Why can't WP7 webbrowser display video? - windows-phone-7

I have an application in which I want a webview ( WebBrowser ) to open a site, which I think is one of the, if not exclusive functions of a webbrowser.
But it does not display video's, and some of the other media is scrambled too. Any idea for that?
P.S. I am not talking about the webbrowser app, I am talking about the webview, implemented inside an aplication that is not working properly.

Generally, the media is picked up by the appropriate media handler. If the video doesn't play in the WebBrowser control, it most likely means that its format is simply not supported.


webview xamarin forms does not play video on redicted website (ios and android)

I am currently using a web view to load some urls,I client reported that when clicking on an item on my menu and the webview is triggered and goes to one of their pages the video they have embedded on their page does not play.
Am I missing something basic here? eg permissions or is it a limitation of the webview?
also one of their links uses "#whatever" at the end and is meant to scrolldown and loading the page, but does not work. Is this supported?
many thanks

Which control is used to hold image,text and audio files like a flow document in windows phone applications

I am developing an application similar to one-note in windows phone. I wonder what control they use for storing image,text and audio files.
I tried with RichTextBox but I found that RichTextbox is readonly for windows phone
Please suggest an approch to achieve this functionality
Thanks in advance.
For those who are not aware of One-note app in windows it holds text,images and audio
files like a Flow document.
Your best bet would be to use a <Canvas>
MSDN Canvas
It can hold any other XAML object and they can quickly and easily be positioned on the canvas in both XAML and back end code
That said, you are going to have to do some custom coding to create the UI elements dynamically.
This shouldn't be to hard.
If it were me I would create an application bar and in the sub menu I would create all of the UI elements you're allowing the person to create. When they select a UIElement it adds it to the canvas and you allow it to be draggable and editable.

Is there a standard Control for creating an in-app video player?

Im making a videoplayer in a wp7 app. Im using mediaelement to show the video, and sets its source from a url. Functionality i wanted are play/stop-buttons, forwarding/rewinding, a progressindicator (for the progress of the video itself) and show a progressbar when it buffers. I have accomplished all above, using some customized grids, buttons and so on.
I did get some trouble though, which i dont want to bother you with here (its a mess) and which is why im asking the following:
Is there a standard (or downloadable) control for wp7 that does all these things for me and that works perfectly. Ive searched "everywhere" but couldnt find anything. It surprises me that this isnt an easy to use, built in control that is easy to customize, since standard videoplayers are something id guess alot of apps could take advantage of.
Here is a tutorial on how to create a Windows Phone 7 View Model Style Video Player.

Is there a way to display HTML in an XNA game on WP7

Is there a way to display a browser control over the top of an XNA game on Windows Phone 7?
Basically I need to display some HTML, and then allow the user to return to the game.
So it can be full-screen if need be. It could even involve switching to Internet Explorer, if there's a way to return to the game from IE?
Is this possible?
It was announced that XNA and Silverlight would be available together in the same app starting with Mango update.
That might allow you to get what you're after.
I am not certain It would be nice if we could pop an html screen like we do on the iPhone. I know if you embed an url you can open ie. but as far as I know you can only get back to your game via the hardware back button.
You are not able to directly display HTML content in your XNA application due to the differences in the UI core. You are able, however, to invoke the WebBrowserTask. All you need to do is add a reference to Microsoft.Phone and then add a using statement for Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.

Browser screenshot as bitmap in WP7

I'm trying to get the screenshot of a given URL as a bitmap image on the Windows Phone. The WebBrowser class does not seem to have the DrawToBitmap method.
Any pointers on how to get this working?
Use WriteableBitmap to render the WebBrowser control and its contents to a bitmap as described by Laurent's article Taking a screenshot from within a Silverlight #WP7 application, which also explains how to save it to the media library.
You can't take a screenshot of the WebBrowser Control as there seems to be a bug with the way it works with WriteableBitmaps. An alternative method could be to send the URL to a web service which takes a screenshot on the server and returns it back to your app.
