Where shall I put the assemblies related to tools I use in all my Visual Studio projects? - visual-studio-2010

When I develop my web applications in Visual Studio 2010 I use tools such as GhostDoc, SandCastle, AJAX Toolkit, Moq, etc...
I usually use these tools in all my projects. When I downloaded the Moq tool for instance, I had a zip file with inside a couple of assemblies. Therefore, after unzipping the file, I added the relevant assemblies within the folder (in the file system) of the project I was currently developing, and then I referenced the dlls from Visual Studio.
Now the problem, or better organizational drawbacks, with this are 2:
1) I placed the assemblies within a specific project folder. That's ugly, since I would like to put the assemblies in one folder common to all the projects. Where do you usually put them?
2) Everytime I start a new project I need to reference all the assemblies over again. This, especially with the Ajax Toolkit is quite annoying. Is there any way to tell Visual Studio to add a set of predefined assemblies everytime I create a new project?

For the popular tools you can use NuGet. It will help you manage both the downloading, updating and removal of tools and referencing the appropriate assemblies.
Of the ones you mention, I found the following ones in the official NuGet packages repo:


Is it possible to include a program project and a Wix project both in a Visual Studio Solution?

For example, I use Visual Studio to create a mono game project in the solution, and I add another wix project that
when I hit "build solution", the mono game project being build, and wix project build a installer directly afterward.
In this way, I don't need to separate my project everywhere, because I just want some more additional options with One-Click installer.
If I can use Wix, I can customize the installer, but how?
After search for some time, I found this
But, I would like to put two projects in a same solution folder, rather than two separate solution folder. This way, if I change the path, will the link just broke up?
Yes, you can. Simply add a reference to the project from your WIX project.
Note that with project references, you can use variables in your wxs files. For example if your game project were DavidWong.MyGame:
<File Id="MyGame.exe"
Source="$(var.DavidWong.MyGame.TargetPath)" KeyPath="yes" />
See the documentation for more info.
Yes, it can be done ( project reference and $(var.ProjectName.TargetDir) and so on ) but in my experience there are a few reasons not to:
1) When a new version of Visual Studio comes out you might be stuck if a new version of WiX is not yet released to support that version of Visual Studio. I've seen this several times and currently you'd have to run a beta build of WiX v3.10 if you wanted to support Visual Studio 2015.
2) All developers now have to install WiX or get error messages that some projects couldn't be loaded.
3) Some developers will complain that they don't want "setup" code in their .NET solution. I think this is a thin complaint but I kinda get it.
What I like to do is have an application solution and an installer solution. I use postbuild copy commands and MSBuild publish profiles to stage content in a "deploy" folder that models the deployed system and then use that reference that structure in my wix code.

VS2012 Solution Open scripting or automation

I need to copy standard component DLLs into a standard folder defined in every VS2012 project when the project is opened. We're not allowed to store DLLs in Subversion so I need to reload this folder every time a developer opens the project/solution. I'm looking for an automation solution that will pull DLLs from a centralized location and copy them into the developer's solution. I looked at Visual Studio Extensions but it seems like an awful lot of work just to copy a couple of files. Are there any other hooks in VS2012 (and hopefully VS2010) where I can code simple PowerShell scripts to copy these files?
It turns out AntHillPro has it's own functionality for storing common DLLs and loading them into folders in your Solution before building. It's not as elegant as an MSBuild pre-build task but it fits in with the model followed by our Java builds with some slight tweaking.
Why you just do no use Nuget? Adding nuget reference and enable nuget restore on build will do exactly what you need. You can create nuget repository as shared folder.

asp.net deployable assemblies

We have some assemblies that are not referenced by our solution directly but are required for other libraries we are using.
I noticed in VS 2010 you can add a deployable assemblies folder and that would cause the files in it to get copied to the bin while building, it seems this was removed in 2012 as all of the Microsoft stuff is available in nuget now.
What is the best way to achieve this same effect, can I just add a folder to my project and add an after build copy task to copy all of that into the bin or is there a better way to go about this.
Currently the dlls are sitting in the project root and have their build action set to content which I gather makes them get copied to the bin, however I'd like to make it a bit simpler and not have to rely on having to set things as content.
What you're doing already isn't a terrible way of handling things, to be honest, and the way we've always done so here in my day job is simply to add the assemblies into our solution as references; that does mean that they pollute Intellisense, however.
Alternatively, Phil Haack blogged that you can create a folder called _bin_deployableAssemblies and put your files in there; Visual Studio 2010 will automagically copy those into your bin folder as a part of its default build action.
This doesn't work with TFS msbuild scripts, apparently, so The Dev Stop guys blogged about how to get that to work with TFS, using a customised Target in your msbuild script.
If _bin_deployableAssemblies is no longer working in Visual Studio 2012, I would guess you could add a build action to your project file, based on the TFS build action from The Dev Stop?

DLL Inclusion in Multiple Developers Project with Visual Studio

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 for my solution. We are a couple of developers on the same project and we are using SVN. My Question is: What is a good way of including external dlls referenced from a project? And if the dll is used accross many projects in the solution, do you still put the DLL in each one of the project?
Thank you!
I prefer (although I don't know how "Best Practice" this is) to keep a "Reference Assemblies" folder under the root of my project (on the same level as my "trunk" folder) that I keep all of my external DLLs in, then reference them from there in my project. That way, whenever anyone checks-out the project, the reference location for the DLLs will be the same.

Solution file vs. Project file in Visual Studio

Can someone briefly explain to me the difference between Visual Studio's solution file (.sln) and project file (.vcproj).
It seems to me opening either one open the correct solution/project in Visual Studio. Is one the super-set of the other?
Note: I am currently using Visual Studio 2008 working on a project that was brought forward from Visual Studio 2005 (I believe).
A solution is a set of projects. If you need more than one project in your software, then go with solutions. I.E.: A Class Library Project + A Web Application Project.
A project file typically corresponds to a single module: EXE or DLL or LIB. A solution manages a collection of project files.
A solution is a collection of projects. Visual Studio is made so that it cannot function without a solution, so if you open a bare project, it will generate the solution automatically (or try to find one).
One solution can contain zero or more projects. Everything is in projects, so a solution with zero projects doesn't contain anything at all besides the solution properties.
Visual studio keeps track of where the projects are used, so if you open a project file, it will open (IIRC) the last solution where it was used.
When you create a project from scratch, a solution is also created, but it's not shown until you add another project to it. It looks like you have only the project open, but it's actually a solution containing the project that is open.
Specifically project files are intended to contain the data required to build the files in the project into an exe or dll. This file is utilized by the local compilers or with systems such as Team Foundation system and server side build agents.
Solutions are a client (IDE) construct designed to manage collections of projects, which in effect is a collection of different build definitions and associated files.
Solution files are typically made up of multiple project files.
