how to prevent gradle from downloading dependencies - gradle

We would like to have a script that does "svn update" and if the depedency.gradle file is in that list of updates, we would like to run a task that ONLY updates dependencies so the developers machine is up to date. What would that task be? I don't see it when running "gradle tasks". Looking for an updatejars or something.
When we build our project, we don't want it to check for jar updates at all!!!! most because that only needs to be done in 2 situations which are #1 above and when someone is updating the dependency.gradle file themselves. For the second thing, they can just run "gradle updatejars" once I know the answer to question #1 that is.
Any ideas? I am just getting into gradle and we really want to keep a consistent environment where when we run our update script, it gets the source code AND the jars in one atomic sweep and we are no longer bothered by checking the repositories every build.
It would be nice to know how to do it by changing the build.gradle file if possible. If not, is there a command line option? (The build.gradle obviously would give me a command line option which is why I prefer that method as I could say compile does not depend on downloading jars).

Regarding the second question. As far as I understand, Gradle will not attempt to do remote lookups or try to download the jar if it is already in the local cache. This should be true for jars declared with a static version, e.g. testCompile 'junit:junit:4.10'.
If you have dynamic versions, e.g. 1.+ or 1.0-SNAPSHOT, etc. then Gradle has to do a check every now and then. You can fine tune the cache expiry for such dependencies.
To make sure Gradle does not do remote lookups you can also use --offline option. See this doc for details.
With regard to svn update, you have at least 3 options:
Try to use an SvnKit plugin for Gradle
Use the ant svn task (here's how to do svn checkout)
Run external command from Gradle. Use the ExecPlugin or just implement it yourself using Groovy API.

Looks like the 1st question I can do with the answer in this post
how to tell gradle to download all the source jars
so I can just gradle eclipse and it will download new jars and update my classpath...nice.


How can I configure Gradle google-java-format plugin to run goJF in the build step?

We wired into our project per the readme.
We also wired in a pre-commit hook to run the plugin before committing, which ensures that all of the code in a changelist is formatted before pushing it, which avoids errors in Jenkins when we run the verGJF task.
But we have to keep remembering to run goJF locally before running ./gradlew build, or the build fails with formatting errors.
We worked around this by adding the and plugins for IntelliJ, enabling the google-java-format plugin, and configuring the save-actions plugin to format on save.
But that's a lot of extra configuration a developer has to remember to go through, plus it means they can't format code the way they want while working on it, and only have it be reformatted at the point of build or commit.
We'd prefer an all-Gradle solution, so that the goJF task is run before the build task (and before the verGJF task, which is already bound to the build task by the google-java-format Gradle plugin).
We couldn't figure out how to do that. Does someone else know?
It sounds like you want to essentially always ensure that the code is properly formatted before the verifyGoogleJavaFormat task is run (and could complain). In that case, I’d simply make the googleJavaFormat task a dependency of the verifyGoogleJavaFormat task. In your build.gradle file, after you have applied the google-java-format plugin, simply add the following:
Alternatively, if you really only want to run the code formatter when the build task is run (as opposed to when the verifyGoogleJavaFormat task is run only), you could add this instead:

Update gradle version if necessary on autodeployment

I updated gradle locally by changing the version in my build.gradle file here:
wrapper {
gradleVersion = '5.6.1'
Next I was not able to build directly due to errors, but my IDE noticed that the version of gradle has changed and offered to install it through a popup. After that everything worked.
When I pushed my changes to my autodeployment tool it currently builds the project by executing:
call gradlew clean war
But I'm getting the same errors and this time there's no smart IDE to come to the rescue :D Therefore my question:
How can I make sure my gradle always updates to the version that is defined in build.gradle before trying to build?
The version of Gradle that is used by the wrapper script is the one defined in the file gradle/wrapper/
When you want to update Gradle, you could go manually changing that file, but this won't update the actual wrapper script and jar file. So it is a better practice to run ./gradlew wrapper, which will update and, if needed, the other support files as well.
To tell the wrapper task which version you want to use upgrade to, you can either use a command line parameter, or do what you are doing and keep the version in the build.gradle file (this is always what I do as well).
I usually run the wrapper task twice: first to update the version and second to both download the new version and then regenerate the scripts from this new version.
Remember to commit all files changed by the wrapper task, which could be gradlew, gradlew.bat and the two files in the gradle/wrapper folder.

