Creating a Gradle plugin with a dependency on another (external) plugin - gradle

I want to create a plugin that automatically applies other (external plugins). This requires setting the buildscript dependency for the plugin before I call "apply plugin". However it seems like I can't add buildscript dependencies in a plugin or I get:
You can't change a configuration which is not in unresolved state!
Is there a solution to this ?
My sample (non-working) code:
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
class SamplePlugin implements Plugin<Project>{
void apply(Project project) {
apply plugin: 'cobertura'

The way to go about this is to publish a pom.xml or ivy.xml along with the plugin Jar that describes the plugin's dependencies. Alternatively, you can write a script plugin that declares its dependencies in a buildscript {} section. A script plugin is simply a reusable build script that gets applied with apply from: ....


Use Kotlin plugins from buildSrc

How can I apply the Kotlin plugins from a buildSrc plugin?
I have a Kotlin project with a build.gradle.kts file containing this:
plugins {
I want to create a custom plugin in buildSrc:
import org.gradle.api.Plugin
import org.gradle.api.Project
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPluginWrapper
class MyPlugin: Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
project.pluginManager.apply("org.gradle.application") //This works
project.pluginManager.apply("¿kotlin(jvm)?") //<-- Here is my doubt
project.pluginManager.apply("¿kotlin(plugin.serialization)?") //<-- Here is my doubt
And use it like this:
plugins {
To apply Gradle plugins from within buildSrc plugins you need to do two things
Add the plugins as dependencies in buildSrc/build.gradle.kts
Plugins must be added as dependencies using the Maven coordinates, not the plugin ID. The Maven coordinates of plugins can be found in the Gradle plugin portal.
// buildSrc/build.gradle.kts
plugins {
dependencies {
// the Maven coordinates of the Kotlin Gradle and Serialization plugins
apply the plugins, either using the class, or the plugin ID.
(Note that kotlin("jvm") is a helper function that obscures the actual Gradle plugin ID, which is org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm)
class MyPlugin: Plugin<Project> {
override fun apply(project: Project) {
// the plugin class for the Kotlin JVM & Serialization plugins
(it wasn't easy to find the plugin classes - I had to dig around in the jar to find the plugin marker artifact, e.g. kotlin-serialization-1.7.20-gradle71.jar!/META-INF/gradle-plugins/
You might also like to use precompiled script plugins. They allow for writing buildSrc script plugins that much more similar to standard build.gradle.kts files, and so you can apply plugins in the plugins block.
// buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/conventions/kotlin-jvm.gradle.kts
plugins {

gradle custom task class makes itself uncompilable

I'm trying to write a custom Gradle task class and use it in another subproject. I'm having problems tying the build together.
In this example, I have named the subprojects "a" (for application) and "p" (for plugin, although I'm not using a plugin object but just providing a task class to the build script).
include 'p'
include 'a'
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'maven-publish'
group 'test'
version '1.0'
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
dependencies {
implementation gradleApi()
implementation localGroovy()
package p
import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask;
import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction;
class MyTask extends DefaultTask {
void run() {
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'test:p:1.0'
group = 'test'
version = '1.0'
apply plugin: 'java'
task myTask(type: p.MyTask) {
The "plugin" is built by running, inside the p folder:
../gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal
Inside the a folder:
../gradlew myTask
prints "yay!"
However, while developing, bugs happen. When I simulate a bug in MyTask:
MyTask() {
throw new RuntimeException("an error");
and build the plugin (in folder p):
../gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal
it fails as expected.
Now I "fix" the bug by removing the broken constructor again, and rebuild in folder p:
../gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal
but this command fails with the same error.
As far as I understand, the reason is that:
the broken plugin is in my local maven repo
trying to build the plugin detects the settings.gradle in the parent folder
gradle tries to configure all projects referenced from settings.gradle
this loads the broken plugin
the build fails
To verify, I comment out the include line for a in settings.gradle, and it works again. Reverting settings.gradle, and it still works, because now the "fixed" plugin is in my maven repo, and rebuilding the plugin will just overwrite it again with the working version.
The bottom line is that bugs in my custom task class (or custom plugin, or any other buildscript code) have the potential to make themself un-compilable, with the workaround being to edit or temporarily rename settings.gradle. The more complex the project gets, the more cumbersome this becomes: Renaming does not work if the plugin code itself contains multiple subprojects, and even commenting out becomes "commenting out the right lines".
What is the intended way to fix this problem?
Complex logic for a single (multi-) project is best organized in buildSrc. You can for the most part regard it as a normal sub-project but just for the build classpath instead. Plugins and tasks that you create here are automatically available for all projects in the multi-project.
If, for some reason, you rather continue to work with a local Maven repository, you could think about publishing stable releases of the plugin with a version number so it is easier to roll back.

