kNN with dynamic insertions in high-dim space - computational-geometry

I am looking for a method to do fast nearest neighbour (hopefully O(log n)) for high dimensional points (typically ~11-13 dimensional). I would like it to behave optimally during insertions after having initialized the structure. KD tree came to my mind but if you do not do bulk loading but do dynamic insertions, then kd tree ceases to be balanced and afaik balancing is an expensive operation.
So, I wanted to know what data structures would you prefer for such kind of setting. You have high dimensional points and you would like to do insertions and query for nearest neighbour.

Another data structure that comes to mind is the cover tree. Unlike KD trees which were originally developed to answer range queries, this data structure is optimal for nearest neighbor queries. It has been used in n-body problems that involve computing the k nearest neighbors of all the data points. Such problems also occur in density estimation schemes (Parzen windows).
I don't know enough about your specific problem, but I do know that there are online versions of this data structure. Check out Alexander Gray's page and this link

The Curse of Dimensionality gets in the way here. You might consider applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to reduce the dimensionality, but as far as I know, nobody has a great answer for this.
I have dealt with this type of problem before (in audio and video fingerprinting), sometimes with up to 30 dimensions. Analysis usually revealed that some of the dimensions did not contain relevant information for searches (actually fuzzy searches, my main goal), so I omitted them from the index structures used to access the data, but included them in the logic to determine matches from a list of candidates found during the search. This effectively reduced the dimensionality to a tractable level.
I simplified things further by quantizing the remaining dimensions severely, such that the entire multidimensional space was mapped into a 32-bit integer. I used this as the key in an STL map (a red-black tree), though I could have used a hash table. I was able to add millions of records dynamically to such a structure (RAM-based, of course) in about a minute or two, and searches took about a millisecond on average, though the data was by no means evenly distributed. Searches required careful enumeration of values in the dimensions that were mapped into the 32-bit key, but were reliable enough to use in a commercial product. I believe it is used to this day in iTunes Match, if my sources are correct. :)
The bottom line is that I recommend you take a look at your data and do something custom that exploits features in it to make for fast indexing and searching. Find the dimensions that vary the most and are the most independent of each other. Quantize those and use them as the key in an index. Each bucket in the index contains all items that share that key (there will likely be more than one). To find nearest neighbors, look at "nearby" keys and within each bucket, look for nearby values. Good luck.
p.s. I wrote a paper on my technique, available here. Sorry about the paywall. Perhaps you can find a free copy elsewhere. Let me know if you have any questions about it.

If you use a Bucket Kd-Tree with a reasonably large bucket size it lets the tree get better idea of where to split when the leaves get too full. The guys in Robocode do this under extremely harsh time-constraints, with random insertions happening on the fly and kNN with k>80, d > 10 and n > 30k in under 1ms. Check out this kD-Tree Tutorial which explains a bunch of kD-Tree enhancements and how to implement them.

In my experience, 11-13 dimensions is not too bad -- if you bulk-load. Both bulk-loaded R-trees (in contrast to k-d-trees these remain balanced!) and k-d-trees should still work much better than linear scanning.
Once you go fully dynamic, my experiences are much worse. Roughly: with bulk loaded trees I'm seeing 20x speedups, with incrementally built R-trees just 7x. So it does pay off to frequently rebuild the tree. And depending on how you organize your data, it may be much faster than you think. The bulk load for the k-d-tree that I'm using is O(n log n), and I read that there is a O(n log log n) variant, too. With a low constant factor. For the R-tree, Sort-Tile-Recursive is the best bulk load I have seen so far, and also O(n log n) with a low constant factor.
So yes, in high-dimensionality I would consider to just reload the tree from time to time.


A* Algorithm for very large graphs, any thoughts on caching shortcuts?