Make maven output show progressed sub-modules only

I am working with an automatic build script in maven 3.x. The parent project contains of more than 60 modules. The compilation is done in a shell script simplified this way:
for each module:
cd module
mvn clean install > compile.$module.log
echo "Compiled $module"
I like to see a list of compiled modules in order to see the progress or the build. I like to have a big maven command and avoid the manual for loop. I hope to speed up the build this way, since splitting the parent project into more independent modules is not a short time option, yet.
The --quiet flag might be enough already. Alternatively a user defined logging implementation would be fine as well, as described in the manual (
The questions are:
What is the prefered way to modify maven log output?
Does anyone already know a ready-to-use plugin for my purpose?

Appyling Gradle signing plugin, without requiring a GPG keyring

I am following the instructions at to use Gradle to upload artifacts to the Maven Central Repository. The instructions work. Examples appear at and .
My problem is that it results in a buildfile that other developers cannot use.
The Gradle signing plugin ( requires a file with signing.keyId, signing.password, and signing.secretKeyRingFile, where the latter points to a valid GPG keyring. The plugin terminates the build with an error if the file doesn't exist or is not valid.
But signing is only needed when uploading artifacts to Maven Central.
I want any user to be able to run the gradle buildfile (except for actually uploading to Maven Central), even if they do not have a GPG keyring.
How can I achieve this?
Here are some things I have tried:
Split the gradle file into parts. (This is what is shown in the linked examples.) This requires two changes.
Change the main buildfile into a build script. (It can still be invoked from the command line). One gross thing about this is that only a gradle buildfile can contain a plugins { ... } block, and referring to a plugin outside the plugins { ... } block is verbose and ugly, as at the bottom of (say) or
Create another buildfile, used only for signing, that uses apply from: to include the main one.
Question: Is there a way to do this without the ugly buildscript block?
Commit a dummy keyring to the repository, refer to it in the local, and the user's ~/ can override it for any user who wants to upload to Maven Central. A problem is that using a local pathname yields a gradle warning.
Question: Is there a way to do this without a gradle warning?
Use conditional signing ( In my experiments, this does not help. Even on a gradle execution where the artifacts are not signed, the signing plugin still requires the GPG keyring to exist.
Question: Can conditional signing be used to avoid the need for a GPG keyring?
Question: Is there a better way to achieve my goals than the above possibilities?
The documentation has a section on "Conditional Signing" which is exactly what you need here.
And you can even make that condition check that the required properties are indeed available to the build.

How to use leiningen to develop using local jars?

I realize that this question is pretty much the exact question found here. However, seeing as that question is 1.5 years old (or so), I would like to revisit it. How does one add local dependencies using leiningen? Surely this capability must exist by now?
Create a private Maven Repository, and then, add the following to your project.clj
:repositories {"local" ~(str (.toURI ( "your_local_repository")))}
If the jars are based on your own projects, you can use lein install to put them into your local .m2, or use the checkout-dependencies feature.
You can also use the extra-classpaths feature, etc.
I found that the easiest (albeit somewhat hacky) solution is to do the following:
For an existing project that you're using as a dependency:
In your local project that has the dependency you want to modify, ensure you run lein deps
Clone the repo of this dependency so you can modify it locally (obv. make sure you're using the same tag as the version you specify in your project.clj file)
Run lein uberjar in this dependency dir (where the relevant project.clj file lives)
Copy the generated standalone jar in target/ to the exact path/file of your local maven files... (something like: ~/.m2/repository/project/.../file.jar); Ensure that you backup the original jar file so you can restore it later on if that is desirable
For development of your own project:
Within the project or plugin you're developing, simply run lein install
Find out where your local maven repo is (see above for an example path)
Enter dependency information in your test project like you would for any other leiningen project
Again, this is a quick hack and perhaps not the way you'd go about doing serious local development, but I found it easy enough for what I wanted. Check out lein help tutorial for much more info
