Prevent a session from expiring? - image

We have a simple CCTV system in our office that shows a live image from each of our security cameras. The CCTV system doesn't have an API or any method of extracting the live images. You can however view the image from another browser by creating a basic HTML page with the image link:
This works perfectly, until the session expires and/or timesout. I don't know very much about cookies and sessions but when I inspected the page in Google Chrome I noticed the following cookie:
Name Value Domain Path Expires Size
PHPSESSID a09c4ecb72bade3802e7bf563b0d0bd6 / Session 41
there is also a HTTP column and a Secure column but both are empty.
What I am trying to figure out, is how do I keep that cookie alive or trigger it to recreate with the same value? I'm assuming that a rake task to log in to the system wouldn't work because that would reset the session ID every time.
The intranet is a Rails application, so one way would be to create a script that logs in and stores the current session ID to the database and then putting the last recorded sessions ID into the IMG links from the database. It's a bit of a long way around though, I'm hoping for a better solution.
I have read a few articles showing how to do this with AJAX but that would appear to rely on the intranet being viewed all the time. I need this to work if no-one has viewed the intranet for the weekend.
This project is so we can put a couple of live (when the page refreshes!) images on our intranet so we don't have to continuously go to the CCTV system, log in and find the right camera just to see who is at the garage door etc.
Any help would be appreciated.

It's a bit of hack but I've made a small script to pull in the latest session ID and then put it into the image links.

A random different approach: does the following URL get the right image, without having to worry about the session id?

The session ID used in the cookie seems to be the PHP generated one.
I don't think session ID should become stale if you 'notify' the server that you're still online.1 You should try to specify the Cookie: in your HTTP request headers. Specifying the SID via the URL is probably not be enough to indicate to the server that you're actually using it.2
If your web-pages are fetching the images directly (i.e. you have an <img src=""> in the HTML page) you might work like this:
make an AJAX request (XMLHttpRequest) to a URL which returns a session ID.
any subsequent request to the server on that page should automatically include the session in the headers.3
Otherwise, if you can't specify a Cookie: header, you may choose to make the time before a session becomes stale longer. If you have access to the computer hosting the PHP interface ( then you can configure PHP to do so (via the php.ini configuration file, I believe). Information about session configuration is available here, and specifically the gc-maxlifetime options seems useful:
session.gc_maxlifetime specifies the number of seconds after which data will be seen as 'garbage' and potentially cleaned up. Garbage collection may occur during session start (depending on session.gc_probability and session.gc_divisor).
Alternatively, if none of the above appeal to you, your solution to fetch (GET) a page to obtain a valid, fresh session ID seems logical and good. You could optimize this by measuring how long it takes before session IDs become stale and fetching new session IDs only at that interval.
1 I looked for a valid reference for this but couldn't find one.
2 specifically PHP uses a PHPSESSID= token in the URL whereas in your example it looks like sid=. It is also generally considered bad practice security-wise I believe (this article explains how it might be used for XSS), since you're exposing user information in the URL, though I think this has little to no effect in this case
3 according to the XMLHttpRequest spec of the send() method:
If the user agent supports HTTP State Management it should persist, discard and send cookies


Generate random code with cookie

I want to generate a random code with 22 digits including uppercase letters and numbers. The code should have something like a cookie so that it remains the same and doesn't change once someone opens the web site in his browser again.
Is that possible with PHP? If yes, does someone has a snippet for that?
Thanks in advance!
That IS exactly the purpose of a cookie (see php docs): to recognize users and store data for/about them.
If saving for one browser session (as long as the user does not close his browser) is enough, you might want to create a session.
PHP is normally executed per request and dies at the end of a request. Therefore, it has no memory. Of course, you might try to store the user's IP address into a file on your webserver for later retrieval. However, this is most likely not very reliable (multiple users might have the same IP, if they are behind a proxy).

Unable to clear cookies using browser.cookies.clear

I am unable to clear cookies using watir-webdriver and browser.cookies.clear
Are there any other alternatives ?
This is as far as I know a browser based limitation, due to concerns of security and privacy.
Webdriver is interacting with the browser by javascript, and javascript is not allowed to clear all cookies (think how nasty that could be on a malicious site). In the non testing env, most JS that is executing came from the server of the site you are accessing. So the most it is allowed to do is clear the cookies for the 'current domain' e.g. the cookies belonging to the current URL. So if a web page wants to clear all its own cookies, that is OK, but it is not allowed to clear cookies belonging to other domains.
So if you want all your tests to start with fresh cookies, you will need something in the 'Before' section in env.rb that goes to the root of the site in question, and then clears the cookies
BTW the same limitation applies to setting cookies, if you want to create cookies for a specific site, you need to navigate to that site before trying to create them, or nothing gets created.
This is not an answer, but FYI only.
Suppose chrome is the chosen browser, when cucumber is running, from the output of ps -ef | grep chrome we'll be able to find the customized user data directory which is something like below.
And inside that directory, we'll be able to find the Cookies file stored under the Default folder.
Not sure directly deleting that database file could fulfill the needs or not. Cause in a normal browser session, such runtime data are stored at

use both regular(4kb) session and db session in one codeigniter app?