I'm writing a courier/logistics simulation on OpenStreetMap maps and have realised that the basic A* algorithm as pictured below is not going to be fast enough for large maps (like Greater London).
The green nodes correspond to ones that were put in the open set/priority queue and due to the huge number (the whole map is something like 1-2 million), it takes 5 seconds or so to find the route pictured. Unfortunately 100ms per route is about my absolute limit.
Currently, the nodes are stored in both an adjacency list and also a spatial 100x100 2D array.
I'm looking for methods where I can trade off preprocessing time, space and if needed optimality of the route, for faster queries. The straight-line Haversine formula for the heuristic cost is the most expensive function according to the profiler - I have optimised my basic A* as much as I can.
For example, I was thinking if I chose an arbitrary node X from each quadrant of the 2D array and run A* between each, I can store the routes to disk for subsequent simulations. When querying, I can run A* search only in the quadrants, to get between the precomputed route and the X.
Is there a more refined version of what I've described above or perhaps a different method I should pursue. Many thanks!
For the record, here are some benchmark results for arbitrarily weighting the heuristic cost and computing the path between 10 pairs of randomly picked nodes:
Weight // AvgDist% // Time (ms)
1 1 1461.2
1.05 1 1327.2
1.1 1 900.7
1.2 1.019658848 196.4
1.3 1.027619169 53.6
1.4 1.044714394 33.6
1.5 1.063963413 25.5
1.6 1.071694171 24.1
1.7 1.084093229 24.3
1.8 1.092208509 22
1.9 1.109188175 22.5
2 1.122856792 18.2
2.2 1.131574742 16.9
2.4 1.139104895 15.4
2.6 1.140021962 16
2.8 1.14088128 15.5
3 1.156303676 16
4 1.20256964 13
5 1.19610861 12.9
Surprisingly increasing the coefficient to 1.1 almost halved the execution time whilst keeping the same route.
You should be able to make it much faster by trading off optimality. See Admissibility and optimality on wikipedia.
The idea is to use an epsilon value which will lead to a solution no worse than 1 + epsilon times the optimal path, but which will cause fewer nodes to be considered by the algorithm. Note that this does not mean that the returned solution will always be 1 + epsilon times the optimal path. This is just the worst case. I don't know exactly how it would behave in practice for your problem, but I think it is worth exploring.
You are given a number of algorithms that rely on this idea on wikipedia. I believe this is your best bet to improve the algorithm and that it has the potential to run in your time limit while still returning good paths.
Since your algorithm does deal with millions of nodes in 5 seconds, I assume you also use binary heaps for the implementation, correct? If you implemented them manually, make sure they are implemented as simple arrays and that they are binary heaps.
There are specialist algorithms for this problem that do a lot of pre-computation. From memory, the pre-computation adds information to the graph that A* uses to produce a much more accurate heuristic than straight line distance. Wikipedia gives the names of a number of methods at and says that Hub Labelling is the leader. A quick search on this turns up An older one, using A*, is at
Do you really need to use Haversine? To cover London, I would have thought you could have assumed a flat earth and used Pythagoras, or stored the length of each link in the graph.
There's a really great article that Microsoft Research wrote on the subject:
The original paper is hosted here (PDF):
Essentially there's a few things you can try:
Start from the both the source as well as the destination. This helps to minimize the amount of wasted work that you'd perform when traversing from the source outwards towards the destination.
Use landmarks and highways. Essentially, find some positions in each map that are commonly taken paths and perform some pre-calculation to determine how to navigate efficiently between those points. If you can find a path from your source to a landmark, then to other landmarks, then to your destination, you can quickly find a viable route and optimize from there.
Explore algorithms like the "reach" algorithm. This helps to minimize the amount of work that you'll do when traversing the graph by minimizing the number of vertices that need to be considered in order to find a valid route.
GraphHopper does two things more to get fast, none-heuristic and flexible routing (note: I'm the author and you can try it online here)
A not so obvious optimization is to avoid 1:1 mapping of OSM nodes to internal nodes. Instead GraphHopper uses only junctions as nodes and saves roughly 1/8th of traversed nodes.
It has efficient implements for A*, Dijkstra or e.g. one-to-many Dijkstra. Which makes a route in under 1s possible through entire Germany. The (none-heuristical) bidirectional version of A* makes this even faster.
So it should be possible to get you fast routes for greater London.
