Auto add items to cart upon login: default behavior? - magento

John goes to and puts 5 red widgets in his cart, logs in then decides not to purchase red widgets and logs out.
John comes back the following day (to the same machine) and decides what he needs are blue widgets. He adds 5 blue widgets to his cart and proceeds to checkout. He then logs in and keeps on trucking thru the one page checkout. Only AFTER he finishes his purchase he realizes that 5 red widgets got automatically added to his cart (when he logged in, though most people wont even realize that).
John now thinks are crooks, cancels his order and never comes back.
Am I missing something here or is this magento’s default behavior!??
Magento Community

This is the default behavior in Magento, but this has nothing to do with the "Persistent Shopping" feature but with "Quote Life Time". As usual with Magento we left the decision how the store should work to the merchants running the store as they know their market best and what is the best way to configure their store. If you go to System->Configurations under Sales->Checkout in the Shopping Cart tab you should be able to set the number of days the quote (or shopping cart) is remembered (Quote Lifetime (days)). Setting it to 0 should not remember the cart between each login of the customer.

If your using Enterprise: Enterprise_Persistent and/or Community Mage_Persistent disable them via app/etc/modules in the corresponding XML to disable this functionality if your worried about customers not realizing their previous added products are in their cart during checkout.

Am I missing something here or is this magento’s default behavior!??
Yes it is Magento's default behavior. I get your opinion about the crookishness feeling on this, however, I believe most would say it's to help the customers remember what they were looking at and help them spend money. Subtle difference...


One page check out Magento boxes greyed out - registered customers can't check out

when logged in customers go to our one page checkout all the boxes (billing, shipping, payment) are greyed out and you can't click them. What could be the cause of this? I am not sure from what date customers haven't been able to pay with the checkout.
We require customers to login when shopping.
I have tried flushing the cache but that made no difference.
We have Magento
Thanks Liyakat. My developer has looked at it and fixed it. In Europe it seemed to work fine, it was just the Australian shop that was playing up. This is the thread he used to fix it:
Hope this will help others too!

Magento Checkout: Item out of stock charges customer but no order / order confirmation

I am using Magento 1.6 with the out-of-the-box one page checkout.
Upon the final submit, after the customer has reviewed their order, there seems to be a glitch: If an item has become out of stock, the customer is notified and the order seems not to be going through (no order is created and no confirmation page). However, does get the complete transaction request and charges the customer. It seems to only happen if an item has become out of stock. (Customer could be lingering to hit the submit button for quite a while.)
What can I do? Add a java script function to check upon stock on clicking submit?
Is this a known bug?
Is your system set to allow Backorders?
System > Config > Catalog > Inventory > Backorders "No Backorders".
If that is set to disallow backorders I wonder why the add-to-cart button even displays.
If you are using a custom template I might start there in troubleshooting. Switch back to a default template and see if this issue persists.

Magento Banners frequently loose the link to the related promotion

We have noticed that the shopping cart banners seem to frequently loose the link to the related promotion without anyone making this change within admin. Is there a setting that only allows a certain number of customers to see this banner and then it would be removed? I can’t think of another reason it might just drop the link. It isn’t dropping all the links, and it has usually been the lower value ones.
You need to setup cron.php to be accessed in a cronjob. Verify by hitting cron.php manually and see if that resolves your issue.

Magento Items vanish from cart when user logs in at checkout

Here's a quick step by step of what's been happening.
The user adds a product to their basket/cart and proceeds to the checkout. They may choose to Register, Checkout as Guest or Login with an existing account.
Customer Logs in with existing account.
They get taken to a page informing them that their shopping cart is now empty. Yet in the top right the link for My Cart still reads (1 item) next to it. Clicking this link just loads the same 'Shopping Cart is Empty' page.
Some other tests I did showed the following:
User logs in, adds 3 items to his cart, but logs out before going to checkout.
He comes back to the site at a later date and starts a fresh order for just 1 product, choosing to login at checkout.
Upon doing so his cart cart displays the 3 items from his previous session (his new product missing), yet the My Cart link reads (4 items) next to it.
Does anyone know what might be causing the items to vanish from the cart during this transition from not being logged in to being logged in?
I have seen this problem before on servers that are uhosin.session.encryptrunning the suhosin patch. I'm assuming that you are running a secure cart (if not you should) what is most likely happening here is that your session is being lost each time you change between http and https.
When you switch between the HTTP and HTTPS, your HTTP session is not being passed to the HTTPS session. This can be resolved by placing the following in your .htaccess or php.ini file:
php_value suhosin.session.encrypt Off
Let me know if it works or if you are still having the same problem, remember to restart your server once you have made the changes.
I solved it.
Turns out the ZetaPrints OrderApproval module was installed and was overriding part of the checkout page.
Apparantly it was something that had been added, decided it was no longer needed and then forgotten about.
I disabled it and flushed the cache and got my old checkout page back.
All working again.
For me, it was a matter of Cooke Session Control and setting my 'Cookie domain' value as such:
Yes, with a period in front.

Does joomla virtuemart support reordering?

Does joomla virtuemart support reordering of products.If a customer shops a set of products and will he/she able to order it repeatedly after a custom time period(for eg: 2 weeks).So that once he/she gives an order for the first time ,will he/she would be getting products every 2 weeks.Is there any solution for this?
Only way I know of doing this would be to edit the VM 'Save to cart' function. The VM forums explain how to save the cart in database and call each time the user logs in. This is a core hack so ensure you backup before trying.