So I have a framework we've built on codeigniter. It uses regular codeigniter sessions by default which allows up to 4kb storage encrypted on a cookie.
Its for general apps that require a registration process, which can vary in size as questions are generated dynamically through an admin panel. Registration process relies on session data as it redirects throughout process.
I have used db_sessions in the past when I knew this would be an issue on the framework, however, I'm now considering the possibility to always have registration process using db_session and the rest of the site use the 4kb cookie session.
Is this possible. It seems like it could be a really bad idea, but I don't really want to rework the dynamic registration process or really use db_session for whole site as it will eventually make the site run very slow if too many users are online at once.
so I'm think I can just set the variable in config to be true only when the registration controller is loaded(by checking the url via $_SERVER or the uri helper if I can load it in the config which I'm guessing I cant).
Does this seem plausible?
It seems like it could be a really bad idea
You answered your own question :) You'll have issues when the user switches from one page to another. What happens if they open multiple windows, press a 'back' button etc. You'll need to switch the cookie over when they start registration, and switch it back at the end. It will be very very messy for basically no gain.
but I don't really want to rework the dynamic registration process or
really use db_session for whole site as it will eventually make the
site run very slow if too many users are online at once.
The reality is; your website has to be huge to have ANY real performance issues by using a DB for your sessions. Any if you are not using the DB, then you are relying on the cookie stored on the users computer. Depending on your site, this means they might have the ability to edit that cookie and change "admin = true" or something.
Just use the DB session - I think you are overcomplicating the situation.

Suggestions on how to handle a static response with dynamic session data

Imagine a website that is highly cached where the output of almost every GET action is cached into a html file that is accessible directly from the HTTP server without having to perform a server-side CGI operation. Now imagine that in addition to that, JavaScript is used to filter the response of the HTML request using AJAX. The AJAX response contains only the appropriate response of the page (so for standard HTML pages it will contain everything except for the surrounding layout, for modals it will contain only the modal box HTML, etc...).
Now lets imagine that the HTML content may be cached neutrally (when nobody is logged in) or cached for someone who is logged in. There are certain areas of the page that are tied to session data (like the welcome message, the profile link, etc...) and that data is specific to the session. But since we're using JavaScript, we can buffer the AJAX response, change the session element values, and then stick it into the DOM all the while the user is unaware of any session hot swapping. This relies ofcoarse only on GET requests and pages where the actual content is not 100% session dependent.
Now here is my question. If I were to implement this (and trust me I will) then how might I actually keep track of the session activity while the user is browsing the page? With a traditional server-side operation, whenever the user accesses a page then the server-side framework will update the session and keep tabs on the session-related variables. With a static HTTP request operation then all server-side involvement is avoided. So I will need to figure out some way of keeping track of what's going on with the session; here are my approaches:
1) Perform two AJAX requests (or an additional one when needed):
Once the user queries a page then the contents will be downloaded as static HTML. But at the same time that page is queried then another AJAX request will be serviced to a session-specific URL/server updating/querying the status of the session. This can be done side by side or can be performed after every few requests are made.
Pros = HTML files are left unchanged, HTML files can be set to have a ETag or future expires header, JavaScript can cache only the static HTML and use it for offline browsing, a session-server can be dedicated, optimized and configured for session activity.
Cons = Two AJAX requests are performed, excessive polling for potentially redundant data, session handling made be separated from content server.
2) Use a midway proxy that appends the session-data as a trailing session JSON
A request is made to the server. There is a proxy in between that locally accesses the session data and then performs another HTTP request (either locally or remotely) which is then concatenated with the session data findings fetched just before. The browser is responded with a clean copy of HTML code where has JavaScript-specific session content and then everything is updated at the same moment.
Pros = Everything is downloaded at once, only one connection required, works like a normal HTTP request would
Cons = Caching gets difficult when a dynamic content proxy is used, content-length may need to be search and replaced with to append additional data, may not work with some browsers?
3) Use Comet for session data
A persistant, reverse-AJAX comet connection could be established at the start of the website connection. Then, all static-HTML requests could be accessed normally. All session-related requests could be accessed from the comet connection.
Pros = Separation of static content and dynamic content.
Cons = Comet isn't supported very well and doesn't work very well, server latency, may conflict with same origin policy.
How do you guys think this problem should be solved? Do you think its doable?
The solution I've found is to use templated data and dynamic data separate from each other. It's too much work and too messy to implement this on your own so you can go as far as using a MVC framework to provide JSON requests with templating (AngularJS, KnockoutJS, EmbedJS, etc...) or you can just stick to using templates in general. Keep in mind that this destroys SEO.

Clear all website cache?

Is it possible to clear all site cache? I would like to do this when the user logs out or the session expires instead of instructing the browser not to cache on each request.
As far as I know, there is no way to instruct the browser to clear all the pages it has cached for your site. The only control that you, as a website author, have over caching of a page occurs when the browser tries to access that page. You can specify that cached versions of your pages should expire at a certain time using the Expires header, but even then the browser won't actually clear the page from its cache at that time.
i certainly hope not - that would give the web site destructive powers over the client machine!
If security is your main concern here, why not use HTTPS? Browsers don't cache content received via HTTPS (or cache it only in memory).
One tricky way to mimic this would be to include the session-id as a parameter when referencing any static piece of content on the site. When the user establishes the session, the browser will recognize all the pieces of content as new due to the inclusion of this parameter. For the duration of the session the browser will used the static content in its cache. After the user logs out and logs back in again, the session-id parameter for the static contents will be different, so the browser will recognize this is as completely new content and will download everything again.
That being said... this is a hack and I wouldn't recommend pursuing it.. For what reason do you want the user's cache to be cleared after their session expires? There's probably a better solution that can fit your situation as opposed to what you are currently asking for.
If you are talking about cache objects, you can use this:
For Each elem As DictionaryEntry In Cache
to remove items from the cache, but that may not be the full-extent of what you are trying to accomplish.