Gradle: add plugin dependency from another plugin

I'm creating gradle custom plugin and one of my tasks needs to be sure that another plugin applied to same project. Because it will operate on top of it.
I want for users of my plugin to avoid setting up an explicit dependency to another plugin - I want to do it inside my plugin.
So, I want to have this plugin ( applied. It's my dependency.
The way how I create plugin - I just create a class code on groovy, put it in buildSrc\src\main\groovy and apply groovy plugin in project. So my custom plugin is visible to gradle on build phase. It works, I have few other plugins done this way for same project, so it's fine for now.
I've looked through other topics and google for same question, but I can not make this work for me. This how I apply the code:
void apply(Project project) {
project.buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
classpath "org.hidetake:gradle-ssh-plugin:1.1.3"
project.apply plugin: "org.hidetake.ssh"
The error message I got: Plugin with id 'org.hidetake.ssh' not found.
I tried to do it via gradle api also using project.repositories.mavenCentral() and project.dependencies.add and project.apply(plugin:'org.hidetake.ssh') then - doesn't work also - same error message. Tried to use long notation in project.dependencies.add("myConfig",[group:'org.hidetake', name:'gradle-ssh-plugin', version:'1.1.3']) - no result.
Appreciate if someone can guide to the correct syntax\way to make it work.
Ok, finally I got it. To solve the issue you need to do the following:
Place build.gradle in your buildSrc directory.
Declare dependency for the plugin as runtime. Like this:
repositories {
dependencies {
runtime 'org.hidetake:gradle-ssh-plugin:2.6.0'
Apply plugin explicitly in your own plugin definition. Like this:
void apply(Project project) {

How to share boilerplate Kotlin configuration across multiple Gradle projects?

The typical Kotlin configuration in a Gradle project is very boilerplate, and I'm looking for a way of abstracting it out into an external build script so that it can be reused.
I have a working solution (below), but it feels like a bit of a hack as the kotlin-gradle-plugin doesn't work out of the box this way.
It's messy to apply any non-standard plugin from an external script as you can't apply the plugin by id, i.e.
apply plugin: 'kotlin' will result in Plugin with id 'kotlin' not found.
The simple (well, usually) workaround is to apply by the fully qualified classname of the plugin, i.e.
apply plugin: org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPluginWrapper
which in this case throws a nice little exception indicating that the plugin probably wasn't meant to be called this way:
Failed to determine source cofiguration of kotlin plugin.
Can not download core. Please verify that this or any parent project
contains 'kotlin-gradle-plugin' in buildscript's classpath configuration.
So I managed to hack together a plugin (just a modified version of the real plugin) which forces it to find the plugin from the current buildscript.
buildscript {
ext.kotlin_version = "1.0.3"
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
dependencies {
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib:$kotlin_version"
compile "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect:$kotlin_version"
apply plugin: CustomKotlinPlugin
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.CleanUpBuildListener
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinBasePluginWrapper
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlugin
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinTasksProvider
* Wrapper around the Kotlin plugin wrapper (this code is largely a refactoring of KotlinBasePluginWrapper).
* This is required because the default behaviour expects the kotlin plugin to be applied from the project,
* not from an external buildscript.
class CustomKotlinPlugin extends KotlinBasePluginWrapper {
void apply(Project project) {
// use String literal as KOTLIN_COMPILER_ENVIRONMENT_KEEPALIVE_PROPERTY constant isn't available
System.setProperty("kotlin.environment.keepalive", "true")
// just use the kotlin version defined in this script
// get the plugin using the current buildscript
def plugin = getPlugin(this.class.classLoader, project.buildscript)
def cleanUpBuildListener = new CleanUpBuildListener(this.class.classLoader, project)
Plugin<Project> getPlugin(ClassLoader pluginClassLoader, ScriptHandler scriptHandler){
return new KotlinPlugin(scriptHandler, new KotlinTasksProvider(pluginClassLoader));
This can then be applied in any project (i.e. apply from: "kotlin.gradle") and you're up and running for Kotlin development.
It works, and I haven't had any issues yet, but I'm wondering if there is a better way? I'm not really keen on merging in changes to the plugin every time there's a new version of Kotlin.
Check out the nebula-kotlin-plugin. It seems very close to what you're trying to achieve there.
The problem here is that there is a known gradle bug about the inability to apply plugins by id from init scripts. That's why you need to use fully qualified class name as a workaround.
E.g. I have the following in the init script and it works:
apply plugin: org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinPlatformJvmPlugin
By the way, I created a gradle plugin for preparing custom gradle distributions with common setup defined in init script - custom-gradle-dist. It works perfectly for my projects, e.g. a build.gradle for a library project looks like this (this is a complete file, all repository, apply plugin, dependencies etc setup is defined in the init script):
dependencies {
compile 'org.springframework.kafka:spring-kafka'

call java function in gradle script

I have a java class which does some kind of functionality, one of these function returns something that I need to use it into gradle script to set the project properties.
I had achieved it by creating an artifact of project and used that artifact by adding it into classpath, that gave me accessibility of that class and function.
buildscript {
repositories {
url 'http:localhost:8081/artifactory/temp'
dependencies {
classpath "utility:sampleutility:1.0"
import com.polsys.utility.MyUtil
dependencies {
compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.13'
compile 'HRP:'+new MyUtil().callMe()+':1.0'
//callme function returns the name of artifact.
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
Now, I had achieved it by the way as mentioned above that is by creating artifact, add that artifact into classpath, then import classes and use function. Is this any way by which I can call functions of current project? so I can merge that functionality which is available in the artifact into current project.
Simple way is to put your Java/Groovy code under buildSrc dir. Gradle will compile it and you'll be able to call this code from your buildscript. Check and related docs.
To make your java code available to gradle script you need to have your java code under the directory hierarchy given below:
YourPackages(in my case java packages and classes)
This is the path where gradle script looking for external plugins. Now you can import and access classes into gradle script(you will not end up with "unable to resolve class" error).
