Unresolved directive in index.adoc - include::../header.adoc[]</p>
So when I write the following into the adoc-file: include::header.adoc[] the generated html is happy but the Intellij ASCIIDOC plugin shows an error:
Unresolved directive in <stdin> - include::header.adoc[]
I am just wondering if this is a bug for the Intellij Plugin-Team or for the Maven-Plugin-Team. Or maybe someone has a workaround this problem?
And a little bonus question: Is it possible to configure the maven plugin to not generate header-/footer.htmls since they are already included into the actual htmls?
I have no experience with the maven plugin, but I do have lots of experience with AsciiDoc, the IntelliJ Plugin and the Gradle plugin.
The IntelliJ Plugin behaviour is correct. When you convert /subfolder/index.adoc, the includes are resolved relative to this file, so the include include::../header.adoc is correct.
You describe that you don't specify which file to render for the maven plugin (header.adoc is converted). This might be the problem with the maven plugin:
You just specify the source path and all documents are rendered relative to this source path and hence the /subfolder/index.adoc has the wrong source path.
With the Gradle plugin, you cann specify all documents to be converted. This would also avoid getting header.adoc converted. From the maven plugin docs I see that you can specify only a single file.
With this in mind, I would suggest to change your file structure in such a way that you have all the files to be converted in one folder. You can then specify this folder and the other files should not be converted. This also shoul dresolve your problem with the relative path name:
| |
| +-header.adoc
| +-footer.adoc
I know this is late, the answer is found in the documentation in the restdoc manual from in the "Using the Snippets" section of There is some mention of this in the sample gradle project
The maven plugin configuration should be something like this:

How do I access maven project version in javadoc overview page?

I am using PDFDoclet with maven-javadoc-plugin and I've come quite a long way with it now. I have the maven and javadoc config almost at a point that is good enough but my immediate problem now is that I can't work out how to push the project version number into the PDF title page.
Before you leap to answer my question by telling me to use maven's <resource> filtering, let me outline why that isn't working.
Filtering works by taking the original file from somewhere in the src folder, doing variable substitution and putting the output in the target folder.
Javadoc works by reading files in src/main/java and src/main/javadoc and AFAIK outputting the results into target. This means filtering is useless for Javadoc since it won't read anything from target
My results show that any maven variables in javadoc comments don't get substituted.
What trick can I use to get those variables substituted into the javadoc?
The solution can't involve filtering the javadoc output after the site:site task, unless resource filtering works on PDFs.
This is the configuration, FWIW:
<description>PDF doc</description>
<additionalparam>-pdf my_tech_doc-${project.version}.pdf
-config ${basedir}/pdfdoclet/</additionalparam>
and the
#Lets the doclet print additional output in the console and to a logfile.
#Print "Author" tags
#Print "Version" tags
#Print "since" tags
#Create summary tables
#Create hyperlinks
#Encrypt the PDF file
#Allow printing of the PDF file
#Create a bookmark frame
#Print a title page
#Enables the tag-based filter
The PDFDoclet-specific api.* properties should result in a title page as the first page of the PDF, but it doesn't work. If there is a trick that I've missed here and I could get that title page produced, then that might also allow a solution for this somehow.
I realised I can do a quick and dirty hack with the maven <resources> functionality:
This copies my overview.html and filters it, outputting it into the javadoc source directory.
The dirtiness is that this filtered version could then accidentally end up under version control, although using svn I can add it to the ignore list.

Spring Boot: Thymeleaf not resolving fragments after packaging

im using fragments like this:
#RequestMapping(value="/fragment/nodeListWithStatus", method= RequestMethod.GET)
public String nodeListWithStatus(Model model) {
// status der nodes
model.addAttribute("nodeList", nodeService.getNodeListWithOnlineStatus());
return "/fragments :: nodeList";
The templates are in /src/main/resources/templates. This works fine when starting the application from IntelliJ.
As soon as i create an .jar and start it, above code no longer works. Error:
[2014-10-21 20:37:09.191] log4j - 7941 ERROR [http-nio-666-exec-2] --- TemplateEngine: [THYMELEAF][http-nio-666-exec-2] Exception processing template "/fragments": Error resolving template "/fragments", template might not exist or might not be accessible by any of the configured Template Resolvers
When i open the .jar with winrar, i see /templates/fragments.html - so it seems to be there.
My pom.xml has this part for building the jar (Maven clean, install) :
Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong here?
You don't need the leading / on the view name, i.e. you should return fragments :: nodeList rather than /fragments :: nodeList. Having made this change Thymeleaf should be able to find the template when run from your IDE or from a jar file.
If you're interested, here's what's happening under the hood:
The view name is used to search for a resource on the classpath. fragments :: nodeList means that the resource name is /templates/fragments.html and /fragments :: nodeList means that the resource name is /templates//fragments.html (note the double slash). When you're running in your IDE the resource is available straight off the filesystem and the double slash doesn't cause a problem. When you're running from a jar file the resource is nested within that jar and the double slash prevents it from being found. I don't fully understand why there's this difference in behaviour and it is rather unfortunate. I've opened an issue so that we (the Spring Boot team) can see if there's anything we can do to make the behaviour consistent.
It's an old topic, but I stumbled upon it while having problem with similar symptoms and different root cause. Wanted to share solution which helped me in case it could help somebody else...
Apparently name of the file is case sensitive, but not everywhere. I had mine called "" (with capital M) and it worked just fine from inside IDE (IntelliJ), but once I tried to run app from jar, all messages were replaced with ?? Replacing M with lowercase m resolved the problem.
