Expose MS Team Foundation Server 11 from home computer to Internet - visual-studio

Please help me with my noobish problem
I have laptop at home. I installed MS Windows Server 8 Beta on it, Visual Studio 11 Beta and MS Team Foundation Server 11 only for version control of my application, which I want to change at home (where my laptop-server is) and at work (where my another Visual Studio 11 Beta is).
So my major problem is that I can't easily expose my [home] TFS Server on Internet that I can see it from my work computer :(
I installed TFS Proxy, which generated a proxy URL for me like this: http://win-jnkseeeq4rl:8081/ (which works on LAN)
But of course, I can't get it to work on another (work) computer through Internet, because it doesn't resolve this kind of host.
At home I've got WiFi-router through which my laptop connected.
I think I must expose some ports on it, but I don't know how and is this a main problem really.
Thank you everyone for answers!!!

I run a TFS at home to support my consulting and have setup Remote Access Services using the PPTP protocol to run my inbound VPN. You generally just have to enable PPTP passthrough (GRE protocol) and forward TCP/1723 to your RAS server.
I also use Dynamic DNS to help find my public IP if it ever changes.
But I have to be honest, have you considered just using the TFSPreview.com service instead? I haven't switched over completely yet because I've already built my infrastructure and it's still a beta service but I could see myself doing it in the future.

Have you looked at the walkthrough here => http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb668967.aspx
There is a similar question here, How to access VS 2010 TFS over the internet from remote office


Cannot connect TFS

I want to connect to TFS through the Team Explorer in Visual Studio 2015.
So, my problem is that I cannot connect because of a wrong authentication (valid username and password, valid privileges).
I think the reason for that is the Domain but I never joined one because I use a normal version of Windows 10 Enterprise. Could it depend on installed features like WCF? I did really intensive research but I'm not able to find any information to solve my problem.
Here is a screenshot of the Login-Dialog:
On premise TFS only supports Windows auth (either local or domain).
If your TFS server and VS are installed on the same machine, you could use your local account with enough permission to connect TFS server directly.
If your TFS server and VS are installed on the different machine, and since you haven't joined domain. Suggest you to join domain : This is the easiest to setup, user-wise. All you have to do is be a member of the domain and a member in a team project. Another option is using Visual Studio Team Service (TFS in the cloud) for this. It's currently free and uses Microsoft live accounts instead. Which you can access it everywhere on the internet.
First I want to thank you for your support.
I'm sorry that this comes late but I already solved my problem.
I obviously just forgot to put a Backslash in front of my username so that I don't use the domain of my local computer.

Chrome/Windows: Connection refused when I use my IP address

I have an ASP.NET server running under VS2010 on my PC (Win7) on port 12345.
When I load localhost:12345 in Chrome, my default page loads perfectly.
But when I load (by my internal IP, not by localhost) I get "connection refused".
Exact same behavior when I try to access the server from another device on my intranet (in my case, a Raspberry Pi)
I realize that when I hit localhost that I'm just looping back in my adapter, thus the request never leaves my machine. So it would seem that the cause is due to the request leaving & re-entering my machine.
I've create custom Inbound & Outbound rules in my Windows Firewall to allow port 12345, but to no avail.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
I found the answer here:
Can I access ASP.NET Development server in an intranet?
which led me to this:
As is so often the case, finding the answer is hugely dependent upon using the correct search terms. Here the critical keywords were "asp.net debug intranet"
The 'right way' here is to use IIS Express and you don't need fiddler to act as a reverse proxy. Its a hack that was used to work around using Cassini - a low budge web server that is outdated (and doesn't compare to IIS Express) and used with VS2010 prior to SP1.
In VS2010 SP1, IIS Express support was added. You can read about that here:
IIS Express can handle this just fine - and Visual Studio 2010 integrates with it. Its not one or the other - you develop with Visual Studio and when you launch your app it launches it with 2010.
If you want something really easy, install Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, use ASP.NET 5 (now called ASP.NET Core 1) and simply run it to self host via the play button looking drop down you are used to seeing in VS 2010- no web server required.
Again - being that its 2016 - what you cited is a very old way. If its a quick hack, I can understand that - but if you are looking for the best practice way going forward, use IIS Express (and ideally a newer version of Visual Studio - we have them for free in the 2013/2015 Community Editions)
Hope that helps!

Can't edit the TFS buid definition through the VPN

I am an administrator on TFS. If I am in the office (connected to the domain directly) I can change the build definition easily, but when I use VPN it says "Downloading Custom Assemblies" and never finishes downloading. What is the problem with that? Does anybody encounter this issue?
Is it the same machine? If not make sure you have upgraded VS 2013 to at least update 2, I've seen this problem with vanilla VS 2013 installations.
If it is the same machine you could try adding the URL for the TFS server to the trusted sites in your internet options.
If that doesn't work then it's probably a proxy server preventing the download of binary files. You need to speak to your network team and ask them for some help

Source Server support on VMs with VMWare Lab Manager and TFS?

My company is interested in better integrating our investment in VMWare with our TFS deployment. Currently the company is running TFS2005 SP1, VS2010, and we have a sizeable SAN that we would like to use in environment reproduction similar to what is offered in TFS2010 Lab Management.
Of the features offered by TFS2005, we are currently leveraging only TF Version Control--work items and build automation are handled by separate systems. However, we would like to use the TFS-integrated Symbol/Source server in order to accurately debug the different versions of our product, and that's where we're running into difficulty.
The VMs deployed in VMWare are not joined to the corporate domain, and this means that we run into difficulty when attemping to grab source code information via Source Server and the "tf.exe view" command.
If devenv is run on the VM, it can't authenticate a domain account, and tf.exe view fails when grabbing source info.
If devenv is run on the developer desktop and debugging is done with remote debugger, the vm's local user account fails to access the share exposed by Symbol Server and can't load symbols to begin with, much less retrieve source.
Has anyone done this before?
Yes - You can still do this. If you are using Windows 7 (and I believe Windows Vista) you can always add the domain credentials to the "Credentials Manager" in the Control Panel. This will help it authenticate for the TFS URL whenever it needs to talk to TFS.
BTW, I have a blog post discussing the Symbol Server and Source Server features of TFS 2010 available here: http://bit.ly/SymbolServerTFS

Visual Studio Environment Best Practices?

I have a VM on my Win 7 machine running Server 2008. My website can't run properly unless it's running on the server due to COM+, other website integration and environment variables. Currently, I have VS2008 installed on the Windows Server 2008 and I develop there (which is dumb, I know) instead on in my Win 7 workstation. I hate this setup.
My question is, how can I developer on my workstation and then EASILY push and test th websites on the VM Server?
Access files across the network so the actual changes are made on the VM Server?
Make changes locally and publish to VM Server?
Can I set up VS2008 so that if I when I Run the application in VS2008 it pushes everything over and opens a web browser that points to the VMServer's IIS Website?
Of course, the VM is a server on your network. Exactly like any other server on your network, virtual or otherwise.
For debugging you can setup VS2008 to remote debug but I think you'd have to publish the site, start it and then hook up the debugging but I'm happy to learn that there's an easier way... anyone?
