My JMeter script stops execution after while loop - jmeter

My jmeter script stops execution after while loop is executed and further operations are aborted and script is halted.
I am using ${lineNo} as condition for while, ${lineNo} is the name of first column in .csv file.

You probably have stop threads on EOF set to true in your CSV Config, change it to false.


How to wait for a system command to execute using ruby script

I have used system method to run a bat file, the bat file opens and run successfully but my execution wont stop until my bat file has completed its execution
I tried several method like system, exec but nothing is working as I expected. I am new to ruby. I want to be able to stop my execution until my bat file has completed its execution.
From what I know system is using a subshell and waits for the called command to be fully executed to continue execution of the caller script.
I just executed the following code locally:
require 'time'
puts; system('sleep 5'); puts
# result:
# 2023-02-03 11:44:19 +0100
# 2023-02-03 11:44:24 +0100
And as you can see there is 5 seconds between the first call and the second one, so the calling process waited fo the system to finish the execution before printing the time again.
Maybe the behavior is different on windows. Would you mind to try locally and share the result ?

bash: stop subshell script marked as failed if one step exits with an error

I am running a script through the SLURM job scheduler on HPC.
I am invoking a subshell script through a master script.
The subshell script contains several steps. One step in the script sometimes fails because of the quality of the data; this step is not required for further steps, but if this step fails, my whole subshell script is marked with "failed" Status in the job scheduler. However, I need this subshell script to have a "completed" Status in the Job scheduler as it is dependency in my master script.
I tried setting up
set +e
in my subshell script right before the optional step, but it doesn't seem to work: I still get an exitCode with errors and FAILED status inthe job scheduler.
In short: I need the subshell script to have Status "completed" in the job scheduler, no matter whether one particular step is finished with errors or not. Will appreciate help with this.
For Slurm jobs submitted with sbatch, the job exit code is taken to be the return code of the submission script itself. The return code of a Bash script is that of the last command in the script.
So if you just end your script with exit 0, Slurm should consider it COMPLETED no matter what.

How to avoid series of commands running under sql plus using shell script

I have created a script which runs a series of other instances in shell using the while command. But the problem is that one of the job is connecting to sql plus and running the remaining command under sqlplus.
For ex. my input file --> job.txt
Now, using the below script I am calling job one by one. So, until the present job is finished next job wont start. But the catch comes when the job tries to connect the sql plus. After it connects to sql plus, the process id of the current job gets complete and remaining jobs run as the sql statement in unix env.
while read line;
done < job.txt;
Error message I am getting in sqlplus after current instance exits.
SP2-0042: unknown command
How can I avoid bringing the jobs under sqlplus.

using $? when running several commands in parallel in bash

I'm creating a startup/shutdown script for WebSEAL. It's written to allow several instances to be stopped/started in parallel. The only problem is verifying that it completed without issue. With other infrastructures, I could simply grep for a particular keyword in the output (which I redirect to a log file), but WebSEAL does not give any success/error message.
Instead, I thought to use the $? to throw the exit status into a dynamic variable that will be checked after the startups have occured (during log consolidation).
Here is the code that starts/stops and then creates the variable
${PDCOMMAND} >> ${LOGDIR}/${APP}.txt 2>&1 &
let return_${APP}=$?
PDCOMMAND is a valid startup/stop command: aka pdweb start my_instance
APP is the name of the instance: aka my_instance
The goal is that return_${APP} (return_my_instance) will have a value of 0 (success) or 1 (failure) when I check it at a later point in the script.
Are there problems using the $? for a command that may have not technically completed at the time that it was set, or does it set it upon completion of that? So let's say I have 3 instances
instance_1, instance_2, instance_3
if I ran the following:
pdweb start instance1 &
let return_instance_1 = $?
pdweb start instance2 &
let return_instance_2 = $?
pdweb start instance_3 &
let_return_instance_3 = $?
would return_instance_[1|2|3] have the correct values if they started in unequal amounts of time? If instance_3 starts before instance_1, for example, will it still output the result of instance_3 to return_instance_3?
Basically, I'm trying to figure out how the command line treats an asynchronous request in regards to the exit status.
Thanks in advance
No; the exit status code is only available when the command finishes. (That's why it's called "exit status".) If you successfully spawned a service and it is up and running, it does not yet have an exit status.
If I am able to correctly guess what you are trying to accomplish, you could reap the values of $! after starting each instance, wait for a "reasonable" time (a few seconds?) and check that the processes you started are still running. If they have terminated, there was a problem.

JDBC Batch update

IF i have say 1000 statements in a batch.If one of the command fails to execute properly then will all the remaining commands execute or execution stops at that point itself??
Execution stops at that point. Read this post for a solution/workaround : BatchUpdateException: the batch will not terminate