Additionally the default mode is the speed mode which makes everything an order of magnitudes faster (e.g. 30ms for European wide routes) but less flexible, as it requires preprocessing (Contraction Hierarchies). If you don't like this, just disable it and also further fine-tune the included streets for car or probably better create a new profile for trucks - e.g. exclude service streets and tracks which should give you a further 30% boost. And as with any bidirectional algorithm you could easily implement a parallel search.
I think it's worth to work-out your idea with "quadrants". More strictly, I'd call it a low-resolution route search.
You may pick X connected nodes that are close enough, and treat them as a single low-resolution node. Divide your whole graph into such groups, and you get a low-resolution graph. This is a preparation stage.
In order to compute a route from source to target, first identify the low-res nodes they belong to, and find the low-resolution route. Then improve your result by finding the route on high-resolution graph, however restricting the algorithm only to nodes that belong to hte low-resolution nodes of the low-resolution route (optionally you may also consider neighbor low-resolution nodes up to some depth).
This may also be generalized to multiple resolutions, not just high/low.
At the end you should get a route that is close enough to optimal. It's locally optimal, but may be somewhat worse than optimal globally by some extent, which depends on the resolution jump (i.e. the approximation you make when a group of nodes is defined as a single node).
There are dozens of A* variations that may fit the bill here. You have to think about your use cases, though.
Are you memory- (and also cache-) constrained?
Can you parallelize the search?
Will your algorithm implementation be used in one location only (e.g. Greater London and not NYC or Mumbai or wherever)?
There's no way for us to know all the details that you and your employer are privy to. Your first stop thus should be CiteSeer or Google Scholar: look for papers that treat pathfinding with the same general set of constraints as you.
Then downselect to three or four algorithms, do the prototyping, test how they scale up and finetune them. You should bear in mind you can combine various algorithms in the same grand pathfinding routine based on distance between the points, time remaining, or any other factors.
As has already been said, based on the small scale of your target area dropping Haversine is probably your first step saving precious time on expensive trig evaluations. NOTE: I do not recommend using Euclidean distance in lat, lon coordinates - reproject your map into a e.g. transverse Mercator near the center and use Cartesian coordinates in yards or meters!
Precomputing is the second one, and changing compilers may be an obvious third idea (switch to C or C++ - see for details).
Extra optimization steps may include getting rid of dynamic memory allocation, and using efficient indexing for search among the nodes (think R-tree and its derivatives/alternatives).
I worked at a major Navigation company, so I can say with confidence that 100 ms should get you a route from London to Athens even on an embedded device. Greater London would be a test map for us, as it's conveniently small (easily fits in RAM - this isn't actually necessary)
First off, A* is entirely outdated. Its main benefit is that it "technically" doesn't require preprocessing. In practice, you need to pre-process an OSM map anyway so that's a pointless benefit.
The main technique to give you a huge speed boost is arc flags. If you divide the map in say 5x6 sections, you can allocate 1 bit position in a 32 bits integer for each section. You can now determine for each edge whether it's ever useful when traveling to section {X,Y} from another section. Quite often, roads are bidirectional and this means only one of the two directions is useful. So one of the two directions has that bit set, and the other has it cleared. This may not appear to be a real benefit, but it means that on many intersections you reduce the number of choices to consider from 2 to just 1, and this takes just a single bit operation.
Usually A* comes along with too much memory consumption rather than time stuggles.
However I think it could be useful to first only compute with nodes that are part of "big streets" you would choose a highway over a tiny alley usually.
I guess you may already use this for your weight function but you can be faster if you use some priority Queue to decide which node to test next for further travelling.
Also you could try reducing the graph to only nodes that are part of low cost edges and then find a way from to start/end to the closest of these nodes.
So you have 2 paths from start to the "big street" and the "big street" to end.
You can now compute the best path between the two nodes that are part of the "big streets" in a reduced graph.
Old question, but yet:
Try to use different heaps that "binary heap". 'Best asymptotic complexity heap' is definetly Fibonacci Heap and it's wiki page got a nice overview:
Note that binary heap has simpler code and it's implemented over array and traversal of array is predictable, so modern CPU executes binary heap operations much faster.
However, given dataset big enough, other heaps will win over binary heap, because of their complexities...
This question seems like dataset big enough.

