Please can any body provide the code example. how to embedded jquery datapicker in textbox.. Mean how do i create this using control with jquery.
If you are having a problem associating a ASP.NET Textbox for use with the jQuery DatePicker, then this should help:
$(function() {
$("<%=Date.ClientID %>").datepicker();
<div class="demo">
<p>Date: <asp:TextBox ID="Date" runat="server" /></p>
I want to exclude an html-element from getting transformed to a kendo ui widget.
Is this possible? Maybe via css class or so?
<input type="file" class="first"> // => KendoUpload
<input type="file" class="second"> // => plain Html-File-Upload
i'm not able to change the jquery selector.
$(document).ready(function() {
I realise this is a different approach which might not be practical in your situation, but using declarative initialization, instead of imperative (jQuery) initialization would give you what you want:
<div id="outer">
<input type="file" class="first" data-role="upload">
<input type="file" class="second">
See Initializing with MVVM for more information on using this approach.
just in case someone has the same problem, but can edit the selector. Here is an easy way to don't select the second input-field:
$(function() {
i am a newbie programmer.I am stuck for two days with a simple code.I try to use jquery form plugin for submitting a form to another page and get a feedback from that page.The problem is the plugin is not working.the form is submitted as normaly without feedback.Here is the code
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id='preview'></div>
<form action='ajaxcall.php' id='upload_pic' enctype='multipart/form-data' method='post'>
<input type='file' id='pic' name='picture'>
<input type='submit' id='sub'>
var options=
$('#preview').html("<img src='images/loader.gif' alt='Loading.....'/>");
Here is my ajaxcall.php page code
echo "<img src='images/197.jpg'>";
Expectation was the echoed image would feddback but the page is simply redirected to ajaxcall.php page.ajaxForm() function is not working.But why?please help.Thanks in advance.
Just replace your submit button for a normal one, because you are already submiting the form programatically from your click handler, so replace your following html:
<input type='submit' id='sub'>
for this one:
<input type='button' id='sub'>
use these codes instead of your script codes. sorry for the late answer
var options=
$('#preview').html("<img src='images/loader.gif' alt='Loading.....'/>");
I am trying to implement something like this.
I want the login page to load but if you click the signup button then an ajax will replace the login form with the signup form.
I have got this to work using this code
// The URL of the request
url: "'.$url.'",
// The success callback with result from server
load: function(newContent) {
dojo.byId("'.$contentNode.'").innerHTML = newContent;
// The error handler
error: function() {
// Do nothing -- keep old content there
the only problem is the new form just loads up as a normal form, not a dojo form. I have tried to return some script with the phaser but it doesnt do anything.
<div id="loginBox"><div class="instructionBox">Please enter your details below and click <a><strong>signup</strong>
</a> to have an activation email sent to you.</div>
<form enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" class="site-form login-form" action="/user/signup" method="post"><div>
<dt id="emailaddress-label"><label for="emailaddress" class="required">Email address</label></dt>
<input 0="Errors" id="emailaddress" name="emailaddress" value="" type="text"></dd>
<dt id="password-label"><label for="password" class="required">Password</label></dt>
<input 0="Errors" id="password" name="password" value="" type="password"></dd>
<dt id="captcha-input-label"><label for="captcha-input" class="required">Captcha Code</label></dt>
<dd id="captcha-element">
<img width="200" height="50" alt="" src="/captcha/d7849e6f0b95cad032db35e1a853c8f6.png">
<input type="hidden" name="captcha[id]" value="d7849e6f0b95cad032db35e1a853c8f6" id="captcha-id">
<input type="text" name="captcha[input]" id="captcha-input" value="">
<p class="description">Enter the characters shown into the field.</p></dd>
<dt id="submitButton-label"> </dt><dd id="submitButton-element">
<input id="submitButton" name="submitButton" value="Signup" type="submit"></dd>
<dt id="cancelButton-label"> </dt><dd id="cancelButton-element">
<button name="cancelButton" id="cancelButton" type="button">Cancel</button></dd>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
var widget = dijit.byId("signup");
if (widget) {
any advice on how i can get this to load as a dojo form. by the way i am using Zend_Dojo_Form, if i run the code directly then everything works find but through ajax it doesnt work. thanks.
I have discovered that if I load the form in my action and run the __toString() on it it works when i load the form from ajax. It must do preparation in __toString()
Firstly; You need to run the dojo parser on html, for it to accept the data-dojo-type (fka dojoType) attributes, like so:
dojo.parser.parse( dojo.byId("'.$contentNode.'") )
This will of course only instantiate dijits where the dojo type is set to something, for instance (for html5 1.7+ syntax) <form data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Form" action="index.php"> ... <button type="submit" data-dojo-type="dijit.form.Button">Send</button> ... </form>.
So you need to change the ajax contents which is set to innerHTML, so that the parser reckognizes the form of the type dijit.form.Form. That said, I urge people into using a complete set of dijit.form.* Elements as input fields.
In regards to:
$(document).ready(function() {});
This function will never get called. The document, youre adding innerHTML to, was ready perhaps a long time a go.
About Zend in this issue:
Youre most likely rendering the above output form from a Zend_ Dojo type form. If the renderer is set as programmatic, you will see above html a script containing a registry for ID=>dojoType mappings. The behavior when inserting <script> as an innerHTML attribute value, the script is not run under most circumstances (!).
You should try something similar to this pseudo for your form controller:
if request is ajax dojoHelper set layout declarative
else dojoHelper set layout programmatic
I am required to assign ViewData["file"]'s value to an html hidden control through javascript/jQuery
You need to have
and in your view:
<input type="hidden" name="hdnHiddenField"/>
Note that you cannot have this script in an external js file.
The specific of the project is in using Enterpise Library for Server side validation and jQuery for client-side validation. So I have the next simple form for example:
<asp:Content ID="_mainContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<script src="../../../Scripts/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="../../../Scripts/jquery.validate.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
rules: {
"<%= _txtProjectName.UniqueID %>": {
required: true
<asp:TextBox ID="_txtProjectName" runat="server" CssClass="textBoxWithValidator_long" />
<entlib:PropertyProxyValidator id="_validatorProjectName" runat="server" ControlToValidate="_txtProjectName"
PropertyName="ProjectName" SourceTypeName="LabManagement.Project.Project" />
<asp:Button CssClass="cell_InlineElement" ID="_btnSave" runat="server" Text="Save" onclick="_btnSave_Click"
Width="50px" />
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePageMethods="true">
The problem is in the next: client-side validation worked correctly before I needed to implement some AJAX.NET feature. So I have to add to the page ScriptManager (the last two lines in the code). But after that the next situation appeared:
In InternetExplorer((7) - only in IE !!! - in Firefox everything works correctly) after clicking save button, if left the textbox ProjectName empty the client-side jquery validation appears but (!) the page submits to the server anyway.
Some notes:
If delete PropertyProxyValidator from the page - the client-side validation works correctly in IE but I need it for specific of the project.
It seems that the problem is in the function WebForm_OnSubmit() that is inserted to the form after PropertyProxyValidator adding. ( ... <form name="aspnetForm" method="post" action="Project.aspx?TransType=NewProject" onsubmit="javascript:return WebForm_OnSubmit();" ...>)
Could anyone help, please.
Just in case someone else comes across this issue, upgrade jQuery to 1.4.2. This will fix this bug.