Comparison of the runtime of Nearest Neighbor queries on different data structures

Given n points in d-dimensional space, there are several data structures, such as Kd-Trees, Quadtrees, etc. to index the points. On these data structures it is possible to implement straight-forward algorithm for nearest neighbor queries around a given input point.
Is there a book, paper, survey, ... that compares the theoretical (mostly expected) runtime of the nearest neighbor query on different data structures?
The data I am looking at is composed of fairly small point clouds, so it can all be processed in main memory. For the sake of simplicity, I assume the data to be uniformly distributed. That is, im am not interested in real-world performance, but rather theoretical results
You let the dimension of the points undefined and you just give an approximation for the number of points. What does small means? It's relative what one person means by small.
What you search, of course, doesn't exist. Your question is pretty much this:
For a small (whatever does small means to you) dataset, of any dimension with data that follow a uniform distribution, what's the optimal data structure to use?
There is no such data structure.
Wouldn't it be too strange to have an answer on that? A false analogy would be to put as a synonym of this question, the "Which is the optimal programming language?" question that most of the first year undergrads have. Your question is not that naive, but it's walking on the same track.
Why there is no such data structure?
Because, the dimension of the dataset is variable. This means, that you might have a dataset in 2 dimensions, but it could also mean that you have a dataset in 1000 dimensions, or even better a dataset in 1000 dimensions, with an intrinsic dimension that is much less than 1000. Think about it, could one propose a data structure that would behave equally good for the three datasets I mentioned it? I doubt it.
In fact, there are some data structures that behave really nicely in low dimensions (quadtrees and KD-trees for example), while others are doing much better in higher dimensions (RKD-tree forest for instance).
Moreover, the algorithms and the expectations used for Nearest Neighbour search are heavily dependent on the dimension of the dataset (as well as the size of the dataset and the nature of the queries (for example a query that is too far from the dataset or equidistant from the points of the dataset will probably result in a slow search performance)).
In lower dimensions, one would perform a k-Nearest Neighbour(k-NN) search. In higher dimensions, it would be more wise to perform k-Approximate NN search. In this case, we follow the following trade-off:
Speed VS accuracy
What happens is that we achieve faster execution of the program, by sacrificing the correctness of our result. In other words, our search routine will be relatively fast, but it may (the possibility of this depends on many parameters, such as the nature of your problem and the library you are using) not return the true NN, but an approximation of the exact NN. For example it might not find the exact NN, but the third NN to the query point. You could also check the approximate-nn-searching wiki tag.
Why not always searching for the exact NN? Because of the curse of dimensionality, which results in the solutions provided in the lower dimensions to behave as good as the brute force would do (search all the points in the dataset for every query).
You see my answer already got big, so I should stop here. Your question is too broad, but interesting, I must admit. :)
In conclusion, which would be the optimal data structure (and algorithm) to use depends on your problem. The size of the dataset you are handling, the dimension and the intrinsic dimension of the points play a key role. The number and the nature of the queries also play an important role.
For nearest neighbor searches of potentially non-uniform point data I think a kd-tree will give you the best performance in general. As far as broad overviews and theoretical cost analysis I think Wikipedia is an OK place to start, but keep in mind it does not cover much real-world optimization:
Theoretical performance is one thing but real world performance is something else entirely. Real world performance depends as much on the details of the data structure implementation as it does on the type of data structure. For example, a pointer-less (compact array) implementation can be many times faster than a pointer-based implementation because of improved cache coherence and faster data allocation. Wider branching may be slower in theory but faster in practice if you leverage SIMD to test several branches simultaneously.
Also the exact nature of your point data can have a big impact on performance. Uniform distributions are less demanding and can be handled quickly with simpler data structures. Non-uniform distributions require more care. (Kd-trees work well for both uniform and non-uniform data.) Also, if your data is too large to process in-core then you will need to take an entirely different approach compared to smaller data sets.

dynamic space partitioning tree data structures?

I have an application where I need to do nearest neighbor, rectangle/polygon overlap and other basic computational geometry operations against dynamically changing data (all 2d.) I understand the basic data structures in the static case (quadtrees, 2-dimensional Kd-trees, R-trees, BSP, etc.) but I want to understand the state of the art in the dynamic case. The difficulty seems to be knowning when/how to balance on insertion and deletion. For example, is there a dynamic data structure that answers k-nearest neighbors against n points in O(log n + k), where insertion and deletion take O(log n) (amortized, maybe)? Is there a standard reference that summarizes what's known about this problem?
To be honest, I haven't done too much with dynamic trees myself (mostly static). But I believe the Bkd-tree paper (early 2000s?) is good source to start. I believe it has been referenced many times since then. You can use sources like acm/citeseer to track newer papers that reference it. Side note: i think there is public code available for Bkds so you can play with it without investing too much time - see if it works for you.
Bkd-Tree: A Dynamic Scalable kd-Tree
Octavian Procopiuc, Pankaj K. Agarwal, Lars Arge, and Jeffrey Scott Vitter
You can try a monster curve (space filling curve). A fast algorithm is to simply interleave the x and y coordinate. It also possible for 3 dimensions.

k-NN search in HUGE dimensions (~100,000)

Are there any articles about k-NN search problem for really huge amount of dimensions like 10k - 100k?
Most of articles with tests on real-world data operates with 10-50 dims, and a few operates 100-500.
In my case there is ~10^9 points in ~100k feature dimension, and there is no way to effectively reduce number of dimensions.
At the moment we are trying to adapt and implement VP-trees, but it's clear enough that any tree struct on this dimensionality wont work well.
Second approach is LSH, but there may be big troubles with accuracy depending on data distribution.
Take a look at FLANN library.
In this paper you will find a dissertation on how data dimensionality is one of the factors that has a great impact on the nearest neighbor matching performance, and the solutions adopted in FLANN.
Are you using kd-tree for nearest neighbour search? kd-tree deteriorates to almost exhaustive search in higher dimensions.
In higher dimensions, it is usually suggested to use approximate nearest neighbour search. here is the link to the original paper:, and if that is a bit too heavy, try this:‎
There are many factors affecting the choice of decision when it comes to nearest neighbour search. Whether you need to load the points entirely in primary memory or you could use secondary memory should also govern your decision.

Possible to calculate closest locations via lat/long in better than O(n) time?

I'm wondering if there is an algorithm for calculating the nearest locations (represented by lat/long) in better than O(n) time.
I know I could use the Haversine formula to get the distance from the reference point to each location and sort ASC, but this is inefficient for large data sets.
How does the MySQL DISTANCE() function perform? I'm guessing O(n)?
If you use a kd-tree to store your points, you can do this in O(log n) time (expected) or O(sqrt(n)) worst case.
You mention MySql, but there are some pretty sophisticated spatial features in SQL Server 2008 including a geography data type. There's some information out there about doing the types of things you are asking about. I don't know spatial well enough to talk about perf. but I doubt there is a bounded time algorithm to do what you're asking, but you might be able to do some fast set operations on locations.
If the data set being searched is static, e.g., the coordinates of all gas stations in the US, then a proper index (BSP) would allow for efficient searching. Postgres has had good support since the mid 90's for 2-dimensional indexed data so you can do just this sort of query.
Better than O(n)? Only if you go the way of radix sort or store the locations with hash keys that represent the general location they are in.
For instance, you could divide the globe with latitude and longitude to the minutes, enumerate the resulting areas, and make the hash for a location it's area. So when the time comes to get the closest location, you only need to check at most 9 hash keys -- you can test beforehand if an adjacent grid can possibly provide a close location than the best found so far, thus decreasing the set of locations to compute the distance to. It's still O(n), but with a much smaller constant factor. Properly implemented you won't even notice it.
Or, if the data is in memory or otherwise randomly accessible, you could store it sorted by both latitude and longitude. You then use binary search to find the closest latitude and longitude in the respective data sets. Next, you keep reading locations with increasing latitude or longitude (ie, the preceding and succeeding locations), until it becomes impossible to find a closer location.
You know you can't find a close location when the latitude of the next location to either side of the latitude-sorted data wouldn't be closer than the best case found so far even if they belonged in the same longitude as the point from which distance is being calculated. A similar test applies for the longitude-sorted data.
This actually gives you better than O(n) -- closer to O(logN), I think, but does require random, instead of sequential, access to data, and duplication of all data (or the keys to the data, at least).
I wrote a article about Finding the nearest Line at DDJ a couple of years ago, using a grid (i call it quadrants). Using it to find the nearest point (instead of lines) would be just a reduction of it.
Using Quadrants reduces the time drastically, although the complexity is not determinable mathematically (all points could theoretically lie in a single quadrant). A precondition of using quadrants/grids is, that you have a maximum distance for the point searched. If you just look for the nearest point, without giving a maximum distance, you cant use quadrants.
In this case, have a look at A Template for the Nearest Neighbor Problem (Larry Andrews at DDJ), having a retrival complexity of O(log n). I did not compare the runtime of both algorithms. Probably, if you have a reasonable maximum width, quadrants are better. The better general purpose algorithm is the one from Larry Andrews.
If you are looking for the (1) closest location, there's no need to sort. Simply iterate through your list, calculating the distance to each point and keeping track of the closest one. By the time you get through the list, you'll have your answer.
Even better would be to introduce the concept of grids. You would assign each point to a grid. Then, for your search, first determine the grid you are in and perform your calculations on the points in the grid. You'll need to be a little careful though. If the test location is close to the boundary of a grid, you'll need to search those grid(s) as well. Still, this is likely to be highly performant.
I haven't looked at it myself, but Postgres does have a module dedicated to the management of GIS data.
In an appliation I worked on in a previous life we took all of the data, computed it's key for a quad-tree (for 2D space) or an oct-tree (for 3D space) and stored that in the database. It was then a simple matter of loading the values from the database (to prevent you having to recompute the quad-tree) and following the standard quad-tree search algorithm.
This does of course mean you will touch all of the data at least once to get it into the data structure. But persisting this data-structure means you can get better lookup speeds from then on. I would imagine you will do a lot of nearest-neighbour checks for each data-set.
(for kd-tree's wikipedia has a good explanation:
You need a spatial index. Fortunately, MySQL provides just such an index, in its Spatial Extensions. They use an R-Tree index internally - though it shouldn't really matter what they use. The manual page referenced above has lots of details.
I guess you could do it theoretically if you had a large enough table to do this... secondly, perhaps caching correctly could get you very good average case?
An R-Tree index can be used to speed spatial searches like this. Once created, it allows such searches to be better than O(n).
